effects of dietary highly unsaturated fatty acids and astaxanthin on the fecundity and lipid content of pond-亚博电竞官方网址

effects of dietary highly unsaturated fatty acids and astaxanthin on the fecundity and lipid content of pond-reared penaeus monodon (fabricius) broodstock

撰写时间:2008-08-01 [来源:南海水产研究所 ]

aquaculture research,2008,39(3):240-251

five diets that contained fresh squid meat as the basic constituent and were supplemented with different amounts of highly unsaturated fatty acids (hufa) and astaxanthin were fed to pond-reared penaeus monodon broodstock. diet a was sole squid meat. diets b and c were supplemented with astaxanthin 50 and 100 mg kg−1 respectively. diets d and e were supplemented with hufa 5 and 10 g.kg−1 and astaxanthin 50 mg kg−1 respectively. the result showed that the group fed diet e had the best reproductive performance in all experimental groups. it had a higher proportion of spawns (71.5%), spawning rate (0.047), a shorter latency period (7.7±0.3 d), higher absolute fecundity (× 103) (361.6±5.5) and egg production/female (× 103) (597.0±18.0) than all the other experimental groups. the fatty acid composition in broodstock diets strongly affected the tissue and fecundity of broodstock. good correlations between the content of 20:4n-6 in eggs and the fecundity (r2=0.6109) and egg production (r2=0.9876) of broodstock were found. on the other hand, 22:6n-3 and dha/epa ratio was negatively correlated with the fecundity of broodstock (r2=0.5362, 0.8702 respectively). the result also showed that the balance between n-3 and n-6 fatty acid families, total polyunsaturated fatty acids and total saturated fatty acid and 20:5n-3 (epa) and 22:6n-3 (dha) may play vital roles in maturation and reproductive performance of p. monodon broodstock.

黄建华,江世贵, 林黑着,周发林,叶 乐