shi-gui jiang, doctor of science, second-grade researcher, ph.d. supervisor, leading the studies on germplasm resources and genetic breeding. president of south china sea fisheries research institute, cafs; national candidate of new centuary national hundred, thousand and ten thousand talent project; member of national marine origin breed and fine breed committee; director of key laboratory of mariculture, ecology and quality control, ministry of agriculture; director of research centre for black tiger shrimp heredity and breeding, ministry of agriculture. [1] shigui jiang, dianchang zhang, jianzhu li, zhenxing liu. molecular characterization, recombinant expression and bioactivity analysis of the interleukin-1βfrom the yellowfin sea bream,(houttuyn). fish & shellfish immunology, 2008, 24:323-336 [2] jian-hua huang, shi-gui jiang, hei-zhao lin,fa-lin zhou, le ye. effects of dietary highly unsaturated fatty acids and astaxanthin on the fecundity and lipid content of pond-reared(fabricius) broodstock. aquaculture res., 2008,39:240-251 (corresponding author) [3] qiu lihua, shigui jiang, huang jianhua, zhou falin, guo yihui. molecular cloning of the black tiger shrimp () elongation factor 2 (ef-2): sequenceanalysis and its expression on the ovarian maturation stage. molecular biology reports, 2008, 35:431-438 (corresponding author) [4] lihua qiu, shigui jiang, jianhua huang, weifang wang, dianchang zhang, qiaer wu, keng yang. molecular cloning and mrna expression of cathepsin c gene in black tiger shrimp (). comparative biochemistry and physiology,part a, 2008,150:320-325 (corresponding author) [5] j.-h. xia, j.-h. huang, j.-b. gong and s-g. jiang. siglificant population genetic structure of yellowfin seabreamin china. journal of fish biology,2008, 73: 1979-1992 (corresponding author) [6] junhong xia, kuaifei xia, shigui jiang.complete mitochondril dna sequence of the yellowfin seabreamand a genomic comparison among closely related sparid species. dna sequence,2008, ifirst article,1-9 (corresponding author) [7] shigui jiang, lihua qiu, falin zou, jianhua huang, yihui guo. molecular cloning and expression analysis of a heat shock protein (hsp90) gene from black tiger shrimp (). molecular biology reports,2009,36:127-134 [8] lihua qiu, hanhua zhang, keng yang, shigui jiang. molecular cloning and mrna expression analysis of interleukin-8 gene in japanese sea perch (). molecular biology reports,2009,36: 1099-1105 (corresponding author) [9] lihua qiu, shigui jiang, jianhua huang, weifang wang, caiyan zhu, tianfeng su. molecular cloning and mrna expression of cyclophilin a gene in black tiger shrimp (). fish &shellfish immunology,2009,26:115-121 (corresponding author) [10] lihua qiu, shigui jiang, falin zhou, jianhua huang, yihui guo. molecular cloning and characterization of a cyclin b gene on the ovarian maturation stage of black tiger shrimp (). molecular biology reports,2007, on line (corresponding author) [11] junhong xia,kuaifei xia, jinbo gong and shigui jiang. complete mitochondrial dna sequence,genetic variation of control regions in. fisheries science, 2007, 73:1042-1049 (corresponding author) [12] dian-chang zhang, yan-qin huang, yan-qing shao, shi-gui jiang.molecular cloning, recombinant expression, and growth-promoting effect of mud carp() insulin-like growth factor-i. general and comparative endocrinology, 2006, 148:203-212 (corresponding author) [13] junhong xia and shigui jiang. genetic structure of yellowback sea breamin china inferred from aflp data. fisheies science, 2006; 72: 829-834 (corresponding author) [14] j . h. xia, k . f. xia and s. g. jiang. characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the yellowfin seabream. molecular ecology notes, 2006,6: 484-486 (corresponding author) [15] zhang d. c., shao y. q., huang y.q., jiang s. g. cloning, characterization and expression analysis of interleukin-10 from the zebrafish(). j. biochem.mol. biol., 2005,3:571-576 (corresponding author) add. no. 231 xingangxi road, guangzhou, china tel: 86-20-89108338(o) e-mail: jiangsg@21cn.com |