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0.713 666 1.9 0.02144 1.27448 acs catal 2155-5435 184 0.892 204 0.5 0.00001 49 acs chem biol 1554-8929 2681 6.446 5.976 1.082 146 2.9 0.01851 2.39950 acs chem neurosci 1948-7193 310 3.676 69 1.4 1.214 acs comb sci 2156-8952 81 0.852 88 0.00006 52 acs med chem lett 1948-5875 511 3.355 0.793 179 1.3 0.00205 1.044 acs nano 1936-0851 22409 10.774 11.171 1.631 1141 2.0 0.12069 3.58454 acsms health fit j 1091-5397 56 0.404 0.315 0.103 0.00010 0.04155 acta acust united ac 1610-1928 1576 0.569 0.714 0.137 102 0.00379 0.382 acta adriat 0001-5113 250 0.500 0.083 acta agr scand a-an 0906-4702 409 0.729 0.00053 0.21058 acta agr scand b-s p 0906-4710 473 0.699 0.771 0.176 91 0.00098 0.19459 acta aliment hung 0139-3006 0.444 0.600 0.056 71 0.00048 0.110acta anaesth scand 0001-5172 5364 2.188 2.032 0.580 8.1 0.01047 0.60561 acta appl math 0167-8019 1017 0.899 0.787 0.143 70 8.2 0.00493 0.503 acta arith 0065-1036 1135 0.435 0.140 114 0.00593 0.54663 acta astronaut 0094-5765 1852 0.619 0.207 338 0.00539 0.22664 acta astronom 0001-5237 972 1.680 2.200 0.524 9.5 0.00227 0.989acta bioch bioph sin 1672-9145 1335 1.376 1.474 0.331 121 4.3 0.00433 0.39066 acta biochim pol 0001-527x 1917 1.491 1.595 0.159 0.00351 0.42067 acta bioeng biomech 1509-409x 93 0.449 0.00030 68 acta bioeth 0717-5906 0.00004 acta biol cracov bot 0001-5296 262 0.565 0.796 6.3 0.182acta biol hung 0236-5383 427 0.593 0.625 0.022 7.6 0.00071 0.137acta biomater 1742-7061 7495 4.865 5.076 1.037 454 2.5 0.03116 1.313acta bioquim clin l 0325-2957 0.075 0.00009 0.02173 acta biotheor 0001-5342 488 1.468 1.525 0.062 0.00104 0.57374 acta bot bras 0102-3306 997 0.462 0.030 100 6.8 0.00161 acta bot croat 0365-0588 191 0.702 0.208 76 acta bot gallica 1253-8078 168 0.383 0.332 0.020 0.04777 acta bot mex 0187-7151 0.204 0.069 0.00023 78 acta cardiol 0001-5385 710 0.605 0.604 0.041 0.15979 acta cardiol sin 1011-6842 0.633 0.190 2.7 0.00013 80 acta carsologica 0583-6050 255 0.727 0.736 0.00069 0.235acta chim sinica 0567-7351 2291 0.533 0.531 461 0.00281 0.06782 acta chim slov 1318-0207 1116 1.328 1.278 0.109 119 4.1 0.00299 0.26183 acta chir belg 0001-5458 807 0.432 0.480 90 6.2 0.14084 acta chiropterol 1508-1109 471 1.116 1.253 0.093 0.00149 0.36685 acta chromatogr 1233-2356 302 0.760 0.942 0.00092 0.20886 acta cir bras 0102-8650 550 0.584 0.108 111 4.9 0.00125 87 acta clin belg 0001-5512 522 0.592 0.836 0.127 0.00182 0.263acta clin croat 0353-9466 0.254 89 acta crystallogr a 0108-7673 15812 2.076 30.646 0.721 0.05044 9.532acta crystallogr b 0108-7681 9706 2.286 2.004 0.370 0.00777 0.888acta crystallogr c 0108-2701 5038 0.518 0.437 0.324 216 0.00411 0.12292 acta crystallogr d 0907-4449 12770 12.619 7.038 3.347 124 6.9 0.05387 3.707acta crystallogr e 1600-5368 8825 0.347 0.278 0.293 4433 0.01336 0.03594 acta cryst< allogr f 1744-3091 931 0.506 0.458 0.233 377 3.2 0.00534 0.18195 acta cytol 0001-5547 2112 0.488 0.608 0.337 0.00204 0.16896 acta derm-venereol 0001-5555 3834 3.176 3.223 0.551 0.00603 0.91797 acta dermatovener cr 1330-027x 0.360 98 acta diabetol 0940-5429 1154 2.784 2.270 0.909 0.00216 0.52099 acta endocrinol-buch 1841-0987 0.183 acta endosc 0240-642x 0.088 0.068 0.011101 acta ent mus nat pra 0374-1036 175 0.263 0.00036 acta ethol 0873-9749 198 1.353 1.187 0.059 0.00059 0.428103 acta gastro-ent belg 0001-5644 428 0.638 0.202104 acta geod geophys hu 1217-8977 0.346 0.032 0.00027 acta geodyn geomater 1214-9705 109 0.530 0.025 3.5 0.00038 106 acta geogr slov 1581-6613 1.333 0.929 0.316 0.040107 acta geol pol 0001-5709 480 0.776 0.125 acta geol sin-engl 1000-9515 1683 1.250 1.252 0.106 132 0.00276 0.260 acta geophys 1895-6572 278 0.617 0.492 0.259110 acta geotech 1861-1125 137 3.8 0.00136 acta geotech slov 1854-0171 0.091 0.00003 112 acta haematol-basel 0001-5792 1552 1.354 1.182 0.259 9.2 0.00297 0.367113 acta herpetol 1827-9635 0.560 0.00029 acta histochem 0065-1281 1013 1.829 1.639 0.395 5.7 0.00213 0.388115 acta histochem cytoc 0044-5991 295 1.106 1.400 0.00068 0.339116 acta ichthyol piscat 0137-1592 0.547 117 acta inform 0001-5903 506 0.512 0.00113 0.498118 acta mater 1359-6454 30282 3.755 4.226 745 6.7 0.09632 1.705acta math appl sin-e 0168-9673 413 0.289 0.145 9.0 0.00152 120 acta math hung 0236-5294 1053 0.456 0.481 0.066 0.363acta math sci 0252-9602 438 0.357 0.403 203 0.00209 0.196122 acta math sin 1439-8516 1185 0.470 0.094 0.00639 0.356123 acta math-djursholm 0001-5962 2742 3.333 4.036 0.467 0.00623 6.057 acta mech 0001-5970 2401 1.292 1.213 0.209 177 0.00551 0.495125 acta mech sinica-prc 0567-7718 582 0.860 0.865 0.057 0.00233 0.306acta mech solida sin 0894-9166 326 0.766 0.722 0.163 0.00109 0.211127 acta med okayama 0386-300x 512 0.657 0.778 0.018 0.00095 acta medica mediterr 0393-6384 0.00000 129 acta medica port 1646-0758 208 0.009 acta metall sin 0412-1961 1074 0.464 0.442 247 0.00215 0.097131 acta metall sin-engl 1006-7191 205 0.407 4.0 0.00089 acta meteorol sin 0894-0525 793 0.534 0.00155 133 acta microbiol imm h 1217-8950 213 0.132 0.00052 134 acta microsc 0798-4545 0.202 0.00018 acta montan slovaca 1335-1788 0.084 136 acta neurobiol exp 0065-1400 852 2.110 1.905 0.116 0.00175 0.452acta neurochir 0001-6268 6333 1.520 1.839 0.380 258 9.8 0.01031 0.540138 acta neurol belg 0300-9009 410 0.535 0.746 8.0 0.00072 0.189139 acta neurol scand 0001-6314 5440 2.469 2.347 0.00884 0.685140 acta neuropathol 0001-6322 10562 9.320 7.280 2.158 0.02644 2.329141 acta neuropsychiatr 0924-2708 243 0.577 0.643 0.279 0.00077 0.167142 acta obstet gyn scan 0001-6349 5671 1.771 1.754 0.294 197 0.01112 0.545143 acta oceanol sin 0253-505x 0.494 0.520 0.047 7.4 0.00127 0.157144 acta odontol scand 0001-6357 2181 1.066 1.386 0.150 0.406145 acta oecol 1146-609x 2162 1.570 1.946 0.00549 0.650 acta oncol 0284-186x 4167 3.330 3.047 0.654 159 0.01263 0.999147 acta ophthalmol 1755-375x 4792 2.629 2.544 0.374 214 8.7 0.01006 0.736148 acta ornithol 0001-6454 276 1.229 1.178 0.130 0.00073 0.309149 acta orthop 1745-3674 6454 2.168 2.541 0.210 0.01042 0.847150 acta orthop belg 0001-6462 1192 0.401 0.007 7.8 0.00270 151 acta orthop traumato 1017-995x 277 0.00082 152 acta ortop bras 1413-7852 173 0.698 0.016 acta oto-laryngol 0001-6489 6044 1.084 1.219 0.195 200 0.00869 0.377154 acta otorhinolaryngo 0392-100x 600 0.863 155 acta paediatr 0803-5253 9934 2.073 2.118 0.440 309 0.02067 0.683156 acta palaeontol pol 0567-7920 1089 1.488 0.290 7.2 0.00406 0.746acta parasitol 1230-2821 633 0.789 0.851 0.164 0.00131 0.266158 acta paul enferm 0103-2100 0.273 0.040 0.00054 acta pharmaceut 1330-0075 679 0.912 0.00117 160 acta pharmacol sin 1671-4083 4685 1.953 2.083 6.1 0.00999 0.513161 acta phys pol a 0587-4246 1342 475 3.6 0.00441 0.112162 acta phys pol b 0587-4254 1908 0.901 0.596 0.300 240 0.00705 acta phys sin-ch ed 1000-3290 7935 1.027 1366 0.00732 0.062164 acta phys slovaca 0323-0465 2.167 1.216 0.200 0.00153 0.717165 acta phys-chim sin 1000-6818 1965 0.780 0.676 0.135 437 0.00369 0.099166 acta physiol 1748-1708 1753 3.090 2.960 0.01063 1.058167 acta physiol hung 0231-424x 339 0.821 0.830 0.00062 0.219acta physiol plant 0137-5881 1346 1.533 0.177 271 0.00268 0.268169 acta pol pharm 0001-6837 636 0.663 0.00103 170 acta polym sin 1000-3304 895 0.769 0.528 0.048171 acta polytech hung 1785-8860 0.385 0.070 0.00019 172 acta protozool 0065-1583 639 1.317 1.299 0.042 0.00146 0.449acta psychiat scand 0001-690x 10311 4.220 4.299 0.903 0.01512 1.338174 acta radiol 0284-1851 3170 1.369 1.315 0.134 187 0.00664 0.434acta reumatol port 0303-464x 186 0.00060 176 acta sci pol-hortoru 1644-0692 0.393 0.029 acta sci vet 1678-0345 0.014 178 acta sci-agron 1679-9275 426 0.430 acta sci-technol 1806-2563 0.191 0.167 180 acta soc bot pol 0001-6977 408 0.476 0.00040 0.105181 acta theriol 0001-7051 1035 0.890 0.980 0.00111 182 acta trop 0001-706x 4775 2.722 2.561 0.00986 0.707183 acta vet brno 0001-7213 613 0.431 0.539 0.021 0.124acta vet hung 0236-6290 0.673 0.792 0.00087 0.186185 acta vet scand 0044-605x 1220 1.521 0.258 0.00206 0.429acta vet-beograd 0567-8315 0.245 0.00024 0.045 acta virol 0001-723x 631 0.682 0.764 0.00079 0.237188 acta zool acad sci h 1217-8837 391 0.564 0.570 0.00051 0.188189 acta zool bulgar 0324-0770 0.247 acta zool-stockholm 0001-7272 722 1.133 1.113 0.325 0.488actas esp psiquiatri 1139-9287 0.589 0.762 0.115 0.00070 actas urol esp 0210-4806 446 0.455 0.386 193 actual chimique 0151-9093 0.037194 acupunct med 0964-5284 460 0.523 0.00064 acupuncture electro 0360-1293 251 1.300 1.138 0.158196 ad hoc netw 1570-8705 1183 0.220 4.5 0.00628 ad hoc sens wirel ne 1551-9899 0.400 0.00046 adansonia 1280-8571 217 0.00026 0.130199 adapt behav 1059-7123 395 1.019 1.244 0.00088 0.404adapt phys act q 0736-5829 611 1.487 0.347201 addict behav 0306-4603 6416 2.085 < 2.522 0.225 236 0.01693 0.843202 addict biol 1355-6215 1510 4.833 5.000 1.435 0.00570 1.505 addiction 0965-2140 11940 4.313 4.739 207 0.03109 1.690 adicciones 0214-4840 0.800 adsorpt sci technol 0263-6174 590 0.606 0.548 8.3 0.00067 0.109206 adsorption 0929-5607 1328 2.000 2.215 0.00303 0.562 adv agron 0065-2113 2678 5.204 5.744 0.00435 1.956adv anat embryol cel 0301-5556 352 4.000 3.385 1.667 1.238adv anat pathol 1072-4109 1083 3.924 3.533 0.275 0.00374 1.132210 adv appl ceram 1743-6753 392 1.022 3.4 0.00163 0.284211 adv appl clifford al 0188-7009 0.496 0.00105 0.251212 adv appl math 0196-8858 903 0.843 0.908 0.198 9.9 0.00487 0.971adv appl math mech 2070-0733 0.750 0.119 0.00063 adv appl mech 0065-2156 1032 6.357 0 0.00075 2.927215 adv appl microbiol 0065-2164 1097 5.233 4.202 7.9 0.00244 1.341adv appl probab 0001-8678 1665 0.679 0.897 0.00495 0.991adv atmos sci 0256-1530 1236 0.987 0.981 0.00302 0.317218 adv biochem eng biot 0724-6145 1734 1.644 3.353 0.00344 0.918219 adv biophys 0065-227x 220 adv bot res 0065-2296 769 2.855 2.653 0.080 0.00160 0.865221 adv calc var 1864-8258 0.688 0.837 1.212222 adv carbohyd chem bi 0065-2318 851 7.643 5.560 0.333 0.00074 1.614 adv catal 0360-0564 1395 3.667 5.040 1.570224 adv cem res 0951-7197 396 1.080 1.204 8.5 0.00157 0.756225 adv chem phys 0065-2385 2260 3.579 3.103 1.526226 adv chromatogr 0065-2415 244 1.842 1.864 0.567227 adv chronic kidney d 1548-5595 715 3.012 2.480 0.236 0.00350 0.832228 adv clin chem 0065-2423 444 3.205 2.848 0.238 0.00139 0.823229 adv clin exp med 1899-5276 0.033 0.00016 230 adv colloid interfac 0001-8686 6414 8.120 8.372 0.01312 2.372231 adv complex syst 0219-5259 313 0.653 0.745 0.00129 0.357232 adv compos lett 0963-6935 0.457 233 adv compos mater 0924-3046 0.426 0.050 0.173234 adv comput 0065-2458 0.342 0.120235 adv comput math 1019-7168 1077 1.193 0.364 0.985adv cond matter phys 1687-8108 1.158 1.174 0.00055 0.645237 adv data anal classi 1862-5347 0.562 0.541 0.00044 0.394238 adv differ equ-ny 1687-1847 0.845 0.790 0.00164 0.272239 adv differential equ 1079-9389 568 0.244 adv drug deliver rev 0169-409x 19409 11.502 14.608 1.554 0.03935 3.852241 adv ecol res 0065-2504 1618 5.333 3.224 1.169242 adv electr comput en 1582-7445 0.555 0.104 adv energy mater 1614-6832 327 1.950 adv eng inform 1474-0346 621 1.489 2.041 0.234 4.7 0.508245 adv eng mater 1438-1656 3283 1.185 1.688 0.269 0.01134 0.642246 adv eng softw 0965-9978 1255 1.092 1.226 0.036 0.442adv exp med biol 0065-2598 10020 1.093 1.374 0.321 399 0.03164 0.510248 adv funct mater 1616-301x 28503 10.179 9.920 1.514 533 0.11265 2.939249 adv geom 1615-715x 0.338 0.205 0.00128 0.386 adv geophys 0065-2687 349 0.889 1.421 1.026adv health sci educ 1382-4996 780 2.089 2.059 0.429 0.00323 0.796adv heterocycl chem 0065-2725 884 1.818 2.280 0.430253 adv high energy phys 1687-7357 4.522 3.405 0.107 1.7 1.660254 adv hum genet 0065-275x adv imag elect phys 1076-5670 265 0.491 0.992 0.473256 adv immunol 0065-2776 2240 5.762 7.438 0.00860 4.179257 adv inorg chem 0898-8838 1567 3.048 3.049 0.798adv insect physiol 0065-2806 463 2.842 4.516 1.825259 adv mar biol 0065-2881 1012 2.043 3.902 1.395260 adv mater 0935-9648 79860 13.877 12.813 2.155 789 0.26226 4.061261 adv mater process 0882-7958 330 0.00050 0.073adv mater sci eng 1687-6822 0.415 0.00017 263 adv math 0001-8708 4659 1.177 1.461 0.349 9.4 0.03909 1.972264 adv math commun 1930-5346 0.235 0.568adv med sci-poland 1896-1126 315 0.952 266 adv microb ecol 0147-4863 291 adv microb physiol 0065-2911 909 9.875 8.650 3.507268 adv neurol 0091-3952 1845 0.00058 269 adv nonlinear stud 1536-1365 0.644 0.708 0.213 0.00218 0.617270 adv nurs sci 0161-9268 938 1.444 0.00108 0.389 adv nutr res 0149-9483 272 adv organomet chem 0065-3055 951 7.000 6.636 1.834273 adv parasit 0065-308x 1515 4.390 4.317 0.733 0.00307 1.327274 adv phys 0001-8732 4400 37.000 25.289 3.778 0.01485 17.966275 adv phys org chem 0065-3160 462 1.923 1.003adv physiol educ 1043-4046 643 1.547 1.825 0.151 0.416adv polym sci 0065-3195 4271 3.890 6.192 0.755 7.7 0.00788 1.959adv polym tech 0730-6679 545 0.875 1.261 0.071 0.00066 0.324279 adv powder technol 0921-8831 702 1.612 1.429 0.261 0.381280 adv protein chem str 1876-1623 1.833 1.875 0.00061 1.383281 adv quantum chem 0065-3276 754 2.275 1.356 0.00110 0.509282 adv robotics 0169-1864 607 0.571 0.744 0.074 0.00187 283 adv skin wound care 1527-7941 637 1.438 0.231 284 adv space res 0273-1177 6916 443 0.01967 0.426285 adv steel constr 1816-112x 0.339 286 adv struct eng 1369-4332 0.549 0.254287 adv stud behav 0065-3454 1079 3.367 4.982 0.00246 2.346288 adv synth catal 1615-4150 14629 6.048 5.904 1.003 398 0.04809 1.485289 adv theor math phys 1095-0761 1711 0.855 1.696 0.00356 1.203290 adv ther 0741-238x 1125 2.105 1.497 0.341 0.00419 0.415 adv vib eng 0972-5768 0.328 292 adv virus res 0065-3527 1415 3.971 5.258 0.161 293 adv water resour 0309-1708 4389 2.449 2.873 0.416 0.01510 1.139 aeolian res 1875-9637 2.179 aequationes math 0001-9054 0.511 0.00159 296 aerobiologia 0393-5965 703 1.515 1.669 aeronaut j 0001-9240 420 0.482 0.501 0.247aerosol air qual res 1680-8584 541 2.827 0.859 0.00100 299 aerosol sci tech 0278-6826 4665 2.667 2.925 0.993 0.00891 0.938300 aerosp sci technol 1270-9638 686 0.983 0.934 0.00293 0.482301 aesthet plast surg 0364-216x 2083 1.407 1.503 0.098 0.00466 0.423aesthet surg j 1090-820x 839 1.469 0.00273 303 aeu-int j electron c 1434-8411 656 0.588 0.693 0.102 0.00229 304 afinidad 0001-9704 0.138 0.050305 afr entomol 1021-3589 0.554 1.081 0.00056 306 afr health sci 1680-6905 0.00116 307 afr invertebr 1681-5556 0.276 308 afr j aquat sci 1608-5914 0.471 0.026 afr j ecol 0141-6707 1381 0.655 0.913 0.082 0.00314 0.287afr j herpetol 2156-4574 0.603 1.267 0.00025 0.215311 afr j mar sci 1814-232x 513 1.136 0.898 0.283312 afr j microbiol res 1996-0808 423 898 0.00091 afr j pharm pharmaco 1996-0816 320 0.839 0.00047 0.094314 afr j psychiatry < 1994-8220 1.068 2.4 afr j range for sci 1022-0119 316 afr j tradit complem 0189-6016 336 0.707 0.00076 317 afr nat hist 1816-8396 318 afr zool 1562-7020 0.900 0.975 0.00097 0.330319 age 0161-9152 929 3.948 4.333 0.941 0.00378 1.560 age ageing 0002-0729 5715 3.864 0.664 0.01384 1.281321 ageing res rev 1568-1637 1713 6.174 6.383 1.679 0.00573 2.024322 aggressive behav 0096-140x 1984 2.630 2.897 0.271 0.00496 1.116323 aging cell 1474-9718 3673 6.265 7.119 1.059 0.01857 2.619324 aging clin exp res 1594-0667 1.552 1.559 7.5 325 aging male 1368-5538 394 1.518 1.538 0.308 0.383aging ment health 1360-7863 1685 1.368 0.165 0.00451 0.535 aging-us 1945-4589 1365 5.127 0.784 0.00590 1.310328 agr econ-blackwell 0169-5150 1186 1.247 0.092 0.00365 0.544329 agr ecosyst environ 0167-8809 10125 3.004 3.969 0.344 0.02356 1.194 agr food sci 1459-6067 333 0.923 0.896 0.258331 agr forest entomol 1461-9555 844 1.596 1.778 0.372 0.00230 332 agr forest meteorol 0168-1923 8615 3.389 3.991 0.719 0.01872 1.356 agr hist 0002-1482 0.312 0.121334 agr hum values 0889-048x 727 1.540 1.717 0.644agr sci china 1671-2927 0.039 0.00200 agr syst 0308-521x 2872 2.899 3.013 0.514 0.00615 0.892337 agr water manage 0378-3774 4799 1.998 2.506 0.309 0.01186 0.647agrarforsch schweiz 1663-7852 0.136 0.003agrarforschung 1022-663x 0.314 0.320 0.081340 agrekon 0303-1853 0.00037 341 agribusiness 0742-4477 0.672 9.1 342 agro food ind hi tec 1722-6996 0.170 0.00033 0.030343 agrochimica 0002-1857 0.299 0.00022 0.077344 agrociencia-mexico 1405-3195 356 0.451 345 agroforest syst 0167-4366 2056 1.378 1.546 0.00275 0.397346 agron j 0002-1962 10437 1.794 2.267 0.306 0.01198 0.634347 agron sustain dev 1774-0746 712 2.562 0.255 0.00318 0.716348 ai commun 0921-7126 0.583 0.00078 0.368ai edam 0890-0604 0.786 0.806 0.358350 ai mag 0738-4602 601 0.808 0.777 0.051 0.00135 0.529351 aiaa j 0001-1452 9668 1.057 1.277 0.01750 0.623aiche j 0001-1541 16049 2.261 2.320 0.01916 0.686353 aids 0269-9370 23156 6.245 6.160 1.784 6.0 0.07316 2.211354 aids patient care st 1087-2914 2126 2.638 0.00765 0.833355 aids res hum retrov 0889-2229 4821 2.246 0.686 0.01220 aids rev 1139-6121 652 3.512 3.913 0.450 1.444357 aircr eng aerosp tec 1748-8842 0.281 358 ajar-afr j aids res 1608-5906 359 aktuel neurol 0302-4350 0.318 0.055 0.026360 aktuel rheumatol 0341-051x 0.012361 aktuel urol 0001-7868 0.267 0.063 alcheringa 0311-5518 449 0.926 0.797 0.229 0.275363 alcohol 0741-8329 2413 2.468 2.425 0.329 364 alcohol alcoholism 0735-0414 3248 2.946 2.657 0.363 0.00708 0.822alcohol clin exp res 0145-6008 12049 3.343 3.530 0.602 0.02207 366 aldrichim acta 0002-5100 1100 16.091 16.882 0.00328 5.246367 alea-lat am j probab 1980-0436 0.381 0.00179 368 algebr colloq 1005-3867 0.237 0.272 0.00141 0.222369 algebr geom topol 1472-2739 457 0.558 0.153 0.00673 0.870370 algebr log 0002-5232 393 0.359 371 algebr number theory 1937-0652 0.783 1.161algebr represent th 1386-923x 0.595 0.622 0.241 0.00252 373 algebr univ 0002-5240 500 0.424 0.00177 0.349374 algorithm mol biol 1748-7188 1.352 1.755 0.160 0.836375 algorithmica 0178-4617 1417 0.738 0.095 0.00481 376 aliment pharm ther 0269-2813 12313 3.769 3.802 1.549 0.03181 1.105allelopathy j 0971-4693 0.846 0.833 0.037 0.00101 0.135allergol immunopath 0301-0546 592 1.043 0.00106 379 allergologie 0344-5062 0.028380 allergy 0105-4538 12156 6.271 6.098 1.335 0.03151 1.752381 allergy asthma immun 2092-7355 1.913 0.824 1.5 0.00043 382 allergy asthma proc 1088-5412 1299 2.170 1.687 0.453 0.00414 0.450383 allergy clin immunol 0838-1925 0.00012 384 allg forst jagdztg 0002-5852 0.311 385 alpine bot 1664-2201 0.692 386 altern med rev 1089-5159 1122 3.550 0.00150 0.998387 alz dis assoc dis 0893-0341 2299 2.811 3.286 0.00597 1.069388 alzheimers dement 1552-5260 1888 6.373 4.803 0.00866 389 am bee j 0002-7626 0.028 0.015390 am biol teach 0002-7685 0.199 0.086am ceram soc bull 0002-7812 1289 0.522 0.146 am fern j 0002-8444 0.566 0.00035 0.170 am heart j 0002-8703 19205 4.651 4.321 0.05729 1.751am j agr econ 0002-9092 4224 1.572 0.186 0.00711 0.714am j alzheimers dis 1533-3175 788 1.453 am j audiol 1059-0889 0.867 0.00083 397 am j bioethics 1526-5161 1224 4.083 3.581 10.000 0.00483 1.413 am j bot 0002-9122 13667 2.664 3.159 0.01971 1.126 am j cardiol 0002-9149 34821 3.368 3.578 0.652 595 0.08182 1.305400 am j cardiovasc drug 1175-3277 1.770 0.525 401 am j chinese med 0192-415x 1706 1.979 1.670 0.280402 am j clin dermatol 1175-0561 1271 1.708 1.723 0.00241 0.472403 am j clin nutr 0002-9165 45766 6.669 7.366 406 0.09395 2.378am j clin oncol-canc 0277-3732 3022 2.005 1.911 0.00645 0.628am j clin pathol 0002-9173 9550 2.598 2.694 0.574 0.01677 0.883am j crit care 1062-3264 1454 1.656 2.132 0.00321 0.590407 am j dent 0894-8275 1507 0.757 1.016 0.00221 0.311am j dermatopath 0193-1091 2432 1.197 0.00410 0.370am j emerg med 0735-6757 3739 1.976 1.797 0.00946 0.585am j enol viticult 0002-9254 4676 1.826 2.483 0.262 0.00370 0.620411 am j epidemiol 0002-9262 31658 5.216 6.001 0.880 0.06728 2.498412 am j foren med path 0195-7910 1388 0.883 10.0 0.00203 am j gastroenterol 0002-9270 26645 7.282 6.680 1.849 0.06238 2.111414 am j geriat psychiat 1064-7481 4026 3.638 3.881 1.196 0.01348 1.303415 am j geriatr pharmac 1543-5946 630 2.671 0.00264 416 am j health-syst ph 1079-2082 3436 1.962 1.844 0.00867 0.487417 am j hematol 0361-8609 5273 4.671 3.017 0.665 0.01429 1.032418 am j hosp palliat me 1049-9091 640 1.153 419 am j hum biol 1042-0533 2163 2.211 0.00629 am j hum genet 0002-9297 34192 10.603 11.716 2.302 0.10703 5.867421 am j hypertens 0895-7061 7586 3.181 3.029 0.01658 0.964422 am j ind med 0271-3586 4187 1.625 1.767 0.282 0.00587 0.586am j infect control 0196-6553 4290 2.396 3.063 0.01505 1.206424 am j kidney dis 0272-6386 18956 5.434 5.138 1.233 0.03747 425 am j manag care 1088-0224 2621 2.458 2.540 0.358 0.01125 1.140 am j math 0002-9327 3464 1.170 0.00881 1.895 am j med 0002-9343 22346 5.430 4.875 0.907 < 0.03545 1.793am j med genet a 1552-4825 7285 2.391 2.549 0.02879 429 am j med genet b 1552-4841 4460 3.705 3.722 0.632 0.01820 1.175430 am j med genet c 1552-4868 1180 4.058 4.225 0.818 0.00552 1.650431 am j med qual 1062-8606 674 1.638 0.391 0.712432 am j med sci 0002-9629 3749 1.391 1.393 0.295 0.00730 0.436433 am j nephrol 0250-8095 2961 2.539 2.675 0.00830 0.797434 am j neuroradiol 0195-6108 16380 2.928 3.332 0.03659 1.063435 am j nurs 0002-936x 1048 1.119 1.164 0.355436 am j obstet gynecol 0002-9378 32250 3.468 3.560 0.782 459 0.05157 1.152am j ophthalmol 0002-9394 19089 4.223 3.885 0.861 0.03977 1.352am j orthod dentofac 0889-5406 8656 1.381 1.918 0.01093 0.494439 am j orthopsychiat 0002-9432 2447 1.291 2.196 0.302 0.00425 0.795440 am j otolaryng 0196-0709 1521 0.870 0.196 8.9 0.00294 0.331441 am j pathol 0002-9440 38109 4.890 5.571 0.637 557 0.07994 2.062442 am j perinat 0735-1631 1690 1.316 1.179 0.00384 0.385am j pharm educ 0002-9459 1301 1.205 1.301 0.163 am j phys 0002-9505 4984 0.814 0.00522 0.337445 am j phys anthropol 0002-9483 9111 2.824 3.019 0.01464 am j phys med rehab 0894-9115 3334 1.581 1.848 0.00592 0.522447 am j physiol-cell ph 0363-6143 16464 3.536 3.970 0.768 0.04242 1.371448 am j physiol-endoc m 0193-1849 17917 4.746 4.577 0.04827 1.593am j physiol-gastr l 0193-1857 12854 3.431 3.647 0.03260 450 am j physiol-heart c 0363-6135 31512 3.708 3.878 515 0.06865 1.236451 am j physiol-lung c 1040-0605 12846 3.662 4.290 0.636 0.03197 1.384452 am j physiol-reg i 0363-6119 20285 3.336 0.620 0.04364 1.084453 am j physiol-renal 1931-857x 15523 3.682 3.796 0.695 0.03923 1.204am j potato res 1099-209x 657 1.234 1.165 0.058 0.00145 455 am j prev med 0749-3797 11729 4.044 5.128 1.657 0.03819 1.921456 am j primatol 0275-2565 3445 2.221 2.138 0.00709 0.674am j psychiat 0002-953x 41901 12.539 12.679 3.583 0.06783 4.552458 am j public health 0090-0036 24979 3.926 4.764 0.704 0.05284 1.971am j reprod immunol 1046-7408 3089 3.050 2.705 0.00575 0.636am j resp cell mol 1044-1549 10677 5.125 0.831 0.02580 1.672am j resp crit care 1073-449x 46471 11.080 10.424 2.631 0.10295 3.698am j rhinol allergy 1945-8924 2435 2.206 0.113 0.583am j roentgenol 0361-803x 25727 2.775 3.000 0.411 0.04842 0.924464 am j sci 0002-9599 5662 2.716 3.508 1.038 0.00546 1.643465 am j speech-lang pat 1058-0360 917 2.034 2.327 0.00188 0.694466 am j sport med 0363-5465 14958 3.792 4.427 0.626 0.02745 1.163467 am j surg 0002-9610 15373 2.776 2.841 0.02567 0.944468 am j surg pathol 0147-5185 15735 4.352 4.472 0.02943 1.414469 am j ther 1075-2765 1208 0.00315 470 am j transplant 1600-6135 15126 6.394 6.025 1.622 0.05950 am j trop med hyg 0002-9637 17305 2.592 2.852 0.519 0.03246 0.879472 am j vet res 0002-9645 9127 1.560 0.00832 0.419am lab 0044-7749 474 am malacol bull 0740-2783 0.809 0.474 am midl nat 0003-0031 3237 0.00181 0.257476 am mineral 0003-004x 12900 2.169 2.232 0.01941 0.978477 am mus novit 0003-0082 2042 1.882 1.806 0.00263 478 am nat 0003-0147 24661 4.725 5.280 0.827 0.04457 2.611am sci 0003-0996 1729 0.938 0.432am stat 0003-1305 2965 0.960 0.00402 0.912481 am surgeon 0003-1348 5498 1.285 1.427 0.01065 0.499482 ama-agr mech asia af 0084-5841 0.00008 483 ambio 0044-7447 4058 2.025 3.101 1.111 9.3 0.00714 1.095484 ambix 0002-6980 0.00015 485 ameghiniana 0002-7014 1181 0.986 1.218 0.174 0.00178 0.405486 amino acids 0939-4451 4349 3.248 3.138 0.966 0.01381 0.811487 amphibia-reptilia 0173-5373 998 1.056 1.058 0.156 0.302amyloid 1350-6129 816 2.660 0.00199 0.777489 amyotroph lateral sc 1748-2968 1609 3.091 2.970 0.684 0.00598 0.992490 an acad bras cienc 0001-3765 1337 1.094 1.208 0.304 0.00224 0.342491 an bras dermatol 0365-0596 575 0.043 492 an jardin bot madrid 0211-1322 0.886 an pediatr 1695-4033 0.770 0.146 494 an psicol-spain 0212-9728 495 an real acad nac f 1697-4271 496 an sist sanit navar 1137-6627 0.089 0.00045 497 an sti u ovid co-mat 1224-1784 0.052 0.00005 498 an stiint u al i-mat 1221-8421 499 anadolu kardiyol der 1302-8723 0.439 0.203 anadolu psikiyatr de 1302-6631 501 anaerobe 1075-9964 1324 2.409 2.393 0.670502 anaesth intens care 0310-057x 1.279 0.343503 anaesthesia 0003-2409 6472 2.958 2.588 1.963 0.01106 0.659504 anaesthesist 0003-2417 1214 505 anal appl 0219-5305 1.140 anal bioanal chem 1618-2642 18911 3.733 967 0.06297 0.967507 anal biochem 0003-2697 40002 2.996 3.247 0.475 0.03433 508 anal cell pathol 2210-7177 0.917 0.290509 anal chem 0003-2700 95262 5.856 5.983 0.933 0.17541 1.547510 anal chim acta 0003-2670 38343 4.555 4.144 0.597 626 0.07085 0.963 anal lett 0003-2719 3259 1.107 0.220 anal math 0133-3852 0.243 anal methods-uk 1759-9660 514 anal pde 1948-206x 1.172 1.475 0.00133 1.813anal quant cytol 0884-6812 0.413 0.691 0.204516 anal sci 0910-6340 4568 1.255 0.252 0.00790 0.332517 analog integr circ s 0925-1030 762 0.172518 analyst 0003-2654 14243 4.230 4.119 0.758 694 0.02490 1.057519 anasth intensiv notf 0939-2661 0.00042 0.049520 anasth intensivmed 0170-5334 0.862 521 anat histol embryol 0340-2096 713 0.274 0.00119 0.174 anat rec 1932-8486 7339 1.473 1.718 0.459 0.00918 0.599523 anat sci int 1447-6959 0.232 andean geol 0718-7092 0.718 0.264525 andrologia 0303-4569 1177 1.448 0.270 0.00174 0.353526 anesth analg 0003-2999 20751 3.069 0.03972 0.848527 anesthesiology 0003-3022 21565 5.359 5.190 1.579 0.03722 1.543528 angew chem int edit 1433-7851 209862 13.455 13.195 2.898 2002 0.51393 3.370529 angiogenesis 0969-6970 1633 6.063 0.651 0.00616 530 angiology 0003-3197 2095 1.511 1.242 0.483 0.00342 0.321531 angle orthod 0003-3219 3620 1.207 0.00668 0.445532 anim behav 0003-3472 21620 3.493 3.591 0.527 0.03836 1.270 anim biol 1570-7555 0.256534 anim biotechnol 1049-5398 0.927 1.015 0.230535 anim cells syst 1976-8354 0.264 0.122 0.00011 0.044536 anim cogn 1435-9448 1720 3.089 3.340 0.402 0.00619 1.040537 anim conserv 1367-9430 2.931 3.186 0.984 0.00655 1.229538 anim feed sci tech 0377-8401 5953 1.691 2.399 < 0.00974 0.584539 anim genet 0268-9146 3010 2.403 0.417 540 anim nutr feed techn 0972-2963 0.00021 anim prod sci 1836-0939 0.989 1.047 1.6 0.00134 542 anim reprod sci 0378-4320 5284 1.750 1.966 0.00958 0.448543 anim sci j 1344-3941 615 0.857 0.853 0.207544 anim sci pap rep 0860-4037 0.553 anim welfare 0962-7286 1155 1.135 1.399 0.00226 0.412546 animal 1751-7311 1505 1.744 1.793 0.523547 ankara univ vet fak 1300-0861 0.192 548 ann acad med singap 0304-4602 1946 1.245 1.274 549 ann acad sci fenn-m 1239-629x 721 0.675 0.963 0.00354 1.029ann agr env med 1232-1966 908 2.311 1.968 0.085 0.348551 ann allerg asthma im 1081-1206 5599 2.833 2.677 0.01306 0.814552 ann anat 0940-9602 977 1.334 0.00201 553 ann anim sci 1642-3402 0.389 554 ann appl biol 0003-4746 3484 2.065 0.00364 0.514555 ann appl probab 1050-5164 1793 1.091 0.01164 1.680556 ann appl stat 1932-6157 2.550 0.01066 2.249ann biol clin-paris 0003-3898 0.343 0.376 0.083558 ann biomed eng 0090-6964 6221 2.368 2.591 0.01554 0.802559 ann bot fenn 0003-3847 827 1.014 0.233560 ann bot-london 0305-7364 13518 4.030 0.804 0.02700 1.245561 ann cardiol angeiol 0003-3928 0.054562 ann carnegie mus 0097-4463 0.955 0.904 0.214 563 ann chim-sci mat 0151-9107 0.129564 ann chir plast esth 0294-1260 0.410 565 ann clin biochem 0004-5632 2196 566 ann clin lab sci 0091-7370 1026 0.956 1.272 0.00190 0.361ann clin psychiatry 1040-1237 837 1.490 0.184 ann comb 0218-0006 0.604569 ann dermatol 1013-9087 570 ann dermatol vener 0151-9638 1399 0.716 0.101571 ann diagn pathol 1092-9134 838 0.00239 572 ann emerg med 0196-0644 9241 4.133 4.369 1.397 0.02102 1.619573 ann endocrinol-paris 0003-4266 0.741 0.640 0.175 0.152574 ann entomol soc am 0013-8746 4735 1.382 0.223 0.00540 0.471ann epidemiol 1047-2797 5066 3.215 3.380 0.336 0.01544 1.349576 ann fam med 1544-1709 2351 5.355 4.900 2.434 0.01062 2.065577 ann forest sci 1286-4560 2092 1.788 1.951 0.268 0.00503 0.564578 ann fr anesth 0750-7658 1071 0.00120 579 ann geophys-germany 0992-7689 5581 1.757 0.01992 0.789580 ann geophys-italy 1593-5213 609 0.567 0.779 0.172 0.340581 ann glaciol 0260-3055 2616 1.800 0.515 0.00464 ann glob anal geom 0232-704x 0.712 0.00312 0.776583 ann hematol 0939-5555 2.615 2.509 0.634 0.00863 0.809584 ann henri poincare 1424-0637 1.211 0.996 0.438 0.00442 0.958585 ann hepatol 1665-2681 1.811 0.239 3.1 0.00231 586 ann hum biol 0301-4460 1643 1.975 1.789 0.365 0.536587 ann hum genet 0003-4800 2289 2.565 2.299 0.384 0.00589 0.855588 ann i fourier 0373-0956 1508 0.550 0.217 1.185589 ann i h poincare-an 0294-1449 1.271 1.364 0.00926 1.541ann i h poincare-pr 0246-0203 593 0.841 0.00544 591 ann i stat math 0020-3157 1121 0.00341 0.825ann i super sanita 0021-2571 0.00115 ann indian acad neur 0972-2327 0.928 2.8 594 ann intern med 0003-4819 45683 16.733 17.035 3.538 0.12055 7.915ann ital chir 0003-469x 0.024 596 ann limnol-int j lim 0003-4088 0.930 1.051 0.299597 ann mat pur appl 0373-3114 0.128 0.00285 0.862598 ann math 0003-486x 7721 3.327 0.639 0.02866 5.148599 ann math artif intel 1012-2443 ann med 0785-3890 3306 3.516 4.339 1.375 0.00816 1.491 ann med vet 0003-4118 0.076 602 ann med-psychol 0003-4487 0.169 0.179 0.032603 ann microbiol 1590-4261 0.689 0.648 0.120 0.00130 0.136604 ann mo bot gard 0026-6493 