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- prevalence, virulence genes,and antimicrobial resistance of vibrio species isolated from diseased marine fish in south china[2020-11-20]
- the ilvgmeda operon is regulated by transcription attenuation in vibrio alginolyticus zj-t[2020-11-20]
- long-term variations in fish community structure under multiple stressors in a semi-closed marine ecosystem in the south china sea endangered species on the iucn red list in the beibu gulf,south china sea[2020-11-20]
- comparative analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes of three gerres fishes (perciformes gerreidae) and primary exploration of their evolution history[2020-11-20]
- 流沙湾浮游动物群落特征及与鱼贝养殖的关系[2020-11-20]
- a method to analyze the sensitivity ranking of various abiotic factors to acoustic densities of fishery resources in the surface mixed layer and bottom cold water layer of the coastal area of low latitude: a case study in the northern south china sea[2020-11-20]
- 南海中南部海域鸢乌贼cpue影响因素的gam分析[2020-11-20]
- 西沙群岛七连屿礁栖鱼类物种和分类多样性[2020-11-20]
- transcriptional analysis reveals physiological response to acute acidification stress of barramundilates calcarifer (bloch) in coastal areas[2020-11-20]
- next generation sequencing yields the complete mitochondrial genome of the capsala pricei hidalgo, 1959 (platyhelminthes monogenea) from south china sea[2020-11-20]
- the complete mitochondrial genome of milk shark rhizoprionodon acutus ruppell 1837[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部带鱼群体结构及生长、死亡和性成熟参数估计[2020-11-20]
- 黄鳍棘鲷家系亲缘关系鉴定[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部主要海表温度锋面的时空变化特征[2020-11-20]
- response of protist community dynamics and co-occurrence patterns to the construction of artificial reefs: a case study in daya bay, china[2020-11-20]
- 南海北部近海头足类优势种及其生态位特征[2020-11-20]
- 几种杀菌方法对罗非鱼片鱼肉品质的影响比较[2020-11-20]
- 红色肉贮藏期间肌红蛋白与肉色变化研究进展[2020-11-20]
- 食物蛋白源降尿酸活性肽的研究进展[2020-11-20]
- 聚赖氨酸与魔芋葡甘聚糖复配对海鲈鱼片的保鲜效果[2020-11-20]
- 生食大眼金枪鱼中生物胺产生菌的分离与鉴定[2020-11-20]
- 虾类剥壳加工现状及预处理便捷剥壳技术[2020-11-20]
- 虾产品低温贮藏保鲜技术研究进展[2020-11-20]
- 宰前预冷处理对大口黑鲈冰藏品质的影响[2020-11-20]
- 高速逆流色谱分离纯化裂壶藻油脂中的dha[2020-11-20]
- efficient biodegradation of malachite green by a newly isolated klebsiella pneumoniae strain wa-1[2020-11-20]
- effects of ozonated water treatment on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics changes of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fillets during storage in ice[2020-11-20]
- novel insight into the formation mechanism of volatile flavor in chinese fish sauce (yu-lu) based on molecular sensory and metagenomics analyses[2020-11-20]
- effects of palytoxins extracted from ostreopsis ovata on the oxidative stress and immune responses in pacific white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei[2020-11-20]
- changes in the microbial community of litopenaeus vannamei larvae and rearing water during different growth stages after disinfection treatment of hatchery water[2020-11-20]
- effects of microcystis aeruginosa and microcystin-lr on intestinal histology, immune response, and microbial community in litopenaeus vannamei[2020-11-20]
- 往复流作用下深水网箱的单锚腿系泊系统设计与效用评估[2020-11-20]
- engineering prediction of fatigue strength for copper alloy netting structure by experimental method[2020-11-20]
- the effect of teprenone on the intestinal morphology and microbial community of chinese sea bass (lateolabrax maculatus) under intermittent hypoxic stress[2020-11-20]
- effects of light quality and photoperiod on growth and photosynthetic pigment content of a rhodophyta, gloiopeltis furcata[2020-11-20]
- 广东汕头南澳和福建东山浮筏的蜈蚣藻属调查[2020-11-20]
- 蜈蚣藻属生物学与养殖研究进展[2020-11-20]
- toll-like receptor 5 of golden pompano trachinotus ovatus (linnaeus 1758): characterization, promoter activity and functional analysis[2020-11-20]
- isolation and characterization of 100 snp markers in lined seahorse (hippocampus erectus) using rad sequencing[2020-11-20]