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- 饲料中霉菌毒素的检测方法研究[2009-12-01]
- 沃尼妙林在电喷雾质谱中的行为研究[2009-12-01]
- 方型对角中连式礁体与方型对角板隔式礁体的稳定性[2009-12-01]
- 基于遥感技术的大亚湾海岸线的变迁研究[2009-10-27]
- 黄唇鱼、大黄鱼、丁氏鱼或和棘头梅童鱼形态差异和判别分析的比较研究[2009-10-27]
- 利用landsat tm6数据反演大亚湾海水表层温度[2009-10-27]
- 微绿球藻,隐藻,颤藻的种间竞争关系[2009-10-27]
- 水产动物益生菌乳酸杆菌lh发酵工艺的研究[2009-10-27]
- modeling the effects of spatial closures in the beibu gulf using spatial ecosystem simulation[2009-10-19]
- 对虾集约化养殖废水排放沟渠综合生态处理技术[2009-10-19]
- 波浪作用下圆形网箱浮架系统的运动特性分析[2009-10-19]
- genetic characteristics of hybrid populations derived by crossing chinese and indian pearl oysters, pinctada fucata, based on aflp markers[2009-10-19]
- 北部湾生态通道模型和保护区效应的模拟[2009-10-19]
- 条石鲷外周血细胞的显微结构[2009-10-12]
- 水产品微冻保鲜技术的研究进展[2009-10-12]
- 反倾销对世界对虾贸易转向影响的计量分析[2009-09-25]
- population genetic structure of the tiger prawn (penaeus monodon) in the coastal waters of south china, based on mitochondrial dna control region sequences[2009-09-15]
- observations of reproductive development and maturation of male penaeus monodon reared in tidal and earthen ponds[2009-09-15]
- 南海海域重要养殖水域牡蛎体中的腹泻性贝类毒素[2009-09-15]
- effects of dietary medicinal herbs and bacillus on survival, growth, body composition, and digestive enzyme activity of the white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei[2009-09-15]
- nibea coibor growth hormone gene: its phylogenetic significance, microsatellite variation and expression analysis[2009-09-15]
- 卵形鲳鲹早期发育的研究[2009-09-15]
- 大口黑鲈和蓝鳃太阳鱼鳃结构的扫描电镜观察[2009-07-31]
- molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a clip-domain serine protease from pearl oyster pinctada fucata[2009-07-31]
- 温度和ph值对斜带髭鲷蛋白酶、淀粉酶活性的影响[2009-07-31]
- 七带石斑鱼胚体和卵黄囊期仔鱼的发育[2009-07-23]
- 腌制水产品中n-亚硝基化合物的研究进展[2009-07-23]
- 水产品中孔雀石绿的研究进展[2009-07-23]
- 不同生物量的乳酸杆菌对对虾养殖池3种常见优势微藻的影响[2009-07-23]
- 广东硇洲岛周围水域虾拖网副渔获组成分析[2009-07-03]
- 2种东风螺软体部和生殖腺脂肪酸组成研究[2009-07-03]
- complete mitochondrial dna sequence of the yellowfin seabream acanthopagrus latus and a genomic comparison among closely related sparid species[2009-07-03]
- 赤点石斑鱼神经坏死病毒mcp基因原核表达条件优化[2009-06-25]
- 斑节对虾亲环素a(cyclophilina)基因的克隆及启动子序列分析[2009-06-25]
- 海南野生长肋日月贝形态性状与重量性状的通径分析[2009-06-25]
- 广东红海湾银杏齿喙鲸鲸脂中多氯联苯的分布特征及其毒性评价[2009-06-25]
- 大珠母贝人工苗水泥池中间培育技术研究[2009-06-25]
- 细胞核rdna序列分析5种罗非鱼的亲缘关系[2009-06-25]
- 珠江三角洲低盐度虾池秋冬季浮游微藻群落结构特征的研究[2009-06-15]