2323 1.828 1.877 0.00220 0.771605 ann neurol 0364-5134 31352 11.089 10.644 0.06752 4.190606 ann noninvas electro 1082-720x 1.098 1.163 0.373ann nucl energy 0306-4549 1617 0.905 0.00554 0.318608 ann nucl med 0914-7187 1354 1.502 1.360 0.212 0.378ann nutr metab 0250-6807 1737 2.257 0.00459 610 ann ny acad sci 0077-8923 43725 3.155 2.997 0.810 0.10139 1.043ann occup hyg 0003-4878 2202 1.949 2.084 0.00372 612 ann oncol 0923-7534 19905 6.425 5.469 1.812 0.06613 ann oper res 0254-5330 2701 0.840 1.101 0.00901 0.774ann oto rhinol laryn 0003-4894 5471 1.048 0.00654 0.489ann paleontol 0753-3969 616 ann pathol 0242-6498 8.6 0.046617 ann pharmacother 1060-0280 5886 2.126 2.199 0.392 0.01507 0.677618 ann phys-berlin 0003-3804 1896 1.063 0.753 619 ann phys-new york 0003-4916 10589 2.857 0.01809 1.617620 ann phys-paris 0003-4169 0.397 0.277ann plas surg 0148-7043 6231 1.623 0.01248 622 ann pol math 0066-2216 623 ann probab 0091-1798 3517 0.01553 2.237624 ann pure appl logic 0168-0072 835 0.516 0.00444 0.554625 ann rheum dis 0003-4967 24321 8.727 7.792 2.475 0.06835 2.371ann roy coll surg 0035-8843 2329 1.231 1.295 0.00478 0.408ann saudi med 0256-4947 760 1.071 0.197628 ann sci 0003-3790 0.304629 ann sci ecole norm s 0012-9593 1554 1.460 0.00773 3.287ann scuola norm-sci 0391-173x 973 0.00240 0.974ann soc entomol fr 0037-9271 0.537 0.656 0.154 0.212632 ann soc geol pol 0208-9068 0.423 2.500 ann stat 0090-5364 11722 3.030 3.700 0.04323 4.157634 ann surg 0003-4932 35171 7.492 8.875 0.968 0.07071 3.033635 ann surg oncol 1068-9265 12345 4.166 4.279 0.785 0.04727 1.368ann telecommun 0003-4347 0.00114 0.201ann thorac cardiovas 1341-1098 0.00193 638 ann thorac med 1817-1737 1.617 0.297 ann thorac surg 0003-4975 28219 3.741 3.503 0.774 0.06791 1.259 ann transpl 1425-9524 2.020 641 ann trop med parasit 0003-4983 2871 1.753 0.189 0.00408 0.527642 ann urol 0003-4401 0.055ann vasc surg 0890-5096 2905 1.035 1.236 0.411644 ann zool 0003-4541 0.465 0.150645 ann zool fenn 0003-455x 1623 1.539 1.466 0.121 0.00217 646 annu rep med chem 0065-7743 1.714 647 annu rev anal chem 1936-1327 876 9.048 11.806 1.050 0.00520 3.930648 annu rev astron astr 0066-4146 7112 26.452 29.657 0.02108 17.128649 annu rev biochem 0066-4154 18684 34.317 35.013 2.951 0.05695 19.743650 annu rev biomed eng 1523-9829 2868 12.214 15.667 0.00820 5.507651 annu rev biophys 1936-122x 1294 13.574 17.729 0.01310 10.185annu rev cell dev bi 1081-0706 8399 15.836 19.733 0.02747 11.414653 annu rev chem biomol 1947-5438 7.294 1.417 0.00093 2.969654 annu rev clin psycho 1548-5943 1573 9.111 11.287 1.200 4.815655 annu rev conden ma p 1947-5454 12.389 3.889 0.00349 10.540annu rev control 1367-5788 1.319 2.204 annu rev earth pl sc 0084-6597 4024 7.227 < 8.850 5.421658 annu rev ecol evol s 1543-592x 14049 14.373 18.007 0.02335 9.275659 annu rev entomol 0066-4170 8270 11.455 14.154 5.160 0.01213 5.078660 annu rev env resour 1543-5938 1170 6.419 7.827 0.00494 3.321661 annu rev fluid mech 0066-4189 6234 12.767 12.558 2.963 0.01297 7.431662 annu rev food sci t 1941-1413 3.600 1.020663 annu rev genet 0066-4197 6212 22.233 20.637 0.02517 12.124664 annu rev genom hum g 1527-8204 2172 14.829 14.615 0.01480 8.393665 annu rev immunol 0732-0582 15990 52.761 42.901 9.174 0.05204 23.410annu rev inform sci 0066-4200 2.955 2.984 0.00142 1.230667 annu rev mar sci 1941-1405 16.457 3.571 0.00527 8.195668 annu rev mater res 1531-7331 4964 13.073 12.451 0.01170 6.246669 annu rev med 0066-4219 4559 13.104 10.710 3.844 0.01346 4.336670 annu rev microbiol 0066-4227 7940 14.345 16.083 0.452 0.01815 7.427671 annu rev neurosci 0147-006x 11948 25.737 31.058 0.03059 16.167672 annu rev nucl part s 0163-8998 1853 6.457 8.333 0.00723 4.524673 annu rev nutr 0199-9885 4095 9.447 9.708 0.706 0.00694 3.565annu rev pathol-mech 1553-4006 1762 20.000 17.750 5.476 0.01363 8.062675 annu rev pharmacol 0362-1642 7084 21.639 22.330 6.278 0.01518 8.264676 annu rev phys chem 0066-426x 6657 14.130 17.480 3.267 0.01687 7.467677 annu rev physiol 0066-4278 7768 20.827 20.504 0.02217 9.652678 annu rev phytopathol 0066-4286 5009 13.000 0.00772 4.467annu rev plant biol 1543-5008 13134 25.962 30.649 2.783 0.02963 12.034680 annu rev psychol 0066-4308 9464 16.833 23.274 3.348 0.02578 11.315681 annu rev publ health 0163-7525 3298 5.451 9.333 0.00897 4.068682 antarct sci 0954-1020 1741 1.556 1.627 0.00346 0.582683 anthropol sci 0918-7960 1.156 1.270 684 anthropologist 0972-0073 685 anthrozoos 0892-7936 0.00085 0.375anti-cancer agent me 1871-5206 1203 2.862 0.495 0.00594 687 anti-cancer drug 0959-4973 3376 2.407 0.00795 0.643688 anti-corros method m 0003-5599 0.390 0.103antibiotiques 1294-5501 690 anticancer res 0250-7005 12456 1.553 0.216 0.02506 691 antimicrob agents ch 0066-4804 45452 4.841 4.911 0.09589 1.404692 antioxid redox sign 1523-0864 9629 8.456 7.615 2.119 0.03706 2.368693 antivir res 0166-3542 4957 4.301 3.905 0.01355 1.076 antivir ther 1359-6535 3414 3.161 3.618 0.517 0.01444 1.168695 anton leeuw int j g 0003-6072 3823 2.091 0.375 0.00523 696 anz j surg 1445-1433 2171 1.248 0.232 0.00642 697 anziam j 1446-1811 0.365698 aphasiology 0268-7038 1638 1.608 0.00211 699 apidologie 0044-8435 2.266 2.095 0.215 0.00367 0.631700 apmis 0903-4641 3141 1.991 1.884 0.157 0.00646 0.565701 apoptosis 1360-8185 4760 4.788 4.125 0.01743 1.252 appetite 0195-6663 5032 2.585 3.022 0.01180 appita j 1038-6807 0.228704 appl acoust 0003-682x 1597 1.013 0.218 0.00500 0.444705 appl algebr eng comm 0938-1279 0.418 0.474706 appl anal 0003-6811 1022 0.00480 707 appl anal discr math 1452-8630 0.754 0.497708 appl anim behav sci 0168-1591 5753 2.184 0.00809 0.496709 appl artif intell 0883-9514 appl biochem biotech 0273-2289 6237 1.943 0.01104 0.457711 appl biochem micro 0003-6838 955 appl catal a-gen 0926-860x 26533 3.903 3.961 0.04539 0.929appl catal b-environ 0926-3373 20525 5.625 6.052 0.858 0.04732 1.421714 appl categor struct 0927-2852 0.545 0.00225 0.734appl clay sci 0169-1317 5168 3.060 0.01151 0.675716 appl compos mater 0929-189x 0.658 0.053 0.374717 appl comput electrom 1054-4887 0.759 0.133718 appl comput harmon a 1063-5203 1642 3.452 3.398 2.509719 appl comput math-bak 1683-3511 720 appl ecol env res 1589-1623 0.379 0.00031 appl econ perspect p 2040-5790 0.632 appl energ 0306-2619 6634 5.106 4.456 0.01680 0.872723 appl eng agric 0883-8542 0.526 0.221724 appl entomol zool 0003-6862 1608 0.995 0.298725 appl environ microb 0099-2240 82478 3.829 4.453 0.12783 1.339726 appl ergon 0003-6870 2146 1.428 1.586 0.563 0.00455 appl geochem 0883-2927 6645 2.176 2.626 0.434 0.01580 0.891728 appl geophys 1672-7975 0.446 729 appl herpetol 1570-7539 0.458730 appl immunohisto m m 1062-3345 1275 1.630 1.585 0.461731 appl intell 0924-669x 0.849 1.097 0.00144 0.362732 appl magn reson 0937-9347 926 0.00296 733 appl math comput 0096-3003 11905 1.338 1102 0.04851 0.470734 appl math inform sci 1935-0090 0.508 735 appl math lett 0893-9659 3186 1.371 1.238 0.352 0.01412 736 appl math mech-engl 0253-4827 927 0.00247 737 appl math model 0307-904x 3002 1.534 0.01219 738 appl math opt 0095-4616 824 0.844 0.787739 appl math ser b 1005-1031 0.044 740 appl math-czech 0862-7940 741 appl mech rev 0003-6900 2217 4.659 0.00380 2.349742 appl microbiol biot 0175-7598 21559 3.425 3.613 0.04603 0.909743 appl neuropsychol 0908-4282 1.173 0.982 0.301744 appl numer math 0168-9274 1897 0.967 1.201 0.307 0.00853 0.747appl nurs res 0897-1897 0.410746 appl ocean res 0141-1187 1.053 0.00202 0.661747 appl ontol 1570-5838 1.105 748 appl optics 1559-128x 34118 1.748 1059 0.04939 0.516749 appl organomet chem 0268-2605 2774 2.061 0.00426 0.402750 appl phys a-mater 0947-8396 11534 1.823 0.330 0.02894 0.611751 appl phys b-lasers o 0946-2171 9476 2.189 2.149 0.02749 0.702752 appl phys express 1882-0778 3256 2.944 0.02494 1.324753 appl phys lett 0003-6951 203336 3.787 0.661 4419 0.67541 appl physiol nutr me 1715-5312 1456 2.131 2.401 0.00750 0.693755 appl radiat isotopes 0969-8043 5116 0.01148 756 appl rheol 1430-6395 757 appl soft comput 1568-4946 2070 2.612 2.860 0.00688 0.680758 appl soil ecol 0929-1393 3943 2.888 0.00894 0.792759 appl spectrosc 0003-7028 6566 1.663 1.724 0.00829 appl spectrosc rev 0570-4928 804 4.475 0.00212 1.165761 appl stoch model bus 1524-1904 0.690 0.00186 0.515appl surf sci 0169-4332 28315 2.103 1811 0.07713 0.549763 appl therm eng 1359-4311 6604 2.064 2.389 0.02043 0.669764 appl veg sci 1402-2001 994 1.678 2.031 765 aquac res 1355-557x 3987 1.203 0.00916 766 aquacult eng 0144-8609 1153 1.948 0.00194 0.462aquacult env interac 1869-215x 0.188 0.581768 aquacult int 0967-6120 1000 1.322 aquacult nutr 1353-5773 1727 2.571 0.615770 aquaculture 0044-8486 23578 2.696 0.03198 0.622771 aquat biol 1864-7790 0.00338 772 aquat bot < 0304-3770 3914 1.516 2.029 0.00526 0.600773 aquat conserv 1052-7613 1782 1.929 2.217 0.00509 0.726774 aquat ecol 1386-2588 1082 1.365 1.640 0.542775 aquat ecosyst health 1463-4988 0.242776 aquat geochem 1380-6165 1.897 2.009 777 aquat insect 0165-0424 778 aquat living resour 0990-7440 1292 1.152 0.422779 aquat microb ecol 0948-3055 4068 2.724 0.230 0.00859 0.923 aquat sci 1015-1621 1436 2.106 2.641 0.987781 aquat toxicol 0166-445x 8387 3.761 0.683 0.01870 1.042782 aquichan 1657-5997 783 arab j chem 1878-5352 0.242 784 arab j geosci 1866-7511 1.141 785 arab j sci eng 1319-8025 0.108786 arch acoust 0137-5075 0.847 787 arch anim nutr 1745-039x 1.186 0.329arch appl mech 0939-1533 981 1.096 0.180 0.00360 arch argent pediatr 0325-0075 790 arch biochem biophys 0003-9861 21293 2.935 2.889 0.805 0.02598 0.927791 arch biol sci 0354-4664 0.221 arch budo 1643-8698 1.189 2.2 0.039arch cardiovasc dis 1875-2136 1.513 0.226 0.427794 arch civ mech eng 1644-9665 795 arch clin neuropsych 0887-6177 2331 2.178 2.627 0.705796 arch comput method e 1134-3060 2.767 3.323 2.060797 arch dermatol 0003-987x 12376 3.888 4.224 0.01753 1.325798 arch dermatol res 0340-3696 2611 2.279 2.162 0.00502 799 arch dis child 0003-9888 12479 2.881 0.991 1.005800 arch dis child-fetal 1359-2998 3713 3.045 2.971 0.00906 1.013801 arch dis childhood-e 1743-0585 802 arch environ con tox 0090-4341 5635 1.927 2.102 0.310 0.578803 arch environ occup h 1933-8244 1920 1.034 arch environ prot 0324-8461 0.00014 805 arch facial plast s 1521-2491 1007 1.646 1.702 0.197 806 arch geflugelkd 0003-9098 0.373 arch gen psychiat 0003-990x 35277 12.016 14.179 2.202 0.06271 5.444808 arch gerontol geriat 0167-4943 1970 1.452 1.496 0.00510 0.409809 arch gynecol obstet 0932-0067 2596 1.257 0.284 0.00737 0.323810 arch hist exact sci 0003-9519 811 arch histol cytol 0914-9465 1.262 0.398812 arch immunol ther ex 0004-069x 963 2.319 0.738813 arch insect biochem 0739-4462 1600 1.361 1.437 0.424814 arch intern med 0003-9926 37598 11.462 11.000 3.363 0.10784 4.760815 arch iran med 1029-2977 0.972 arch ital biol 0003-9829 1.032 0.315817 arch latinoam nutr 0004-0622 0.228 818 arch lebensmittelhyg 0003-925x 0.277 0.066819 arch mal prof enviro 1775-8785 0.193 0.087 820 arch math 0003-889x 1539 0.433 0.443 0.00517 821 arch math logic 1432-0665 0.356 0.00148 822 arch mech 0373-2029 0.396 0.591 0.034 0.229823 arch med res 0188-4409 2206 1.733 0.00537 0.491 arch med sci 1734-1922 1.214 2.3 825 arch med vet 0301-732x 0.532 0.409 0.068826 arch metall mater 1733-3490 0.487 0.065arch microbiol 0302-8933 6524 1.431 1.846 828 arch min sci 0860-7001 0.350 829 arch molluskenkd 0003-9284 830 arch neurol-chicago 0003-9942 21196 7.584 6.928 0.04572 2.481831 arch ophthalmol-chic 0003-9950 17957 3.711 3.801 0.02575 1.365832 arch oral biol 0003-9969 5017 1.603 1.772 0.00681 0.468833 arch orthop traum su 0936-8051 3311 1.351 0.447834 arch otolaryngol 0886-4470 8288 0.01159 0.699arch pathol lab med 0003-9985 8447 2.577 0.01707 0.849836 arch pediat adol med 1072-4710 8595 4.140 4.931 1.104 0.02450 1.958arch pediatrie 0929-693x 0.298 0.00245 0.072 arch pharm 0365-6233 1958 1.795 arch pharm res 0253-6269 3852 1.592 1.624 0.00712 0.346840 arch phys med rehab 0003-9993 14981 2.282 2.655 0.02057 0.751841 arch psychiat nurs 0883-9417 0.921 0.149 0.308842 arch ration mech an 0003-9527 5238 2.054 0.01673 2.409843 arch sci 1661-464x 0.296 arch surg-chicago 0004-0010 13844 4.239 4.612 0.02384 1.694845 arch tierzucht 0003-9438 0.114846 arch toxicol 0340-5761 4218 4.674 3.487 847 arch virol 0304-8608 7741 2.111 2.143 0.428 848 arch women ment hlth 1434-1816 2.057 2.538 0.710849 archaeol prospect 1075-2196 1.628 1.790 0.00081 0.418850 archaeometry 0003-813x 1490 1.183 1.522 0.543arct antarct alp res 1523-0430 2385 1.786 0.00387 0.654arctic 0004-0843 1347 0.538853 ardea 0373-2266 1096 0.440854 ardeola 0570-7358 0.772 0.273855 arh hig rada toksiko 0004-1254 856 arid land res manag 1532-4982 857 ark mat 0004-2080 0.740858 arkivoc 1551-7004 3167 0.00850 0.296859 arq bras cardiol 0066-782x 1530 0.00284 860 arq bras endocrinol 0004-2730 896 0.879 0.099 861 arq bras med vet zoo 0102-0935 0.291 0.008 862 arq bras oftalmol 0004-2749 0.326 0.266 0.00132 863 arq neuro-psiquiat 0004-282x 1752 0.00336 0.176864 ars combinatoria 0381-7032 0.00340 0.245865 ars math contemp 1855-3966 0.480866 arterioscl throm vas 1079-5642 30722 6.368 7.037 0.08257 2.605867 arthrit care res 2151-464x 7910 4.851 5.045 0.03141 1.671868 arthritis res ther 1478-6354 7538 4.445 4.689 0.03088 1.531869 arthritis rheum-us 0004-3591 43887 7.866 7.979 1.542 0.09885 2.648870 arthropod struct dev 1467-8039 2.122 2.068 0.975871 arthropod-plant inte 1872-8855 1.309 1.721 0.550872 arthroscopy 0749-8063 8684 3.024 3.079 0.616 0.01684 0.783873 artif cell blood sub 1073-1199 874 artif intell 0004-3702 5112 2.252 2.362 0.00734 875 artif intell med 0933-3657 1041 1.345 1.583 0.435artif intell rev 0269-2821 0.278877 artif life 1064-5462 1.664 0.739 878 artif organs 0160-564x 3032 1.869 0.285 879 arzneimittel-forsch 0004-4172 2592 0.670 0.147 880 asaio j 1058-2916 1922 1.394 1.387 0.00458 881 ashrae j 0001-2491 0.010 882 asia life sci 0117-3375 0.042883 asia pac j clin nutr 0964-7058 1726 1.526 0.253 0.00486 0.407asia pac j oper res 0217-5959 0.427 0.023 0.00084 0.214885 asia-pac j atmos sci 1976-7633 0.420 0.267886 asia-pac j chem eng 1932-2135 887 asia-pac j clin onco 1743-7555 0.585 888 asia-pac j public he 1010-5395 0.238889 asia-pac psychiat 1758-5864 0.043890 asian austral j anim 1011-2367 1534 0.579 0.561 0.00280 0.123891 asian biomed 1905-7415 0.058892 asian herpetol res 2095-0357 0.025893 asian j androl 1008-682x 1413 0.685 0.00373 asian j anim vet adv 1683-9919 0.869 asian j chem 0970-7077 1653 1384 0.00309 0.036asian j control 1561-8625 0.906 0.216897 asian j math 1093-6106 0.408 0.00189 asian j surg 1015-9584 0.575 0.199899 asian myrmecol 1985-1944 900 asian nurs res 1976-1317 901 asian pac j allergy 0125-877x 0.649 0.737 902 asian pac j cancer p 1513-7368 1293 0.659 asian pac < j trop med 1995-7645 0.371 904 aslib proc 0001-253x 0.635 905 asn neuro 1759-0914 3.750 0.348 906 assay drug dev techn 1540-658x 1.727 1.745 0.00232 0.528907 assembly autom 0144-5154 0.582 0.132assist inferm ric 1592-5986 0.355 asta-adv stat anal 1863-8171 910 asterisque 0303-1179 1182 0.594 0.00543 1.493911 astin bull 0515-0361 0.486 912 astrobiology 1531-1074 1363 2.150 2.806 0.00608 1.072913 astron astrophys 0004-6361 90096 4.587 3.979 1937 0.25426 1.472914 astron astrophys rev 0935-4956 11.526 14.108 0.00548 8.057915 astron geophys 1366-8781 0.156916 astron j 0004-6256 30906 4.035 0.07980 2.044 astron lett 1063-7737 920 0.988 0.00258 918 astron nachr 0004-6337 1.012 0.556 0.00675 919 astron rep 1063-7729 0.725 0.671 astropart phys 0927-6505 2700 3.216 1.266921 astrophys bull 1990-3413 0.463 922 astrophys j 0004-637x 166376 6.024 5.102 1.730 2472 0.42964 1.802923 astrophys j lett 2041-8205 39118 5.526 0.15733 924 astrophys j suppl s 0067-0049 21343 13.456 11.438 8.995 0.07640 5.857925 astrophys space sci 0004-640x 1.686 1.344 0.542 0.01240 astrophysics 0571-7256 asymptotic anal 0921-7134 0.577928 at-autom 0178-2312 0.419 aten farm 1139-7357 930 aten prim 0212-6567 0.627 0.521 0.00065 atherosclerosis 0021-9150 17550 3.794 3.962 0.624 0.05323 932 atherosclerosis supp 1567-5688 0.842933 athlet ther today 1078-7895 934 atl geol 0843-5561 0.538 935 atla-altern lab anim 0261-1929 1144 1.455 1.845 936 atmos chem phys 1680-7316 18402 5.520 5.633 0.07545 1.616937 atmos environ 1352-2310 32572 3.465 3.742 0.573 0.06699 1.028atmos meas tech 1867-1381 3.335 3.322 1.004939 atmos ocean 0705-5900 1.697 0.00180 0.901940 atmos res 0169-8095 3238 2.048 0.01022 0.656941 atmos sci lett 1530-261x 1.932 1.569 0.00236 942 atmosfera 0187-6236 0.490 0.191943 atom data nucl data 0092-640x 2552 2.160 2.018 0.769944 atom energy 1063-4258 945 atom spectrosc 0195-5373 0.160946 atomization spray 1044-5110 0.578 0.249947 atten percept psycho 1943-3921 2.039 2.042 0.00533 0.817948 atw-int j nucl power 1431-5254 949 audiol neuro-otol 1420-3030 1286 2.465 2.583 0.915950 augment altern comm 0743-4618 1.008 auk 0004-8038 6084 2.156 2.346 0.00775 0.919952 auris nasus larynx 0385-8146 980 0.761 953 aust crit care 1036-7314 0.973 954 aust dent j 0045-0421 1263 aust endod j 1329-1947 0.958 956 aust fam physician 0300-8495 1101 0.00290 957 aust forestry 0004-9158 1.306 958 aust health rev 0156-5788 959 aust j adv nurs 0813-0531 0.195960 aust j agr resour ec 1364-985x 1.061 0.553961 aust j bot 0067-1924 2637 1.732 0.187 0.00420 962 aust j chem 0004-9425 5762 2.342 2.258 0.00888 0.572aust j crop sci 1835-2693 1.632 0.104964 aust j dairy technol 0004-9433 0.478 0.134965 aust j earth sci 0812-0099 1723 966 aust j entomol 1326-6756 1.161 0.173 0.369aust j forensic sci 0045-0618 968 aust j grape wine r 1322-7130 1197 2.467 2.797 969 aust j physiother 0004-9514 3.481 2.625 0.00147 0.713970 aust j prim health 1448-7527 971 aust j rural health 1038-5282 aust j soil res 0004-9573 3403 1.530 0.525 aust j zool 0004-959x 1611 0.316974 aust meteorol ocean 1836-716x 975 aust nz j obstet gyn 0004-8666 1938 1.237 0.00445 976 aust nz j psychiat 0004-8674 4208 2.929 2.939 0.00952 aust nz j publ heal 1326-0200 2007 0.472 0.00421 0.504978 aust nz j stat 1369-1473 0.436 979 aust occup ther j 0045-0766 aust orthod j 0587-3908 aust prescr 0312-8008 0.466 982 aust syst bot 1030-1887 0.412 983 aust vet j 0005-0423 3121 0.945 984 aust vet pract 0310-138x 0.063 0.020985 austral ecol 1442-9985 2488 1.824 2.074 0.248 0.00647 0.745986 australas j ageing 1440-6381 0.807 987 australas j dermatol 0004-8380 1.028 988 australas phys eng s 0158-9938 989 australas plant path 0815-3191 1093 1.002 0.00171 0.223990 australas psychiatry 1039-8562 991 austrian j earth sci 2072-7151 992 austrian j for sci 0379-5292 993 autism res 1939-3792 3.686 4.304 0.854 2.6 0.00333 1.776autoimmun rev 1568-9972 3998 6.624 5.214 1.412 0.01437 1.306995 autoimmunity 0891-6934 1956 2.471 2.470 0.611 0.00641 0.807996 automat constr 0926-5805 1147 1.500 automat rem contr 0005-1179 1019 0.246 automat softw eng 0928-8910 999 automatica 0005-1098 12276 2.829 3.128 0.04061 1.436 automatika 0005-1144 1001 auton agent multi-ag 1387-2532 1.456 0.7011002 auton neurosci-basic 1566-0702 1905 1.858 1.942 0.327 0.00563 1003 auton robot 0929-5593 1.478 0.00237 0.5701004 autophagy 1554-8627 4923 7.453 6.699 2.324 0.02998 2.5021005 avian biol res 1758-1559 1006 avian conserv ecol 1712-6568 0.119 avian dis 0005-2086 4849 1.462 0.00595 1008 avian pathol 0307-9457 2768 1.711 2.080 0.00335 0.5061009 aviat space envir md 0095-6562 2854 0.911 0.00391 1010 b acad nat med paris 0001-4079 1011 b acad vet france 0001-4192 b am math soc 0273-0979 3036 2.321 2.974 0.00457 3.228b am meteorol soc 0003-0007 10674 6.026 6.946 1.349 0.02756 3.8751014 b am mus nat hist 0003-0090 2309 2.905 6.281 0.00320 2.7241015 b astron soc india 0304-9523 1016 b aust math soc 0004-9727 b belg math soc-sim 1370-1444 0.3001018 b braz math soc 1678-7544 b can petrol geol 0007-4802 1020 b cancer 0007-4551 1021 b chem soc jpn 0009-2673 12013 1.436 1.598 0.00914 b cienc geod 1413-4853 0.061 1023 b ctr pesqui proc al 0102-0323 1024 b earthq eng 1570-761x 1.738 0.00316 1025 b eng geol environ 1435-9529 0.826 0.328b entomol res 0007-4853 2808 1.930 0.00399 0.6121027 b environ contam tox 0007-4861 5140 1.018 0.00630 0.2531028 b eur assoc fish pat 0108-0288 0.288 1029 b exp biol med 0007-4888 1430 0.00198 1030 b geofis teor appl 0006-6729 1031 b geol soc denmark 0011-6297 b geol soc finland 0367-5211 1033 b geosci 1214-1119 1.099 0.00121 1034 b hist med 0007-5140 0.576 b insectol 1721-8861 1036 b iran math soc 1735-8515 1037 b korean chem soc 0253-2964 4993 0.902 0.394 0.00806 0.1511038 b korean math soc 1015-8634 1039 b latinoam caribe pl 0717-7917 1040 b lebedev phys inst 1068-3356 b lond math soc 0024-6093 1317 0.00793 0.8191042 b malariol salud amb 1690-4648 1043 b malays math sci so 0126-6705 0.00057 1044 b mar sci 0007-4977 3912 1.148 1.594 0.5581045 b mater sci 0250-4707 1870 1046 b math biol 0092-8240 2783 1.847 2.002 < 0.00815 0.8871047 b math soc sci math 1220-3874 0.507 0.00080 b mens soc linn lyon 0366-1326 1049 b peabody mus nat hi 0079-032x 0.00039 1050 b pol acad sci-tech 0239-7528 1051 b sci math 0007-4497 0.631 0.155 0.5481052 b seismol soc am 0037-1106 11049 1.700 2.289 0.02202 1.090b soc bot mex 0366-2128 0.353 1054 b soc geol fr 0037-9409 1796 0.964 1.199 0.361 1055 b soc geol ital 0037-8763 1056 b soc math fr 0037-9484 1.0821057 b soc paleontol ital 0375-7633 1058 b stor sci mat 0392-4432 b symb log 1079-8986 0.868 1060 b vet i pulawy 0042-4870 0.101 1061 b volcanol 0258-8900 3288 2.205 2.555 1062 b world health organ 0042-9686 10247 4.641 5.551 0.02317 2.3791063 b-ent 0001-6497 0.504 0.015 1064 balk j med genet 1311-0160 1065 balt astron 1392-0049 0.2461066 balt for 1392-1355 1067 balt j road bridge e 1822-427x 1.610 1.217 0.1261068 baltica 0067-3064 1069 banach j math anal 1735-8787 0.4011070 bangl j bot 0253-5416 bangl j pharmacol 1991-007x 1072 bangl j plant taxon 1028-2092 0.674 1073 bariat nurs surg pat 1557-1459 0.461 basic appl ecol 1439-1791 1807 2.669 0.00658 basic clin pharmacol 1742-7835 2290 2.344 0.00831 0.6291076 basic res cardiol 0300-8428 3310 7.348 5.941 0.00839 basin res 0950-091x 1375 2.503 0.647 0.00376 1.0941078 bauingenieur-germany 0005-6650 bauphysik 0171-5445 1080 bautechnik 0932-8351 1081 bayesian anal 1931-6690 1.650 3.077 0.00731 2.549bba-bioenergetics 0005-2728 8070 4.843 4.485 1.024 0.02480 1.507bba-biomembranes 0005-2736 11498 3.990 4.111 0.03228 1.3281084 bba-gen subjects 0304-4165 7514 3.883 0.669 1.1921085 bba-gene regul mech 1874-9399 4017 4.405 3.476 0.01084 1.5021086 bba-mol basis dis 0925-4439 5467 5.387 4.839 1.132 0.01858 1.6421087 bba-mol cell biol l 1388-1981 5861 5.269 4.899 0.02233 1.8061088 bba-mol cell res 0167-4889 7895 5.538 4.932 0.03193 1.916bba-proteins proteom 1570-9639 5180 3.635 2.991 0.735 0.02041 1.0181090 bba-rev cancer 0304-419x 3046 9.380 9.939 1.756 0.01246 3.7881091 behav brain funct 1744-9081 2.127 0.00450 1092 behav brain res 0166-4328 16909 3.417 0.03839 behav brain sci 0140-525x 6081 9.396 14.305 0.01030 6.8351094 behav ecol 1045-2249 7121 3.083 0.709 0.02061 1.2991095 behav ecol sociobiol 0340-5443 10055 3.179 3.209 0.01940 behav genet 0001-8244 3159 2.520 2.994 0.00690 1.170behav inform technol 0144-929x 1.011 0.206 1098 behav med 0896-4289 1.143 1099 behav neurol 0953-4180 1.600 behav neurosci 0735-7044 7513 2.616 2.890 0.01142 behav pharmacol 0955-8810 2759 2.720 2.967 behav process 0376-6357 2479 1.652 1.604 0.00684 1103 behav sleep med 1540-2002 1104 behaviour 0005-7959 4574 1.568 0.303 0.00498 1105 beilstein j nanotech 2190-4286 0.2241106 beilstein j org chem 1860-5397 2.517 2.078 0.4781107 belg j bot 0778-4031 1108 belg j zool 0777-6276 0.2051109 bell labs tech j 1089-7089 1110 ber landwirtsch 0005-9080 1111 ber wissgesch 0170-6233 1112 berl munch tierarztl 0005-9366 0.820 1113 bernoulli 1350-7265 0.00882 1.6971114 best pract res cl en 1521-690x 2894 4.121 4.592 0.378 0.00755 1.3751115 best pract res cl ga 1521-6918 1955 2.456 2.853 0.788best pract res cl ha 1521-6926 1200 2.637 2.507 0.8511117 best pract res cl ob 1521-6934 1.731 2.323 0.00415 1118 best pract res cl rh 1521-6942 3.494 0.00634 1.0661119 beton- stahlbetonbau 0005-9900 0.00122 1120 bio-med mater eng 0959-2989 1.225 1.102 0.00151 bioacoustics 0952-4622 0.895 0.559 bioanalysis 1757-6180 0.795 0.00167 1123 biocatal biotransfor 1024-2422 0.00138 1124 biocell 0327-9545 0.630 0.710 0.200biochem bioph res co 0006-291x 76879 2.484 2.523 1730 0.16071 1126 biochem cell biol 0829-8211 2642 2.673 0.00814 1.0861127 biochem eng j 1369-703x 5016 2.645 2.769 0.01272 1128 biochem genet 0006-2928 0.997 1129 biochem j 0264-6021 49881 4.897 4.693 0.874 0.07918 1.8581130 biochem medica 1330-0962 1.343 1131 biochem mol biol edu 1470-8175 0.1651132 biochem pharmacol 0006-2952 25159 4.705 4.748 0.04524 1.3741133 biochem soc t 0300-5127 11714 3.729 0.04283 1134 biochem syst ecol 0305-1978 3009 0.931 biochemistry-moscow 0006-2979 2948 0.181 0.3201136 biochemistry-us 0006-2960 92130 3.422 3.249 0.662 0.16197 1.2681137 biochimie 0300-9084 6883 3.424 0.01942 1.1131138 biochip j 1976-0280 0.878 1139 bioconjugate chem 1043-1802 13657 4.930 5.224 0.03426 1.3471140 biocontrol 1386-6141 1307 1.266 0.507biocontrol sci 1342-4815 1142 biocontrol sci techn 0958-3157 1300 0.919 1.042 1143 biocybern biomed eng 0208-5216 biodegradation 0923-9820 2067 2.017 2.306 0.00401 1145 biodivers conserv 0960-3115 6678 2.238 0.01869 0.8441146 biodrugs 1173-8804 3.443 3.120 0.00337 bioelectrochemistry 1567-5394 3379 3.759 3.238 0.00643 1148 bioelectromagnetics 0197-8462 2127 2.165 0.00330 1149 bioenerg res 1939-1234 3.562 4.775 1.3261150 bioessays 0265-9247 8453 4.954 4.754 1.341 0.02411 1151 bioethics 0269-9702 0.00210 1152 biofabrication 1758-5082 3.480 biofactors 0951-6433 2276 4.933 2.959 0.00504 biofouling 0892-7014 2367 4.429 4.488 0.00766 1.422biofuel bioprod bior 1932-104x 4.738 6.970 0.720 0.00460 1.8961156 biofutur 0294-3506 0.0081157 biogeochemistry 0168-2563 6347 3.710 1.4841158 biogeosciences 1726-4170 3438 3.859 4.193 0.732 0.02409 1.7911159 biogerontology 1389-5729 1237 3.339 2.947 1160 bioinformatics 1367-4803 43380 5.468 6.051 0.666 0.15922 2.6061161 bioinorg chem appl 1565-3633 0.2711162 bioinspir biomim 1748-3182 1.952 2.662 1163 biointerphases 1934-8630 2.208 3.039 0.00260 0.9321164 biol agric hortic 0144-8765 0.485 1165 biol blood marrow tr 1083-8791 5289 3.873 0.02190 1.2871166 biol bull 1062-3590 1167 biol bull-us 0006-3185 4514 1.698 2.197 0.7681168 biol cell 0248-4900 2461 0.00787 1.5461169 biol chem 1431-6730 5900 2.965 2.868 0.828 0.01488 1.025 biol conserv 0006-3207 16944 4.115 0.04740 1.5771171 biol control 1049-9644 4250 2.003 0.00962 1172 biol cybern 0340-1200 4308 1.989 0.00513 0.7671173 biol direct 1745-6150 4.017 3.860 0.587 0.00691 1174 biol environ 0791-7945 1175 biol fert soils 0178-2762 5590 2.386 0.00584 0.6781176 biol invasions 1387-3547 4519 2.896 0.613 0.01733 biol j linn soc 0024-4066 2.193 2.301 0.01460 1178 biol lett< ers 1744-9561 4455 3.762 4.049 1.7231179 biol membrany 0233-4755 0.022biol pharm bull 0918-6158 9302 1.954 0.01813 0.460 biol philos 0169-3867 biol plantarum 0006-3134 2855 1.974 1.787 0.123 0.276biol proced online 1480-9222 1.290 1184 biol psychiat 0006-3223 34481 8.283 9.247 1.836 0.09414 3.194 biol psychol 0301-0511 4723 3.225 4.085 0.01515 1.405 biol reprod 0006-3363 21215 4.009 0.751 0.02569 1.0911187 biol res 0716-9760 1.029 1188 biol res nurs 1099-8004 1.445 1189 biol rev 1464-7931 5678 9.067 11.790 1.830 0.01403 4.8651190 biol rhythm res 0929-1016 1191 biol sport 0860-021x 0.065 0.034biol trace elem res 0163-4984 3653 0.194 0.00467 1193 biologia 0006-3088 0.557 0.00257 1194 biologicals 1045-1056 0.4001195 biomacromolecules 1525-7797 21280 5.479 5.646 0.752 0.06046 1196 biomark med 1752-0363 1.8 0.580 biomarkers 1354-750x 0.425 0.00361 0.6081198 biomass bioenerg 0961-9534 8980 3.646 4.624 0.01534 1199 biomaterials 0142-9612 60902 7.404 8.415 0.13068 2.028biomech model mechan 1617-7959 3.192 3.269 1.0601201 biomed chromatogr 0269-3879 2728 1.880 0.422 1202 biomed eng online 1475-925x 1.405 1.752 0.531biomed eng-app bas c 1016-2372 1204 biomed environ sci 0895-3988 1.129 0.2691205 biomed mater 1748-6041 0.00518 0.6731206 biomed microdevices 1387-2176 2297 3.032 3.406 0.00769 0.8541207 biomed opt express 2156-7085 2.333 1.1 0.626 biomed pap 1213-8118 1209 biomed pharmacother 0753-3322 2983 2.340 0.6241210 biomed res-tokyo 0388-6107 1.440 1211 biomed signal proces 1746-8094 1.395 1212 biomed tech 0013-5585 0.1931213 biomedica 0120-4157 biometals 0966-0844 2.823 2.919 0.00637 0.8211215 biometrical j 0323-3847 1.614 0.00567 0.9161216 biometrics 0006-341x 14212 1.827 2.249 0.251 0.02049 1.6521217 biometrika 0006-3444 13222 1.912 2.575 0.01882 2.6401218 biomicrofluidics 1932-1058 3.366 3.402 0.775 0.8281219 biomol nmr assign 1874-2718 biomol ther 1976-9148 0.694 0.0951221 bioorg chem 0045-2068 1.545 0.4031222 bioorg med chem lett 0960-894x 31475 2.554 0.505 1516 0.07352 0.5711223 bioorgan med chem 0968-0896 22584 2.921 3.157 0.529 0.05724 biopharm drug dispos 0142-2782 1.690 1225 biopharm int 1542-166x 0.00172 1226 biophys chem 0301-4622 4908 2.203 2.163 0.00970 1227 biophys j 0006-3495 50902 3.653 4.137 0.731 0.13533 1.6491228 biopolymers 0006-3525 10480 2.870 2.699 0.586 0.01532 0.8841229 biopreserv biobank 1947-5535 1.294 1230 bioproc biosyst eng 1615-7591 1.809 0.00286 1231 bioremediat j 1088-9868 1232 bioresource technol 0960-8524 37390 4.980 5.352 0.943 1640 0.08245 0.9881233 bioresources 1930-2126 0.00298 0.351 biorheology 0006-355x 1657 2.348 0.00243 0.7061235 biosci biotech bioch 0916-8451 10011 1.276 1.477 0.01730 biosci j 1516-3725 biosci trends 1881-7815 0.2411238 bioscience 0006-3568 10429 4.621 6.223 2.7911239 bioscience rep 0144-8463 1400 2.379 2.330 0.7651240 biosemiotics-neth 1875-1342 0.0001241 biosens bioelectron 0956-5663 20029 5.602 