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撰写时间:2023-07-14 [来源:南海水产研究所 ]
2023年7月13日,科睿唯安官方发布了最新的esi(essential science indicators,基本科学指标数据库)高被引阈值,统计区间为2013年1月1日至2023年4月30日期间发表的论文。根据最新统计数据,中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所有5篇学术论文(第一作者单位)入选esi高被引论文,1个学科(植物与动物科学)进入全球前1%行列。
1. persistence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community changes in drinking water treatment system: from drinking water source to tap water ——su, hc (苏浩昌) et al., 2018, science of the total environment
2. effects of c/n ratio on biofloc development, water quality, and performance of litopenaeus vannamei juveniles in a biofloc-based, high-density, zero-exchange, outdoor tank system ——xu, wj (徐武杰) et al., 2016, aquaculture
3. synergistic effects of catalytic co-pyrolysis of macroalgae with waste plastics ——xu, sn(徐姗楠)et al., 2020, process safety and environmental protection
4. novel insight into the formation mechanism of volatile flavor in chinese fish sauce (yu-lu) based on molecular sensory and metagenomics analyses ——wang, yq (王悦齐) et al., 2020, food chemistry
5. contribution of autochthonous microbiota succession to flavor formation during chinese fermented mandarin fish (siniperca chuatsi) —— shen, yy (沈颖莹) et al., 2021, food chemistry
esi是基于web of science core collection收录的全球11000多种学术期刊论文及论文被引用数据而产生的学术评价指标,是目前世界范围内普遍使用的评价学术机构及学者国际学术水平和影响力的重要工具之一。
esi高被引论文(highly cited papers)是指近十年内发表且在同年度同学科领域中被引频次排名位于全球前1%的论文。esi全球前1%学科是指近十年某机构在某学科发表的科技论文总被引频次排列在全球从事该项学科研究机构中前1%。两者均是衡量学术水平与影响力的重要指标。