5.637 0.05043 1242 biostatistics 1465-4644 2225 2.145 3.162 0.01156 2.3121243 biosyst eng 1537-5110 0.4131244 biosystems 0303-2647 1994 1245 biotech histochem 1052-0295 1.100 1.329 1246 biotechniques 0736-6205 7571 2.962 0.319 0.01258 1247 biotechnol adv 0734-9750 5293 9.646 10.959 1.330 0.01584 2.6941248 biotechnol agron soc 1370-6233 1249 biotechnol appl bioc 0885-4513 1461 0.473 0.3591250 biotechnol bioeng 0006-3592 21407 3.946 3.856 0.734 0.03534 1.0231251 biotechnol biofuels 1754-6834 6.088 7.014 0.00261 1.9201252 biotechnol bioproc e 1226-8372 0.00250 0.2361253 biotechnol biotec eq 1310-2818 1254 biotechnol genet eng 0264-8725 biotechnol law rep 0730-031x 1256 biotechnol lett 0141-5492 8006 1.683 1.964 0.01295 0.4811257 biotechnol progr 8756-7938 7152 2.581 0.01252 0.6641258 biotropica 0006-3606 4756 2.229 2.570 0.00856 0.9451259 bipolar disord 1398-5647 3786 5.289 5.042 0.01183 1.3641260 bird conserv int 0959-2709 1.324 0.3871261 bird study 0006-3657 0.949 1262 birth defects res a 1542-9768 1798 2.742 2.738 0.00680 birth defects res b 1542-9733 1.931 2.316 1264 birth defects res c 1542-975x 3.623 0.00325 1265 birth-iss perinat c 0730-7659 1396 2.182 0.543 0.00292 1266 bit 0006-3835 0.724 0.7641267 bjog-int j obstet gy 1470-0328 11842 3.407 0.02564 1.2751268 bju int 1464-4096 15007 2.844 2.768 0.03989 1269 blood 0006-4971 140118 9.898 9.785 1.878 1568 0.42779 3.6841270 blood cancer j 2044-5385 blood cell mol dis 1079-9796 2.351 2.361 0.00687 1272 blood coagul fibrin 0957-5235 0.00392 0.3351273 blood press monit 1359-5237 1.775 0.096 0.4661274 blood pressure 0803-7051 1.426 0.463blood purificat 0253-5068 2.104 1276 blood rev 0268-960x 1632 6.610 2.4061277 blood transfus-italy 1723-2007 2.099 0.322 1278 blumea 0006-5196 0.2181279 bmb rep 1976-6696 0.00439 0.5971280 bmc biochem 1471-2091 1.988 0.00332 1281 bmc bioinformatics 1471-2105 14268 2.751 0.07757 1.3141282 bmc biol 1741-7007 2193 5.750 5.841 0.01674 2.7781283 bmc biophys 2046-1682 1284 bmc biotechnol 1472-6750 1756 2.349 3.081 0.00721 0.9131285 bmc cancer 1471-2407 7853 3.011 3.260 0.03832 1.008bmc cardiovasc disor 1471-2261 1.517 0.00357 1287 bmc cell biol 1471-2121 1475 2.589 0.00758 1.1171288 bmc complem altern m 1472-6882 2.241 bmc dev biol 1471-213x 2140 2.790 3.316 0.01365 1.4391290 bmc endocr disord 1472-6823 1291 bmc evol biol 1471-2148 7405 3.521 0.04718 1.833bmc fam pract 1471-2296 1.799 bmc gastroenterol 1471-230x 2.422 0.744 bmc genet 1471-2156 1823 0.00725 1295 bmc genomics 1471-2164 14580 4.073 4.328 0.711 0.08062 1.4751296 bmc health serv res 1472-6963 3262 1.660 2.254 0.01776 0.7781297 bmc immunol 1471-2172 0.9501298 bmc infect dis 1471-2334 3.118 3.236 0.02103 1.071bmc med 1741-7015 1835 6.035 5.768 0.825 0.00967 2.106 bmc med educ 1472-6920 0.019 bmc med ethics 1472-6939 1.737 1302 bmc med genet 1471-2350 1825 2.328 0.260 0.00951 1303 bmc med genomics 1755-8794 3.693 3.879 1.4371304 bmc med inform decis 1472-6947 1305 bmc med res methodol 1471-2288 2259 2.668 0.01103 1306 bmc microbiol 1471-2180 4355 3.044 3.375 0.02129 1.079 bmc mol biol 1471-2199 1950 3.401 0.01129 1.2391308 bmc musculoskel dis < 1471-2474 2444 1.577 1309 bmc nephrol 1471-2369 0.00185 1310 bmc neurol 1471-2377 1311 bmc neurosci 1471-2202 2912 3.042 3.232 0.01425 1312 bmc ophthalmol 1471-2415 1313 bmc pediatr 1471-2431 1.885 0.00437 1314 bmc plant biol 1471-2229 3198 3.447 4.181 1.2581315 bmc pregnancy childb 1471-2393 2.834 0.240 0.00571 1316 bmc psychiatry 1471-244x 1629 2.552 2.892 0.00748 bmc public health 1471-2458 7096 1.997 2.518 0.03620 1318 bmc struct biol 1472-6807 2.476 2.863 0.388 0.00626 1.1721319 bmc surg 1471-2482 1320 bmc syst biol 1752-0509 3.148 3.544 0.01054 1321 bmc vet res 1746-6148 1322 bmj qual saf 2044-5415 1323 bois for trop 0006-579x bol inst pesca 0046-9939 1325 bol soc esp ceram v 0366-3175 0.064 1326 bone 8756-3282 15996 4.023 4.463 0.876 0.04013 1.4251327 bone marrow transpl 0268-3369 10259 3.746 3.313 0.02199 1.011boreal environ res 1239-6095 1.803 0.00324 1329 boreas 0300-9483 1.910 0.00393 0.9351330 bosnian j basic med 1512-8601 0.489 1331 bosque 0304-8799 1332 bot helv 0253-1453 0.914 1333 bot j linn soc 0024-4074 3042 2.821 1.850 1334 bot mar 0006-8055 1983 1.493 0.00222 0.441bot rev 0006-8101 1864 3.056 1.2791336 bot stud 1817-406x 1.103 0.209botany 1916-2790 1.251 1.373 0.00291 1338 bothalia 0006-8241 1339 bound value probl 1687-2770 0.257 0.00191 0.4211340 bound-lay meteorol 0006-8314 4629 2.318 0.00837 0.8981341 brachytherapy 1538-4721 1.762 0.557 bradleya 0265-086x 1343 brain 0006-8950 38614 9.457 10.545 0.09993 3.9191344 brain behav evolut 0006-8977 2.364 0.00343 0.8611345 brain behav immun 0889-1591 4819 4.720 4.946 1.288 0.01561 brain cognition 0278-2626 5100 3.174 3.495 0.01274 1.225brain dev-jpn 0387-7604 2870 1.862 0.00670 1348 brain imaging behav 1931-7557 1.661 1349 brain injury 0269-9052 3406 1.906 1350 brain lang 0093-934x 4852 3.115 3.342 1351 brain pathol 1015-6305 3.995 4.767 1.302 0.01076 1.6461352 brain res 0006-8993 59237 2.728 2.739 0.09383 0.8531353 brain res bull 0361-9230 8602 2.818 2.605 0.536 0.01377 0.749brain res rev 0165-0173 8773 10.342 9.199 1.372 0.02256 3.3541355 brain stimul 1935-861x 6.000 0.00313 2.1011356 brain struct funct 1863-2653 5.628 6.061 0.00577 2.3961357 brain topogr 0896-0267 3.455 3.095 0.730 0.00300 1.1111358 brain tumor pathol 1433-7398 1.194 1.566 1359 bratisl med j 0006-9248 0.081 1360 braz arch biol techn 1516-8913 1361 braz j biol 1519-6984 1362 braz j chem eng 0104-6632 braz j infect dis 1413-8670 1.005 1364 braz j med biol res 0100-879x 4087 0.152 0.00621 0.371braz j microbiol 1517-8382 0.192braz j oceanogr 1679-8759 1367 braz j pharm sci 1984-8250 1368 braz j phys 0103-9733 0.497 1369 braz j poultry sci 1516-635x 0.362 1370 braz j probab stat 0103-0752 1371 breast 0960-9776 2026 2.491 2.227 0.00663 0.6891372 breast cancer res 1465-542x 6483 5.245 6.091 0.02651 2.1831373 breast cancer res tr 0167-6806 12507 4.431 4.351 0.04432 1.3901374 breast cancer-tokyo 1340-6868 1.363 breast care 1661-3791 0.0961376 breast j 1075-122x 1836 1.643 0.00633 0.6981377 breastfeed med 1556-8253 1.651 1.760 1378 breeding sci 1344-7610 1.451 1379 brief bioinform 1467-5463 2859 5.202 7.749 2.8571380 brief funct genomics 2041-2649 4.126 4.040 0.00547 1.481 brit dent j 0007-0610 3128 0.915 1.085 0.2741382 brit food j 0007-070x 0.703 0.970 0.079 0.00169 1383 brit j anaesth 0007-0912 11983 4.243 3.848 0.02246 brit j biomed sci 0967-4845 0.2131385 brit j cancer 0007-0920 35335 4.955 0.749 0.08263 1386 brit j clin pharmaco 0306-5251 8452 3.227 0.866 0.9531387 brit j dermatol 0007-0963 18754 3.666 3.944 0.03696 1.147brit j gen pract 0960-1643 3513 0.7581389 brit j haematol 0007-1048 20380 4.941 4.523 0.04980 1.6691390 brit j hosp med 1750-8460 0.0511391 brit j math stat psy 0007-1102 1.314 0.00287 1.1231392 brit j neurosurg 0268-8697 2023 0.884 1.137 0.00366 1393 brit j nutr 0007-1145 15036 0.03405 1394 brit j ophthalmol 0007-1161 14537 2.902 2.989 0.03191 1.033brit j oral max surg 0266-4356 3041 0.00511 0.352brit j pharmacol 0007-1188 26147 4.409 4.635 1.147 1.3351397 brit j philos sci 0007-0882 1398 brit j psychiat 0007-1250 20364 6.619 6.606 1.383 0.03444 2.334brit j radiol 0007-1285 6015 0.01075 brit j sport med 0306-3674 7592 3.790 0.01800 1.0161401 brit j surg 0007-1323 18702 4.606 0.918 0.03013 1402 brit med bull 0007-1420 3064 4.543 4.353 0.00382 1.2461403 brit med j 0959-535x 74759 14.093 13.511 7.992 0.14426 5.4041404 brit poultry sci 0007-1668 3518 1.446 0.00334 1405 brittonia 0007-196x 0.493 1406 brodogradnja 0007-215x 0.067 1407 bryologist 0007-2745 1518 0.2651408 buffalo bull 0125-6726 1409 build environ 0360-1323 5339 2.400 2.281 0.01672 0.6401410 build res inf 0961-3218 1.476 1411 build serv eng res t 0143-6244 0.460 0.2481412 build simul-china 1996-3599 0.815 0.00028 0.177bulg chem commun 0324-1130 0.283 1414 bulg j agric sci 1310-0351 bundesgesundheitsbla 1436-9990 1416 bunseki kagaku 0525-1931 0.102burns 0305-4179 4313 1.978 1418 bus inform syst eng 1867-0202 1419 bwk-energie-fachmag 1618-193x 1420 ca-cancer j clin 0007-9235 10976 101.780 67.410 21.263 0.04502 24.5021421 cad saude publica 0102-311x 3863 0.129 0.00864 1422 cah agric 1166-7699 1423 cah biol mar 0007-9723 1424 calc var partial dif 0944-2669 1.235 1.139 0.00868 1.3121425 calcified tissue int 0171-967x 6418 2.376 2.682 0.00879 1426 calcolo 0008-0624 1427 calif agr 0008-0845 1428 calif fish game 0008-1078 0.0891429 calphad 0364-5916 1703 camb q healthc ethic 0963-1801 0.00090 1431 can assoc radiol j 0846-5371 0.2431432 can entomol 0008-347x 2493 0.848 0.00156 1433 can fam physician 0008-350x 1697 1.589 1434 can field nat 0008-3550 1435 can geotech j 0008-3674 3263 1.041 0.168 0.00581 can j agr econ 0008-3976 1.017 1437 can j anesth 0832-610x 4037 2.100 1.117 0.00669 1438 can j anim sci 0008-3984 1771 0.994 1439 can j cardiol 0828-282x 2464 3.358 2.255 0.6811440 can j chem 0008-4042 8757 1.230 0.280 0.3271441 can j chem eng 0008-4034 2822 0.748 0.00271 1442 can j civil eng 0315-1468 0.334 1443 can j diabetes 1499-2671 1444 can j diet pract res 1486-3847 0.027 0.1491445 can j earth sci 0008-4077 4180 1.162 1446 can j elec< t comput e 0840-8688 1447 can j emerg med 1481-8035 1.184 1448 can j fish aquat sci 0706-652x 15179 2.213 2.632 0.01706 0.9701449 can j forest res 0045-5067 10026 1.685 0.01468 1450 can j gastroenterol 0835-7900 1.206 1451 can j infect dis med 1712-9532 1452 can j math 0008-414x 1453 can j microbiol 0008-4166 5483 can j neurol sci 0317-1671 2155 0.00339 1455 can j ophthalmol 0008-4182 1.471 0.484 can j phys 0008-4204 3556 0.2941457 can j physiol pharm 0008-4212 3859 1.920 1458 can j plant pathol 0706-0661 1459 can j plant sci 0008-4220 2482 1460 can j plast surg 1195-2199 can j psychiat 0706-7437 3793 2.417 2.969 0.00834 0.9491462 can j soil sci 0008-4271 2407 1.212 0.3951463 can j stat 0319-5724 0.00305 1464 can j surg 0008-428x 1561 1.054 1465 can j urol 1195-9479 0.641 1466 can j vet res 0830-9000 0.939 1467 can j zool 0008-4301 9387 0.00778 1468 can math bull 0008-4395 0.265 1469 can med assoc j 0820-3946 11413 8.217 8.311 1.917 0.02952 3.0151470 can metall quart 0008-4433 1471 can min j 0008-4492 0.0131472 can mineral 0008-4476 3304 1.115 0.4791473 can respir j 1198-2241 1474 can vet j 0008-5286 1.221 0.00329 0.336can water resour j 0701-1784 1476 cancer biol ther 1538-4047 5244 2.636 2.920 0.812 0.02104 0.9401477 cancer biomark 1574-0153 1.078 1478 cancer biother radio 1084-9785 1479 cancer cause control 0957-5243 6408 2.877 3.237 0.01896 1480 cancer cell 1535-6108 19726 26.566 28.174 0.11455 15.2441481 cancer cell int 1475-2867 1.973 1482 cancer chemoth pharm 0344-5704 6922 2.713 0.01597 1483 cancer cytopathol 1934-662x 1571 1484 cancer detect prev 0361-090x 2.414 1485 cancer discov 2159-8274 1486 cancer epidem biomar 1055-9965 18818 4.123 4.565 0.06118 1.6111487 cancer epidemiol 1877-7821 2.010 0.6951488 cancer gene ther 0929-1903 2486 2.802 2.508 1489 cancer genet cytogen 0165-4608 3802 1.389 0.00796 cancer genet-ny 2210-7762 0.110 1491 cancer imaging 1470-7330 1492 cancer immunol immun 0340-7004 4900 3.701 0.01710 1.0851493 cancer invest 0735-7907 2476 1.857 0.00682 0.6021494 cancer j 1528-9117 1878 3.256 1495 cancer lett 0304-3835 17370 4.238 4.031 0.610 0.04750 1.1781496 cancer metast rev 0167-7659 4501 10.573 10.339 0.01806 3.9161497 cancer nurs 0162-220x 2176 1.792 2.395 1498 cancer prev res 1940-6207 2068 4.908 5.181 1.423 0.01038 1.7071499 cancer radiother 1278-3218 1500 cancer res 0008-5472 138772 7.856 8.164 1.582 0.36281 3.0951501 cancer sci 1347-9032 7342 3.325 3.658 0.03348 1.1891502 cancer treat rev 0305-7372 3642 6.054 5.828 0.01288 1.8011503 cancer-am cancer soc 0008-543x 59451 4.771 5.306 0.11319 1.9231504 candollea 0373-2967 0.082carbohyd polym 0144-8617 15055 3.628 3.987 0.02838 1506 carbohyd res 0008-6215 14992 2.332 0.01736 0.539carbon 0008-6223 27798 5.378 6.008 0.06074 1.595carbonate evaporite 0891-2556 1509 carcinogenesis 0143-3334 20081 5.702 5.203 0.04646 cardiol clin 0733-8651 1.357 0.4691511 cardiol j 1897-5593 1512 cardiol rev 1061-5377 2.880 0.00274 1513 cardiol young 1047-9511 1514 cardiology 0008-6312 1894 1.705 cardiovasc diabetol 1475-2840 3.346 0.00409 cardiovasc drug ther 0920-3206 3.130 0.8131517 cardiovasc eng 1567-8822 cardiovasc inter rad 0174-1551 3362 2.093 2.007 0.01046 0.5661519 cardiovasc j afr 1995-1892 0.767 1520 cardiovasc pathol 1054-8807 2.066 1.935 cardiovasc res 0008-6363 19557 6.064 6.225 1.509 0.05153 2.0691522 cardiovasc ther 1755-5914 2.353 2.313 0.6161523 cardiovasc toxicol 1530-7905 2.067 1524 cardiovasc ultrasoun 1476-7120 1.265 1525 caribb j sci 0008-6452 0.399 0.1481526 caries res 0008-6568 3382 2.726 0.6191527 carpath j earth env 1842-4090 1.450 0.0641528 carpathian j math 1584-2851 1529 caryologia 0008-7114 castanea 0008-7475 0.1541531 catal commun 1566-7367 7950 2.986 3.299 0.02642 1532 catal lett 1011-372x 9443 2.242 2.314 0.01769 1533 catal rev 0161-4940 2737 7.500 9.927 0.00219 2.901catal sci technol 2044-4753 1535 catal surv asia 1571-1013 1536 catal today 0920-5861 22303 3.584 0.04130 1537 catena 0341-8162 3959 1.889 2.510 0.00786 1538 catheter cardio inte 1522-1946 6609 2.290 2.373 0.02035 cattle pract 0969-1251 0.171 1540 cbe-life sci educ 1931-7913 1.191 1541 celest mech dyn astr 0923-2958 1.457 1.280 0.5111542 cell 0092-8674 171297 32.403 34.774 6.382 0.66143 20.5361543 cell adhes migr 1933-6918 1.816 0.7611544 cell biochem biophys 1085-9195 3.743 3.107 0.00561 1.1311545 cell biochem funct 0263-6484 1546 cell biol int 1065-6995 2844 1.482 0.00683 0.4141547 cell biol toxicol 0742-2091 2.511 2.161 0.00262 1548 cell calcium 0143-4160 4311 3.766 3.698 0.01211 1.2501549 cell chem technol 0576-9787 1550 cell commun adhes 1541-9061 1.176 1.798 0.7331551 cell commun signal 1478-811x 5.500 cell cycle 1538-4101 14143 4.571 1.227 0.07794 1.7081553 cell death differ 1350-9047 13183 8.849 7.955 1.977 0.05754 3.235cell death dis 2041-4889 1.4481555 cell div 1747-1028 3.563 1.8791556 cell host microbe 1931-3128 4840 13.500 14.067 2.274 0.04200 6.9701557 cell immunol 0008-8749 3766 2.265 1558 cell j 2228-5806 1559 cell metab 1550-4131 9907 13.668 17.770 2.624 0.07160 8.6021560 cell microbiol 1462-5814 7268 5.458 5.299 0.03234 1.973cell mol bioeng 1865-5025 1.947 0.6551562 cell mol biol 0145-5680 1818 7.179 0.3331563 cell mol biol lett 1425-8153 1564 cell mol immunol 1672-7681 2.992 1565 cell mol life sci 1420-682x 16807 6.570 6.534 0.06525 2.4991566 cell mol neurobiol 0272-4340 2684 1.969 2.326 0.00700 0.668cell motil cytoskel 0886-1544 2966 4.194 3.197 0.00836 cell oncol 2211-3428 3.105 1569 cell physiol biochem 1015-8987 2386 2.835 0.00944 1570 cell polym 0262-4893 cell proliferat 0960-7722 2.521 0.00443 0.7311572 cell reprogram 2152-4971 0.587 cell res 1001-0602 5318 8.190 7.889 2.788 0.02799 3.1291574 cell signal 0898-6568 7415 4.011 1.065 0.03093 1.4781575 cell stem cell 1934-5909 10145 25.421 27.494 6.646 0.10091 15.966cell stress chaperon 1355-8145 0.00385 1577 cell struct funct 0386-7196 2.292 2.731 1.2541578 cell tissue bank 1389-9333 0.965 1579 cell tissue res 0302-766x 9481 3.114 0.01841 1.0011580 cells tissues organs 1422-6405 1754 2.406 1581 cellulose 0969-0239 2720 < 3.685 0.00665 0.8641582 cem wapno beton 1425-8129 1583 cement concrete comp 0958-9465 3100 2.421 0.00971 1.0811584 cement concrete res 0008-8846 11593 2.781 3.282 1585 cent eur j biol 1895-104x 1.020 0.00126 0.2251586 cent eur j chem 1895-1066 1.073 1587 cent eur j immunol 1426-3912 1588 cent eur j math 1895-1074 0.144 1589 cent eur j med 1895-1058 0.046 1590 cent eur j oper res 1435-246x 1591 cent eur j phys 1895-1082 0.801 1592 cent eur neurosurg 1868-4904 0.2501593 cephalalgia 0333-1024 6940 3.430 3.535 0.01249 0.8401594 ceram int 0272-8842 5693 1.751 1.896 0.01635 0.5331595 ceram-silikaty 0862-5468 0.382 1596 cereal chem 0009-0352 5855 1.574 0.372cereal food world 0146-6283 1598 cereal res commun 0133-3720 1599 cereb cortex 1047-3211 19105 6.544 7.058 0.07298 3.000 cerebellum 1473-4222 3.207 3.597 0.629 0.00558 1.2011601 cerebrovasc dis 1015-9770 4357 2.723 2.837 0.01523 1602 cerne 0104-7760 1603 cesk slov neurol n 1210-7859 0.0051604 cfi-ceram forum int 0173-9913 1605 chalcogenide lett 1584-8663 0.834 1606 channels 1933-6950 2.140 2.402 0.469 0.00358 1607 chaos 1054-1500 3985 2.051 0.01574 0.921chaos soliton fract 0960-0779 7839 1.222 0.02882 chelonian conserv bi 1071-8443 0.990 0.00112 0.2951610 chem anal-warsaw 0009-2223 0.118chem biochem eng q 0352-9568 0.1451612 chem biodivers 1612-1872 2298 1.804 1.819 0.00818 1613 chem biol 1074-5521 9121 5.829 5.971 1.258 0.02761 2.4361614 chem biol drug des 1747-0277 2.477 1615 chem cent j 1752-153x 3.281 3.033 0.8391616 chem commun 1359-7345 105562 6.169 6.082 3408 0.24077 chem ecol 0275-7540 0.763 chem educ res pract 1109-4028 1619 chem eng commun 0098-6445 1635 0.946 1620 chem eng j 1385-8947 14238 3.461 3.681 0.03925 1621 chem eng news 0009-2347 1622 chem eng process 0255-2701 3522 1.924 0.00954 chem eng prog 0360-7275 0.00277 1624 chem eng res des 0263-8762 4214 2.028 0.00812 1625 chem eng sci 0009-2509 24647 2.431 2.601 0.366 0.03956 0.7031626 chem eng technol 0930-7516 3278 0.00770 1627 chem eng-new york 0009-2460 0.00911 1.5841628 chem erde-geochem 0009-2819 1.447 1.671 chem geol 0009-2541 17392 3.518 4.063 0.03951 1630 chem heterocycl com 0009-3122 1989 0.060 1631 chem immunol 1015-0145 chem ind chem eng q 1451-9372 chem ind-london 0009-3068 1634 chem j chinese u 0251-0790 2564 chem lett 0366-7022 14795 1.587 1.433 0.02173 1636 chem listy 0009-2770 1637 chem mater 0897-4756 69926 7.286 6.949 1.637 0.15823 1.910chem nat compd 0009-3130 1728 1639 chem pap 0366-6352 1.025 chem pharm bull 0009-2363 13531 0.01110 1641 chem phys 0301-0104 13382 0.02350 0.641chem phys carbon 0069-3138 0.941chem phys lett 0009-2614 55511 2.337 0.07803 1644 chem phys lipids 0009-3084 3724 0.00560 0.7601645 chem process eng-inz 0208-6425 0.219 1646 chem rec 1527-8999 4.377 4.161 1647 chem res chinese u 1005-9040 1648 chem res toxicol 0893-228x 10444 3.779 0.02114 1.0391649 chem rev 0009-2665 103702 40.197 42.054 7.158 0.21464 13.3051650 chem sci 2041-6520 7.525 7.545 0.9 0.00453 2.4891651 chem senses 0379-864x 3448 2.599 0.00760 1652 chem soc rev 0306-0012 35918 28.760 28.098 5.471 0.13670 8.069chem spec bioavailab 0954-2299 0.0901654 chem tech fuels oil 0009-3092 1655 chem unserer zeit 0009-2851 1656 chem vapor depos 0948-1907 1.796 1.851 chem world-uk 1473-7604 1658 chem-asian j 1861-4728 4472 4.500 4.461 1.045 0.02083 1.2431659 chem-biol interact 0009-2797 6748 2.865 0.01528 1660 chem-eur j 0947-6539 54127 5.925 5.866 0.16880 1661 chem-ing-tech 0009-286x 0.479 0.1061662 chembiochem 1439-4227 9059 3.719 0.819 0.03418 1663 chemcatchem 1867-3880 5.207 1.049 0.00601 1664 chemija 0235-7216 chemmedchem 1860-7179 3364 3.151 3.445 0.765 0.01448 1666 chemoecology 0937-7409 0.148 0.6581667 chemometr intell lab 0169-7439 4494 2.295 0.5921668 chemosens percept 1936-5802 1669 chemosphere 0045-6535 35587 3.206 0.07948 1670 chemotherapy 0009-3157 1671 chemphyschem 1439-4235 10354 3.412 3.553 0.04139 1.1871672 chemsuschem 1864-5631 3040 6.827 7.171 0.01339 1.8641673 chest 0012-3692 41594 5.250 6.224 1.332 0.08875 2.1571674 chiang mai j sci 0125-2526 1675 chil j agr res 0718-5820 0.447 1676 child adol ment h-uk 1475-357x 1677 child care hlth dev 0305-1862 1834 0.00488 1678 child nerv syst 0256-7040 4090 0.351 0.00828 1679 child neuropsychol 0929-7049 2.354 0.7481680 chim oggi 0392-839x 0.00137 0.1171681 chimia 0009-4293 1.342 0.00355 1682 chin j integr med 1672-0415 0.799 chin j mech eng-en 1000-9345 0.013 1684 chin j oceanol limn 0254-4059 0.498 chin opt lett 1671-7694 0.00259 1686 china commun 1673-5447 1687 china foundry 1672-6421 1688 china ocean eng 0890-5487 0.468 1689 china pet process pe 1008-6234 chinese ann math b 0252-9599 1691 chinese chem lett 1001-8417 2566 0.978 1692 chinese geogr sci 1002-0063 1693 chinese j aeronaut 1000-9361 0.406 1694 chinese j anal chem 0253-3820 1960 0.0841695 chinese j cancer res 1000-9604 1696 chinese j catal 0253-9837 1.171 0.139chinese j chem 1001-604x 1873 1698 chinese j chem eng 1004-9541 0.00347 0.2551699 chinese j chem phys 1674-0068 1700 chinese j electron 1022-4653 0.112 1701 chinese j geophys-ch 0001-5733 1718 1702 chinese j inorg chem 1001-4861 0.628 0.057chinese j org chem 0253-2786 1704 chinese j phys 0577-9073 0.448 1705 chinese j physiol 0304-4920 0.743 chinese j polym sci 0256-7679 0.623 0.1071707 chinese j struc chem 0254-5861 1708 chinese med j-peking 0366-6999 4447 0.864 0.01097 1709 chinese phys b 1674-1056 4033 0.00982 1710 chinese phys c 1674-1137 chinese phys lett 0256-307x 4932 0.01666 1712 chinese sci bull 1001-6538 7080 1.321 1.243 0.01617 chir main 1297-3203 1714 chirality 0899-0042 2809 2.350 0.405 1715 chirurg 0009-4722 1716 chirurgia-bucharest 1221-9118 1717 chromatographia 0009-5893 5186 1.195 1.275 0.249 0.00968 chromosoma 0009-5915 3358 3.847 0.00930 2.0181719 chromosome res 0967-3849 2498 3.087 1.381chron dis inj can 1925-6523 1721 chronic dis can 0228-8699 0.979 1722 chronobiol int 0742-0528 2740 4.028 3.233 cienc agrotec 1413-7054 1724 cienc florest 0103-9954 1725 cienc investig agrar 0304-5609 cienc mar 0185-3880 0.642 0.184 cienc rural 0103-8478 1993 cienc tec vitivinic 0254-0223 ciencia tecnol alime 0101-2061 < cin-comput inform nu 1538-2931 1.120 0.3071731 cir cir 0009-7411 0.012 1732 cir espan 0009-739x 1733 circ j 1346-9843 6063 2.755 0.02118 circ res 0009-7330 43101 9.489 10.037 2.023 0.10893 3.8851735 circ syst signal pr 0278-081x 0.817 1736 circ-arrhythmia elec 1941-3149 6.462 6.525 2.542circ-cardiovasc gene 1942-325x 6.105 6.137 0.00844 2.8691738 circ-cardiovasc imag 1941-9651 6.032 2.6101739 circ-cardiovasc inte 1941-7640 6.058 6.250 0.00841 2.8591740 circ-cardiovasc qual 1941-7705 4.906 5.097 1.459 0.00900 2.799circ-heart fail 1941-3289 6.286 6.639 0.01137 3.2401742 circuit world 0305-6120 0.1411743 circulation 0009-7322 148286 14.739 15.304 3.041 0.33959 5.9681744 cirp ann-manuf techn 0007-8506 4675 0.00840 1745 civ eng environ syst 1028-6608 0.1871746 civil eng 0885-7024 1747 cl lymph myelom leuk 2152-2650 1.601 0.00390 1748 cladistics 0748-3007 3229 5.684 1749 classical quant grav 0264-9381 13742 3.320 2.706 0.04902 1.0921750 clay clay miner 0009-8604 3898 1.558 0.00317 0.5411751 clay miner 0009-8558 1.052 clean technol envir 1618-954x clean-soil air water 1863-0650 2.177 cleft palate-cran j 1545-1569 2810 0.822 0.162 0.00322 1755 clev clin j med 0891-1150 3.773 2.982 0.660 0.00477 clim dynam 0930-7575 7147 4.602 5.114 0.02842 2.4911757 clim past 1814-9324 3.509 3.884 0.00756 1.9141758 clim res 0936-577x 2690 1.994 1759 climacteric 1369-7137 1.986 1760 climatic change 0165-0009 8798 0.02639 1.8441761 clin anat 0897-3806 1795 1.289 clin appl thromb-hem 1076-0296 1.268 0.3121763 clin auton res 0959-9851 1764 clin biochem 0009-9120 5455 2.079 0.01256 1765 clin biomech 0268-0033 2.071 1766 clin breast cancer 1526-8209 2.375 2.273 0.00417 1767 clin cancer res 1078-0432 60853 7.742 7.508 1.486 0.20600 2.5341768 clin cardiol 0160-9289 2175 2.151 0.5961769 clin chem 0009-9147 25542 7.905 6.725 0.04655 2.1471770 clin chem lab med 1434-6621 4483 1.982 0.01166 clin chest med 0272-5231 1880 3.284 2.900 0.00505 0.9821772 clin chim acta 0009-8981 11065 2.535 2.661 0.02221 0.7181773 clin colorectal canc 1533-0028 1.676 1.735 0.5751774 clin dermatol 0738-081x 2277 2.933 0.00541 1775 clin dev immunol 1740-2522 1.838 1776 clin drug invest 1173-2563 1.822 1.443 0.3601777 clin dysmorphol 0962-8827 1778 clin eeg neurosci 1550-0594 0.3991779 clin endocrinol 0300-0664 10349 3.168 0.02334 1.0091780 clin exp allergy 0954-7894 10236 5.032 4.342 0.02224 1781 clin exp dermatol 0307-6938 3704 1.198 1.499 clin exp hypertens 1064-1963 1.074 1783 clin exp immunol 0009-9104 11582 3.360 3.071 0.02312 0.9961784 clin exp med 1591-8890 1785 clin exp metastas 0262-0898 3014 1.3341786 clin exp nephrol 1342-1751 1787 clin exp obstet gyn 0390-6663 1788 clin exp ophthalmol 1442-6404 1865 1789 clin exp optom 0816-4622 1790 clin exp otorhinolar 1976-8710 1791 clin exp pharmacol p 0305-1870 4716 2.001 0.01126 1792 clin exp rheumatol 0392-856x 5042 2.148 0.301 0.01116 clin gastroenterol h 1542-3565 7164 5.627 5.973 1.765 0.03457 2.0881794 clin genet 0009-9163 5150 0.01433 1.180clin genitourin canc 1558-7673 clin geriatr med 0749-0690 0.00255 0.5741797 clin gerontologist 0731-7115 clin hemorheol micro 1386-0291 0.2521799 clin imag 0899-7071 1800 clin immunol 1521-6616 6967 4.046 3.893 0.957 0.02050 1801 clin implant dent r 1523-0899 3.532 3.200 1802 clin infect dis 1058-4838 43819 9.154 8.667 2.312 0.13417 3.1211803 clin interv aging 1176-9092 1804 clin invest med 0147-958x 1.167 1.504 1805 clin j am soc nephro 1555-9041 6561 5.227 5.310 0.03731 1.7361806 clin j oncol nurs 1092-1095 0.00183 clin j pain 0749-8047 4279 2.813 3.352 0.01058 1.0171808 clin j sport med 1050-642x 2320 2.356 0.6881809 clin lab 1433-6510 1810 clin lab med 0272-2712 1.971 1.815 clin linguist phonet 0269-9206 1812 clin lipidol 1758-4299 1813 clin liver dis 1089-3261 3.180 1814 clin lung cancer 1525-7304 2.287 1815 clin med 1470-2118 1816 clin microbiol infec 1198-743x 7630 4.162 0.03102 1.3851817 clin microbiol rev 0893-8512 11551 16.129 19.832 0.02172 6.834 clin nephrol 0301-0430 1819 clin neurol neurosur 0303-8467 0.00738 0.4561820 clin neuropathol 0722-5091 1.089 1821 clin neuropharmacol 0362-5664 1911 2.166 2.245 1822 clin neurophysiol 1388-2457 11496 3.760 0.02917 1.162clin neuropsychol 1385-4046 2.115 2.173 0.5791824 clin neuroradiol 1869-1439 clin nucl med 0363-9762 2570 3.674 0.00368 0.6061826 clin nurs res 1054-7738 0.881 1827 clin nurse spec 0887-6274 1828 clin nutr 0261-5614 4417 3.731 4.093 0.01105 1829 clin obstet gynecol 0009-9201 2004 0.00566 0.8561830 clin oncol-uk 0936-6555 2.072 2.190 0.00604 1831 clin oral implan res 0905-7161 6306 2.514 3.435 0.354 0.01214 0.8821832 clin oral invest 1432-6981 0.00427 1833 clin orthop relat r 0009-921x 28888 2.533 2.617 0.03571 clin otolaryngol 1749-4478 2187 0.610 clin pediatr 0009-9228 2235 1.151 clin perinatol 0095-5108 2.457 2.593 0.00404 1837 clin pharmacokinet 0312-5963 5928 5.398 4.984 0.00810 1.4261838 clin pharmacol ther 0009-9236 12986 6.043 6.231 0.03086 1.9421839 clin physiol funct i 1475-0961 1840 clin plast surg 0094-1298 1842 1.422 1841 clin psychol-uk 1328-4207 clin radiol 0009-9260 4138 0.00852 1843 clin rehabil 0269-2155 3370 2.123 2.530 0.00717 1844 clin res cardiol 1861-0684 2.950 2.216 0.705 clin res hepatol gas 2210-7401 1846 clin respir j 1752-6981 1847 clin rev allerg immu 1080-0549 3.677 0.8751848 clin rheumatol 0770-3198 1.996 1.722 0.4861849 clin sci 0143-5221 7375 0.01370 1.3511850 clin sport med 0278-5919 1851 clin ter 0009-9074 0.011 clin ther 0149-2918 6205 0.01772 0.895 clin toxicol 1556-3650 1854 clin transl oncol 1699-048x 1.327 0.00395 1855 clin transplant 0902-0063 3392 1856 clin trials 1740-7745 2.418 1857 clin vaccine immunol 1556-6811 3478 2.546 0.502 0.01756 1858 clin vet pequenos an 1130-7064 1859 clinics 1807-5932 2.058 1860 cloning stem cells 1536-2302 0.00304 1861 cluster comput 1386-7857 1862 cmc-comput mater con 1546-2218 1863 cmes-comp model eng 1526-1492 1.123 0.00613 cns drugs 1172-7047 2853 4.795 4.334 0.00768 1.164cns neurol disord-dr 1871-5273 3.810 4.120 1.1061866 cns neurosci ther 1755-5930 4.443 4.528 0.00242 1.2201867 coast eng 0378-3839 2876 0.576 1.000< 1868 coast eng j 0578-5634 1869 coast manage 0892-0753 1.411 cochrane db syst rev 1469-493x 29593 5.715 6.217 0.12187 1871 cogn affect behav ne 1530-7026 2071 3.565 4.857 0.00699 1.9411872 cogn behav neurol 1543-3633 cogn comput 1866-9956 0.2791874 cogn neurodynamics 1871-4080 0.985 1.439 1875 cogn neuropsychol 0264-3294 2442 2.134 3.136 0.00447 1.1431876 cogn neurosci-uk 1758-8928 1877 cogn syst res 1389-0417 1.128 cognitive psychol 0010-0285 5360 4.273 5.061 2.8441879 cold reg sci technol 0165-232x 1.565 0.380coleopts bull 0010-065x 0.513 1881 collect czech chem c 0010-0765 2449 1882 collect math 0010-0757 1883 collegian 1322-7696 1884 colloid j 1061-933x 0.1791885 colloid polym sci 0303-402x 5510 2.331 2.077 0.4641886 colloid surface a 0927-7757 17780 2.236 2.359 0.03625 1887 colloid surface b 0927-7765 8715 3.456 3.354 0.739colloq math-warsaw 0010-1354 1889 colomb medica 1657-9534 1890 color res appl 0361-2317 1891 color technol 1472-3581 0.959 0.2441892 colorectal dis 1462-8910 3196 2.927 1893 comb chem high t scr 1386-2073 1.785 1.903 comb probab comput 0963-5483 0.816 1895 combinatorica 0209-9683 1.471combust explo shock 0010-5082 0.544 combust flame 0010-2180 10269 3.585 3.541 0.02044 1.1671898 combust sci technol 0010-2202 2938 0.00512 0.5601899 combust theor model 1364-7830 1.095 0.00228 0.5341900 comm app math com sc 1559-3940 1.562 1901 comment inorg chem 0260-3594 2.370 1902 comment math helv 0010-2571 1.6261903 commun acm 0001-0782 9070 1.919 2.113 0.01531 1904 commun algebra 0092-7872 2465 commun anal geom 1019-8385 0.687 0.00371 1.1811906 commun comput phys 1815-2406 1.704 0.477 0.00744 0.9371907 commun contemp math 0219-1997 1.015commun math phys 0010-3616 12829 1.941 0.04294 1909 commun math sci 1539-6746 1.1841910 commun nonlinear sci 1007-5704 3521 0.01694 commun number theory 1931-4523 1.563 1.5861912 commun numer meth en 1069-8299 0.5301913 commun part diff eq 0360-5302 2161 0.894 1.304 1.5081914 commun pur appl anal 1534-0392 0.6211915 commun pur appl math 0010-3640 5979 3.940 0.01805 4.2161916 commun soil sci plan 0010-3624 3466 commun stat-simul c 0361-0918 0.387 1918 commun stat-theor m 0361-0926 0.00600 1919 commun theor phys 0253-6102 0.747 0.00532 community dent hlth 0265-539x 0.936 1921 community dent oral 0301-5661 3187 1.894 2.831 community ecol 1585-8553 0.6181923 comp biochem phys a 1095-6433 8122 2.235 0.590 0.01392 1924 comp biochem phys b 1096-4959 6533 1.984 0.00843 1925 comp biochem phys c 1532-0456 5429 0.00892 0.7221926 comp biochem phys d 1744-117x 2.011 1927 comp cytogenet 1993-0771 1928 comp funct genom 1531-6912 1.282 1929 comp geom-theor appl 0925-7721 1930 comp immunol microb 0147-9571 0.6371931 comp mater sci 0927-0256 6635 0.02250 0.6461932 comp math math phys 0965-5425 0.00308 1933 comp parasitol 1525-2647 0.2031934 comparative med 1532-0820 1935 compel 0332-1649 1936 complement ther med 0965-2299 1.872 complex anal oper th 1661-8254 complex var elliptic 1747-6933 0.00359 1939 complexity 1076-2787 1940 compos interface 0927-6440 0.581 0.1781941 compos math 0010-437x 1.420 0.01382 2.3951942 compos part a-appl s 1359-835x 6952 2.695 3.160 0.01884 0.8991943 compos part b-eng 1359-8368 2365 0.8261944 compos sci technol 0266-3538 14310 3.144 3.818 0.03768 1.1361945 compos struct 0263-8223 6586 2.240 0.369 0.01824 0.697compost sci util 1065-657x 1947 compr psychiat 0010-440x 3492 2.665 0.00625 1948 compr rev food sci f 1541-4337 3.724 4.297 1949 comput aided design 0010-4485 2848 1.810 comput aided geom d 0167-8396 1951 comput aided surg 1092-9088 1952 comput animat virt w 1546-4261 0.00107 1953 comput appl eng educ 1061-3773 1954 comput appl math 0101-8205 comput biol chem 1476-9271 1.551 comput biol med 0010-4825 0.00430 1957 comput chem eng 0098-1354 6655 2.404 0.01101 0.684comput commun 0140-3664 2350 1.044 1.067 0.01067 1959 comput commun rev 0146-4833 1.307 0.00609 comput complex 1016-3328 1.122 1.4471961 comput concrete 1598-8198 1962 comput econ 0927-7099 1963 comput educ 0360-1315 3557 2.621 0.00983 0.5981964 comput electr eng 0045-7906 comput electron agr 0168-1699 1966 comput fluids 0045-7930 2982 0.01114 1967 comput geosci-uk 0098-3004 3562 0.6871968 comput geotech 0266-352x 1.256 0.5931969 comput graph forum 0167-7055 2438 1.634 1.814 0.02186 comput graph world 0271-4159 0.0091971 comput graph-uk 0097-8493 0.00348 0.5051972 comput ind 0166-3615 1.529 1973 comput ind eng 0360-8352 3499 1974 comput inform 1335-9150 1975 comput intell-us 0824-7935 0.971 0.977 1976 comput j 0010-4620 2000 1977 comput lang syst str 1477-8424 1978 comput linguist 0891-2017 0.9051979 comput math appl 0898-1221 7062 1.747 0.02532 0.5881980 comput math method m 1748-670x 1981 comput math organ th 1381-298x 1982 comput mech 0178-7675 3101 2.294 0.01072 1.045comput med imag grap 0895-6111 1.467 0.00249 comput meth prog bio 0169-2607 2060 1.531 1985 comput method appl m 0045-7825 13976 2.651 0.04025 1986 comput method biomec 1025-5842 1987 comput music j 0148-9267 0.920 1988 comput netw 1389-1286 3501 0.01409 comput oper res 0305-0548 4822 1.720 0.02034 0.9651990 comput optim appl 0926-6003 1.350 1.0641991 comput phys commun 0010-4655 9287 3.268 2.812 0.02679 1.3541992 comput sci eng 1521-9615 1.312 0.696comput sci inf syst 1820-0214 comput secur 0167-4048 1.075 0.185 1995 comput speech lang 0885-2308 1996 comput stand inter 0920-5489 1.118 1997 comput stat data an 0167-9473 3918 0.02627 0.8381998 comput struct 0045-7949 6792 1.874 1.961 0.01345 0.9141999 comput supp coop w j 0925-9724 comput syst sci eng 0267-6192 0.0712001 comput theor chem 2210-271x comput vis image und 1077-3142 2672 1.340 2.485 1.2952003 comput-aided civ inf 1093-9687 3.382 2.704 computat geosci 1420-0597 1.348 0.00254 0.8102005 computation stat 0943-4062 2006 computer 0018-9162 3601 1.470 0.00975 computing 0010-485x 0.701 0.925 2008 concept magn reson a 1546-6086 1.674 2009 concept magn reson b 1552-5031 1.130 2010 concurr comp-pract e 1532-0626 2011 concurrent eng-res a 1063-293x 0.1692012 condens matter phys 1607-324x 0.681 0.2702013 condor 0010-5422 4673 0.00545 2014 configurations 1063-1801 0.1802015 congenit heart dis 1747-079x 2016 connect sci 0954-0091 2017 connect tissue res < 0300-8207 2018 conserv biol 0888-8892 16410 4.692 5.940 0.03449 2.2952019 conserv genet 1566-0621 3293 2.053 0.01237 2020 conserv genet resour 1877-7252 2021 conserv lett 1755-263x 4.082 4.752 0.00516 2022 constr approx 0176-4276 1.523constr build mater 0950-0618 4396 1.834 0.01698 2024 constraints 1383-7133 2025 cont shelf res 0278-4343 5450 2.088 2.352 0.01520 contact dermatitis 0105-1873 5240 3.570 0.00569 0.6632027 contemp clin trials 1551-7144 1.892 0.8312028 contemp nurse 1037-6178 2029 contemp phys 0010-7514 2.081 2.684 1.4662030 contemp probl ecol 1995-4255 0.0532031 continuum mech therm 0935-1175 1.310 2032 contraception 0010-7824 4669 2.590 0.01153 0.8152033 contrast media mol i 1555-4309 3.328 3.580 2034 contrib astron obs s 1335-1842 2035 contrib mineral petr 0010-7999 10859 3.441 3.900 0.01439 1.7412036 contrib nephrol 0302-5144 0.00289 2037 contrib plasm phys 0863-1042 1.108 1.160 0.00446 0.5122038 contrib zool 1383-4517 2039 control eng appl inf 1454-8658 2040 control eng pract 0967-0661 2900 1.481 0.5942041 coordin chem rev 0010-8545 25062 12.110 12.744 0.04170 3.206copd 1541-2555 2043 copeia 0045-8511 4894 0.00413 2044 coral reefs 0722-4028 4458 0.01033 1.3072045 cornea 0277-3740 2.116 0.01654 2046 coronary artery dis 0954-6928 2047 corros eng sci techn 1478-422x 2048 corros rev 0334-6005 2049 corros sci 0010-938x 15758 3.734 2050 corrosion 0010-9312 1.441 1.281 0.00345 2051 cortex 0010-9452 4985 6.080 4.765 2.012 0.01354 1.4062052 cosmic res 0010-9525 0.367 2053 cr acad bulg sci 1310-1331 2054 cr biol 1631-0691 2055 cr chim 1631-0748 2253 0.483 cr geosci 1631-0713 0.00610 2057 cr math 1631-073x 0.01506 2058 cr mecanique 1631-0721 2059 cr palevol 1631-0683 cr phys 1631-0705 1.401 0.00525 0.6512061 cranio 0886-9634 0.873 2062 cretaceous res 0195-6671 1.537 1.576 2063 crit care 1466-609x 8639 4.607 4.975 0.03588 1.6152064 crit care clin 0749-0704 2.049 2065 crit care med 0090-3493 30570 6.330 6.484 2.142 0.08049 2.1682066 crit care nurse 0279-5442 1.346 crit care resusc 1441-2772 crit rev anal chem 1040-8347 3.956 2069 crit rev biochem mol 1040-9238 2500 7.655 8.916 0.00871 4.429crit rev biotechnol 0738-8551 6.472 6.346 1.521crit rev cl lab sci 1040-8363 5.532 1.7222072 crit rev env sci tec 1064-3389 8.247 2.3182073 crit rev eukar gene 1045-4403 3.075 2.771 0.9332074 crit rev food sci 1040-8398 4139 4.789 5.780 0.00686 2075 crit rev immunol 1040-8401 3.317 0.00327 2076 crit rev microbiol 1040-841x 6.270 5.694 0.680 1.7552077 crit rev oncol hemat 1040-8428 4110 4.411 0.01184 1.4622078 crit rev plant sci 0735-2689 2132 2.1022079 crit rev solid state 1040-8436 9.467 8.906 3.5562080 crit rev ther drug 0743-4863 2.609 0.7432081 crit rev toxicol 1040-8444 6.237 1.779croat chem acta 0011-1643 croat j for eng 1845-5719 2084 croat med j 0353-9504 2085 crop breed appl biot 1518-7853 2086 crop pasture sci 1836-0947 1.418 2087 crop prot 0261-2194 3961 1.402 0.00763 0.4252088 crop sci 0011-183x 14809 1.641 0.01623 0.5242089 crustaceana 0011-216x 0.073 0.1662090 cryobiology 0011-2240 3191 2.062 2091 cryogenics 0011-2275 cryoletters 0143-2044 1.326 2093 cryosphere 1994-0416 3.279 3.656 1.6612094 cryptogamie algol 0181-1568 cryptogamie bryol 1290-0796 0.1642096 cryptogamie mycol 0181-1584 0.678 2097 cryptologia 0161-1194 0.0702098 cryst growth des 1528-7483 19082 4.877 0.723 0.05338 2099 cryst res technol 0232-1300 2285 2100 crystallogr rep 1063-7745 2101 crystallogr rev 0889-311x 2102 crystengcomm 1466-8033 9036 3.842 2103 csh perspect biol 1943-0264 2379 9.402 1.766 0.02280 5.5402104 cts-clin transl sci 1752-8054 2.271 0.8162105 cuad desarro rural 0122-1450 0.00002 2106 cuaj-can urol assoc 1911-6470 2107 curr allergy asthm r 1529-7322 2.144 0.7302108 curr allergy clin im 1609-3607 2109 curr alzheimer res 1567-2050 3.953 4.159 0.00753 1.1882110 curr anal chem 1573-4110 1.337 0.00096 0.3102111 curr appl phys 1567-1739 3224 1.900 1.821 0.01289 0.502curr atheroscler rep 1523-3804 2113 curr bioinform 1574-8936 2114 curr biol 0960-9822 41572 9.647 10.881 2.360 0.18626 5.8842115 curr cancer drug tar 1568-0096 4.327 4.267 2116 curr comput-aid drug 1573-4099 2117 curr diabetes rep 1534-4827 2.496 2118 curr drug metab 1389-2002 2862 5.113 4.879 0.00885 1.2162119 curr drug targets 1389-4501 3.692 0.01286 2120 curr eye res 0271-3683 3458 1.535 2121 curr gene ther 1566-5232 3.386 4.086 1.739 0.00465 1.2112122 curr genet 0172-8083 2765 2.556 2.322 0.8372123 curr genomics 1389-2029 2.408 0.00403 2124 curr hiv res 1570-162x 0.6492125 curr hypertens rep 1522-6417 2.504 0.00407 curr issues mol biol 1467-3037 4.218 1.293curr med chem 0929-8673 11387 4.859 4.806 0.03177 1.2972128 curr med imaging rev 1573-4056 2129 curr med res opin 0300-7995 5414 2.453 0.01962 2130 curr microbiol 0343-8651 4228 2131 curr mol med 1566-5240 2819 4.476 4.854 0.01155 curr nanosci 1573-4137 1.776 0.00223 2133 curr neurol neurosci 1528-4042 0.00521 0.9392134 curr neuropharmacol 1570-159x 2.847 0.00283 2135 curr neurovasc res 1567-2026 2.719 0.7202136 curr oncol 1198-0052 2.473 2137 curr oncol rep 1523-3790 2.545 2138 curr opin allergy cl 1528-4050 2288 4.108 3.601 0.00880 1.1712139 curr opin anesthesio 0952-7907 0.00583 curr opin biotech 0958-1669 8718 7.711 8.934 0.02358 2.9162141 curr opin cardiol 0268-4705 2.329 2.412 0.00607 0.8342142 curr opin cell biol 0955-0674 13795 12.897 12.594 1.648 0.06379 6.9442143 curr opin chem biol 1367-5931 8599 9.850 9.723 0.02786 3.4162144 curr opin clin nutr 1363-1950 3098 4.378 4.070 1.265curr opin colloid in 1359-0294 4478 8.010 7.837 0.829 0.00919 2.264curr opin crit care 1070-5295 0.00754 2147 curr opin drug disc 1367-6733 3.774 2148 curr opin endocrinol 1752-296x 2149 curr opin env sust 1877-3435 2.438 1.1382150 curr opin gastroen 0267-1379 4.190 1.1772151 curr opin genet dev 0959-437x 7832 8.086 8.040 1.543 0.03373 4.3712152 curr opin hematol 1065-6251 4.520 0.01109 2153 curr opin hiv aids 1746-630x 4.747 1.192 0.00719 2154 curr opin immunol 0952-7915 8729 9.522 9.142 0.03796 4.132curr opin infect dis 0951-7375 4.891 0.01224 1.7312156 curr opin invest dr 1472-4472 2664 3.309 0.00965 2157 < curr opin lipidol 0957-9672 6.086 5.351 2158 curr opin microbiol 1369-5274 7344 7.929 8.418 0.02973 3.5402159 curr opin mol ther 1464-8431 0.9552160 curr opin nephrol hy 1062-4821 2623 4.331 3.728 0.00909 curr opin neurobiol 0959-4388 10788 7.444 8.742 0.04036 4.724curr opin neurol 1350-7540 4148 4.936 5.027 0.01410 1.725curr opin obstet gyn 1040-872x 2.378 0.00565 0.7422164 curr opin oncol 1040-8746 2567 4.101 0.00924 2165 curr opin ophthalmol 1040-8738 2.647 1.0972166 curr opin organ tran 1087-2418 1.916 0.00568 2167 curr opin otolaryngo 1068-9508 2168 curr opin pediatr 1040-8703 2283 2.586 0.00819 2169 curr opin pharmacol 1471-4892 5003 6.856 6.924 0.02064 2.2922170 curr opin plant biol 1369-5266 8747 9.272 9.462 0.03052 3.520curr opin psychiatr 0951-7367 3.053 3.437 curr opin pulm med 1070-5287 0.00602 2173 curr opin rheumatol 1040-8711 3426 4.309 1.3632174 curr opin solid st m 1359-0286 2354 4.233 5.884 1.888curr opin struc biol 0959-440x 10190 9.424 9.485 1.548 0.04114 4.868curr opin urol 0963-0643 2177 curr org chem 1385-2728 3649 3.064 0.8682178 curr org synth 1570-1794 3.434 0.9772179 curr pain headache r 1531-3433 1.662 0.00253 2180 curr pharm anal 1573-4129 1.155 curr pharm biotechno 1389-2010 2.805 3.043 0.8772182 curr pharm design 1381-6128 10281 3.870 3.807 0.03307 1.0802183 curr prob cancer 0147-0272 0.7292184 curr prob cardiology 0146-2806 3.220 1.1422185 curr prob surg 0011-3840 2186 curr protein pept sc 1389-2037 2.886 curr proteomics 1570-1646 2188 curr psychiat rep 1523-3812 2.711 2189 curr sci india 0011-3891 0.935 1.110 2190 curr signal transd t 1574-3624 2191 curr sport med rep 1537-890x 2192 curr ther res clin e 0011-393x curr top dev biol 0070-2153 5.802 3.2972194 curr top med chem 1568-0266 4.174 4.417 2195 curr top membr 1063-5823 0.396curr top microbiol 0070-217x 4850 4.925 4.441 0.01724 1.7472197 curr top nutraceut r 1540-7535 2198 curr treat option ne 1092-8480 2199 curr treat option on 1527-2729 2200 curr vasc pharmacol 1570-1611 2.640 1.087 0.7542201 cutan ocul toxicol 1556-9527 cutis 0011-4162 0.813 2203 cybernet syst 0196-9722 2204 cybium 0399-0974 2205 cyta-j food 1947-6345 cytogenet genome res 1424-8581 2962 1.729 2207 cytokine 1043-4666 5401 3.171 0.01481 1.0212208 cytokine growth f r 1359-6101 4405 7.812 8.013 0.01279 3.0402209 cytol genet 0095-4527 2210 cytologia 0011-4545 2211 cytom part a 1552-4922 2846 3.394 0.01040 2212 cytom part b-clin cy 1552-4949 2.525 2.297 0.6822213 cytopathology 0956-5507 1.588 0.3792214 cytoskeleton 1949-3584 1.5762215 cytotechnology 0920-9069 1.479 2216 cytotherapy 1465-3249 2418 3.627 czech j anim sci 1212-1819 1.079 2218 czech j food sci 1212-1800 2219 czech j genet plant 1212-1975 2220 czech math j 0011-4642 2221 dairy sci technol 1958-5586 0.4672222 dalton t 1477-9226 37605 3.838 3.887 0.07766 2223 dan med bull 0907-8916 0.8202224 daru 1560-8115 0.113data knowl eng 0169-023x 2226 data min knowl disc 1384-5810 1.890 2227 database-oxford 1758-0463 2228 decis support syst 0167-9236 2984 0.00826 2229 deep-sea res pt i 0967-0637 5099 0.01359 2230 deep-sea res pt ii 0967-0645 7919 2.277 4.005 0.02053 1.1592231 defence sci j 0011-748x 2232 dement geriatr cogn 1420-8008 2.141 2.914 0.01057 2233 dendrobiology 1641-1307 2234 dendrochronologia 1125-7865 dent mater 0109-5641 6937 3.135 3.695 0.01656 2236 dent mater j 0287-4547 2237 dent traumatol 1600-4469 1.380 2238 dentomaxillofac rad 0250-832x 1.557 2239 depress anxiety 1091-4269 3467 4.184 3.931 0.01209 1.290 dermatitis 1710-3568 2241 dermatol clin 0733-8635 0.5522242 dermatol sin 1027-8117 2243 dermatol surg 1076-0512 6266 2.307 0.01141 2244 dermatol ther 1396-0296 2245 dermatology 1018-8665 4686 2246 des autom embed syst 0929-5585 0.1162247 des monomers polym 1385-772x 2248 desalin water treat 1944-3994 0.1152249 desalination 0011-9164 16941 0.03618 2250 design code cryptogr 0925-1022 0.00728 2251 design stud 0142-694x 2252 deut entomol z 1435-1951 deut lebensm-rundsch 0012-0413 2254 deut med wochenschr 0012-0472 0.340 0.0912255 deut tierarztl woch 0341-6593 2256 deut z sportmed 0344-5925 2257 dev biol 0012-1606 31371 4.069 4.407 0.09644 2.0412258 dev cell 1534-5807 18481 14.030 14.202 2.448 0.11848 8.919dev comp immunol 0145-305x 0.01013 dev disabil res rev 1940-5510 4.039 4.322 1.3732261 dev dynam 1058-8388 10394 2.536 0.03798 2262 dev genes evol 0949-944x 1.774 0.7852263 dev growth differ 0012-1592 2.210 1.0462264 dev med child neurol 0012-1622 8155 2.918 3.400 0.888 0.01465 0.9612265 dev neurobiol 1932-8451 3.551 1.3232266 dev neuropsychol 8756-5641 3.057 0.00422 2267 dev neurorehabil 1751-8423 2268 dev neurosci-basel 0378-5866 3.133 1.1662269 dev psychobiol 0012-1630 3216 2.977 2.814 2270 dev world bioeth 1471-8731 2271 development 0950-1991 51121 6.596 7.091 1.463 0.13848 3.6682272 diabetes 0012-1797 44820 8.286 8.301 0.10432 2.9182273 diabetes care 0149-5992 44452 8.087 7.424 0.11441 2.4452274 diabetes educator 0145-7217 1.959 2275 diabetes metab 1262-3636 2638 0.759diabetes obes metab 1462-8902 3449 3.379 3.622 1.331 0.01450 diabetes res clin pr 0168-8227 5488 2.754 2.357 0.01645 2278 diabetes stoffwech h 1861-7603 2279 diabetes technol the 1520-9156 1.990 0.00506 2280 diabetes vasc dis re 1479-1641 rankissn total citeseigenfactor score2281 diabetes-metab res 1520-7552 2738 3.373 3.129 0.9592282 diabetic med 0742-3071 8261 3.208 0.02109 1.089diabetol metab syndr 1758-5996 2284 diabetol stoffwechs 1861-9002 diabetologe 1860-9716 2286 diabetologia 0012-186x 22276 6.814 6.170 0.05895 2.1962287 diagn cytopathol 8755-1039 2573 0.326diagn interv radiol 1305-3825 diagn micr infec dis 0732-8893 4623 2.528 0.01483 diagn mol pathol 1052-9551 diagn pathol 1746-1596 2292 dialysis transplant 0090-2934 0.131 2293 diam relat mater 0925-9635 7196 2294 diatom res 0269-249x diff equat 0012-2661 0.00381 2296 differ geom appl 0926-2245 0.142 differ integral equ 0893-4983 differentiation 0301-4681 3037 2.807 0.00785 1.155dig j nanomater bios 1842-3582 2300 digest dis 0257-2753 0.141 0.6302301 digest dis sci 0163-2116 11311 2.117 0.02347 0.5632302 digest endosc 0915-5635 2303 digest liver dis 1590-8658 3018 3.054 2.796 0.01001 0.8002304 digest surg < 0253-4886 1.224 2305 digestion 0012-2823 2.046 0.00383 2306 digit invest 1742-2876 2307 digit signal process 1051-2004 1.633 2308 dis aquat organ 0177-5103 5264 2.201 0.00941 dis colon rectum 0012-3706 12646 3.132 3.190 0.02012 0.9082310 dis esophagus 1120-8694 2311 dis markers 0278-0240 1.642 2.070 2312 dis model mech 1754-8403 4.937 5.053 0.932 0.00585 2.1222313 disabil health j 1936-6574 0.313disabil rehabil 0963-8288 4453 1.498 1.992 0.01039 2315 disaster adv 0974-262x 0.621 2316 disaster med public 1935-7893 2.019 0.4552317 discrete appl math 0166-218x 3012 0.01436 2318 discrete comput geom 0179-5376 0.00742 1.0342319 discrete cont dyn-a 1078-0947 0.01543 discrete cont dyn-b 1531-3492 0.00586 2321 discrete dyn nat soc 1026-0226 0.2622322 discrete event dyn s 0924-6703 discrete math 0012-365x 4608 0.02472 2324 discrete math theor 1462-7264 2325 discrete optim 1572-5286 2326 displays 0141-9382 1.390 2327 diss math 0012-3862 2328 dissolut technol 1521-298x distrib comput 0178-2770 0.976 2330 distrib parallel dat 0926-8782 divers distrib 1366-9516 3806 4.830 5.139 0.01612 2332 diving hyperb med 1833-3516 2333 dm-dis mon 0011-5029 2334 dna cell biol 1044-5498 2335 2.014 dna repair 1568-7864 4739 4.135 0.02664 1.8452336 dna res 1340-2838 5.164 5.276 2.0542337 doc math 1431-0643 0.00389 1.7802338 doc ophthalmol 0012-4486 2.107 2339 dokl biochem biophys 1607-6729 dokl chem 0012-5008 0.0932341 dokl earth sci 1028-334x 2342 dokl math 1064-5624 0.00412 2343 dokl phys 1028-3358 2344 dokl phys chem 0012-5016 domest anim endocrin 0739-7240 2.056 1.938 2346 dose-response 1559-3258 1.915 2347 douleur analg 1011-288x 2348 dr dobbs j 1044-789x 0.017 0.0062349 drewno 1644-3985 drug aging 1170-229x 2.336 0.00440 drug alcohol depen 0376-8716 9851 3.383 0.03002 2352 drug chem toxicol 0148-0545 2353 drug deliv 1071-7544 1.761 0.392drug des dev ther 1177-8881 2355 drug dev ind pharm 0363-9045 3879 1.494 1.618 2356 drug develop res 0272-4391 2357 drug discov today 1359-6446 8280 6.828 7.155 0.02185 2358 drug future 0377-8282 2359 drug inf j 0092-8615 2360 drug metab dispos 0090-9556 13122 0.02535 0.9312361 drug metab pharmacok 1347-4367 0.6522362 drug metab rev 0360-2532 6.400 6.188 1.8192363 drug news perspect 0214-0934 2364 drug resist update 1368-7646 9.559 10.048 2.269 3.241 drug safety 0114-5916 3455 3.634 3.559 0.00878 1.1572366 drug test anal 1942-7603 2.537 drug today 1699-3993 1.209 2368 drugs 0012-6667 8530 0.01538 2369 drvna ind 0012-6772 2370 dry technol 0737-3937 3994 0.00472 2371 dtsch arztebl int 1866-0452 2372 duke math j 0012-7094 4191 2.8492373 dyes pigments 0143-7208 3.126 3.280 0.01375 2374 dyna-bilbao 0012-7361 2375 dyna-colombia 0012-7353 0.201 2376 dynam atmos oceans 0377-0265 0.9862377 dynam part differ eq 1548-159x 2378 dynam syst 1468-9367 dynam syst appl 1056-2176 2380 dynamis 0211-9536 2381 dysphagia 0179-051x 2382 e-j chem 0973-4945 2383 e-polymers 1618-7229 2384 ear hearing 0196-0202 3052 2.578 0.00805 1.120early hum dev 0378-3782 3635 2.394 early interv psychia 1751-7885 2387 earth env sci t r so 1755-6910 2388 earth interact 1087-3562 0.00192 2389 earth moon planets 0167-9295 2390 earth planet sc lett 0012-821x 35251 4.180 4.491 0.11567 2.3562391 earth planets space 1343-8832 0.00746 2392 earth sci hist 0736-623x 2393 earth sci inform 1865-0473 2394 earth sci res j 1794-6190 2395 earth surf proc land 0197-9337 5225 2.432 0.01181 2396 earth-sci rev 0012-8252 5065 6.594 8.177 1.541 0.01665 3.9062397 earthq eng eng vib 1671-3664 2398 earthq eng struct d 0098-8847 3755 2.044 2399 earthq spectra 8755-2930 2.497 2400 eat weight disord-st 1124-4909 echocardiogr-j card 0742-2822 1.239 2402 ecography 0906-7590 5317 4.188 5.535 0.01899 2.1672403 ecohealth 1612-9202 2.628 2404 ecohydrology 1936-0584 2.133 0.7792405 ecol appl 1051-0761 14988 5.380 0.03771 2.2362406 ecol chem eng s 1898-6196 ecol complex 1476-945x 1.926 1.853 ecol econ 0921-8009 8115 0.02659 2409 ecol eng 0925-8574 4607 3.106 3.415 2410 ecol entomol 0307-6946 1.995 2.125 0.00703 0.7992411 ecol food nutr 0367-0244 2412 ecol freshw fish 0906-6691 1.573 1.835 ecol indic 1470-160x 3.021 0.7822414 ecol inform 1574-9541 2415 ecol lett 1461-023x 14561 17.557 15.389 0.06727 7.3812416 ecol model 0304-3800 11362 2.714 0.02935 2417 ecol monogr 0012-9615 8300 7.433 7.750 1.033 0.01074 3.747 ecol res 0912-3814 0.00618 2419 ecol soc 1708-3087 2543 2.516 3.840 0.01044 1.1962420 ecology 0012-9658 47545 4.849 6.007 0.08185 2.6382421 econ bot 0013-0001 1.908 0.345 2422 econ comput econ cyb 0424-267x 2423 econ geol 0361-0128 5422 0.8932424 econ hum biol 1570-677x 0.00266 2425 economet j 1368-4221 1.1102426 economet rev 0747-4938 1.7482427 economet theor 0266-4666 1.4962428 econometrica 0012-9682 19659 2.976 4.700 0.04393 8.6312429 ecoscience 1195-6860 0.6272430 ecosystems 1432-9840 5200 4.850 0.01840 2.0522431 ecotox environ safe 0147-6513 6578 0.01323 ecotoxicology 0963-9292 2600 2.355 3.185 0.00749 0.8182433 ecotropica 0949-3026 2434 edn 0012-7515 educ psychol meas 0013-1644 4082 1.668 2436 egypt j biol pest co 1110-1768 2437 ejhp pract 1781-9989 0.035 ejso-eur j surg onc 0748-7983 4681 2.499 0.01407 0.7662439 eklem hast cerrahisi 1305-8282 0.114 2440 ekoloji 1300-1361 2441 eksploat niezawodn 1507-2711 electr commun jpn 1942-9533 0.1272443 electr eng 0948-7921 0.161electr eng jpn 0424-7760 2445 electr pow compo sys 1532-5008 2446 electr pow syst res 0378-7796 3023 1.726 0.00933 0.569 electroanal 1040-0397 10069 2.872 2.856 0.01875 2448 electroanal chem 0070-9778 1.506electrochem commun 1388-2481 17144 5.159 0.05585 2450 electrochem solid st 1099-0062 8707 2.212 0.02610 2451 electrochemistry 1344-3542 0.954 2452 electrochim acta 0013-4686 41072 3.832 0.09357 0.9812453 electromagn biol med 1536-8378 1.109 2454 electromagnetics 0272-6343 0.2912455 electron commer r a 1567-4223 1.472 2456 electron commun prob 1083-589x 0.9422457 electron j biotechn 0717-3458 2458 electron j comb 1077-8926 2459 electron j differ eq 1072-6691 2460 electron j linear al 1537-9582 electron j probab 1083-6489 0.124 1.2982462 electron j qual theo 1417-3875 2463 electron j stat 1935-7524 1.154 1.854electron l< ett 0013-5194 14413 0.03536 electron mater lett 1738-8090 2466 electron res announc 1935-9179 2467 electron t numer ana 1068-9613 2468 electron world 1365-4675 2469 electrophoresis 0173-0835 17540 3.303 2.917 0.02965 2470 elektron elektrotech 1392-1215 2471 elements 1811-5209 2.423 3.850 0.00599 1.744embo j 0261-4189 73390 9.205 8.833 2.248 0.17352 4.8632473 embo mol med 1757-4676 10.333 1.769 4.8112474 embo rep 1469-221x 9618 7.355 0.04663 3.7432475 emerg infect dis 1080-6040 20666 6.689 1.508 0.06703 2.159emerg med australas 1742-6731 2477 emerg med clin n am 0733-8627 2478 emerg med j 1472-0205 2549 1.613 emergencias 1137-6821 2.486 2480 empir softw eng 1382-3256 1.854 2481 emu 0158-4197 1.121 0.756 encephale 0013-7006 2483 endeavour 0160-9327 2484 endocr j 0918-8959 2.027 2485 endocr pathol 1046-3976 1.358 endocr pract 1530-891x 2487 endocr res 0743-5800 endocr rev 0163-769x 12765 19.929 21.712 0.02337 8.1542489 endocr-relat cancer 1351-0088 4.364 4.751 0.01504 1.6572490 endocrin metab clin 0889-8529 3.411 0.00562 2491 endocrine 1355-008x 1.416 2492 endocrinologist 1051-2144 endocrinology 0013-7227 44249 4.459 4.620 0.08613 2494 endokrynol pol 0423-104x 2495 endoscopy 0013-726x 7313 5.210 4.750 0.01965 1.3172496 endoskopie heute 0933-811x 2497 energ buildings 0378-7788 5508 2.809 0.01133 energ convers manage 0196-8904 9905 0.02187 2499 energ effic 1570-646x 1.465 energ environ sci 1754-5692 5087 9.610 10.813 0.01802 2501 energ fuel 0887-0624 15619 2.721 2.999 0.04199 2502 energ j 0195-6574 2.198 0.00614 1.3802503 energ policy 0301-4215 12228 3.193 0.03772 0.7522504 energ source part a 1556-7036 0.715 0.717 2505 energ source part b 1556-7249 2506 energies 1996-1073 1.865 0.224 2507 energy 0360-5442 9844 3.858 0.02196 2508 energy educ sci tech 1301-8361 2992 31.677 5.460 2509 energy sustain dev 0973-0826 2510 enferm emerg 1575-4723 2511 enferm infec micr cl 0213-005x 1.410 2512 eng agr-jaboticabal 1809-4430 2513 eng anal bound elem 0955-7997 2514 eng appl artif intel 0952-1976 1.665 2515 eng appl comp fluid 1994-2060 0.882 2516 eng comput-germany 0177-0667 2517 eng computation 0264-4401 1.060 0.947 2518 eng econ 0013-791x 2519 eng fail anal 1350-6307 1.086 0.00468 2520 eng fract mech 0013-7944 6093 0.01893 2521 eng geol 0013-7952 3454 0.00811 0.6912522 eng j aisc 0013-8029 2523 eng life sci 1618-0240 0.00238 2524 eng min j 0095-8948 2525 eng optimiz 0305-215x 2526 eng sanit ambient 1413-4152 2527 eng struct 0141-0296 5174 0.02112 0.7862528 eng stud 1937-8629 2529 ent-ear nose throat 0145-5613 2530 enterp inf syst-uk 1751-7575 3.684 2531 entomol am-ny 1947-5136 2532 entomol exp appl 0013-8703 4753 1.728 0.00702 2533 entomol fennica 0785-8760 2534 entomol gen 0171-8177 2535 entomol news 0013-872x 2536 entomol sci 1343-8786 2537 entropy-switz 1099-4300 2538 env microbiol rep 1758-2229 1.1862539 environ biol fish 0378-1909 0.00550 2540 environ chem 1448-2517 2541 environ chem lett 1610-3653 1.881 2.136 2542 environ conserv 0376-8929 2.441 environ earth sci 1866-6280 1.062 0.00234 0.2812544 environ ecol stat 1352-8505 2545 environ eng geosci 1078-7275 2546 environ eng manag j 1582-9596 1.004 2547 environ eng sci 1092-8758 0.877 2548 environ entomol 0046-225x 6246 1.561 0.00956 environ exp bot 0098-8472 4528 2.985 3.644 0.01020 0.8352550 environ fluid mech 1567-7419 1.620 2551 environ forensics 1527-5922 environ geochem hlth 0269-4042 1.957 0.00295 2553 environ geol 0943-0105 4757 1.127 0.01131 0.4382554 environ health persp 0091-6765 28595 7.036 0.06314 2.3202555 environ health-glob 1476-069x 2.649 2556 environ int 0160-4120 7613 5.297 5.339 1.303 0.01922 1.5612557 environ manage 0364-152x 5019 0.00995 0.6532558 environ microbiol 1462-2912 12352 5.843 6.151 1.296 0.05220 2.1852559 environ model assess 1420-2026 2560 environ modell softw 1364-8152 3934 3.166 0.01253 0.8692561 environ mol mutagen 0893-6692 3350 3.709 0.948 2562 environ monit assess 0167-6369 6194 0.01689 2563 environ pollut 0269-7491 19146 0.04483 1.055environ prog sustain 1944-7442 1.649 2565 environ prot eng 0324-8828 environ res 0013-9351 6085 3.816 0.01482 1.248environ res lett 1748-9326 3.631 4.154 0.01051 1.7602568 environ rev 1208-6053 1.703 2569 environ risque sante 1635-0421 environ sci policy 1462-9011 3.158 1.0482571 environ sci pollut r 0944-1344 2.911 0.313 2572 environ sci technol 0013-936x 82897 5.228 5.764 0.18924 1.601environ technol 0959-3330 2629 1.406 2574 environ toxicol 1520-4081 2575 environ toxicol chem 0730-7268 14046 0.02451 2576 environ toxicol phar 1382-6689 1.593 2577 environment 0013-9157 0.00166 0.8052578 environmetrics 1180-4009 2579 enzyme microb tech 0141-0229 10691 2.367 3.040 0.01476 0.6762580 epe j 0939-8368 2581 epidemics-neth 1755-4365 2582 epidemiol infect 0950-2688 5869 2.843 2.693 0.01595 2583 epidemiol prev 1120-9763 2584 epidemiol rev 0193-936x 2589 7.583 15.491 3.231 0.00612 5.8402585 epidemiology 1044-3983 8476 5.566 6.165 0.02420 2.6782586 epigenet chromatin 1756-8935 4.462 2.5382587 epigenetics-us 1559-2294 4.318 0.00784 1.5622588 epigenomics-uk 1750-1911 epilepsia 0013-9580 19398 4.051 0.04183 2590 epilepsy behav 1525-5050 2.335 0.01408 2591 epilepsy curr 1535-7597 2.159 epilepsy res 0920-1211 4772 2.493 0.335 0.01174 2593 epileptic disord 1294-9361 1.495 2594 episodes 0705-3797 2595 epistemologia 0392-9760 epl-europhys lett 0295-5075 17415 2.171 0.08073 2597 equine vet educ 0957-7734 2598 equine vet j 0425-1644 5234 1.886 2599 erde 0013-9998 erdkunde 0014-0015 0.891 2601 ergod theor dyn syst 0143-3857 0.9762602 ergonomics 0014-0139 4165 1.409 2603 ernahrungs umschau 0174-0008 0.0522604 erwerbs-obstbau 0014-0309 2605 esa bull-eur space 0376-4265 2606 esaim contr optim ca 1292-8119 0.00397 1.0192607 esaim-math model num 0764-583x 1.1452608 esaim-probab stat 1292-8100 2609 esophagus-tokyo 1612-9059 2610 essays biochem 0071-1365 3.714 3.184 est j earth sci 1736-4728 2612 estuar coast 1559-2723 2.109 0.00707 2613 estuar coast shelf s 0272-7714 9746 2.247 2.622 0.02465 0.8452614 estud geol-madrid 0367-0449 2615 ethik med 0935-7335 ethiop j health dev 1021-6790 2617 ethnic dis 1049-510x 2618 ethnic health 1355-7858 2619 ethol ecol ev< ol 0394-9370 2620 ethology 0179-1613 3542 2.008 0.00907 0.762etri j 1225-6463 0.2862622 eukaryot cell 1535-9778 6199 3.604 0.02585 euphytica 0014-2336 7653 0.4652624 eur addict res 1022-6877 2625 eur arch oto-rhino-l 0937-4477 3005 1.287 1.298 0.00966 2626 eur arch psy clin n 0940-1334 3.349 0.8942627 eur biophys j biophy 0175-7571 2733 2.139 0.559 0.00825 0.7932628 eur cells mater 1473-2262 3.028 4.953 1.460eur child adoles psy 1018-8827 2.700 2630 eur cytokine netw 1148-5493 2631 eur food res technol 1438-2377 4642 1.899 2632 eur geriatr med 1878-7649 0.1002633 eur heart j 0195-668x 28286 10.478 10.511 0.11126 3.8892634 eur heart j suppl 1520-765x 2.681 1.425 0.4432635 eur j agron 1161-0301 2935 3.096 0.8732636 eur j anaesth 0265-0215 2.231 eur j appl math 0956-7925 eur j appl physiol 1439-6319 10139 2.147 0.01725 2639 eur j cancer 0959-8049 19134 5.536 4.781 0.05308 1.6442640 eur j cancer care 0961-5423 2641 eur j cancer prev 0959-8278 2.130 2.035 eur j cardio-thorac 1010-7940 10224 2.529 0.02814 2643 eur j cardiov prev r 1741-8267 2.634 0.546 0.01025 0.9362644 eur j cardiovasc nur 1474-5151 2645 eur j cell biol 0171-9335 3803 1.3432646 eur j clin invest 0014-2972 5185 3.018 0.01050 0.8742647 eur j clin microbiol 0934-9723 5548 2.859 0.01344 2648 eur j clin nutr 0954-3007 8981 2.462 2.748 0.01602 2649 eur j clin pharmacol 0031-6970 5522 2.845 2.663 0.01004 2650 eur j combin 0195-6698 2651 eur j contracep repr 1362-5187 2652 eur j control 0947-3580 2653 eur j dent educ 1396-5883 2654 eur j dermatol 1167-1122 2.526 0.00538 2655 eur j drug metab ph 0378-7966 2656 eur j echocardiogr 1525-2167 2.317 0.00928 2657 eur j emerg med 0969-9546 0.00195 2658 eur j endocrinol 0804-4643 8842 3.423 3.715 0.02521 2659 eur j entomol 1210-5759 2660 eur j environ civ en 1964-8189 2661 eur j epidemiol 0393-2990 4178 4.713 0.01200 1.3962662 eur j forest res 1612-4669 2663 eur j gastroen hepat 0954-691x 4496 1.791 eur j gen pract 1381-4788 2665 eur j gynaecol oncol 0392-2936 2666 eur j haematol 0902-4441 3512 2.614 2667 eur j heart fail 1388-9842 4963 4.896 4.240 1.681 0.02011 1.4002668 eur j histochem 1121-760x 0.3252669 eur j hortic sci 1611-4426 2670 eur j hum genet 1018-4813 6693 4.400 3.997 0.02519 1.4562671 eur j immunol 0014-2980 20984 5.103 4.893 0.06014 2.004eur j ind eng 1751-5254 2673 eur j inflamm 1721-727x 2674 eur j inform syst 0960-085x 2.218 2675 eur j inorg chem 1434-1948 15553 2.904 0.03629 2676 eur j integr med 1876-3820 2677 eur j intern med 0953-6205 0.00582 eur j lipid sci tech 1438-7697 2.006 2679 eur j mass spectrom 1469-0667 1.249 2680 eur j mech a-solid 0997-7538 1.484 0.772eur j mech b-fluid 0997-7546 2682 eur j med chem 0223-5234 11332 0.02658 2683 eur j med genet 1769-7212 0.00524 eur j med res 0949-2321 0.00248 2685 eur j mineral 0935-1221 2686 eur j neurol 1351-5101 5796 3.239 0.02095 2687 eur j neurosci 0953-816x 27773 0.07252 1.3912688 eur j nucl med mol i 1619-7070 10491 4.991 4.756 0.02647 1.3212689 eur j nutr 1436-6207 2.750 3.124 0.00497 eur j obstet gyn r b 0301-2115 6057 0.01337 2691 eur j oncol 1128-6598 2692 eur j oncol nurs 1462-3889 2693 eur j oper res 0377-2217 20878 0.06105 2694 eur j ophthalmol 1120-6721 2695 eur j oral implantol 1756-2406 2696 eur j oral sci 0909-8836 2851 2697 eur j org chem 1434-193x 18591 3.329 3.289 0.04963 2698 eur j orthodont 0141-5387 2699 eur j orthop surg tr 1633-8065 eur j paediatr dent 1591-996x eur j paediatr neuro 1090-3798 2702 eur j pain 1090-3801 4084 3.939 2703 eur j pediatr 0340-6199 5799 1.879 2704 eur j pediatr surg 0939-7248 2705 eur j pharm biopharm 0939-6411 8306 4.269 4.406 0.01836 2706 eur j pharm sci 0928-0987 5925 3.212 0.01177 2707 eur j pharmacol 0014-2999 28283 0.04828 2708 eur j phycol 0967-0262 0.7502709 eur j phys 0143-0807 2710 eur j phys rehab med 1973-9087 2711 eur j plant pathol 0929-1873 1.413 1.870 2712 eur j protistol 0932-4739 0.6142713 eur j public health 1101-1262 2714 eur j radiol 0720-048x 6024 2.606 0.02177 2715 eur j sci theol 1841-0464 2716 eur j soil biol 1164-5563 1.578 2717 eur j soil sci 1351-0754 3703 1.0222718 eur j sport sci 1746-1391 0.3442719 eur j trauma emerg s 1863-9933 eur j vasc endovasc 1078-5884 6049 2.885 0.01770 2721 eur j wildlife res 1612-4642 1.532 2722 eur j wood wood prod 0018-3768 2723 eur neurol 0014-3022 0.5322724 eur neuropsychopharm 0924-977x 3742 3.958 2725 eur phys j a 1434-6001 3769 0.01508 2726 eur phys j b 1434-6028 6804 0.02554 2727 eur phys j c 1434-6044 8648 0.03818 1.232 eur phys j d 1434-6060 3983 1.325 2729 eur phys j e 1292-8941 3255 1.944 0.01052 2730 eur phys j h 2102-6459 2731 eur phys j plus 2190-5444 2732 eur phys j-appl phys 1286-0042 eur phys j-spec top 1951-6355 0.01218 2734 eur polym j 0014-3057 12391 3.058 0.02698 2735 eur psychiat 0924-9338 2845 2.766 3.005 2736 eur radiol 0938-7994 10888 3.222 3.321 0.03268 eur respir j 0903-1936 23009 5.895 5.879 0.05570 1.947eur rev aging phys a 1813-7253 2739 eur rev agric econ 0165-1587 0.808eur rev med pharmaco 1128-3602 1.040 2741 eur spine j 0940-6719 5658 1.965 2.524 0.01964 0.801 eur surg 1682-8631 2743 eur surg res 0014-312x 2744 eur t electr power 1430-144x 2745 eur t telecommun 1124-318x 0.454 2746 eur urol 0302-2838 14914 8.493 7.123 2.908 0.05106 2.0742747 eur urol suppl 1569-9056 2748 eurasian soil sci 1064-2293 2749 eurasip j adv sig pr 1687-6180 2750 eurasip j audio spee 1687-4722 2751 eurasip j image vide 1687-5281 2752 eurasip j wirel comm 1687-1499 2753 eurointervention 1774-024x 3.285 0.00979 2754 europace 1099-5129 3234 1.980 1.956 0.01490 2755 eurosurveillance 1560-7917 5072 6.153 0.02491 2756 eval health prof 0163-2787 2757 evid-based compl alt 1741-427x 4.774 4.929 0.6602758 evol appl 1752-4571 4.916 6.206 2.524evol bioinform 1176-9343 2760 evol biol 0071-3260 3.611 2761 evol comput 1063-6560 1.2732762 evol dev 1520-541x 0.00656 1.2312763 evol ecol 0269-7653 3044 2.854 0.00644 2764 evol ecol res 1522-0613 0.00490 evol hum behav 1090-5138 3.113 0.00893 2766 evolution 0014-3820 29505 5.146 5.613 0.05578 2.4312767 excli j 1611-2156 exerc immunol rev 1077-5552 2.789 3.950 2769 exerc sport sci rev 0091-6331 3.957 1.3332770 exp aging res 0361-073x 2771 exp agr < 0014-4797 2772 exp anim tokyo 1341-1357 0.922 2773 exp appl acarol 0168-8162 exp astron 0922-6435 0.7042775 exp biol med 1535-3702 4558 0.01335 2776 exp brain res 0014-4819 20138 0.03596 0.8522777 exp cell res 0014-4827 19244 0.04211 2778 exp clin cardiol 1205-6626 2779 exp clin endocr diab 0947-7349 1.693 0.00489 2780 exp clin psychopharm 1064-1297 2.816 0.9542781 exp clin transplant 1304-0855 2782 exp dermatol 0906-6705 3479 3.543 0.907exp diabetes res 1687-5214 2.756 2784 exp eye res 0014-4835 8814 3.259 3.117 0.01831 0.8662785 exp fluids 0723-4864 4624 0.01242 2786 exp gerontol 0531-5565 6007 0.01372 2787 exp heat transfer 0891-6152 0.798 0.2932788 exp hematol 0301-472x 6669 3.088 0.01699 2789 exp lung res 0190-2148 1.220 2790 exp math 1058-6458 2791 exp mech 0014-4851 2792 exp mol med 1226-3613 2.481 2.384 0.00529 2793 exp mol pathol 0014-4800 0.00564 2794 exp neurol 0014-4886 17739 4.699 4.416 0.03893 2795 exp parasitol 0014-4894 4397 1.945 0.00889 2796 exp physiol 0958-0670 3626 3.211 0.885 2797 exp techniques 0732-8818 2798 exp ther med 1792-0981 0.0382799 exp therm fluid sci 0894-1777 0.00741 2800 exp toxicol pathol 0940-2993 2801 expert opin biol th 1471-2598 3.505 2.926 0.8812802 expert opin drug del 1742-5247 0.00848 2803 expert opin drug dis 1746-0441 1.635 2804 expert opin drug met 1742-5255 3.119 3.395 2805 expert opin drug saf 1474-0338 3.015 2.717 2806 expert opin emerg dr 1472-8214 2.644 2807 expert opin inv drug 1354-3784 4032 5.274 3.813 1.125expert opin pharmaco 1465-6566 3520 0.01313 expert opin ther pat 1354-3776 0.609expert opin ther tar 1472-8222 3.716 0.742 0.01019 1.0752811 expert rev anti-infe 1478-7210 3.283 2812 expert rev anticanc 1473-7140 2.652 0.00980 0.7082813 expert rev clin immu 1744-666x 2814 expert rev hematol 1747-4086 2815 expert rev med devic 1743-4440 0.6922816 expert rev mol diagn 1473-7159 1.1012817 expert rev mol med 1462-3994 7.143 2818 expert rev proteomic 1478-9450 3.419 0.857expert rev vaccines 1476-0584 4.251 3.865 1.076 2820 expert syst 0266-4720 2821 expert syst appl 0957-4174 9947 2.455 0.02829 explor geophys 0812-3985 2823 explore-ny 1550-8307 2824 expo math 0723-0869 2825 express polym lett 1788-618x 2826 extremes 1386-1999 1.263 2827 extremophiles 1431-0651 2.941 0.00555 2828 eye 0950-222x 4884 1.893 2829 eye contact lens 1542-2321 2830 facial plast surg 0736-6825 2831 facies 0172-9179 1.388 2832 fam cancer 1389-9600 2833 fam pract 0263-2136 2944 2.016 2834 fam syst health 1091-7527 1.055 2835 faraday discuss 1364-5498 5372 4.687 1.377 0.01265 2836 farmacia 0014-8237 2837 faseb j 0892-6638 38304 5.712 6.340 0.08887 2.2412838 fatigue fract eng m 8756-758x 2839 febs j 1742-464x 10745 3.341 0.05521 1.1822840 febs lett 0014-5793 52205 0.09542 2841 fems immunol med mic 0928-8244 3845 0.7092842 fems microbiol ecol 0168-6496 8692 3.408 0.02231 2843 fems microbiol lett 0378-1097 16235 0.02926 0.757fems microbiol rev 0168-6445 7160 10.960 11.754 2.978 0.01761 4.280fems yeast res 1567-1356 ferroelectrics 0015-0193 4070 0.1552847 ferroelectrics lett 0731-5171 fertil steril 0015-0282 26877 3.564 0.04764 2849 fetal diagn ther 1015-3837 2850 fetal pediatr pathol 1551-3815 feuill radiol 0181-9801 2852 few-body syst 0177-7963 fiber integrated opt 0146-8030 fiber polym 1229-9197 0.217 fibre chem 0015-0541 2856 fibres text east eur 1230-3666 0.668 2857 field crop res 0378-4290 6399 2.936 0.01128 2858 filomat 0354-5180 0.421 filtr separat 0015-1882 2860 financ stoch 0949-2984 1.434 1.6762861 finite elem anal des 0168-874x 0.690finite fields th app 1071-5797 2863 fire mater 0308-0501 2864 fire safety j 0379-7112 1.677 2865 fire technol 0015-2684 2866 fish b-noaa 0090-0656 2867 fish fish 1467-2960 5.800 6.571 fish oceanogr 1054-6006 2.772 1.0382869 fish pathol 0388-788x fish physiol biochem 0920-1742 1.528 fish res 0165-7836 4712 1.887 fish shellfish immun 1050-4648 5927 0.445 0.01257 2873 fisheries 0363-2415 2.763 1.0562874 fisheries manag ecol 0969-997x 0.00288 2875 fisheries sci 0919-9268 0.937 fitoterapia 0367-326x 4531 2877 fixed point theor-ro 1583-5022 2878 fixed point theory a 1687-1812 2879 fla entomol 0015-4040 0.4592880 flavour frag j 0882-5734 1.424 0.3762881 fleischwirtschaft 0015-363x 2882 flex serv manuf j 1936-6582 0.2852883 flora 0367-2530 2884 flow meas instrum 0955-5986 2885 flow turbul combust 1386-6184 2886 fluct noise lett 0219-4775 2887 fluid dyn res 0169-5983 2888 fluid dynam 0015-4628 2889 fluid phase equilibr 0378-3812 9233 2.225 0.01503 2890 fluoride 0015-4725 2891 fly 1933-6934 0.00208 2892 folia biol-krakow 0015-5497 2893 folia biol-prague 0015-5500 folia geobot 1211-9520 0.5612895 folia histochem cyto 0239-8508 2896 folia microbiol 0015-5632 2897 folia morphol 0015-5659 2898 folia neuropathol 1641-4640 2899 folia parasit 0015-5683 folia phoniatr logo 1021-7762 2901 folia primatol 0015-5713 2902 folia zool 0139-7893 2903 food addit contam a 1944-0049 4407 2904 food addit contam b 1939-3210 food agr immunol 0954-0105 0.740 0.1442906 food anal method 1936-9751 2907 food aust 1032-5298 0.0852908 food biophys 1557-1858 2.187 2909 food bioprocess tech 1935-5130 3.703 2910 food bioprod process 0960-3085 1.940 2911 food biotechnol 0890-5436 food chem 0308-8146 36842 3.655 4.268 0.07972 2913 food chem toxicol 0278-6915 12529 3.078 0.02545 2914 food control 0956-7135 4425 2.656 2.849 2915 food drug law j 1064-590x 0.1252916 food eng rev 1866-7910 2917 food environ virol 1867-0334 2918 food funct 2042-6496 2919 food hydrocolloid 0268-005x 5607 3.473 0.01158 2920 food hyg safe sci 0015-6426 2921 food microbiol 0740-0020 4565 3.768 0.9342922 food nutr bull 0379-5721 2.063 0.00432 2923 food policy 0306-9192 2924 food qual prefer 0950-3293 2925 food res int 0963-9969 6837 3.150 3.549 0.01328 2926 food rev int 8755-9129 2927 food sci biotechnol 1226-7708 2928 food sci technol int 1082-0132 1.090 2929 food sci technol res 1344-6606 2930 food secur 1876-4517 1.970 2.045 2931 food technol biotech 1330-9862 2932 food technol-chicago 0015-6639 2933 foodborne pathog dis 1535-3141 2.260 0.00764 2934 foot ankle clin 1083-7515 foot ankle int 1071-1007 4692 2936 forensic sci int 0379-0738 8123 0.01633 2937 forensic sci int-gen 1872-4973 3.082 < 3.326 forensic sci med pat 1547-769x 2939 forensic toxicol 1860-8965 2940 forest chron 0015-7546 2941 forest ecol manag 0378-1127 19493 2.487 2.744 0.04081 0.7942942 forest pathol 1437-4781 1.740 2943 forest policy econ 1389-9341 forest sci 0015-749x 0.5002945 forest syst 2171-5068 0.0882946 forestry 0015-752x 1.987 0.510 2947 forktail 0950-1746 form asp comput 0934-5043 2949 form method syst des 0925-9856 0.3502950 formulary 1082-801x 2951 forsch ingenieurwes 0015-7899 2952 forsch komplementmed 1021-7096 2953 fortschr neurol psyc 0720-4299 2954 fortschr phys 0015-8208 2955 forum math 0933-7741 0.00363 2956 foss rec 1435-1943 2957 fottea 1802-5439 2958 found comput math 1615-3375 3.615 2.909 3.0582959 found phys 0015-9018 2960 found sci 1233-1821 fourrages 0429-2766 fractals 0218-348x 2963 free radical bio med 0891-5849 29614 5.423 5.769 0.05344 2964 free radical res 1071-5762 5749 2.878 2.745 0.00902 frequenz 0016-1136 fresen environ bull 1018-4619 2967 freshwater biol 0046-5070 10148 3.290 3.625 2968 front biosci-landmrk 1093-9946 9115 3.520 3.302 0.03581 1.1512969 front cell neurosci 1662-5102 4.171 1.8762970 front comput neurosc 1662-5188 1.0372971 front comput sci chi 1673-7350 2972 front ecol environ 1540-9295 3745 9.113 9.023 1.519 0.01975 4.0872973 front environ sci en 1673-7415 2974 front horm res 0301-3073 1.712 2.237 2975 front hum neurosci 1662-5161 2.339 2976 front math china 1673-3452 2977 front neural circuit 1662-5110 5.098 5.346 3.3782978 front neuroanat 1662-5129 3.068 2979 front neuroendocrin 0091-3022 11.429 11.648 0.00899 3.8242980 front phys china 1673-3487 2981 front phys-beijing 2095-0462 front zool 1742-9994 4.460 0.00362 fruits 0248-1294 fuel 0016-2361 15801 3.791 0.03467 2985 fuel cells 1615-6846 3.149 1.1082986 fuel process technol 0378-3820 5739 2.945 3.131 2987 fujitsu sci tech j 0016-2523 2988 fuller nanotub car n 1536-383x 2989 funct anal appl 0016-2663 2990 funct ecol 0269-8463 8946 4.567 0.02372 1.9382991 funct integr genomic 1438-793x 3.433 funct mater lett 1793-6047 2993 funct neurol 0393-5264 1.157 2994 funct plant biol 1445-4408 2.690 2995 fund appl limnol 1863-9135 1.403 0.4542996 fund clin pharmacol 0767-3981 2997 fund inform 0169-2968 0.1982998 fund math 0016-2736 2999 fungal biol-uk 1878-6146 3000 fungal divers 1560-2745 4.769 3.587 0.7233001 fungal ecol 1754-5048 2.489 fungal genet biol 1087-1845 3883 3.737 3.514 0.01150 3003 funkc ekvacioj-ser i 0532-8721 3004 fusion eng des 0920-3796 4755 0.01376 fusion sci technol 1536-1055 0.916 0.00713 3006 future gener comp sy 0167-739x 3007 future med chem 1756-8919 3008 future microbiol 1746-0913 3.819 0.00759 1.197 future oncol 1479-6694 3.163 future virol 1746-0794 1.210 3011 fuzzy optim decis ma 1568-4539 fuzzy set syst 0165-0114 9886 1.759 0.01247 3013 gac med mex 0016-3813 gac sanit 0213-9111 3015 gait posture 0966-6362 4909 0.01251 3016 gastric cancer 1436-3291 3017 gastroen clin biol 0399-8320 gastroent hepat-barc 0210-5705 3019 gastroent res pract 1687-6121 3020 gastroenterol clin n 0889-8553 2.618 2.752 0.8803021 gastroenterol nurs 1042-895x gastroenterology 0016-5085 57982 11.675 12.455 2.995 0.15653 4.510gastrointest endosc 0016-5107 17296 4.878 5.300 0.03623 1.3583024 gayana 0717-652x 3025 gayana bot 0016-5301 3026 gcb bioenergy 1757-1693 3.617 0.8713027 geburtsh frauenheilk 0016-5751 3028 gefahrst reinhalt l 0949-8036 3029 gefasschirurgie 0948-7034 3030 gematol transfuziol 0234-5730 3031 gen comp endocr 0016-6480 3.061 0.01686 gen hosp psychiat 0163-8343 0.00865 3033 gen physiol biophys 0231-5882 1.112 3034 gen relat gravit 0001-7701 3995 2.069 0.01003 3035 gender med 1550-8579 2.101 gene 0378-1119 18843 2.341 2.443 0.02508 gene chromosome canc 1045-2257 4827 3.306 3.527 0.01362 3038 gene dev 0890-9369 55857 11.659 12.785 2.703 0.20966 8.0083039 gene expr patterns 1567-133x 2.037 gene expression 1052-2166 1.308 gene ther 0969-7128 9315 4.143 0.02037 1.291gene ther mol biol 1529-9120 3043 genes brain behav 1601-1848 genes cells 1356-9597 3798 2.680 2.954 0.01454 1.5163045 genes genet syst 1341-7568 0.00197 genes genom 1976-9571 3047 genes immun 1466-4879 3061 3.872 0.01100 1.3613048 genes nutr 1555-8932 2.097 3049 genesis 1526-954x 3347 2.527 2.864 0.01271 1.5443050 genet counsel 1015-8146 3051 genet eng biotechn n 1935-472x genet epidemiol 0741-0395 3.301 1.6833053 genet med 1098-3600 3375 4.762 4.402 0.01624 3054 genet mol biol 1415-4757 0.842 3055 genet mol res 1676-5680 3056 genet program evol m 1389-2576 3057 genet res 0016-6723 3058 genet resour crop ev 0925-9864 1.567 3059 genet sel evol 0999-193x 3060 genet test mol bioma 1945-0265 genetica 0016-6707 3209 2.120 3062 genetics 0016-6731 41744 4.007 4.113 0.08650 1.8993063 genetika-belgrade 0534-0012 genome 0831-2796 4878 1.653 3065 genome biol 1474-7596 15556 9.036 7.896 1.550 0.08221 4.1243066 genome biol evol 1759-6653 4.618 2.3633067 genome res 1088-9051 24988 13.608 12.486 2.548 0.12712 7.1483068 genomics 0888-7543 9829 1.1603069 geo-mar lett 0276-0460 3070 geoarabia 1025-6059 1.297 3071 geoarchaeology 0883-6353 3072 geobiology 1472-4677 3.669 1.6403073 geobios-lyon 0016-6995 1.010 3074 geochem geophy geosy 1525-2027 6344 0.03481 3075 geochem int 0016-7029 3076 geochem j 0016-7002 3077 geochem t 1467-4866 1.1213078 geochem-explor env a 1467-7873 3079 geochim cosmochim ac 0016-7037 39753 4.259 4.589 0.788 0.07481 1.9603080 geochronometria 1733-8387 3081 geoderma 0016-7061 9217 0.02093 3082 geodin acta 0985-3111 3083 geodiversitas 1280-9659 3084 geofis int 0016-7169 3085 geofizika 0352-3659 3086 geofluids 1468-8115 3087 geogr ann a 0435-3676 3088 geogr fis din quat 0391-9838 geoinformatica 1384-6175 3090 geol acta 1695-6133 1.672 3091 geol belg 1374-8505 0.773 3092 geol carpath 1335-0552 3093 geol croat 1330-030x 3094 geol j 0072-1050 3095 geol mag 0016-7568 1.764 0.00519 3096 geol ore deposit 1075-7015 3097 geol q 1641-7291 geol soc am bull 0016-7606 11931 4.045 0.01721 1.8513099 geol surv den greenl 1604-8156 geology 0091-7613 22648 3.612 4.306 0.05640 2.218geom funct anal 1016-443x 1.246 0.01229 2.5623102 geom topol 1465-3060 1.458 0.01196 3103 geometriae dedicata 0046-5755 0.00752 3104 < geomicrobiol j 0149-0451 3105 geomorphologie 1266-5304 3106 geomorphology 0169-555x 8454 2.879 0.02676 3107 geophys astro fluid 0309-1929 1.146 0.8033108 geophys j int 0956-540x 14697 2.420 0.04472 1.2563109 geophys prospect 0016-8025 0.00484 3110 geophys res lett 0094-8276 57964 0.24017 3111 geophysics 0016-8033 9661 1.713 0.01603 3112 georgian math j 1072-947x 3113 geosci can 0315-0941 3114 geosci j 1226-4806 0.924 3115 geosci model dev 1991-959x 1.3863116 geospatial health 1827-1987 3.038 3117 geosphere 1553-040x 3118 geostand geoanal res 1639-4488 3119 geosynth int 1072-6349 3120 geotech test j 0149-6115 0.599 geotechnique 0016-8505 4327 3122 geotectonics 0016-8521 3123 geotext geomembranes 0266-1144 2.036 2.192 3124 geothermics 0375-6505 1.716 0.6713125 geriatr gerontol int 1444-1586 2.164 3126 geriatr nurs 0197-4572 3127 geriatr psychol neur 2115-8789 geriatrics 0016-867x 3129 gerodontology 0734-0664 3130 gerontology 0304-324x 2.777 2.639 3131 gesunde pflanz 0367-4223 3132 gff 1103-5897 3133 gineco ro 1841-4435 3134 ginecol obstet clin 1695-3827 3135 ginekol pol 0017-0011 3136 giorn ital dermat v 0026-4741 3137 gisci remote sens 1548-1603 3138 glas mat 0017-095x 3139 glasgow math j 0017-0895 3140 glass ceram 0361-7610 glass phys chem 1087-6596 3142 glass technol-part a 1753-3546 3143 glia 0894-1491 9471 4.820 5.157 1.8673144 global biogeochem cy 0886-6236 9172 4.785 5.533 0.02442 2.6433145 global change biol 1354-1013 16313 6.862 8.036 0.06467 3.1883146 global ecol biogeogr 1466-822x 4418 5.145 6.629 0.01771 2.7313147 global environ chang 0959-3780 3816 6.868 8.262 0.01121 2.5013148 global health action 1654-9880 3149 global nest j 1790-7632 3150 global planet change 0921-8181 2.930 3.918 0.01539 1.5343151 globalization health 1744-8603 2.650 3152 glycobiology 0959-6658 6241 3153 glycoconjugate j 0282-0080 0.00471 0.7323154 gold bull 0017-1557 3.517 3155 gondwana res 1342-937x 3498 6.659 5.599 3156 gorteria 0017-2294 3157 gospod surowcami min 0860-0953 3158 gps solut 1080-5370 gradevinar 0350-2465 3160 graef arch clin exp 0721-832x 5465 3161 grana 0017-3134 3162 granul matter 1434-5021 3163 graph combinator 0911-0119 0.4373164 graph models 1524-0703 3165 grasas aceites 0017-3495 3166 grass forage sci 0142-5242 gravit cosmol-russia 0202-2893 3168 green chem 1463-9262 12023 6.320 6.761 0.03184 3169 green chem lett rev 1751-8253 1.009 ground water 0017-467x 3560 1.907 0.6673171 ground water monit r 1069-3629 3172 group geom dynam 1661-7207 3173 growth factors 0897-7194 3174 growth horm igf res 1096-6374 2.129 3175 grundwasser 1430-483x 3176 gut 0017-5749 29465 10.111 9.885 0.06219 3.2553177 gut liver 1976-2283 0.2273178 gut pathog 1757-4749 3179 gynecol endocrinol 0951-3590 0.00463 3180 gynecol obstet ferti 1297-9589 0.00162 3181 gynecol obstet inves 0378-7346 3182 gynecol oncol 0090-8258 16716 3.592 0.03842 1.0063183 hacet j math stat 1303-5010 3184 haematol-hematol j 0390-6078 10766 6.424 6.107 0.04642 2.2263185 haemophilia 1351-8216 3933 2.597 0.00969 hamostaseologie 0720-9355 1.190 hand clin 0749-0712 1.083 3188 handchir mikrochir p 0722-1819 3189 harmful algae 1568-9883 3.463 0.9283190 haseltonia 1070-0048 hastings cent rep 0093-0334 3192 hautarzt 0017-8470 3193 head neck oncol 1758-3284 3194 head neck-j sci spec 1043-3074 5692 0.398 0.01299 3195 headache 0017-8748 5441 health affair 0278-2715 7960 3.748 1.023 0.05113 2.2633197 health care financ r 0195-8631 health econ 1057-9230 2.490 3199 health expect 1369-6513 2.315 2.940 3200 health inf manag j 1833-3583 3201 health inform j 1460-4582 3202 health phys 0017-9078 3515 0.00679 3203 health place 1353-8292 3204 health policy 0168-8510 1.506 1.658 0.00910 3205 health policy plann 0268-1080 0.00557 1.2853206 health psychol 0278-6133 7288 4.796 0.01563 3207 health qual life out 1477-7525 2.112 1.0073208 health rep 0840-6529 3.264 health serv res 0017-9124 4183 2.157 0.01478 1.4243210 health technol asses 1366-5278 4.255 5.596 0.01321 2.1993211 healthmed 1840-2291 3212 hearing res 0378-5955 8063 2.832 0.9943213 heart 1355-6037 12294 4.366 0.03790 1.5483214 heart fail rev 1382-4147 3.857 3215 heart lung 0147-9563 heart lung circ 1443-9506 3217 heart rhythm 1547-5271 5501 4.102 4.050 1.180 0.02909 3218 heart surg forum 1098-3511 3219 heart vessels 0910-8327 2.047 0.3413220 heat mass transfer 0947-7411 0.00452 3221 heat transf res 1064-2285 0.0333222 heat transfer eng 0145-7632 3223 helgoland mar res 1438-387x 0.485 helicobacter 1083-4389 2.747 3225 hell j cardiol 1109-9666 3226 hell j nucl med 1790-5427 3227 helminthologia 0440-6605 3228 helv chim acta 0018-019x 8354 0.314hem ind 0367-598x 3230 hematol oncol 0278-0232 0.7533231 hematol oncol clin n 0889-8588 2.264 3232 hematology 1024-5332 0.00279 3233 hemodial int 1492-7535 0.00265 hemoglobin 0363-0269 3235 hepat mon 1735-143x 3236 hepato-gastroenterol 0172-6390 4434 hepatob pancreat dis 1499-3872 hepatol int 1936-0533 3239 hepatol res 1386-6346 3240 hepatology 0270-9139 46871 11.665 0.12037 3.5193241 her russ acad sci 1019-3316 3242 hered cancer clin pr 1731-2302 3243 hereditas 0018-0661 3244 heredity 0018-067x 8712 4.597 1.6853245 hernia 1265-4906 1.843 3246 herpetol conserv bio 1931-7603 3247 herpetol j 0268-0130 herpetol monogr 0733-1347 3249 herpetologica 0018-0831 1.605 3250 herpetozoa 1013-4425 3251 herz 0340-9937 3252 heteroatom chem 1042-7163 3253 heterocycl commun 0793-0283 3254 heterocycles 0385-5414 6105 0.999 hfsp j 1955-2068 2.689 1.578hidrobiologica 0188-8897 0.377 3257 high alt med biol 1527-0297 3258 high energ chem 0018-1439 high energ dens phys 1574-1818 3260 high perform polym 0954-0083 3261 high pressure res 0895-7959 high temp mat pr-isr 0334-6455 high temp 0018-151x 3264 himal geol 0971-8966 3265 hip int 1120-7000 3266 hippocampus 1050-9631 6516 5.176 5.135 0.02234 2.1603267 hippokratia 1108-4189 3268 hiroshima math j 0018-2079 3269 hist biol 0891-2963 3270 hist hum sci 0952-6951 3271 hist math 0315-0860 3272 hist phil life sci 0391-9714 3273 hist philos logic 0144-5340 3274 hist rec aust sci 0727-3061 3275 hist sci 0073-2753 3276 hist stud nat sci 1939-1811 3277 histochem cell biol 0948-6143 3773 histol histopathol 0213-3911 2.098 0.00854 < 0.6253279 histopathology 0309-0167 7411 3.825 3280 hiv clin trials 1528-4336 3281 hiv med 1464-2662 3.006 3.262 0.00913 3282 hno 0017-6192 hokkaido math j 0385-4035 3284 holist nurs pract 0887-9311 3285 holocene 0959-6836 4016 2.595 2.836 0.01089 1.1743286 holzforschung 0018-3830 3287 homeopathy 1475-4916 homol homotopy appl 1532-0073 3289 hong kong j emerg me 1024-9079 3290 hong kong j occup th 1569-1861 3291 hong kong j paediatr 1013-9923 3292 horm behav 0018-506x 7262 0.01935 horm metab res 0018-5043 3789 0.00789 3294 horm res 0301-0163 2.285 3295 horm res paediat 1663-2818 1.571 3296 horm-int j endocrino 1109-3099 2.437 3297 hortic bras 0102-0536 hortic sci 0862-867x 3299 hortscience 0018-5345 5848 0.00649 3300 horttechnology 1063-0198 0.1433301 houille blanche 0018-6368 3302 houston j math 0362-1588 3303 hpb 1365-182x 0.00428 hum biol 0018-7143 3305 hum brain mapp 1065-9471 10916 5.880 6.348 0.03627 2.384 hum cell 1749-0774 3307 hum ecol risk assess 1080-7039 0.3843308 hum exp toxicol 0960-3271 0.00400 3309 hum factor ergon man 1090-8471 0.612 hum factors 0018-7208 hum fertil 1464-7273 3312 hum gene ther 1043-0342 6220 3.963 1.069 1.2643313 hum genet 0340-6717 8877 5.069 0.02028 3314 hum hered 0001-5652 2.445 0.00474 3315 hum immunol 0198-8859 4331 2.732 0.01135 3316 hum mol genet 0964-6906 33384 7.636 7.510 1.743 0.11530 3.1583317 hum movement sci 0167-9457 3318 hum mutat 1059-7794 10114 5.686 5.845 0.04027 2.3443319 hum pathol 0046-8177 10833 2.876 3.125 0.552 3320 hum psychopharm clin 0885-6222 0.00405 3321 hum reprod 0268-1161 25706 4.332 0.04261 3322 hum reprod update 1355-4786 5125 9.234 9.609 0.01342 2.9443323 hum vaccines 1554-8600 3.577 3324 hum-comput interact 0737-0024 3.154 1.4793325 hvac&r res 1078-9669 3326 hybridoma 1554-0014 3327 hydrobiologia 0018-8158 18067 0.02708 3328 hydrocarb process 0018-8190 3329 hydrogeol j 1431-2174 0.00662 3330 hydrol earth syst sc 1027-5606 3706 3.457 0.01399 1.1293331 hydrol process 0885-6087 10194 2.488 0.02528 3332 hydrol res 1998-9563 3333 hydrol wasserbewirts 1439-1783 hydrolog sci j 0262-6667 1.934 3335 hydrometallurgy 0304-386x 4609 2.230 3336 hyle 1433-5158 3337 hypertens pregnancy 1064-1955 1.694 1.758 3338 hypertens res 0916-9636 3548 2.576 2.413 0.01056 3339 hypertension 0194-911x 30265 6.207 6.643 0.06647 3340 hystrix 0394-1914 3341 iawa j 0928-1541 3342 ibis 0019-1019 3947 2.430 2.440 0.00716 3343 ibm j res dev 0018-8646 1.2283344 icarus 0019-1035 15223 3.218 0.726 0.04795 1.5503345 iceland agr sci 1670-567x 3346 ices j mar sci 1054-3139 icga j 1389-6911 3348 ichnos 1042-0940 3349 ichthyol explor fres 0936-9902 0.190 ichthyol res 1341-8998 3351 ideggyogy szemle 0019-1442 3352 idojaras 0324-6329 3353 idrugs 1369-7056 2.276 1.852 3354 ieee acm t comput bi 1545-5963 3355 ieee acm t network 1063-6692 4532 2.033 0.01729 1.4593356 ieee aero el sys mag 0885-8985 3357 ieee ann hist comput 1058-6180 ieee antenn propag m 1045-9243 3359 ieee antenn wirel pr 1536-1225 3360 ieee circ syst mag 1531-636x 2.515 3361 ieee commun lett 1089-7798 3822 0.01739 ieee commun mag 0163-6804 6016 3.785 0.02626 1.6243363 ieee commun surv tut 1553-877x 6.311 5.496 2.296ieee comput archit l 1556-6056 3365 ieee comput graph 0272-1716 0.9043366 ieee comput intell m 1556-603x 3367 ieee contr syst mag 1066-033x 3368 ieee des test comput 0740-7475 3369 ieee electr device l 0741-3106 8764 0.04116 1.210ieee electr insul m 0883-7554 3371 ieee eng med biol 0739-5175 3372 ieee geosci remote s 1545-598x 0.00877 3373 ieee ind appl mag 1077-2618 3374 ieee ind electron m 1932-4529 ieee instru meas mag 1094-6969 0.728 ieee intell syst 1541-1672 2.154 1.1003377 ieee internet comput 1089-7801 3378 ieee j oceanic eng 0364-9059 ieee j quantum elect 0018-9197 9531 3380 ieee j sel area comm 0733-8716 9949 3.413 4.840 0.04164 2.7113381 ieee j sel top quant 1077-260x 6768 3.780 3.510 0.02314 1.300ieee j solid-st circ 0018-9200 12403 3.226 0.04262 3383 ieee j-stars 1939-1404 1.675 3384 ieee j-stsp 1932-4553 0.01333 3385 ieee lat am t 1548-0992 3386 ieee micro 0272-1732 1.783 2.760 3387 ieee microw mag 1527-3342 3388 ieee microw wirel co 1531-1309 3489 0.02454 1.0273389 ieee multimedia 1070-986x 3390 ieee network 0890-8044 2.239 1.5733391 ieee pervas comput 1536-1268 0.00331 ieee photonic tech l 1041-1135 13572 2.191 1.860 0.03807 0.6133393 ieee photonics j 1943-0655 3394 ieee power energy m 1540-7977 3395 ieee robot autom mag 1070-9932 1.985 3.387 1.3023396 ieee secur priv 1540-7993 3397 ieee sens j 1530-437x 0.01206 0.5213398 ieee signal proc let 1070-9908 1.430 0.01493 3399 ieee signal proc mag 1053-5888 4089 4.066 6.522 0.697 0.01844 3.3353400 ieee software 0740-7459 3401 ieee spectrum 0018-9235 3402 ieee syst j 1932-8184 ieee t aero elec sys 0018-9251 4952 3404 ieee t antenn propag 0018-926x 15952 3405 ieee t appl supercon 1051-8223 5338 ieee t audio speech 1558-7916 0.01048 0.6573407 ieee t autom sci eng 1545-5955 0.00388 ieee t automat contr 0018-9286 19589 2.773 0.03845 3409 ieee t auton ment de 1943-0604 2.310 3410 ieee t bio-med eng 0018-9294 2.278 0.02085 0.7253411 ieee t biomed circ s 1932-4545 1.2923412 ieee t broadcast 0018-9316 3413 ieee t circ syst vid 1051-8215 4834 0.01681 1.067ieee t circuits-i 1549-8328 0.02636 3415 ieee t circuits-ii 1549-7747 0.8973416 ieee t commun 0090-6778 11415 0.02686 3417 ieee t comp intel ai 1943-068x 3418 ieee t comp pack man 2156-3950 0.00802 0.3643419 ieee t comput 0018-9340 5449 0.01064 3420 ieee t comput aid d 0278-0070 3682 0.00858 3421 ieee t consum electr 0098-3063 0.00638 3422 ieee t contr syst t 1063-6536 3459 2.309 0.01102 3423 ieee t depend secure 1545-5971 3424 ieee t device mat re 1530-4388 0.00475 0.7353425 ieee t dielect el in 1070-9878 ieee t educ 0018-9359 1.021 3427 ieee t electromagn c 0018-9375 0.00454 3428 ieee t electron dev 0018-9383 14095 0.04011 0.9973429 ieee t energy conver 0885-8969 4586 2.272 0.01315 3430 ieee t eng manage 0018-9391 1.768 3431 ieee t evolut comput 1089-778x 4073 4.736 1.7743432 ieee t fuzzy syst 1063-6706 4.260 4.196 3433 ieee t geosci remote 0196-2892 16126 2.895 3.298 0.02884 3434 ieee t haptics 1939-1412 3435 ieee t image process 1057-7149 12063 3.770 0.03719 1.608ieee t ind appl 0093-9994 < 8448 2.050 0.01280 3437 ieee t ind electron 0278-0046 15474 5.337 0.04019 ieee t ind inform 1551-3203 2.990 3439 ieee t inf foren sec 1556-6013 3440 ieee t inf technol b 1089-7771 3441 ieee t inform theory 0018-9448 27909 3.009 4.117 0.07729 1.8973442 ieee t instrum meas 0018-9456 5329 1.175 0.01267 3443 ieee t intell transp 1524-9050 4.090 0.503 0.00535 3444 ieee t knowl data en 1041-4347 0.01282 ieee t learn technol 1939-1382 3446 ieee t magn 0018-9464 15454 0.03381 3447 ieee t med imaging 0278-0062 10353 3.643 4.105 ieee t microw theory 0018-9480 13445 0.04536 ieee t mobile comput 1536-1233 2.283 3450 ieee t multimedia 1520-9210 0.01226 3451 ieee t nanobiosci 1536-1241 0.4393452 ieee t nanotechnol 1536-125x 3453 ieee t neur sys reh 1534-4320 3.436 3.947 ieee t neural networ 1045-9227 8821 2.952 3.370 0.01657 ieee t nucl sci 0018-9499 9222 0.01917 3456 ieee t parall distr 1045-9219 1.780 0.00987 3457 ieee t pattern anal 0162-8828 6.085 0.04882 2.917ieee t plasma sci 0093-3813 5620 0.01509 ieee t power deliver 0885-8977 7771 1.707 3460 ieee t power electr 0885-8993 11728 4.650 4.664 0.02524 0.9833461 ieee t power syst 0885-8950 11718 2.678 3.258 0.01877 3462 ieee t reliab 0018-9529 0.00473 3463 ieee t robot 1552-3098 3.143 ieee t semiconduct m 0894-6507 3465 ieee t serv comput 1939-1374 ieee t signal proces 1053-587x 16727 0.05716 1.247ieee t software eng 0098-5589 3692 3468 ieee t syst man cy a 1083-4427 0.7003469 ieee t syst man cy b 1083-4419 4780 3.080 3.337 0.01625 3470 ieee t syst man cy c 1094-6977 2.397 3471 ieee t ultrason ferr 0885-3010 6174 0.01598 3472 ieee t veh technol 0018-9545 6506 1.921 0.02724 3473 ieee t vis comput gr 1077-2626 3474 ieee t vlsi syst 1063-8210 1.347 0.00978 0.6623475 ieee t wirel commun 1536-1276 9657 0.05531 1.1123476 ieee technol soc mag 0278-0097 3477 ieee veh technol mag 1556-6072 2.096 ieee wirel commun 1536-1284 0.00950 1.658ieee-asme t mech 1083-4435 3480 ieej t electr electr 1931-4973 ieice electron expr 1349-2543 3482 ieice t commun 0916-8516 3483 ieice t electron 0916-8524 0.147ieice t fund electr 0916-8508 0.00461 3485 ieice t inf syst 0916-8532 0.0923486 iet circ device syst 1751-858x 3487 iet commun 1751-8628 0.00353 3488 iet comput digit tec 1751-8601 iet comput vis 1751-9632 3490 iet control theory a 1751-8644 3491 iet electr power app 1751-8660 iet gener transm dis 1751-8687 3493 iet image process 1751-9659 0.645 3494 iet inform secur 1751-8709 3495 iet intell transp sy 1751-956x 3496 iet microw antenna p 1751-8725 3497 iet nanobiotechnol 1751-8741 2.300 iet optoelectron 1751-8768 iet power electron 1755-4535 1.621 3500 iet radar sonar nav 1751-8784 iet renew power gen 1752-1416 1.742 3502 iet sci meas technol 1751-8822 3503 iet signal process 1751-9675 0.802 3504 iet softw 1751-8806 3505 iet syst biol 1751-8849 3506 iete j res 0377-2063 3507 iete tech rev 0256-4602 3508 iforest 1971-7458 3509 iheringia ser bot 0073-4705 3510 iheringia ser zool 0073-4721 3511 iie trans 0740-817x 0.856 ilar j 1084-2020 3.632 0.719illinois j math 0019-2082 3514 ima j appl math 0272-4960 0.475ima j manag math 1471-678x 3516 ima j math control i 0265-0754 ima j numer anal 0272-4979 1.332image vision comput 0262-8856 3519 imaging sci j 1368-2199 0.171 immunity 1074-7613 31337 21.637 21.094 4.047 0.15726 11.971immuno-anal biol spe 0923-2532 immunobiology 0171-2985 0.01002 1.2633523 immunogenetics 0093-7711 3753 2.934 0.8043524 immunol allergy clin 0889-8561 3.156 0.9933525 immunol cell biol 0818-9641 3.661 3.609 0.01108 1.4573526 immunol invest 0882-0139 3527 immunol lett 0165-2478 4081 2.698 0.01160 3528 immunol res 0257-277x 3.026 3.167 3529 immunol rev 0105-2896 11982 11.148 11.293 0.05528 5.3153530 immunology 0019-2805 9056 1.1993531 immunopharm immunot 0892-3973 3532 immunotherapy-uk 1750-743x 3533 implant dent 1056-6163 3534 implantologie 0943-9692 3535 implement sci 1748-5908 3.100 3.196 0.9063536 in practice 0263-841x 3537 in vitro cell dev-an 1071-2690 3538 in vitro cell dev-pl 1054-5476 3539 in vivo 0258-851x 1.264 3540 ind ceram 1121-7588 3541 ind crop prod 0926-6690 0.00652 ind eng 1542-894x 0.0183543 ind eng chem res 0888-5885 34547 0.07027 0.6383544 ind health 0019-8366 0.940 1.007 0.00251 0.2973545 ind lubr tribol 0036-8792 3546 ind manage data syst 0263-5577 3547 ind robot 0143-991x ind textila 1222-5347 3549 indagat math new ser 0019-3577 3550 indian j agr sci 0019-5022 3551 indian j anim res 0367-6722 3552 indian j anim sci 0367-8318 3553 indian j biochem bio 0301-1208 1.142 3554 indian j biotechnol 0972-5849 3555 indian j chem a 0376-4710 indian j chem b 0376-4699 indian j chem techn 0971-457x 3558 indian j dermatol ve 0378-6323 3559 indian j eng mater s 0971-4588 0.061indian j exp biol 0019-5189 3561 indian j fish 0970-6011 indian j genet pl br 0019-5200 3563 indian j hematol blo 0971-4502 3564 indian j heterocy ch 0971-1627 3565 indian j hortic 0972-8538 3566 indian j mar sci 0379-5136 3567 indian j med microbi 0255-0857 3568 indian j med res 0971-5916 1.837 3569 indian j microbiol 0046-8991 3570 indian j ophthalmol 0301-4738 3571 indian j orthop 0019-5413 3572 indian j otolaryngol 2231-3796 3573 indian j pathol micr 0377-4929 3574 indian j pediatr 0019-5456 3575 indian j pharm educ 0019-5464 3576 indian j pharm sci 0250-474x 3577 indian j pharmacol 0019-5472 3578 indian j phys 0973-1458 3579 indian j pure ap mat 0019-5588 3580 indian j pure ap phy 0019-5596 3581 indian j surg 0972-2068 3582 indian j tradit know 0972-5938 3583 indian pediatr 0019-6061 0.00377 3584 indoor air 0905-6947 3.513 3585 indoor built environ 1420-326x 3586 inf constr 0020-0883 3587 inf technol control 1392-124x 3588 infect cont hosp ep 0899-823x 8089 3.567 0.02847 1.3763589 infect dis clin n am 0891-5520 3590 infect genet evol 1567-1348 3591 infect immun 0019-9567 51523 4.165 4.055 0.07621 3592 infect med 0749-6524 0.0293593 infection 0300-8126 2.659 3594 infin dimens anal qu 0219-0257 3595 inflamm bowel dis 1078-0998 6789 4.855 5.049 0.02566 1.4733596 inflamm res 1023-3830 0.00596 3597 inflammation 0360-3997 3598 influenza other resp 1750-2640 4.157 3.650 0.00306 3599 infor 0315-5986 3600 inform comput 0890-5401 0.00352 inform fusion 1566-2535 3602 inform health soc ca 1753-8157 0.872 3603 inform manage-amster 0378-7206 2.214 3604 inform midem 0352-9045 3605 inform process < lett 0020-0190 3606 inform process manag 0306-4573 3607 inform retrieval 1386-4564 3608 inform sciences 0020-0255 7333 0.02205 0.7733609 inform software tech 0950-5849 3610 inform syst 0306-4379 3611 inform syst front 1387-3326 3612 inform syst manage 1058-0530 3613 inform technol libr 0730-9295 3614 inform visual 1473-8716 3615 informatica-lithuan 0868-4952 3616 information-tokyo 1343-4500 3617 informs j comput 1091-9856 1.260 0.00469 3618 infrared phys techn 1350-4495 0.00282 3619 ing hidraul mex 0186-4076 ing quim-uruguay 0797-4930 0.0273621 inhal toxicol 0895-8378 0.00873 3622 injury 0020-1383 6623 0.01590 3623 injury prev 1353-8047 1.392 3624 inland water biol 1995-0829 3625 innate immun-london 1753-4259 1.190innov food sci emerg 1466-8564 3.307 3627 inorg chem 0020-1669 82190 4.601 4.553 0.12763 3628 inorg chem commun 1387-7003 6187 1.972 0.01195 3629 inorg chim acta 0020-1693 15652 0.02237 3630 inorg mater 0020-1685 3631 inquiry-j health car 0046-9580 3632 inra prod anim 0990-0632 3633 insect biochem molec 0965-1748 5130 3.246 3.362 0.00963 3634 insect conserv diver 1752-458x 1.867 insect mol biol 0962-1075 0.00706 3636 insect sci 1672-9609 3637 insect soc 0020-1812 3638 insect syst evol 1399-560x 3639 insight 1354-2575 3640 instrum exp tech 0020-4412 0.1313641 instrum sci technol 1073-9149 insur math econ 0167-6687 3643 int agrophys 0236-8722 3644 int angiol 0392-9590 3645 int arab j inf techn 1683-3198 3646 int arch allergy imm 1018-2438 4658 3647 int arch occ env hea 0340-0131 3648 int biodeter biodegr 0964-8305 int braz j urol 1677-5538 3650 int clin psychopharm 0268-1315 3651 int commun heat mass 0735-1933 3652 int dairy j 0958-6946 5500 3.203 0.01015 int dent j 0020-6539 3654 int endod j 0143-2885 2.461 0.00780 3655 int food agribus man 1559-2448 3656 int forest rev 1465-5489 3657 int geol rev 0020-6814 3658 int heart j 1349-2365 0.3053659 int immunol 0953-8178 6421 3.245 0.01688 3660 int immunopharmacol 1567-5769 4917 0.01290 3661 int j acarol 0164-7954 3662 int j acoust vib 1027-5851 3663 int j ad hoc ubiq co 1743-8225 3664 int j adapt control 0890-6327 3665 int j adhes adhes 0143-7496 2.345 3666 int j adv manuf tech 0268-3768 5702 0.01747 3667 int j adv robot syst 1729-8806 3668 int j aeroacoust 1475-472x 3669 int j agr sustain 1473-5903 3670 int j agric biol 1560-8530 3671 int j agric stat sci 0973-1903 3672 int j algebr comput 0218-1967 0.601 int j androl 0105-6263 3.934 1.0523674 int j antenn propag 1687-5869 3675 int j antimicrob ag 0924-8579 6750 4.128 3.598 3676 int j ap mat com-pol 1641-876x 3677 int j appl ceram tec 1546-542x 1.384 3678 int j appl earth obs 0303-2434 3679 int j appl electrom 1383-5416 3680 int j appl mech 1758-8251 3681 int j appl res vet m 1542-2666 int j approx reason 0888-613x 3683 int j archit herit 1558-3058 3684 int j artif intell t 0218-2130 3685 int j artif organs 0391-3988 3686 int j astrobiol 1473-5504 3687 int j athl ther trai 2157-7277 3688 int j audiol 1499-2027 1.396 1.689 3689 int j auto tech-kor 1229-9138 0.1853690 int j behav nutr phy 1479-5868 3.828 0.00945 3691 int j bifurcat chaos 0218-1274 int j biochem cell b 1357-2725 11633 4.634 4.759 1.6093693 int j biol macromol 0141-8130 4402 3694 int j biol marker 0393-6155 3695 int j biol sci 1449-2288 3696 int j biomath 1793-5245 3697 int j biometeorol 0020-7128 2.709 0.00434 3698 int j biostat 1557-4679 1.284 3699 int j cancer 0020-7136 41471 5.444 4.919 0.11240 3700 int j cardiol 0167-5273 11668 7.078 0.03346 3701 int j cardiovas imag 1569-5794 3702 int j cast metal res 1364-0461 int j chem kinet 0538-8066 int j chem react eng 1542-6580 3705 int j circ theor app 0098-9886 int j circumpol heal 1239-9736 3707 int j civ eng 1735-0522 3708 int j climatol 0899-8418 7869 2.906 0.01996 1.3793709 int j clin exp patho 1936-2625 3710 int j clin oncol 1341-9625 0.00423 3711 int j clin pharm th 0946-1965 3712 int j clin pharm-net 2210-7703 int j clin pract 1368-5031 2.415 0.01438 0.6073714 int j cloth sci tech 0955-6222 3715 int j coal geol 0166-5162 2.542 1.124 3716 int j coal prep util 1939-2699 3717 int j colorectal dis 0179-1958 2.385 0.01079 3718 int j commun syst 1074-5351 3719 int j comp meth-sing 0219-8762 3720 int j comput ass rad 1861-6410 3721 int j comput commun 1841-9836 3722 int j comput fluid d 1061-8562 3723 int j comput geom ap 0218-1959 int j comput integ m 0951-192x 3725 int j comput math 0020-7160 0.499 3726 int j comput vision 0920-5691 8673 5.428 0.02514 2.9553727 int j control 0020-7179 3728 int j control autom 1598-6446 3729 int j coop inf syst 0218-8430 3730 int j crashworthines 1358-8265 0.1833731 int j dairy technol 1364-727x 3732 int j damage mech 1056-7895 1.928 3733 int j data min bioin 1748-5673 3734 int j data warehous 1548-3924 3735 int j dent hyg 1601-5029 3736 int j dermatol 0011-9059 3737 int j des 1991-3761 0.3543738 int j dev biol 0214-6282 3990 0.01332 1.227int j dev neurosci 0736-5748 3740 int j diabetes dev c 0973-3930 3741 int j digit earth 1753-8947 int j disabil hum de 1565-012x 0.0803743 int j distrib sens n 1550-1329 3744 int j doc anal recog 1433-2833 int j earth sci 1437-3254 3746 int j eat disorder 0276-3478 6164 3747 int j elec eng educ 0020-7209 3748 int j elec power 0142-0615 int j electrochem sc 1452-3981 3.324 3750 int j electron 0020-7217 3751 int j electron comm 1086-4415 2.426 3752 int j endocrinol 1687-8337 0.591int j energ res 0363-907x 2.186 3754 int j eng educ 0949-149x int j eng sci 0020-7225 0.00635 3756 int j engine res 1468-0874 3757 int j env res pub he 1661-7827 3758 int j environ an ch 0306-7319 3759 int j environ heal r 0960-3123 3760 int j environ pollut 0957-4352 3761 int j environ res 1735-6865 3762 int j environ sci te 1735-1472 3.051 3763 int j epidemiol 0300-5771 13378 6.414 6.707 0.03753 2.8893764 int j exergy 1742-8297 3765 int j exp pathol 0959-9673 2.566 int j fatigue 0142-1123 4546 0.01526 0.7633767 int j fertil steril 2008-076x 3768 int j food eng 1556-3758 int j food microbiol 0168-1605 16332 0.9113770 int j food prop 1094-2912 1.064 3771 int j food sci nutr 0963-7486 3772 int j food sci tech 0950-5423 3952 1.259 0.00743 0.303int j found comput s 0129-0541 3774 int j fracture 0376-9429 3861 1.485 1.370 3775 int j fuzzy syst 1562-2479 3776 int j game theory 0020-7276 3777 int j gen syst 0308-1079 3778 int j geogr inf sci 1365-8816 3779 int j geom methods m 0219-8878 < 3780 int j geriatr psych 0885-6230 5647 2.419 0.7753781 int j gerontol 1873-9598 3782 int j global warm 1758-2083 3783 int j green energy 1543-5075 3784 int j greenh gas con 1750-5836 5.111 6.551 3785 int j gynecol cancer 1048-891x 4115 1.781 0.01379 int j gynecol obstet 0020-7292 5123 0.01356 3787 int j gynecol pathol 0277-1691 3788 int j health serv 0020-7314 int j heat fluid fl 0142-727x 0.01007 3790 int j heat mass tran 0017-9310 21654 2.913 0.04196 3791 int j heavy veh syst 1744-232x 0.2343792 int j hematol 0925-5710 int j high perform c 1094-3420 3794 int j hum genet 0972-3757 3795 int j hum robot 0219-8436 3796 int j hum-comput int 1044-7318 0.2823797 int j hum-comput st 1071-5819 int j hydrogen energ 0360-3199 26939 4.054 0.05917 3799 int j hyg envir heal 1438-4639 3.809 3800 int j hyperther 0265-6736 0.00375 3801 int j imag syst tech 0899-9457 int j immunogenet 1744-3121 int j immunopath ph 0394-6320 3804 int j impact eng 0734-743x 1.701 0.00845 3805 int j impot res 0955-9930 0.00311 int j ind eng-theory 1943-670x 3807 int j ind ergonom 0169-8141 3808 int j inf secur 1615-5262 3809 int j infect dis 1201-9712 3810 int j intell syst 0884-8173 3811 int j lab hematol 1751-5521 0.3193812 int j lang comm dis 1368-2822 3813 int j legal med 0937-9827 2.587 2.584 3814 int j life cycle ass 0948-3349 3815 int j low extr wound 1534-7346 int j mach tool manu 0890-6955 5977 2.564 0.01371 3817 int j marit eng 1479-8751 3818 int j mass spectrom 1387-3806 7305 0.01501 3819 int j mater prod tec 0268-1900 3820 int j mater res 1862-5282 0.00620 3821 int j math 0129-167x int j mech sci 0020-7403 3867 int j med inform 1386-5056 2.492 3824 int j med microbiol 1438-4221 4.173 0.00883 1.1153825 int j med mushrooms 1521-9437 3826 int j med robot comp 1478-5951 3827 int j med sci 1449-1907 2.244 3828 int j ment health nu 1445-8330 3829 int j metalcast 1939-5981 3830 int j meth psych res 1049-8931 3.319 1.4703831 int j min met mater 1674-4799 3832 int j min reclam env 1748-0930 3833 int j miner process 0301-7516 int j mod phys a 0217-751x 0.01189 3835 int j mod phys b 0217-9792 3836 int j mod phys c 0129-1831 3837 int j mod phys d 0218-2718 0.00921 3838 int j mod phys e 0218-3013 3839 int j mol med 1107-3756 4065 1.746 3840 int j mol sci 1661-6596 0.01090 3841 int j morphol 0717-9502 3842 int j multiphas flow 0301-9322 4155 3843 int j multiscale com 1543-1649 3844 int j nanomed 1178-2013 4.424 int j nanotechnol 1475-7435 3846 int j nav arch ocean 2092-6782 3847 int j netw manag 1055-7148 3848 int j neural syst 0129-0657 4.284 2.574 3849 int j neuropsychoph 1461-1457 4.578 4.676 0.01149 3850 int j neurosci 0020-7454 3851 int j nonlin mech 0020-7462 int j nonlin sci num 1565-1339 3853 int j number theory 1793-0421 3854 int j numer anal met 0363-9061 3855 int j numer anal mod 1705-5105 3856 int j numer meth bio 2040-7939 3857 int j numer meth eng 0029-5981 11424 0.02857 3858 int j numer meth fl 0271-2091 4388 0.01284 int j numer method h 0961-5539 3860 int j numer model el 0894-3370 int j nurs pract 1322-7114 3862 int j nurs stud 0020-7489 0.00855 int j obesity 0307-0565 17172 4.691 5.238 0.04009 1.7573864 int j obstet anesth 0959-289x 3865 int j occup env heal 1077-3525 3866 int j occup med env 1232-1087 int j odonatol 1388-7890 3868 int j offshore polar 1053-5381 3869 int j oil gas coal t 1753-3309 0.1283870 int j oncol 1019-6439 8237 0.02247 0.7283871 int j ophthalmol-chi 2222-3959 3872 int j optomechatroni 1559-9612 3873 int j oral max impl 0882-2786 5652 2.444 3874 int j oral max surg 0901-5027 4896 0.00993 3875 int j oral sci 1674-2818 3876 int j osteopath med 1746-0689 3877 int j paediatr dent 0960-7439 3878 int j parallel prog 0885-7458 int j parasitol 0020-7519 8782 3.393 3.753 0.01712 1.1493880 int j pattern recogn 0218-0014 3881 int j pavement eng 1029-8436 3882 int j pediatr obes 1747-7166 4.089 1.104int j pediatr otorhi 0165-5876 1.311 0.01010 3884 int j pept res ther 1573-3149 3885 int j periodont rest 0198-7569 3886 int j pest manage 0967-0874 3887 int j pharmaceut 0378-5173 26564 3.350 3.867 0.04132 3888 int j pharmacol 1811-7775 3889 int j photoenergy 1110-662x 3890 int j phytoremediat 1522-6514 3891 int j plant prod 1735-6814 3892 int j plant sci 1058-5893 3893 int j plasticity 0749-6419 4864 4.603 1.7063894 int j polym anal ch 1023-666x 1.149 3895 int j polym mater 0091-4037 3896 int j powder metall 0888-7462 3897 int j precis eng man 2234-7593 int j pres ves pip 0308-0161 1.293 3899 int j primatol 0164-0291 3900 int j prod econ 0925-5273 6611 0.01758 0.7113901 int j prod res 0020-7543 6654 3902 int j prosthodont 0893-2174 3903 int j psychiat clin 1365-1501 3904 int j psychiat med 0091-2174 3905 int j psychophysiol 0167-8760 4296 0.01069 0.8903906 int j public health 1661-8556 0.00301 3907 int j qual health c 1353-4505 1.958 0.8783908 int j quantum chem 0020-7608 7311 3909 int j quantum inf 0219-7499 3910 int j radiat biol 0955-3002 3911 int j radiat oncol 0360-3016 34832 4.370 0.06900 1.156int j refract met h 0263-4368 3913 int j refrig 0140-7007 1.817 int j rehabil res 0342-5282 3915 int j remote sens 0143-1161 10865 0.01653 3916 int j rf microw c e 1096-4290 3917 int j rheum dis 1756-1841 int j robot autom 0826-8185 3919 int j robot res 0278-3649 3.277 3920 int j robust nonlin 1049-8923 0.00692 3921 int j rock mech min 1365-1609 3922 int j satell comm n 1542-0973 3923 int j sediment res 1001-6279 3924 int j semant web inf 1552-6283 2.308 3925 int j sens netw 1748-1279 3926 int j softw eng know 0218-1940 3927 int j solids struct 0020-7683 12501 0.03448 0.9513928 int j speleol 0392-6672 3929 int j sport nutr exe 1526-484x 2.195 3930 int j sport physiol 1555-0265 3931 int j sport psychol 0047-0767 3932 int j sports med 0172-4622 5446 2.433 int j std aids 0956-4624 int j steel struct 1598-2351 3935 int j stroke 1747-4930 2.382 3936 int j struct stab dy 0219-4554 3937 int j surf sci eng 1749-785x 3938 int j surg 1743-9191 3939 int j surg pathol 1066-8969 3940 int j sust dev world 1350-4509 3941 int j syst evol micr 1466-5026 12678 2.268 0.02303 3942 int j syst sci 0020-7721 int j technol assess 0266-4623 0.5013944 int j technol des ed 0957-7572 3945 int j technol manage 0267-5730 3946 int j theor phys 0020-7748 int j therm sci 1290-0729 2.390 0.01330 3948 int j thermophys 0195-928x 0.953 3949 int j toxicol 1091-5818 3950 int j tuberc lung d 1027-3719 6147 2.685 < 3951 int j turbo jet eng 0334-0082 int j uncertain fuzz 0218-4885 3953 int j unconv comput 1548-7199 3954 int j urol 0919-8172 3955 int j urol nurs 1749-7701 3956 int j vehicle des 0143-3369 3957 int j vent 1473-3315 3958 int j vitam nutr res 0300-9831 int j water resour d 0790-0627 3960 int j web grid serv 1741-1106 int j web serv res 1545-7362 3962 int j wildland fire 1049-8001 2.871 0.00622 3963 int mater rev 0950-6608 6.962 6.567 2.7543964 int math res notices 1073-7928 0.01995 1.5923965 int med j 1341-2051 3966 int nurs rev 0020-8132 3967 int orthop 0341-2695 0.00874 3968 int polym proc 0930-777x 3969 int psychogeriatr 1041-6102 2.479 3970 int rev cel mol bio 1937-6448 4.481 2.0533971 int rev cytol 0074-7696 4.838 2.2073972 int rev hydrobiol 1434-2944 3973 int rev immunol 0883-0185 3.426 3.228 3974 int rev neurobiol 0074-7742 2.439 3975 int rev phys chem 0144-235x 5.967 6.977 3976 int sportmed j 1528-3356 3977 int stat rev 0306-7734 0.540 3978 int sugar j 0020-8841 3979 int surg 0020-8868 3980 int t oper res 0969-6016 3981 int urogynecol j 0937-3462 1.832 0.00936 3982 int urol nephrol 0301-1623 int wound j 1742-4801 3984 integr biol-uk 1757-9694 4.509 integr cancer ther 1534-7354 3986 integr comp biol 1540-7063 2.447 0.00835 integr comput-aid e 1069-2509 3.451 3988 integr equat oper th 0378-620x 3989 integr ferroelectr 1058-4587 0.072 integr transf spec f 1065-2469 0.835 3991 integr zool 1749-4877 3992 integration 0167-9260 3993 intell autom soft co 1079-8587 intell data anal 1088-467x intens care med 0342-4642 13827 5.399 4.971 0.03493 1.5103996 interact comput 0953-5438 3997 interciencia 0378-1844 interdiscipl sci rev 0308-0188 3999 interface focus 2042-8898 4000 interface free bound 1463-9963 0.9574001 interfaces 0092-2102 0.5954002 intermetallics 0966-9795 4706 4003 intern emerg med 1828-0447 1.876 4004 intern med j 1444-0903 4005 internal med 0918-2918 0.2884006 internet res 1066-2243 4007 internist 0020-9554 4008 interv neuroradiol 1591-0199 4009 intervirology 0300-5526 4010 invent math 0020-9910 0.02771 4.6264011 inverse probl 0266-5611 0.01562 1.1224012 inverse probl imag 1930-8337 4013 inverse probl sci en 1741-5977 4014 invertebr biol 1077-8306 4015 invertebr neurosci 1354-2516 1.320 invertebr reprod dev 0792-4259 invertebr syst 1445-5226 1.715 4018 invest agrar-sist r 1131-7965 4019 invest clin 0535-5133 4020 invest new drug 0167-6997 3.357 4021 invest ophth vis sci 0146-0404 37341 3.862 0.07569 4022 invest radiol 0020-9996 5097 4.593 4.192 0.01222 4023 ionics 0947-7047 ippologia 1120-5776 4025 iran j allergy asthm 1735-1502 iran j arthropod-bor 1735-7179 4027 iran j basic med sci 2008-3866 4028 iran j chem chem eng 1021-9986 4029 iran j environ healt 1735-1979 1.181 4030 iran j fish sci 1562-2916 4031 iran j fuzzy syst 1735-0654 iran j kidney dis 1735-8582 iran j ophthalmol 1735-4153 4034 iran j parasitol 1735-7020 4035 iran j pediatr 2008-2142 4036 iran j pharm res 1735-0328 iran j public health 2251-6085 0.0984038 iran j radiat res 1728-4554 4039 iran j radiol 1735-1065 4040 iran j reprod med 1680-6433 4041 iran j sci technol a 1028-6276 4042 iran j sci technol b 1028-6284 4043 iran j vet res 1728-1997 4044 iran polym j 1026-1265 4045 iran red crescent me 1561-4395 4046 irbm 1959-0318 4047 irish j agr food res 0791-6833 0.2314048 irish j med sci 0021-1265 4049 irish vet j 0368-0762 0.0784050 ironmak steelmak 0301-9233 4051 irrig drain 1531-0353 4052 irrigation sci 0342-7188 4053 isa t 0019-0578 4054 isi bilim tek derg 1300-3615 4055 isij int 0915-1559 5395 4056 isis 0021-1753 4057 isl arc 1038-4871 1.144 islets 1938-2014 4059 isme j 1751-7362 7.375 7.850 0.02345 2.8114060 isokinet exerc sci 0959-3020 4061 isot environ healt s 1025-6016 4062 isprs j photogramm 0924-2716 4063 isr j aquacult-bamid 0792-156x 0.944 4064 isr j chem 0021-2148 isr j ecol evol 1565-9801 4066 isr j math 0021-2172 0.00990 4067 isr j plant sci 0792-9978 isr j psychiatr rel 0333-7308 4069 isr j vet med 0334-9152 isr med assoc j 1565-1088 4071 issues sci technol 0748-5492 4072 ital j anim sci 1594-4077 ital j food sci 1120-1770 4074 ital j geosci 2038-1719 4075 ital j pediatr 1720-8424 0.791 4076 ital j remote sens 1129-8596 4077 ital j vasc endovasc 1824-4777 4078 ital j zool 1125-0003 4079 ite j 0162-8178 4080 itea-inf tec econ ag 1699-6887 iubmb life 1521-6543 0.01122 izv atmos ocean phy 0001-4338 0.441 4083 izv math 1064-5632 izv-phys solid eart 1069-3513 4085 j aapos 1091-8531 4086 j acm 0004-5411 4536 2.723j acoust soc am 0001-4966 32278 0.03978 4088 j addict med 1932-0620 j addict nurs 1088-4602 j adhes dent 1461-5185 1.807 4091 j adhes sci technol 0169-4243 4092 j adhesion 0021-8464 4093 j adolescent health 1054-139x 7927 3.334 4.016 0.02379 4094 j adv concr technol 1346-8014 j adv mater-covina 1070-9789 4096 j adv mech des syst 1881-3054 4097 j adv nurs 0309-2402 9747 2.304 0.01400 4098 j adv oxid technol 1203-8407 0.1754099 j adv transport 0197-6729 4100 j aeros comp inf com 1940-3151 4101 j aerosol med pulm d 1941-2711 4102 j aerosol sci 0021-8502 4103 j aerospace eng 0893-1321 4104 j affect disorders 0165-0327 12670 3.911 0.02983 4105 j afr earth sci 1464-343x 4106 j aging phys activ 1063-8652 2.013 4107 j agr biol envir st 1085-7117 0.6654108 j agr econ 0021-857x 4109 j agr environ ethic 1187-7863 j agr food chem 0021-8561 71104 0.10637 4111 j agr resour econ 1068-5502 4112 j agr rural dev trop 1612-9830 4113 j agr sci 0021-8596 4114 j agr sci tech-iran 1680-7073 j agr u puerto rico 0041-994x 4116 j agr urban entomol 1523-5475 4117 j agromedicine 1059-924x 4118 j agrometeorol 0972-1665 4119 j agron crop sci 0931-2250 2.224 4120 j air waste manage 1096-2247 4121 j aircraft 0021-8669 4122 j algebr comb 0925-9899 0.9524123 j algebra 0021-8693 6238 0.03338 4124 j algebra appl 0219-4988 4125 j algebraic geom 1056-3911 1.5664126 j algorithms 0196-6774 4127 j allergy clin immun 0091-6749 35353 11.003 9.712 3.072 0.08980 2.8504128 j alloy compd 0925-8388 36296 0.09733 4129 j altern complem med 1075-5535 4130 j alzheimers dis 1387-2877 5527 3.745 4131 j am acad audiol 1050-0545 4132 j am acad child psy 0890-8567 15531 6.444 0.02544 2.0764133 j am acad dermatol 0190-9622 18641 0.03185 4134 j am acad nurse prac 1041-2972 4135 j am acad orthop sur 1067-151x 1.0984136 j am anim hosp assoc 0587-2871 < 4137 j am assoc lab anim 1559-6109 j am board fam med 1557-2625 2.183 j am ceram soc 0002-7820 28517 2.383 0.04762 4140 j am chem soc 0002-7863 408307 9.907 9.766 0.81677 2.7924141 j am coll cardiol 0735-1097 70298 14.156 13.065 3.257 0.22060 4.8814142 j am coll nutr 0731-5724 3.066 4143 j am coll surgeons 1072-7515 10744 4.549 4.359 0.03476 1.5824144 j am dent assoc 0002-8177 5362 1.773 4145 j am diet assoc 0002-8223 8683 3.586 0.01953 4146 j am geriatr soc 0002-8614 19257 4.315 0.03969 4147 j am helicopter soc 0002-8711 j am leather chem as 0002-9726 4149 j am math soc 0894-0347 3.841 3.275 0.01715 5.4604150 j am med dir assoc 1525-8610 4.645 3.295 4151 j am med inform assn 1067-5027 4.329 0.01364 4152 j am oil chem soc 0003-021x 9621 2.181 4153 j am pharm assoc 1544-3191 0.00269 4154 j am podiat med assn 8750-7315 0.206j am pomol soc 1527-3741 4156 j am soc brew chem 0361-0470 4157 j am soc echocardiog 0894-7317 6893 3.707 3.074 4158 j am soc hortic sci 0003-1062 4390 4159 j am soc hypertens 1933-1711 4160 j am soc inf sci tec 1532-2882 4295 0.7814161 j am soc mass spectr 1044-0305 8794 4.002 0.02249 1.0544162 j am soc nephrol 1046-6673 29678 9.663 8.306 0.07835 2.8174163 j am stat assoc 0162-1459 21348 3.310 0.03695 3.1134164 j am water resour as 1093-474x 1.782 j am water works ass 2164-4535 4166 j amb intel smart en 1876-1364 j anal appl pyrol 0165-2370 4356 2.687 4168 j anal atom spectrom 0267-9477 6969 2.966 0.01082 4169 j anal chem 1061-9348 4170 j anal math 0021-7670 4171 j anal toxicol 0146-4760 2.022 4172 j anat 0021-8782 7007 0.01111 4173 j anat soc india 0003-2778 4174 j androl 0196-3635 4202 2.968 2.770 4175 j anesth 0913-8668 4176 j anim breed genet 0931-2668 4177 j anim ecol 0021-8790 11942 0.02581 j anim feed sci 1230-1388 4179 j anim physiol an n 0931-2439 0.292j anim plant sci 1018-7081 4181 j anim sci 0021-8812 22410 0.02363 4182 j anim vet adv 1680-5593 j antibiot 0021-8820 6179 4184 j antimicrob chemoth 0305-7453 19785 5.068 4.792 0.05600 1.4534185 j aoac int 1060-3271 4206 1.359 4186 j apic sci 1643-4439 j apicult res 0021-8839 4188 j appl anim res 0971-2119 4189 j appl anim welf sci 1088-8705 4190 j appl biomater biom 1722-6899 j appl biomech 1065-8483 4192 j appl biomed 1214-021x 1.933 4193 j appl bot food qual 1613-9216 4194 j appl clin med phys 1526-9914 4195 j appl crystallogr 0021-8898 20556 5.152 5.657 0.04796 2.8724196 j appl ecol 0021-8901 11471 5.804 0.02874 2.1724197 j appl electrochem 0021-891x 7048 0.01028 4198 j appl entomol 0931-2048 4199 j appl genet 1234-1983 1.749 4200 j appl geophys 0926-9851 1.736 4201 j appl ichthyol 0175-8659 1.240 j appl logic 1570-8683 4203 j appl math 1110-757x 4204 j appl mech tech ph 0021-8944 4205 j appl mech-t asme 0021-8936 7945 j appl meteorol clim 1558-8424 7798 4207 j appl microbiol 1364-5072 12554 2.658 0.02821 j appl oral sci 1678-7757 4209 j appl phycol 0921-8971 4210 j appl phys 0021-8979 124863 4361 0.30138 4211 j appl physiol 8750-7587 39387 4.103 0.05464 4212 j appl polym sci 0021-8995 38490 0.05717 4213 j appl poultry res 1056-6171 j appl probab 0021-9002 4215 j appl remote sens 1931-3195 4216 j appl res technol 1665-6423 4217 j appl spectrosc 0021-9037 j appl sport psychol 1041-3200 1.868 4219 j appl stat 0266-4763 4220 j appl toxicol 0260-437x 2.478 4221 j approx theory 0021-9045 4222 j aquat anim health 0899-7659 4223 j aquat food prod t 1049-8850 j aquat plant manage 0146-6623 4225 j arachnol 0161-8202 4226 j archaeol sci 0305-4403 6268 1.914 0.01541 4227 j arid environ 0140-1963 5526 2.135 0.01202 j arid land 1674-6767 0.0234229 j arthroplasty 0883-5403 7227 2.293 0.01620 4230 j artif intell res 1076-9757 4231 j artif organs 1434-7229 4232 j asian archit build 1346-7581 4233 j asian earth sci 1367-9120 2.152 4234 j asian nat prod res 1028-6020 4235 j assist reprod gen 1058-0468 4236 j assoc inf syst 1536-9323 2.654 4237 j assoc nurse aids c 1055-3290 4238 j asthma 0277-0903 0.00697 4239 j astronaut sci 0021-9142 4240 j astrophys astron 0250-6335 4241 j atheroscler thromb 1340-3478 2.692 4242 j athl training 1062-6050 4243 j atmos chem 0167-7764 4244 j atmos ocean tech 0739-0572 5085 0.01498 4245 j atmos sci 0022-4928 18241 0.03041 1.4094246 j atmos sol-terr phy 1364-6826 5204 4247 j atten disord 1087-0547 4248 j audio eng soc 1549-4950 4249 j aust math soc 1446-7887 j aust tradit-med so 1326-3390 4251 j autoimmun 0896-8411 7.368 5.165 1.4304252 j autom method manag 1463-9246 4253 j autom reasoning 0168-7433 4254 j automat inform sci 1064-2315 4255 j avian biol 0908-8857 0.00689 4256 j avian med surg 1082-6742 4257 j back musculoskelet 1053-8127 4258 j bacteriol 0021-9193 66202 0.11157 4259 j balk tribol assoc 1310-4772 4260 j basic microb 0233-111x 4261 j bioact compat pol 0883-9115 2.953 2.460 4262 j biobased mater bio 1556-6560 0.3454263 j biochem 0021-924x 2.371 0.01405 4264 j biochem mol toxic 1095-6670 0.4174265 j bioenerg biomembr 0145-479x 4266 j bioethic inq 1176-7529 4267 j biogeogr 0305-0270 9623 4.544 0.02788 1.7754268 j biol chem 0021-9258 402449 4.773 5.117 4382 0.74298 2.0294269 j biol educ 0021-9266 4270 j biol inorg chem 0949-8257 3.488 j biol phys 0092-0606 4272 j biol reg homeos ag 0393-974x 5.183 3.331 4273 j biol res-thessalon 1790-045x 4274 j biol rhythm 0748-7304 4275 j biol syst 0218-3390 4276 j biomat sci-polym e 0920-5063 4277 j biomater appl 0885-3282 2.082 4278 j biomech 0021-9290 19002 3.023 0.03566 j biomech eng-t asme 0148-0731 5580 0.00949 4280 j biomed biotechnol 1110-7243 2.436 0.00961 4281 j biomed inform 1532-0464 0.00576 4282 j biomed mater res a 1549-3296 11292 0.03553 4283 j biomed mater res b 1552-4973 2.305 0.01616 4284 j biomed nanotechnol 1550-7033 4.216 3.250 4285 j biomed opt 1083-3668 8303 0.02321 4286 j biomed sci 1021-7770 0.00482 4287 j biomol nmr 0925-2738 5118 2.547 0.00989 4288 j biomol screen 1087-0571 4289 j bionic eng 1672-6529 j biopharm stat 1054-3406 4291 j biophotonics 1864-063x 4.343 4.433 1.2724292 j biosci bioeng 1389-1723 5230 0.01026 4293 j biosciences 0250-5991 4294 j biotechnol 0168-1656 10853 3.288 0.02382 j bone joint surg am 0021-9355 34294 3.272 4.289 0.03456 j bone joint surg br 0301-620x 18253 0.01748 4297 j bone miner metab 0914-8779 0.00531 4298 j bone miner res 0884-0431 < 21405 6.459 0.04840 4299 j bras pneumol 1806-3713 4300 j braz soc mech sci 1678-5878 4301 j brazil chem soc 0103-5053 0.00676 4302 j breast cancer 1738-6756 4303 j breath res 1752-7155 4304 j bridge eng 1084-0702 4305 j bryol 0373-6687 4306 j build perform simu 1940-1493 4307 j build phys 1744-2591 j buon 1107-0625 4309 j burn care res 1559-047x 1.366 4310 j bus econ stat 0735-0015 1.779 2.442 3.200j camel pract res 0971-6777 4312 j can dent assoc 1488-2159 j can petrol technol 0021-9487 4314 j cancer educ 0885-8195 4315 j cancer res clin 0171-5216 2.558 0.01083 4316 j cancer surviv 1932-2259 4317 j carbohyd chem 0732-8303 4318 j card fail 1071-9164 3.660 0.01353 4319 j cardiac surg 0886-0440 4320 j cardiol 0914-5087 4321 j cardiopulm rehabil 1932-7501 4322 j cardiothor vasc an 1053-0770 4323 j cardiothorac surg 1749-8090 4324 j cardiovasc electr 1045-3873 6171 2.932 0.01767 4325 j cardiovasc magn r 1097-6647 3.717 4326 j cardiovasc med 1558-2027 1.510 j cardiovasc nurs 0889-4655 1.706 4328 j cardiovasc pharm 0160-2446 6013 0.01029 4329 j cardiovasc pharm t 1074-2484 1.599 4330 j cardiovasc surg 0021-9509 j cardiovasc transl 1937-5387 2.611 4332 j catal 0021-9517 33570 6.002 6.201 0.04417 1.5694333 j cataract refr surg 0886-3350 8883 2.429 4334 j cave karst stud 1090-6924 1.385 4335 j cell autom 1557-5969 4336 j cell biochem 0730-2312 13724 3.123 0.04212 4337 j cell biol 0021-9525 71070 10.264 9.947 0.18652 5.5754338 j cell mol med 1582-1838 5774 4.483 0.02603 4339 j cell physiol 0021-9541 15144 3.874 1.070 0.04534 1.3534340 j cell plast 0021-955x 4341 j cell sci 0021-9533 38674 6.111 6.401 0.12109 3.0094342 j cent south univ t 1005-9784 4343 j ceram process res 1229-9162 4344 j ceram soc jpn 1882-0743 4345 j cereal sci 0733-5210 0.00779 4346 j cerebr blood f met 0271-678x 12737 5.008 5.467 0.03023 1.8534347 j chem crystallogr 1074-1542 4348 j chem ecol 0098-0331 8576 0.01300 j chem educ 0021-9584 6089 4350 j chem eng data 0021-9568 13268 0.02478 4351 j chem eng jpn 0021-9592 4352 j chem inf model 1549-9596 11209 4.675 4.305 0.01702 4353 j chem neuroanat 0891-0618 2.435 4354 j chem phys 0021-9606 182373 0.23281 j chem res 1747-5198 j chem sci 0974-3626 1.241 j chem soc pakistan 0253-5106 4358 j chem technol biot 0268-2575 6388 4359 j chem theory comput 1549-9618 8327 5.215 5.673 0.04017 1.7164360 j chem thermodyn 0021-9614 5451 j cheminformatics 1758-2946 4362 j chemometr 0886-9383 4363 j chemotherapy 1120-009x 4364 j chil chem soc 0717-9324 4365 j child adol psychop 1044-5463 2.884 4366 j child health care 1367-4935 4367 j child neurol 0883-0738 4762 4368 j child psychol psyc 0021-9630 12042 4.281 6.104 0.02762 2.3024369 j chin chem soc-taip 0009-4536 4370 j chin inst eng 0253-3839 4371 j chin med assoc 1726-4901 4372 j chromatogr a 0021-9673 60179 4.531 4.362 0.09860 4373 j chromatogr b 1570-0232 21252 0.03899 4374 j chromatogr sci 0021-9665 4375 j circuit syst comp 0218-1266 4376 j civ eng manag 1392-3730 4377 j classif 0176-4268 4378 j clean prod 0959-6526 2.727 4379 j climate 0894-8755 25403 4.097 0.08804 2.4744380 j clin anesth 0952-8180 4381 j clin apheresis 0733-2459 j clin biochem nutr 0912-0009 1.895 4383 j clin densitom 1094-6950 4384 j clin endocr metab 0021-972x 65397 6.374 0.12838 2.0024385 j clin epidemiol 0895-4356 13767 4.271 4.354 0.02529 4386 j clin exp neuropsyc 1380-3395 4387 j clin gastroenterol 0192-0790 5752 2.741 j clin hypertens 1524-6175 j clin immunol 0271-9142 3.371 1.068j clin invest 0021-9738 91498 13.069 15.430 0.21856 4391 j clin lab anal 0887-8013 1.134 4392 j clin lipidol 1933-2874 4393 j clin microbiol 0095-1137 53523 4.153 4.399 0.09031 4394 j clin monit comput 1387-1307 0.887 4395 j clin neurol 1738-6586 j clin neurophysiol 0736-0258 j clin neurosci 0967-5868 4398 j clin nurs 0962-1067 0.01091 4399 j clin oncol 0732-183x 120262 18.372 16.762 4.217 0.39450 5.548j clin pathol 0021-9746 9940 0.01734 4401 j clin pediatr dent 1053-4628 j clin periodontol 0303-6979 3.830 0.01204 0.9434403 j clin pharm ther 0269-4727 4404 j clin pharmacol 0091-2700 5696 0.858j clin psychiat 0160-6689 17719 5.799 5.664 0.03655 1.6934406 j clin psychopharm 0271-0749 5078 4.098 4.758 0.01088 j clin sleep med 1550-9389 4408 j clin ultrasound 0091-2751 4409 j clin virol 1386-6532 5604 3.453 0.02059 1.0504410 j clust sci 1040-7278 4411 j coastal res 0749-0208 0.00912 4412 j coat technol res 1547-0091 4413 j cognitive neurosci 0898-929x 13811 5.175 6.268 0.04203 2.5164414 j cold reg eng 0887-381x 4415 j colloid interf sci 0021-9797 42700 3.070 3.263 0.07086 4416 j comb chem 1520-4766 2.893 j comb des 1063-8539 j comb optim 1382-6905 j comb theory a 0097-3165 0.00959 4420 j comb theory b 0095-8956 1.5194421 j commun disord 0021-9924 4422 j commun health nurs 0737-0016 4423 j commun netw-s kor 1229-2370 4424 j commun technol el 1064-2269 j comp neurol 0021-9967 35443 3.808 4.114 0.04653 4426 j comp pathol 0021-9975 1.647 4427 j comp physiol a 0340-7594 4569 0.00720 4428 j comp physiol b 0174-1578 0.00640 4429 j comp psychol 0735-7036 4430 j complement med 1446-8263 4431 j complexity 0885-064x 4432 j compos constr 1090-0268 j compos mater 0021-9983 0.433j comput acoust 0218-396x 4435 j comput aid mol des 0920-654x 3.665 4436 j comput anal appl 1521-1398 0.1534437 j comput appl math 0377-0427 6991 1.228 0.03099 0.6034438 j comput assist tomo 0363-8715 5308 4439 j comput biol 1066-5277 0.8064440 j comput chem 0192-8651 22334 4.583 4441 j comput civil eng 0887-3801 4442 j comput electron 1569-8025 4443 j comput graph stat 1061-8600 1.6814444 j comput inf sci eng 1530-9827 4445 j comput inform syst 0887-4417 4446 j comput math 0254-9409 j comput neurosci 0929-5313 0.00572 1.0934448 j comput nonlin dyn 1555-1423 4449 j comput phys 0021-9991 25196 0.05815 1.3704450 j comput sci tech-ch 1000-9000 4451 j comput sys sc int 1064-2307 4452 j comput syst sci 0022-0000 0.00528 j comput theor nanos 1546-1955 4454 j conchol 0022-0019 j constr eng m asce 0733-9364 4456 j constr steel res 0143-974x 4457 j contam hydrol 0169-7722 j contemp math anal 1068-3623 4459 j contemp phys-arme 1068-3372 j contin educ health 0894-1912 2.416 4461 j contin educ nurs 0022-0124 4462 j control release 0168-3659 26071 5.732 7.112 0.04644 4463 j convex anal 0944-6532 < 4464 j coord chem 0095-8972 4465 j cosmet dermatol-us 1473-2130 4466 j cosmet laser ther 1476-4172 4467 j cosmet sci 1525-7886 4468 j cosmol astropart p 1475-7516 11113 5.723 5.107 1.960 0.05671 1.8614469 j cranio maxill surg 1010-5182 4470 j craniofac surg 1049-2275 0.00823 4471 j crit care 0883-9441 2.365 j crohns colitis 1873-9946 4473 j crustacean biol 0278-0372 4474 j cryptol 0933-2790 4475 j cryst growth 0022-0248 23778 1.710 0.04213 0.4904476 j cult herit 1296-2074 4477 j cutan med surg 1203-4754 j cutan pathol 0303-6987 0.00761 4479 j cyst fibros 1569-1993 4480 j cytol 0970-9371 4481 j dairy res 0022-0299 4482 j dairy sci 0022-0302 27764 2.903 0.03166 j database manage 1063-8016 4484 j dent 0300-5712 4485 j dent educ 0022-0337 4486 j dent res 0022-0345 13611 3.486 0.02171 4487 j dent sci 1991-7902 4488 j dermatol 0385-2407 0.3914489 j dermatol sci 0923-1811 3.718 0.00762 4490 j dermatol treat 0954-6634 4491 j dev behav pediatr 0196-206x 3.020 0.00695 1.0624492 j dev orig hlth dis 2040-1744 4493 j diabetes complicat 1056-8727 j diabetes invest 2040-1116 4495 j differ equ appl 1023-6198 j differ equations 0022-0396 6934 0.03277 4497 j differ geom 0022-040x 1.544 0.00985 2.2624498 j digest dis 1751-2972 4499 j digit imaging 0897-1889 4500 j disp technol 1551-319x j disper sci technol 0193-2691 4502 j drug deliv sci tec 1773-2247 0.1384503 j drug target 1061-186x 4504 j drugs dermatol 1545-9616 4505 j dtsch dermatol ges 1610-0379 4506 j dyn control syst 1079-2724 4507 j dyn differ equ 1040-7294 4508 j dyn syst-t asme 0022-0434 1.006 4509 j earth sci-china 1674-487x 4510 j earth syst sci 0253-4126 4511 j earthq eng 1363-2469 4512 j earthq tsunami 1793-4311 4513 j ecol 0022-0477 5.044 6.020 2.386j econ entomol 0022-0493 9296 1.699 1.709 4515 j econometrics 0304-4076 8523 0.03639 2.8334516 j ect 1095-0680 1.536 4517 j elasticity 0374-3535 4518 j elastom plast 0095-2443 j electr eng technol 1975-0102 4520 j electr eng-slovak 1335-3632 4521 j electroanal chem 1572-6657 22586 0.02009 0.6724522 j electrocardiol 0022-0736 4523 j electroceram 1385-3449 0.00739 4524 j electrochem soc 0013-4651 48521 2.793 0.07300 4525 j electromagnet wave 0920-5071 0.00776 4526 j electromyogr kines 1050-6411 4527 j electron imaging 1017-9909 j electron mater 0361-5235 5098 0.01415 4529 j electron microsc 0022-0744 4530 j electron packaging 1043-7398 j electron spectrosc 0368-2048 j electron test 0923-8174 4533 j electrostat 0304-3886 4534 j elementol 1644-2296 4535 j emerg med 0736-4679 j emerg nurs 0099-1767 4537 j empir res hum res 1556-2646 4538 j endocrinol 0022-0795 9881 3.548 3.175 0.01880 4539 j endocrinol invest 0391-4097 4540 j endodont 0099-2399 8870 0.01479 4541 j endourol 0892-7790 4542 j endovasc ther 1526-6028 4543 j energ eng-asce 0733-9402 4544 j energ mater 0737-0652 4545 j energ resour-asme 0195-0738 j energy inst 1743-9671 4547 j energy south afr 1021-447x 4548 j eng design 0954-4828 4549 j eng educ 1069-4730 4550 j eng fiber fabr 1558-9250 4551 j eng gas turb power 0742-4795 4552 j eng mater-t asme 0094-4289 0.5374553 j eng math 0022-0833 4554 j eng mech-asce 0733-9399 4971 0.00827 4555 j eng technol ****-**** 4556 j eng technol manage 0923-4748 4557 j eng thermophys-rus 1810-2328 j enhanc heat transf 1065-5131 j entomol res soc 1302-0250 4560 j entomol sci 0749-8004 4561 j environ biol 0254-8704 4562 j environ eng geoph 1083-1363 0.794 4563 j environ eng landsc 1648-6897 4564 j environ eng sci 1496-2551 j environ eng-asce 0733-9372 0.00501 4566 j environ health 0022-0892 4567 j environ inform 1726-2135 j environ manage 0301-4797 7426 0.02361 j environ monitor 1464-0325 4570 j environ pathol tox 0731-8898 4571 j environ prot ecol 1311-5065 4572 j environ qual 0047-2425 12526 2.785 0.01928 4573 j environ radioactiv 0265-931x 1.339 j environ sci heal a 1093-4529 0.00651 4575 j environ sci heal b 0360-1234 4576 j environ sci heal c 1059-0501 5.623 1.4904577 j environ sci manag 0119-1144 4578 j environ sci-china 1001-0742 1.855 4579 j enzym inhib med ch 1475-6366 1.507 4580 j epidemiol 0917-5040 4581 j epidemiol commun h 0143-005x 9341 3.839 0.02344 1.4454582 j equine vet sci 0737-0806 4583 j essent oil bear pl 0972-060x 4584 j essent oil res 1041-2905 4585 j esthet restor dent 1496-4155 j ethnobiol ethnomed 1746-4269 2.392 4587 j ethnopharmacol 0378-8741 21075 3.014 0.02487 4588 j ethol 0289-0771 4589 j eukaryot microbiol 1066-5234 4590 j eur acad dermatol 0926-9959 2.980 2.757 0.01293 4591 j eur ceram soc 0955-2219 12858 0.03203 4592 j eur math soc 1435-9855 1.404 0.00782 2.0984593 j eur opt soc-rapid 1990-2573 4594 j eval clin pract 1356-1294 4595 j evol biochem phys 0022-0930 4596 j evol equ 1424-3199 0.00310 4597 j evolution biol 1010-061x 8003 3.276 3.689 0.03230 1.5684598 j exerc sci fit 1728-869x 4599 j exot pet med 1557-5063 4600 j exp anal behav 0022-5002 4601 j exp biol 0022-0949 22583 0.04622 4602 j exp bot 0022-0957 22857 5.364 5.480 0.05290 1.5974603 j exp clin canc res 1756-9966 4604 j exp mar biol ecol 0022-0981 12069 0.02026 4605 j exp med 0022-1007 67223 13.853 14.665 3.073 0.18872 7.8294606 j exp nanosci 1745-8080 j exp psychol anim b 0097-7403 2.052 j exp psychol human 0096-1523 10323 1.520j exp psychol learn 0278-7393 9071 1.6824610 j exp theor artif in 0952-813x 4611 j exp theor phys 1063-7761 9932 0.00701 4612 j exp zool part a 1932-5223 4613 j exp zool part b 1552-5007 1.1334614 j expo sci env epid 1559-0631 3.170 4615 j fac agr kyushu u 0023-6152 4616 j fac eng archit gaz 1300-1884 4617 j fam nurs 1074-8407 4618 j fam plan reprod h 1471-1893 1.636 4619 j fam practice 0094-3509 4620 j feline med surg 1098-612x 4621 j field ornithol 0273-8570 4622 j field robot 1556-4959 2.937 j fire prot eng 1042-3915 j fire sci 0734-9041 4625 j fish biol 0022-1112 12065 0.01848 4626 j fish dis 0140-7775 4627 j fix point theory a 1661-7738 4628 j flood risk manag 1753-318x j fluency disord 0094-730x 4630 j fluid eng-t asme 0098-2202 4631 j fluid mech 0022-1120 34068 2.459 0.05756 4632 j fluid struct 0889-9746 4633 j fluoresc 1053-0509 4634 j fluorine chem 0022-1139 4635 j food agric environ 1459-0255 4636 j food biochem 0145-8884 4637 j food compos anal 0889-1575 0.00804 4638 j food drug anal 1021-9498 4639 j food eng 0260-8774 13299 0.02777 4640 j food hyg soc jpn 4641 j food lipids < 1065-7258 1.273 j food nutr res 1336-8672 4643 j food process eng 0145-8876 4644 j food process pres 0145-8892 4645 j food protect 0362-028x 11093 0.01700 j food quality 0146-9428 4647 j food safety 0149-6085 4648 j food sci 0022-1147 17545 4649 j food sci tech mys 0022-1155 4650 j foot ankle res 1757-1146 1.734 4651 j foot ankle surg 1067-2516 4652 j foramin res 0096-1191 4653 j forensic leg med 1752-928x 4654 j forensic sci 0022-1198 5592 4655 j forest 0022-1201 4656 j forest econ 1104-6899 1.232 4657 j forest res-jpn 1341-6979 j formos med assoc 0929-6646 j fourier anal appl 1069-5869 1.6914660 j fr ophtalmol 0181-5512 4661 j franklin i 0016-0032 4662 j freshwater ecol 0270-5060 4663 j frict wear 1068-3666 4664 j fuel cell sci tech 1550-624x j funct anal 0022-1236 5833 0.03211 4666 j funct foods 1756-4646 2.446 4667 j funct program 0956-7968 4668 j funct space appl 2090-8997 j fusion energ 0164-0313 4670 j gastroen hepatol 0815-9319 8025 2.610 0.02253 4671 j gastroenterol 0944-1174 4781 4.160 3.561 4672 j gastrointest liver 1841-8724 j gastrointest surg 1091-255x 6544 2.826 2.975 0.02352 4674 j gen appl microbiol 0022-1260 j gen intern med 0884-8734 11089 2.830 0.04101 1.602j gen physiol 0022-1295 7354 0.01428 1.7824677 j gen plant pathol 1345-2630 4678 j gen virol 0022-1317 20211 4679 j gene med 1099-498x 0.00767 4680 j genet 0022-1333 j genet couns 1059-7700 4682 j genet genomics 1673-8527 1.883 4683 j genet psychol 0022-1325 4684 j geochem explor 0375-6742 j geodesy 0949-7714 j geodyn 0264-3707 4687 j geogr sci 1009-637x 0.832 4688 j geol 0022-1376 4943 3.292 4689 j geol soc india 0016-7622 4690 j geol soc london 0016-7649 5805 3.195 0.01221 4691 j geom anal 1050-6926 1.183 j geom mech 1941-4889 4693 j geom phys 0393-0440 4694 j geophys eng 1742-2132 4695 j geophys res 0148-0227 149781 0.33285 4696 j geosci-czech 1802-6222 4697 j geotech geoenviron 1090-0241 4698 j geriatr oncol 1879-4068 4699 j geriatr psych neur 0891-9887 3.067 0.8604700 j gerontol a-biol 1079-5006 9924 4.598 4.726 0.02311 4701 j gerontol b-psychol 1079-5014 3.169 4702 j gerontol nurs 0098-9134 4703 j glaciol 0022-1430 2.674 4704 j glaucoma 1057-0829 4705 j global optim 0925-5001 j graph theor 0364-9024 0.601 4707 j great lakes res 0380-1330 1.873 4708 j grey syst-uk 0957-3720 4709 j grid comput 1570-7873 4710 j group theory 1433-5883 4711 j guid control dynam 0731-5090 1.159 0.00792 j gynecol obst bio r 0368-2315 4713 j gynecol oncol 2005-0380 4714 j hand surg-am 0363-5023 7364 4715 j hand surg-eur vol 1753-1934 j hand ther 0894-1130 4717 j hard tissue biol 1341-7649 4718 j hazard mater 0304-3894 38528 0.11761 4719 j head trauma rehab 0885-9701 4720 j headache pain 1129-2369 2.427 4721 j health econ 0167-6296 3.165 0.01419 1.9854722 j health polit polic 0361-6878 0.556j health popul nutr 1606-0997 4724 j health sci 1344-9702 4725 j heart lung transpl 1053-2498 7129 0.02241 4726 j heart valve dis 0966-8519 4727 j heat trans-t asme 0022-1481 7497 4728 j helminthol 0022-149x 4729 j hematol oncol 1756-8722 3.697 1.0364730 j hepato-bil-pan sci 1868-6974 4731 j hepatol 0168-8278 19779 9.264 7.872 0.05240 2.4594732 j hered 0022-1503 2.799 2.569 0.9724733 j herpetol 0022-1511 4734 j heterocyclic chem 0022-152x 5470 j heuristics 1381-1231 4736 j high energy phys 1126-6708 45573 5.831 4.777 2.223 0.16738 4737 j hist astron 0021-8286 4738 j hist biol 0022-5010 j hist med all sci 0022-5045 4740 j hist neurosci 0964-704x 4741 j histochem cytochem 0022-1554 7925 2.725 0.00955 4742 j histotechnol 0147-8885 4743 j homotopy relat str 1512-2891 0.6334744 j hopkins apl tech d 0270-5214 4745 j hortic sci biotech 1462-0316 4746 j hosp infect 0195-6701 6264 0.01807 4747 j hosp med 1553-5592 0.00456 4748 j hosp palliat nurs 1522-2179 4749 j huazhong u sci-med 1672-0733 4750 j hum evol 0047-2484 5784 4.027 0.01537 4751 j hum genet 1434-5161 0.01000 4752 j hum hypertens 0950-9240 j hum kinet 1640-5544 4754 j hum lact 0890-3344 1.150 j hum nutr diet 0952-3871 j hydraul eng-asce 0733-9429 j hydraul res 0022-1686 0.00418 4758 j hydro-environ res 1570-6443 4759 j hydroinform 1464-7141 j hydrol 0022-1694 21362 3.271 0.04443 4761 j hydrol eng 1084-0699 j hydrol hydromech 0042-790x 4763 j hydrometeorol 1525-755x 3.052 3.763 0.01397 1.6534764 j hymenopt res 1070-9428 4765 j hyperbol differ eq 0219-8916 4766 j hypertens 0263-6352 13987 4.021 4.149 0.910 4767 j i brewing 0046-9750 4768 j i telecommun prof 1755-9278 4769 j iber geol 1698-6180 4770 j imaging sci techn 1062-3701 4771 j immunoass immunoch 1532-1819 j immunol 0022-1767 131493 5.788 5.859 0.37022 4773 j immunol methods 0022-1759 11536 4774 j immunother 1524-9557 j immunotoxicol 1547-691x 4776 j incl phenom macro 0923-0750 4777 j ind ecol 1088-1980 4778 j ind eng chem 1226-086x 4779 j ind manag optim 1547-5816 j ind microbiol biot 1367-5435 5110 2.735 2.786 0.00925 j ind text 1528-0837 4782 j indian chem soc 0019-4522 0.0594783 j indian soc remote 0255-660x 4784 j inequal appl 1029-242x 4785 j inf sci 0165-5515 4786 j inf sci eng 1016-2364 4787 j inf technol 0268-3962 4788 j infect chemother 1341-321x 4789 j infect dev countr 1972-2680 4790 j infect dis 0022-1899 6.410 0.10292 2.2874791 j infection 0163-4453 j inflamm-lond 1476-9255 2.263 4793 j infrared millim te 1866-6892 4794 j infrared millim w 1001-9014 4795 j infrastruct syst 1076-0342 4796 j inherit metab dis 0141-8955 3.183 4797 j innate immun 1662-811x 4.209 4.330 1.5254798 j inorg biochem 0162-0134 9265 0.791j inorg mater 1000-324x 4800 j inorg organomet p 1574-1443 4801 j insect behav 0892-7553 4802 j insect conserv 1366-638x 2.087 4803 j insect physiol 0022-1910 6729 0.01147 4804 j insect sci 1536-2442 4805 j inst math jussieu 1474-7480 2.0634806 j instrum 1748-0221 4807 j int adv otol 1308-7649 0.0194808 j int aids soc 1758-2652 4809 j int med res 0300-0605 4810 j int neuropsych soc 1355-6177 2.759 0.01092 4811 j int sci vigne vin 1151-0285 4812 j int soc sport nutr 1550-2783 4813 j integr neurosci 0219-6352 4814 j integr plant biol 1672-9072 2.534 4815 j integral equ appl 0897-3962 4816 j intel mat syst str 1045-389x 4817 j intell fuzzy syst 1064-1246 4818 j intell inf syst 0925-9902 j intell manuf 0956-5515 4820 j intell robot syst 0921-0296 j intell transport s 1547-2450 j interf cytok res 1079-9907 0.00659 < 4823 j intern med 0954-6820 7706 5.483 5.676 0.02058 2.0304824 j internet technol 1607-9264 4825 j interprof care 1356-1820 4826 j interv card electr 1383-875x 1.166 j interv cardiol 0896-4327 4828 j invasive cardiol 1042-3931 1.841 4829 j inverse ill-pose p 0928-0219 4830 j invertebr pathol 0022-2011 4831 j invest allerg clin 1018-9068 4832 j invest derm symp p 1087-0024 4833 j invest dermatol 0022-202x 22454 6.314 5.793 0.05016 1.954 j invest med 1081-5589 4835 j invest surg 0894-1939 1.131 4836 j iran chem soc 1735-207x 4837 j iron steel res int 1006-706x 0.002 4838 j irrig drain e-asce 0733-9437 4839 j jpn i met 0021-4876 j jpn petrol inst 1346-8804 4841 j jpn soc food sci 1341-027x 4842 j jpn soc hortic sci 1882-3351 4843 j jpn soc tribologis 0915-1168 4844 j k-theory 1865-2433 4845 j kansas entomol soc 0022-8567 4846 j knot theor ramif 0218-2165 4847 j korean acad nurs 2005-3673 4848 j korean astron soc 1225-4614 j korean inst met ma 1738-8228 j korean math soc 0304-9914 4851 j korean med assoc 1975-8456 j korean med sci 1011-8934 4853 j korean neurosurg s 2005-3711 4854 j korean phys soc 0374-4884 4855 j korean soc appl bi 1738-2203 4856 j korean stat soc 1226-3192 4857 j korean surg soc 2233-7903 4858 j labelled compd rad 0362-4803 4859 j laparoendosc adv s 1092-6429 4860 j laryngol otol 0022-2151 4861 j laser appl 1042-346x 4862 j laser micro nanoen 1880-0688 4863 j law med ethics 1073-1105 1.215 j lepid soc 0024-0966 4865 j leukocyte biol 0741-5400 15475 4.992 4.730 0.04661 1.7394866 j lie theory 0949-5932 4867 j lightwave technol 0733-8724 14055 0.04086 4868 j limnol 1129-5767 4869 j lipid res 0022-2275 19338 5.559 0.05013 1.8384870 j liposome res 0898-2104 4871 j liq chromatogr r t 1082-6076 0.00394 4872 j logic algebr progr 1567-8326 4873 j logic comput 0955-792x 4874 j lond math soc 0024-6107 4875 j loss prevent proc 0950-4230 0.3384876 j low freq noise v a 0263-0923 4877 j low genit tract di 1089-2591 j low temp phys 0022-2291 4879 j lumin 0022-2313 8861 0.02003 4880 j mach learn res 1532-4435 2.6774881 j macromol sci a 1060-1325 4882 j macromol sci b 0022-2348 4883 j magn 1226-1750 j magn magn mater 0304-8853 21314 0.04962 4885 j magn reson 1090-7807 9765 4886 j magn reson imaging 1053-1807 10786 0.03365 4887 j mal vascul 0398-0499 4888 j mamm evol 1064-7554 4889 j mammal 0022-2372 6380 0.00937 4890 j mammary gland biol 1083-3021 6.741 5.819 2.1164891 j manage care pharm 1083-4087 2.250 0.00386 4892 j manage eng 0742-597x 4893 j manage inform syst 0742-1222 1.099j manip physiol ther 0161-4754 4895 j manuf sci e-t asme 1087-1357 j manuf syst 0278-6125 4897 j maps 1744-5647 4898 j mar biol assoc uk 0025-3154 0.00617 4899 j mar eng technol 1476-1548 j mar res 0022-2402 4901 j mar sci tech-japan 0948-4280 4902 j mar sci tech-taiw 1023-2796 4903 j marine syst 0924-7963 0.01455 1.0414904 j mass spectrom 1076-5174 5549 4905 j mater chem 0959-9428 46166 5.968 5.992 1.088 0.12631 1.5714906 j mater civil eng 0899-1561 0.00507 4907 j mater cycles waste 1438-4957 j mater eng perform 1059-9495 j mater process tech 0924-0136 16633 0.03707 4910 j mater res 0884-2914 12369 1.492 0.02149 4911 j mater sci 0022-2461 27995 2.015 0.05317 4912 j mater sci technol 1005-0302 4913 j mater sci-mater el 0957-4522 4914 j mater sci-mater m 0957-4530 7410 4915 j matern-fetal neo m 1476-7058 4916 j math anal appl 0022-247x 15977 1.001 1.305 0.06828 j math biol 0303-6812 4918 j math chem 0259-9791 4919 j math econ 0304-4068 4920 j math fluid mech 1422-6928 4921 j math imaging vis 0924-9907 1.1914922 j math inequal 1846-579x j math kyoto u 0023-608x 4924 j math log 0219-0613 4925 j math music 1745-9737 0.0694926 j math phys 0022-2488 12425 4927 j math phys anal geo 1812-9471 4928 j math psychol 0022-2496 4929 j math pure appl 0021-7824 4930 j math sci-u tokyo 1340-5705 4931 j math soc jpn 0025-5645 j math sociol 0022-250x 4933 j mech 1727-7191 4934 j mech behav biomed 1751-6161 3.511 4935 j mech design 1050-0472 1.483 0.00726 4936 j mech mater struct 1559-3959 4937 j mech med biol 0219-5194 0.0764938 j mech phys solids 0022-5096 9562 3.522 0.02015 4939 j mech robot 1942-4302 4940 j mech sci technol 1738-494x 4941 j med biochem 1452-8258 4942 j med biol eng 1609-0985 j med chem 0022-2623 56481 5.248 5.321 0.09638 4944 j med devices 1932-6181 4945 j med entomol 0022-2585 5859 2.153 4946 j med ethics 0306-6800 1.379 4947 j med food 1096-620x 4948 j med genet 0022-2593 11334 6.365 5.669 0.03046 2.2844949 j med imag radiat on 1754-9477 4950 j med internet res 1438-8871 5.357 1.4114951 j med microbiol 0022-2615 7138 2.502 j med primatol 0047-2565 4953 j med screen 0969-1413 4954 j med speech-lang pa 1065-1438 4955 j med syst 0148-5598 4956 j med ultrason 1346-4523 j med virol 0146-6615 8601 2.820 0.01970 4958 j mem lang 0749-596x 5577 2.733 4.169 0.01390 2.2454959 j membrane biol 0022-2631 4960 j membrane sci 0376-7388 31333 4.314 0.05728 0.8964961 j mens health 1875-6867 4962 j metamorph geol 0263-4929 4.004 1.355j meteorol soc jpn 0026-1165 1.955 1.035j mex chem soc 1870-249x 4965 j micro-nanolith mem 1932-5150 4966 j microbiol 1225-8873 4967 j microbiol biotechn 1017-7825 0.00798 4968 j microbiol immunol 1684-1182 4969 j microbiol meth 0167-7012 7178 2.086 0.01678 4970 j microelectromech s 1057-7157 5029 2.512 0.01388 j microencapsul 0265-2048 4972 j micromech microeng 0960-1317 8103 0.02773 4973 j micropalaeontol 0262-821x 4974 j microsc-oxford 0022-2720 5248 4975 j midwifery wom heal 1526-9523 4976 j min metall b 1450-5339 4977 j min sci 1062-7391 4978 j miner petrol sci 1345-6296 4979 j minim invas gyn 1553-4650 1.801 0.00605 4980 j mod dynam 1930-5311 1.7734981 j mod optic 0950-0340 0.00875 4982 j mol biol 0022-2836 70086 4.001 3.981 0.16220 1.8224983 j mol catal a-chem 1381-1169 17457 0.03472 j mol catal b-enzym 1381-1177 2.701 j mol cell biol 1674-2788 7.667 2.8014986 j mol cell cardiol 0022-2828 10969 5.166 4.988 0.03140 1.7114987 j mol diagn 1525-1578 3.576 4988 j mol endocrinol 0952-5041 3.485 3.189 0.00747 1.0964989 j mol evol 0022-2844 8316 0.01014 0.9264990 j mol graph model 1093-3263 4991 j mol histol 1567-2379 4992 j mol liq 0167-7322 1.580 j mol med 0946-2716 5588 4.668 4.704 0.01936 1.7534994 j mol microb biotech 1464-1801 2.505 4995 j mol model 1610-2940 0.00672 < 4996 j mol neurosci 0895-8696 0.00724 4997 j mol recognit 0952-3499 1.0104998 j mol spectrosc 0022-2852 5887 1.512 4999 j mol struc-theochem 0166-1280 8041 0.01349 5000 j mol struct 0022-2860 13071 1.611 0.01925 5001 j mollus stud 0260-1230 5002 j morphol 0362-2525 j motor behav 0022-2895 5004 j mt sci-engl 1672-6316 5005 j mult-valued log s 1542-3980 5006 j multivariate anal 0047-259x 0.01380 5007 j muscle foods 1046-0756 5008 j muscle res cell m 0142-4319 1.981 j musculoskel neuron 1108-7161 5010 j musculoskelet pain 1058-2452 5011 j mycol med 1156-5233 5012 j n am benthol soc 0887-3593 2.800 3.251 1.0315013 j nano res-sw 1662-5250 5014 j nanoelectron optoe 1555-130x 5015 j nanomater 1687-4110 j nanopart res 1388-0764 3.287 3.574 0.01517 j nanophotonics 1934-2608 5018 j nanosci nanotechno 1533-4880 9593 0.02623 j nat conserv 1617-1381 0.6395020 j nat fibers 1544-0478 5021 j nat gas chem 1003-9953 5022 j nat hist 0022-2933 5023 j nat med-tokyo 1340-3443 5024 j nat prod 0163-3864 18661 3.164 0.02555 5025 j natl cancer i 0027-8874 35847 13.757 14.537 3.308 0.08076 6.1825026 j natl compr canc ne 1540-1405 5027 j natl med assoc 0027-9684 1.398 0.00797 5028 j natl sci found sri 1391-4588 j navigation 0373-4633 5030 j near infrared spec 0967-0335 5031 j nematol 0022-300x j nepal med assoc 0028-2715 5033 j nephrol 1121-8428 1.654 5034 j nerv ment dis 0022-3018 6856 1.682 0.00976 5035 j netw comput appl 1084-8045 5036 j netw syst manag 1064-7570 5037 j neural eng 1741-2560 3.837 4.434 1.158j neural transm 0300-9564 5205 2.730 0.01276 5039 j neural transm-supp 0303-6995 5040 j neuro-oncol 0167-594x 6841 3.214 3.036 0.01817 5041 j neuro-ophthalmol 1070-8022 j neurochem 0022-3042 38731 4.061 4.201 0.08123 5043 j neurodev disord 1866-1947 3.062 1.3465044 j neuroendocrinol 0953-8194 0.01285 1.0775045 j neuroeng rehabil 1743-0003 5046 j neurogenet 0167-7063 5047 j neuroimaging 1051-2284 5048 j neuroimmune pharm 1557-1890 4.574 1.3095049 j neuroimmunol 0165-5728 9602 5050 j neuroinflamm 1742-2094 3.827 4.728 5051 j neurointerv surg 1759-8478 5052 j neurol 0340-5354 0.02440 5053 j neurol neurosur ps 0022-3050 23198 0.04000 1.7505054 j neurol sci 0022-510x 11954 0.02600 5055 j neurol sci-turk 1302-1664 5056 j neurolinguist 0911-6044 5057 j neuropath exp neur 0022-3069 8410 4.258 4.633 0.01608 1.5745058 j neurophysiol 0022-3077 43413 3.713 0.09089 1.5645059 j neuropsych clin n 0895-0172 5060 j neuropsychol 1748-6645 5061 j neuroradiology 0150-9861 1.313 5062 j neurosci 0270-6474 150228 7.115 7.915 0.45046 5063 j neurosci meth 0165-0270 10653 0.02759 5064 j neurosci nurs 0888-0395 j neurosci res 0360-4012 14627 0.03135 0.968 j neurosurg 0022-3085 28800 0.03335 5067 j neurosurg anesth 0898-4921 2.233 5068 j neurosurg sci 0390-5616 5069 j neurosurg-pediatr 1933-0707 5070 j neurosurg-spine 1547-5654 0.01119 5071 j neurotraum 0897-7151 7818 3.654 j neurovirol 1355-0284 5073 j new mat electr sys 1480-2422 5074 j new music res 0929-8215 5075 j non-cryst solids 0022-3093 20377 0.03187 5076 j non-equil thermody 0340-0204 5077 j non-newton fluid 0377-0257 j noncommut geom 1661-6952 5079 j nondestruct eval 0195-9298 5080 j nonlinear convex a 1345-4773 5081 j nonlinear math phy 1402-9251 0.2895082 j nonlinear opt phys 0218-8635 5083 j nonlinear sci 0938-8974 5084 j nonparametr stat 1048-5252 j nucl cardiol 1071-3581 5086 j nucl mater 0022-3115 16255 2.060 0.03216 j nucl med 0161-5505 21165 6.381 6.527 0.04731 1.9095088 j nucl sci technol 0022-3131 5089 j number theory 0022-314x 5090 j numer math 1570-2820 5091 j nurs admin 0002-0443 5092 j nurs care qual 1057-3631 5093 j nurs educ 0148-4834 5094 j nurs manage 0966-0429 5095 j nurs res 1682-3141 5096 j nurs scholarship 1527-6546 j nutr 0022-3166 32605 3.916 4.355 0.04789 j nutr biochem 0955-2863 3.891 j nutr educ behav 1499-4046 j nutr health aging 1279-7707 2.686 2.688 5101 j nutr sci vitaminol 0301-4800 5102 j nutrigenet nutrige 1661-6499 5103 j obstet gynaecol 0144-3615 5104 j obstet gynaecol re 1341-8076 5105 j occup environ hyg 1545-9624 5106 j occup environ med 1076-2752 5107 j occup health 1341-9145 5108 j oceanogr 0916-8370 5109 j ocul pharmacol th 1080-7683 j off stat 0282-423x 5111 j offshore mech arct 0892-7219 j oil palm res 1511-2780 5113 j oleo sci 1345-8957 5114 j oper manag 0272-6963 4.382 6.012 1.8925115 j oper oceanogr 1755-876x j oper res soc 0160-5682 5117 j operat theor 0379-4024 j opt a-pure appl op 1464-4258 0.01124 5119 j opt commun netw 1943-0620 5120 j opt netw 1536-5379 5121 j opt soc am a 1084-7529 12697 0.01976 5122 j opt soc am b 0740-3224 11210 2.185 0.02769 0.812j opt soc korea 1226-4776 5124 j opt technol 1070-9762 j optics-uk 2040-8978 5126 j optimiz theory app 0022-3239 0.00847 5127 j optoelectron adv m 1454-4164 5128 j oral implantol 0160-6972 1.527 5129 j oral maxil surg 0278-2391 10381 j oral pathol med 0904-2512 5131 j oral rehabil 0305-182x 0.00579 5132 j org chem 0022-3263 98614 4.450 4.204 0.13784 5133 j org comp elect com 1091-9392 5134 j organomet chem 0022-328x 22966 0.02437 5135 j ornithol 0021-8375 2.024 5136 j orofac orthop 1434-5293 5137 j orofac pain 1064-6655 5138 j orthop res 0736-0266 10618 0.02123 5139 j orthop sci 0949-2658 j orthop sport phys 0190-6011 5141 j orthop trauma 0890-5339 0.01049 5142 j otolaryngol-head n 1916-0216 5143 j ovarian res 1757-2215 5144 j ovonic res 1842-2403 5145 j paediatr child h 1034-4810 0.00606 5146 j pain 1526-5900 4.926 4.790 0.01703 1.4645147 j pain symptom manag 0885-3924 6259 0.01367 5148 j paleolimnol 0921-2728 1.898 0.00657 5149 j paleontol 0022-3360 j palliat care 0825-8597 5151 j palliat med 1096-6218 2.303 5152 j parallel distr com 0743-7315 5153 j parasitol 0022-3395 7939 5154 j pathol 0022-3417 13421 6.318 6.143 0.03407 2.2295155 j pediat hematol onc 1077-4114 5156 j pediat ophth strab 0191-3913 5157 j pediat-brazil 0021-7557 5158 j pediatr adol gynec 1083-3188 5159 j pediatr endocr met 0334-018x 5160 j pediatr gastr nutr 0277-2116 2.298 5161 j pediatr health car 0891-5245 5162 j pediatr oncol nurs 1043-4542 5163 j pediatr orthop b 1060-152x 5164 j pediatr orthoped 0271-6798 5165 j pediatr surg 0022-3468 12488 0.02032 5166 j pediatr urol 1477-5131 5167 j pediatr-us 0022-3476 22933 4.197 0.04107 1.532 j pept sci 1075-2617 5169 j perform constr fac < 0887-3828 5170 j perinat med 0300-5577 5171 j perinat neonat nur 0893-2190 5172 j perinatol 0743-8346 5173 j periodontal res 0022-3484 j periodontol 0022-3492 11376 2.602 0.01668 5175 j peripher nerv syst 1085-9489 3.122 0.9625176 j pest sci 1612-4758 0.3225177 j pestic sci 1348-589x 5178 j petrol 0022-3530 8830 4.059 4.825 0.01697 2.1535179 j petrol geol 0141-6421 j petrol sci eng 0920-4105 5181 j pharm innov 1872-5120 5182 j pharm pharm sci 1482-1826 5183 j pharm pharmacol 0022-3573 6871 2.175 5184 j pharm sci-us 0022-3549 16617 3.055 0.02395 j pharmaceut biomed 0731-7085 14454 2.979 0.02825 j pharmacokinet phar 1567-567x 5187 j pharmacol exp ther 0022-3565 35576 0.05572 5188 j pharmacol sci 1347-8613 5189 j phase equilib diff 1547-7037 5190 j photoch photobio a 1010-6030 12665 0.02082 5191 j photoch photobio b 1011-1344 5192 j photoch photobio c 1389-5567 10.360 12.458 3.3875193 j photopolym sci tec 0914-9244 5194 j phycol 0022-3646 7622 2.729 5195 j phys a-math theor 1751-8113 19487 1.564 0.06198 5196 j phys b-at mol opt 0953-4075 12535 5197 j phys chem a 1089-5639 53462 0.12469 5198 j phys chem b 1520-6106 118812 3.696 0.24650 5199 j phys chem c 1932-7447 60782 4.805 0.28453 j phys chem lett 1948-7185 6.213 0.02417 2.0725201 j phys chem ref data 0047-2689 3.172 3.804 5202 j phys chem solids 0022-3697 11020 5203 j phys d appl phys 0022-3727 25779 0.09091 j phys g nucl partic 0954-3899 6261 4.178 2.498 0.03533 j phys oceanogr 0022-3670 10195 0.02232 1.4165206 j phys org chem 0894-3230 5207 j phys soc jpn 0031-9015 16377 0.04733 5208 j phys ther sci 0915-5287 5209 j phys-condens mat 0953-8984 35878 2.180 0.13577 5210 j physiol biochem 1138-7548 5211 j physiol pharmacol 0867-5910 0.00771 5212 j physiol sci 1880-6546 1.606 5213 j physiol-london 0022-3751 46154 4.718 0.08283 5214 j physiol-paris 0928-4257 2.466 5215 j physiother 1836-9553 5216 j phytopathol 0931-1785 5217 j pineal res 0742-3098 5.794 4.286 5218 j plankton res 0142-7873 5286 2.253 5219 j plant biochem biot 0971-7811 5220 j plant biol 1226-9239 5221 j plant dis protect 1861-3829 5222 j plant ecol-uk 1752-9921 5223 j plant growth regul 0721-7595 5224 j plant interact 1742-9145 j plant nutr 0190-4167 5226 j plant nutr soil sc 1436-8730 0.00653 5227 j plant pathol 1125-4653 5228 j plant physiol 0176-1617 6907 2.791 0.01193 5229 j plant regist 1936-5209 j plant res 0918-9440 5231 j plasma phys 0022-3778 5232 j plast film sheet 8756-0879 5233 j plast reconstr aes 1748-6815 0.01261 j plast surg hand su 2000-656x 5235 j polym eng 0334-6447 5236 j polym environ 1566-2543 5237 j polym mater 0973-8622 j polym res 1022-9760 5239 j polym sci pol chem 0887-624x 23407 3.919 3.388 0.04304 j polym sci pol phys 0887-6266 10474 0.01500 5241 j porous mat 1380-2224 5242 j porous media 1091-028x 5243 j porphyr phthalocya 1088-4246 j postgrad med 0022-3859 5245 j poult sci 1346-7395 5246 j power electron 1598-2092 5247 j power sources 0378-7753 50254 4.951 5.006 0.12468 j press vess-t asme 0094-9930 5249 j process contr 0959-1524 5250 j prod innovat manag 0737-6782 3.640 0.00396 1.0615251 j prof iss eng ed pr 1052-3928 5252 j prof nurs 8755-7223 5253 j propul power 0748-4658 5254 j prosthet dent 0022-3913 7527 5255 j prosthodont 1059-941x 5256 j proteome res 1535-3893 16282 5.413 0.974 0.06996 1.5335257 j proteomics 1874-3919 1.2405258 j psychiatr ment hlt 1351-0126 5259 j psychiatr neurosci 1180-4882 5.342 5.161 5260 j psychiatr pract 1527-4160 5261 j psychiatr res 0022-3956 8451 4.374 0.01662 5262 j psychopharmacol 0269-8811 0.01152 5263 j psychophysiol 0269-8803 j psychosoc nurs men 0279-3695 5265 j psychosom obst gyn 0167-482x 5266 j psychosom res 0022-3999 8532 3.296 0.01529 1.1245267 j public health dent 0022-4006 5268 j public health pol 0197-5897 5269 j public health-uk 1741-3842 5270 j pulp pap sci 0826-6220 5271 j pure appl algebra 0022-4049 0.01447 5272 j pure appl microbio 0973-7510 j qual technol 0022-4065 5274 j quant spectrosc ra 0022-4073 6074 0.01340 5275 j quaternary sci 0267-8179 5276 j r soc interface 1742-5689 4.591 0.02301 1.7845277 j r stat soc a stat 0964-1998 0.00631 1.6845278 j r stat soc b 1369-7412 3.645 5.281 0.02075 5.3795279 j r stat soc c-appl 0035-9254 5280 j radiat res 0449-3060 5281 j radioanal nucl ch 0236-5731 5751 5282 j radiol 0221-0363 5283 j radiol prot 0952-4746 j raman spectrosc 0377-0486 6774 0.01383 5285 j rapid meth aut mic 1060-3999 j raptor res 0892-1016 5287 j rare earth 1002-0721 0.00499 5288 j real-time image pr 1861-8200 j recept sig transd 1079-9893 5290 j reconstr microsurg 0743-684x 5291 j refract surg 1081-597x 2.226 5292 j rehabil med 1650-1977 j rehabil res dev 0748-7711 5294 j reine angew math 0075-4102 0.01609 1.8435295 j reinf plast comp 0731-6844 5296 j renal nutr 1051-2276 5297 j renew sustain ener 1941-7012 5298 j renin-angio-aldo s 1470-3203 5299 j reprod develop 0916-8818 1.629 5300 j reprod immunol 0165-0378 0.00448 5301 j reprod med 0024-7758 5302 j res med sci 1735-1995 5303 j res natl inst stan 1044-677x 5304 j res pract inf tech 1443-458x 5305 j residuals sci tech 1544-8053 5306 j rheol 0148-6055 3.093 5307 j rheumatol 0315-162x 20898 3.649 0.03641 1.118j roy soc med 0141-0768 5309 j roy soc new zeal 0303-6758 5310 j rubber res 1511-1768 5311 j rural health 0890-765x 5312 j russ laser res 1071-2836 5313 j s afr i min metall 0038-223x 5314 j s afr inst civ eng 1021-2019 5315 j s afr vet assoc 0038-2809 5316 j s am earth sci 0895-9811 1.904 j sandw struct mater 1099-6362 j sch nurs 1059-8405 5319 j scheduling 1094-6136 5320 j school health 0022-4391 5321 j sci comput 0885-7474 5322 j sci educ technol 1059-0145 5323 j sci food agr 0022-5142 12088 0.01445 5324 j sci ind res india 0022-4456 5325 j sci med sport 1440-2440 3.034 5326 j sea res 1385-1101 2.683 5327 j sediment res 1527-1404 5328 j seism explor 0963-0651 j seismol 1383-4649 1.523 5330 j semicond tech sci 1598-1657 5331 j sens stud 0887-8250 1.597 5332 j sep sci 1615-9306 7275 5333 j serb chem soc 0352-5139 5334 j sex med 1743-6095 3.552 3.274 5335 j shellfish res 0730-8000 5336 j ship res 0022-4502 5337 j shoulder elb surg 1058-2746 j signal process sys 1939-8018 j sleep res 0962-1105 0.00650 5340 j small anim pract 0022-4510 5341 j soc inf display 1071-0922 5342 j soc leath tech ch 0144-0322 5343 j softw maint evol-r < 1532-060x 5344 j soil sci plant nut 0718-9508 5345 j soil sediment 1439-0108 1.863 2.243 5346 j soil water conserv 0022-4561 5347 j sol energ-t asme 0199-6231 5348 j sol-gel sci techn 0928-0707 0.4535349 j solid state chem 0022-4596 17779 0.02912 5350 j solid state electr 1432-8488 0.01023 5351 j solution chem 0095-9782 1.415 5352 j sound vib 0022-460x 16968 0.03700 5353 j spacecr technol 0971-1600 5354 j spacecraft rockets 0022-4650 5355 j spec pediatr nurs 1539-0136 5356 j speech lang hear r 1092-4388 5357 j spinal cord med 1079-0268 0.5555358 j spinal disord tech 1536-0652 1.871 5359 j sport exercise psy 0895-2779 j sport manage 0888-4773 5361 j sport med phys fit 0022-4707 j sport rehabil 1056-6716 1.072 5363 j sport sci 0264-0414 0.00876 j sport sci med 1303-2968 5365 j stat comput sim 0094-9655 5366 j stat mech-theory e 1742-5468 1.999 0.02783 1.0735367 j stat phys 0022-4715 6610 0.01903 5368 j stat plan infer 0378-3758 5369 j stat softw 1548-7660 4.010 4.791 0.01178 2.7285370 j steroid biochem 0960-0760 8214 0.01573 5371 j stored prod res 0022-474x j strain anal eng 0309-3247 5373 j strategic inf syst 0963-8687 5374 j strength cond res 1064-8011 6018 2.338 0.00973 5375 j struct biol 1047-8477 7447 3.805 1.6225376 j struct chem 0022-4766 5377 j struct eng-asce 0733-9445 6834 0.01281 5378 j struct geol 0191-8141 6070 5379 j stud alcohol drugs 1937-1888 6069 2.251 2.764 0.9605380 j sulfur chem 1741-5993 5381 j supercomput 0920-8542 5382 j supercond nov magn 1557-1939 5383 j supercrit fluid 0896-8446 3.145 5384 j superhard mater 1063-4576 5385 j surf invest-x-ray 1027-4510 5386 j surfactants deterg 1097-3958 5387 j surg educ 1931-7204 5388 j surg oncol 0022-4790 5815 5389 j surg res 0022-4804 0.01842 5390 j surv eng-asce 0733-9453 5391 j sustain agr 1044-0046 5392 j swine health prod 1537-209x 5393 j symb comput 0747-7171 0.00462 5394 j symbolic logic 0022-4812 j symplect geom 1527-5256 5396 j syn org chem jpn 0037-9980 5397 j synchrotron radiat 0909-0495 2.567 5398 j syst architect 1383-7621 5399 j syst eng electron 1004-4132 j syst evol 1674-4918 j syst palaeontol 1477-2019 1.8295402 j syst sci complex 1009-6124 5403 j syst sci syst eng 1004-3756 5404 j syst software 0164-1212 5405 j taiwan inst chem e 1876-1070 5406 j teach phys educ 0273-5024 5407 j telemed telecare 1357-633x 5408 j terramechanics 0022-4898 5409 j test eval 0090-3973 5410 j text i 0040-5000 5411 j texture stud 0022-4901 5412 j theor app mech-pol 1429-2955 5413 j theor biol 0022-5193 15875 j theor comput chem 0219-6336 5415 j theor probab 0894-9840 5416 j therm anal calorim 1388-6150 8117 0.01230 0.2395417 j therm biol 0306-4565 5418 j therm sci 1003-2169 5419 j therm sci tech-jpn 1880-5566 5420 j therm spray techn 1059-9630 5421 j therm stresses 0149-5739 j thermophys heat tr 0887-8722 5423 j thermoplast compos 0892-7057 5424 j thorac cardiov sur 0022-5223 19743 0.05014 5425 j thorac imag 0883-5993 5426 j thorac oncol 1556-0864 3.826 0.02551 5427 j thromb haemost 1538-7933 5.731 5.950 0.05423 1.9865428 j thromb thrombolys 0929-5305 j time ser anal 0143-9782 0.9255430 j tissue eng regen m 1932-6254 3.278 5431 j topol 1753-8416 1.4955432 j topol anal 1793-5253 5433 j torrey bot soc 1095-5674 5434 j toxicol env heal a 1528-7394 0.00745 5435 j toxicol env heal b 1093-7404 4.973 5436 j toxicol pathol 0914-9198 5437 j toxicol sci 0388-1350 5438 j trace elem med bio 0946-672x 5439 j tradit chin med 0255-2922 j transcult nurs 1043-6596 j transl med 1479-5876 3.474 5442 j transp eng-asce 0733-947x 5443 j trauma 0022-5282 0.04040 5444 j travel med 1195-1982 5445 j tribol-t asme 0742-4787 j trop ecol 0266-4674 2.021 5447 j trop for sci 0128-1283 5448 j trop meteorol 1006-8775 j trop pediatrics 0142-6338 j turbomach 0889-504x j turbul 1468-5248 5452 j ultras med 0278-4297 5453 j univers comput sci 0948-695x 5454 j urban health 1099-3460 3.188 0.00862 1.244j urban plan d-asce 0733-9488 5456 j urology 0022-5347 45170 0.08306 5457 j vac sci technol a 0734-2101 6041 5458 j vac sci technol b 1071-1023 10637 1.355 0.02381 5459 j vasc access 1129-7298 5460 j vasc interv radiol 1051-0443 6166 2.075 0.01424 5461 j vasc res 1018-1172 5462 j vasc surg 0741-5214 20171 3.210 0.04495 5463 j vector dis 0972-9062 5464 j vector ecol 1081-1710 j veg sci 1100-9233 5679 3.027 5466 j venom anim toxins 1678-9199 j verbrauch lebensm 1661-5751 5468 j vertebr paleontol 0272-4634 5469 j vestibul res-equil 0957-4271 j vet dent 0898-7564 j vet diagn invest 1040-6387 5472 j vet emerg crit car 1479-3261 2.038 5473 j vet intern med 0891-6640 5474 j vet med educ 0748-321x 5475 j vet med sci 0916-7250 0.00553 5476 j vet pharmacol ther 0140-7783 5477 j vet sci 1229-845x 5478 j vib acoust 1048-9002 5479 j vib control 1077-5463 5480 j vibroeng 1392-8716 5481 j vinyl addit techn 1083-5601 5482 j viral hepatitis 1352-0504 4.088 j virol 0022-538x 96570 5.402 5.324 0.19081 5484 j virol methods 0166-0934 6847 5485 j vis commun image r 1047-3203 5486 j visc surg 1878-7886 5487 j vision 1534-7362 6214 3.376 0.02875 j visual lang comput 1045-926x 5489 j visual-japan 1343-8875 5490 j voice 0892-1997 5491 j volcanol geoth res 0377-0273 7904 5492 j volcanol seismol 0742-0463 5493 j water chem techno 1063-455x 5494 j water clim change 2040-2244 5495 j water health 1477-8920 5496 j water res pl-asce 0733-9496 5497 j water supply res t 0003-7214 j waterw port c-asce 0733-950x 1.126 5499 j web eng 1540-9589 j web semant 1570-8268 j wildlife dis 0090-3558 1.454 5502 j wildlife manage 0022-541x 8442 5503 j wind eng ind aerod 0167-6105 5504 j womens health 1540-9996 5505 j wood chem technol 0277-3813 5506 j wood sci 1435-0211 5507 j world aquacult soc 0893-8849 j wound ostomy cont 1071-5754 5509 j wuhan univ technol 1000-2413 j x-ray sci technol 0895-3996 5511 j zhejiang univ-sc a 1673-565x 5512 j zhejiang univ-sc b 1673-1581 5513 j zoo wildlife med 1042-7260 5514 j zool 0952-8369 7120 5515 j zool syst evol res 0947-5745 5516 jacc-cardiovasc imag 1936-878x 5.431 2.2705517 jacc-cardiovasc inte 1936-8798 6.800 1.626 0.01906 3.1165518 jaids-j acq imm def 1525-4135 12690 4.425 4.614 0.04440 5519 jala-j lab autom 1535-5535 5520 jama-j am med assoc 0098-7484 117668 30.026 29.684 6.927 0.28624 13.1145521 jaro-j assoc res oto 1525-3961 jarq-jpn agr res q 0021-3551 5523 javma-j am vet med a 0003-1488 11369 0.518< 5524 jbr-btr 1780-2393 5525 jcpsp-j coll physici 1022-386x jcr-j clin rheumatol 1076-1608 0.00319 jct coatingstech 1547-0083 5528 jetp lett 0021-3640 6440 5529 jognn-j obst gyn neo 0884-2175 5530 joint bone spine 1297-319x 5531 jokull 0449-0576 5532 jom-us 1047-4838 5533 jpc-j planar chromat 0933-4173 5534 jpen-parenter enter 0148-6071 2.643 5535 jpn j appl entomol z 0021-4914 5536 jpn j appl phys 0021-4922 28622 0.05875 5537 jpn j clin oncol 0368-2811 5538 jpn j ind appl math 0916-7005 5539 jpn j infect dis 1344-6304 5540 jpn j math 0289-2316 5541 jpn j nurs sci 1742-7932 5542 jpn j ophthalmol 0021-5155 5543 jpn j phys fit sport 0039-906x 5544 jpn j radiol 1867-1071 5545 jpn j vet res 0047-1917 5546 jsls-j soc laparoend 1086-8089 5547 kafkas univ vet fak 1300-6045 kagaku kogaku ronbun 0386-216x kaohsiung j med sci 1607-551x 5550 kardiochir torakochi 1731-5530 5551 kardiol pol 0022-9032 5552 kardiologiya 0022-9040 5553 kasmera 0075-5222 5554 kerntechnik 0932-3902 0.1115555 kgk-kaut gummi kunst 0948-3276 5556 kidney blood press r 1420-4096 1.464 5557 kidney int 0085-2538 37436 6.341 0.07132 2.0585558 kinemat phys celest 0884-5913 5559 kinesiology 1331-1441 5560 kinet catal 0023-1584 5561 kinet relat mod 1937-5093 5562 kleintierpraxis 0023-2076 5563 klin monatsbl augenh 0023-2165 5564 klin neurophysiol 1434-0275 5565 klin padiatr 0300-8630 5566 klin psikofarmakol b 1017-7833 5567 knee 0968-0160 1.901 5568 knee surg sport tr a 0942-2056 2.209 5569 knowl eng rev 0269-8889 5570 knowl inf syst 0219-1377 5571 knowl manag aquat ec 1961-9502 5572 knowl-based syst 0950-7051 1.967 5573 kobunshi ronbunshu 0386-2186 5574 kodai math j 0386-5991 5575 kona powder part j 0288-4534 5576 korea-aust rheol j 1226-119x korean j chem eng 0256-1115 5578 korean j food sci an 1225-8563 5579 korean j hortic sci 1226-8763 korean j lab med 1598-6535 korean j met mater 5582 korean j orthod 2234-7518 5583 korean j parasitol 0023-4001 5584 korean j pathol 1738-1843 5585 korean j physiol pha 1226-4512 5586 korean j radiol 1229-6929 5587 korroz figy 0133-2546 kovove mater 0023-432x 5589 ksce j civ eng 1226-7988 ksii t internet inf 1976-7277 5591 kuwait j sci eng 1024-8684 kuwait med j 0023-5776 5593 kybernetes 0368-492x 5594 kybernetika 0023-5954 5595 kyoto j math 2156-2261 5596 kyushu j math 1340-6116 5597 lab anim-uk 0023-6772 5598 lab animal 0093-7355 lab chip 1473-0197 13729 5.670 6.497 0.05012 5600 lab invest 0023-6837 3.641 0.01691 1.5015601 labmedicine 0007-5027 5602 laboratoriumsmedizin 0342-3026 5603 laeknabladid 0023-7213 lake reserv manage 0743-8141 5605 lancet 0140-6736 158906 38.278 33.797 10.576 0.36138 13.6025606 lancet infect dis 1473-3099 8629 17.391 16.161 5.610 0.03524 6.188lancet neurol 1474-4422 12969 23.462 20.598 5.070 0.06905 7.9125608 lancet oncol 1470-2045 13237 22.589 18.730 4.848 0.06915 7.4095609 land degrad dev 1085-3278 5610 landbauforsch volk 0458-6859 5611 landbauforschung-ger 5612 landsc ecol eng 1860-1871 5613 landscape ecol 0921-2973 0.01235 5614 landscape urban plan 0169-2046 5615 landslides 1612-510x 5616 lang resour eval 1574-020x 5617 lang speech 0023-8309 5618 langenbeck arch surg 1435-2443 5619 langmuir 0743-7463 103776 4.186 4.514 0.22306 1.179large anim rev 1124-4593 5621 laryngo rhino otol 0935-8943 5622 laryngoscope 0023-852x 14577 0.02560 5623 laser eng 0898-1507 0.0315624 laser focus world 1043-8092 5625 laser med sci 0268-8921 0.4935626 laser part beams 0263-0346 0.4765627 laser photonics rev 1863-8880 7.388 8.772 2.600 4.0645628 laser phys 1054-660x 3.605 5629 laser phys lett 1612-2011 9.970 5.927 5630 laser surg med 0196-8092 5631 lat am appl res 0327-0793 5632 lat am j aquat res 0718-560x 5633 lat am j pharm 0326-2383 5634 lat am j solids stru 1679-7817 lc gc eur 1471-6577 5636 lc gc n am 1527-5949 5637 learn behav 1543-4494 5638 learn memory 1072-0502 4.219 4.545 0.01717 1.8805639 legume res 0250-5371 5640 leprosy rev 0305-7518 5641 lethaia 0024-1164 5642 lett appl microbiol 0266-8254 5643 lett drug des discov 1570-1808 5644 lett math phys 0377-9017 1.223 0.9205645 lett org chem 1570-1786 5646 leukemia 0887-6924 17255 9.561 8.205 0.06757 3.319leukemia lymphoma 1042-8194 5719 2.580 0.01732 5648 leukemia res 0145-2126 2.472 0.01705 5649 leukos 1550-2724 5650 libyan j med 1993-2820 5651 lichenologist 0024-2829 life sci 0024-3205 19578 0.02571 5653 life sci j 1097-8135 5654 lifetime data anal 1380-7870 5655 light eng 0236-2945 5656 lighting res technol 1477-1535 5657 limnetica 0213-8409 limnol oceanogr 0024-3590 22144 3.416 4.013 0.03550 5659 limnol oceanogr-meth 1541-5856 5660 limnologica 0075-9511 5661 limnology 1439-8621 linear algebra appl 0024-3795 6136 5663 linear multilinear a 0308-1087 5664 lipids 0024-4201 6706 5665 lipids health dis 1476-511x 2.428 5666 liq cryst 0267-8292 5667 lith j phys 1648-8504 5668 lith math j 0363-1672 5669 lithol miner resour 0024-4902 5670 lithos 0024-4937 7210 3.691 0.02324 1.337lithosphere-us 1941-8264 0.9105672 liver int 1478-3223 3.824 5673 liver transplant 1527-6465 8581 3.702 5674 livest sci 1871-1413 5675 living rev relativ 1433-8351 17.462 5676 living rev sol phys 1614-4961 12.500 0.00278 5677 lms j comput math 1461-1570 log j igpl 1367-0751 log meth comput sci 1860-5974 5680 logop phoniatr voco 1401-5439 5681 low temp phys 1063-777x 5682 lubr sci 0954-0075 5683 luminescence 1522-7235 5684 lung 0341-2040 5685 lung cancer 0169-5002 6587 0.9305686 lupus 0961-2033 0.01045 5687 luts 1757-5664 5688 lwt-food sci technol 0023-6438 7063 0.01489 5689 lymphology 0024-7766 5690 m s-med sci 0767-0974 5691 m&som-manuf serv op 1523-4614 mabs-austin 1942-0862 maced j chem chem en 1857-5552 5694 mach learn 0885-6125 5734 5695 mach sci technol 1091-0344 mach vision appl 0932-8092 5697 macromol biosci 1616-5187 3.886 3.799 0.01081 5698 macromol chem phys 1022-1352 9337 5699 macromol mater eng 1438-7492 0.00636 5700 macromol rapid comm 1022-1336 11530 4.596 0.03053 1.2225701 macromol react eng 1862-832x macromol res 1598-5032 5703 macromol theor simul 1022-1344 0.4465704 macromolecules 0024-9297 93776 5.167 5.030 0.14993 5705 madera bosques 1405-0471 5706 maderas-cienc tecnol 0717-3644 5707 maejo int j sci tech 1905-7873 5708 mag concrete res 0024-9831 5709 magn reson chem 0749-1581 5710 magn reson imaging < 0730-725x 5711 magn reson imaging c 1064-9689 5712 magn reson mater phy 0968-5243 0.00272 5713 magn reson med 0740-3194 21967 2.964 5714 magn reson med sci 1347-3182 magnesium res 0953-1424 5716 magnetohydrodynamics 0024-998x 5717 magy allatorvosok 0025-004x 0.0175718 main group chem 1024-1221 main group met chem 0334-7575 5720 malacologia 0076-2997 5721 malaria j 1475-2875 3.191 0.02110 5722 malays j comput sci 0127-9084 5723 mamm biol 1616-5047 1.609 5724 mamm genome 0938-8990 2.887 5725 mamm study 1343-4152 5726 mammal rev 0305-1838 3.475 1.3085727 mammalia 0025-1461 5728 manage sci 0025-1909 17261 3.304 0.03244 2.5085729 manual ther 1356-689x 5730 manuf eng 0361-0853 5731 manuscripta math 0025-2611 5732 mapan-j metrol soc i 0970-3950 5733 mar biol 0025-3162 15054 mar biol res 1745-1000 5735 mar biotechnol 1436-2228 5736 mar chem 0304-4203 6836 1.4335737 mar coast fish 1942-5120 5738 mar drugs 1660-3397 3.854 3.704 mar ecol-evol persp 0173-9565 5740 mar ecol-prog ser 0171-8630 30131 3.086 0.05436 5741 mar environ res 0141-1136 2.405 5742 mar freshw behav phy 1023-6244 5743 mar freshwater res 1323-1650 5744 mar genom 1874-7787 5745 mar geod 0149-0419 5746 mar geol 0025-3227 8227 2.861 0.01418 5747 mar geophys res 0025-3235 5748 mar georesour geotec 1064-119x mar mammal sci 0824-0469 5750 mar micropaleontol 0377-8398 mar petrol geol 0264-8172 2.343 2.838 mar pollut bull 0025-326x 11511 0.01934 mar resour econ 0738-1360 5754 mar struct 0951-8339 5755 mar technol sname n 0025-3316 5756 mar technol soc j 0025-3324 5757 mass spectrom rev 0277-7037 10.461 11.676 3.4725758 mat sci eng a-struct 0921-5093 36208 0.09206 5759 mat sci eng c-mater 0928-4931 5760 mat sci eng r 0927-796x 14.951 16.500 5.6825761 mat sci semicon proc 1369-8001 match-commun math co 0340-6253 5763 mater charact 1044-5803 0.01165 5764 mater chem phys 0254-0584 14706 2.234 5765 mater construcc 0465-2746 5766 mater corros 0947-5117 5767 mater design 0261-3069 6020 0.02468 0.6485768 mater eval 0025-5327 5769 mater high temp 0960-3409 5770 mater lett 0167-577x 20548 0.05487 5771 mater manuf process 1042-6914 5772 mater performance 0094-1492 5773 mater plast 0025-5289 mater res bull 0025-5408 9860 2.108 0.01784 5775 mater res innov 1432-8917 5776 mater res-ibero-am j 1516-1439 5777 mater sci eng b-adv 0921-5107 8324 0.02020 5778 mater sci tech-lond 0267-0836 0.00698 5779 mater sci 1068-820x 5780 mater sci-medzg 1392-1320 5781 mater sci-poland 0137-1339 5782 mater struct 1359-5997 5783 mater technol 1066-7857 mater tehnol 1580-2949 5785 mater test 0025-5300 5786 mater today 1369-7021 5.565 10.451 0.01926 4.2965787 mater trans 1345-9678 5788 mater world 0967-8638 0.0245789 materia-brazil 1517-7076 5790 materials 1996-1944 5791 materialwiss werkst 0933-5137 5792 matern child nutr 1740-8695 5793 math ann 0025-5831 0.01981 1.8525794 math biosci 0025-5564 0.00674 5795 math biosci eng 1547-1063 math commun 1331-0623 5797 math comp model dyn 1387-3954 5798 math comput 0025-5718 math comput model 0895-7177 0.5175800 math comput simulat 0378-4754 5801 math control signal 0932-4194 5802 math financ 0960-1627 1.6305803 math geosci 1874-8961 5804 math inequal appl 1331-4343 math intell 0343-6993 5806 math logic quart 0942-5616 5807 math mech solids 1081-2865 5808 math med biol 1477-8599 5809 math method appl sci 0170-4214 5810 math method oper res 1432-2994 0.5265811 math mod meth appl s 0218-2025 1.2765812 math model anal 1392-6292 5813 math model nat pheno 0973-5348 5814 math nachr 0025-584x math notes 0001-4346 5816 math oper res 0364-765x 5817 math phys anal geom 1385-0172 5818 math popul stud 0889-8480 5819 math probl eng 1024-123x 5820 math proc cambridge 0305-0041 5821 math program 0025-5610 1.9975822 math rep 1582-3067 5823 math res lett 1073-2780 5824 math scand 0025-5521 5825 math slovaca 0139-9918 5826 math soc sci 0165-4896 5827 math struct comp sci 0960-1295 5828 math z 0025-5874 5829 matrix biol 0945-053x 3.429 5830 maturitas 0378-5122 5831 mausam 0252-9416 5832 maydica 0025-6153 mayo clin proc 0025-6196 9150 5.698 5.432 0.02281 1.9705834 mbio 2150-7511 5.311 2.3275835 mcn-am j matern-chil 0361-929x 5836 meas control-uk 0020-2940 5837 meas sci rev 1335-8871 5838 meas sci technol 0957-0233 7745 0.02272 5839 meas tech 0543-1972 5840 measurement 0263-2241 5841 meat sci 0309-1740 10990 0.01639 5842 mec ind 1296-2139 5843 meccanica 0025-6455 1.336 5844 mech adv mater struc 1537-6494 5845 mech ageing dev 0047-6374 3.439 3.764 5846 mech based des struc 1539-7734 5847 mech compos mater 0191-5665 mech develop 0925-4773 6430 5849 mech eng 0025-6501 5850 mech mach theory 0094-114x 5851 mech mater 0167-6636 5852 mech res commun 0093-6413 5853 mech solids 0025-6544 5854 mech syst signal pr 0888-3270 0.01236 mech time-depend mat 1385-2000 5856 mechatronics 0957-4158 5857 med biol eng comput 0140-0118 5858 med care 0025-7079 14411 3.974 0.03101 1.940med care res rev 1077-5587 1.8305860 med chem 1573-4064 med chem res 1054-2523 5862 med chir pied 0759-2280 5863 med clin n am 0025-7125 5864 med clin-barcelona 0025-7753 5865 med decis making 0272-989x 3.003 5866 med dosim 0958-3947 5867 med educ 0308-0110 0.01225 5868 med eng phys 1350-4533 med genet-berlin 1863-5490 5870 med glas 1840-0132 5871 med hist 0025-7273 5872 med hypotheses 0306-9877 5873 med image anal 1361-8415 4.512 5874 med intensiva 0210-5691 5875 med j australia 0025-729x 9314 0.02179 5876 med klin 0723-5003 5877 med lav 0025-7818 5878 med law rev 0967-0742 5879 med lett drugs ther 0025-732x 5880 med lith 1010-660x 5881 med maladies infect 0399-077x 5882 med microbiol immun 0300-8584 3.833 3.293 5883 med mol morphol 1860-1480 5884 med mycol 1369-3786 5885 med nucl 0928-1258 med oncol 1357-0560 0.00479 med oral patol oral 1698-4447 5888 med paliativa 1134-248x 5889 med phys 0094-2405 16620 0.03398 5890 med pr 0465-5893 5891 med prin pract 1011-7571 5892 med probl perform ar 0885-1158 5893 med res rev 0198-6325 10.700 10.030 0.00678 2.7335894 med sci law 0025-8024 5895 med sci sport exer 0195-9131 24428 5.017 0.03607 5896 med sport 0025-7826 5897 med teach 0142-159x 0.00781 5898 med vet entomol 0269-283x 5899 medchemcomm 2040-2503 mediat inflamm 0962-9351 2.858 5901 medicc rev 1555-7960 5902 medicina-buenos aire < 0025-7680 5903 medicine 0025-7974 4.350 0.00591 1.7305904 mediterr j math 1660-5446 5905 mediterr mar sci 1108-393x 5906 melanoma res 0960-8931 5907 mem am math soc 0065-9266 2.259 0.00887 3.5755908 mem i oswaldo cruz 0074-0276 0.00895 5909 mendeleev commun 0959-9436 5910 menopause 1072-3714 3.758 5911 met mater int 1598-9623 5912 met sci heat treat 0026-0673 0.0755913 metab brain dis 0885-7490 5914 metab eng 1096-7176 5.614 5.911 1.5005915 metab syndr relat d 1540-4196 5916 metabolism 0026-0495 10423 5917 metabolomics 1573-3882 4.505 4.517 0.00530 5918 metal int 1582-2214 5919 metall ital 0026-0843 5920 metall mater trans a 1073-5623 13430 0.02338 0.7555921 metall mater trans b 1073-5615 5922 metallofiz nov tekh 1024-1809 5923 metallomics 1756-5901 5924 metallurgist 0026-0894 metalurgija 0543-5846 5926 meteorit planet sci 1086-9379 0.980meteorol appl 1350-4827 meteorol atmos phys 0177-7971 5929 meteorol z 0941-2948 5930 method enzymol 0076-6879 25564 0.03532 5931 method find exp clin 0379-0355 5932 method inform med 0026-1270 5933 method microbiol 0580-9517 5934 methodol comput appl 1387-5841 5935 methods 1046-2023 10951 4.482 0.02309 1.9435936 methods ecol evol 2041-210x 5.093 5937 metrika 0026-1335 5938 metrol meas syst 0860-8229 5939 metrologia 0026-1394 0.00736 5940 mich math j 0026-2285 5941 micro nano lett 1750-0443 5942 microb biotechnol 1751-7907 5943 microb cell fact 1475-2859 5944 microb drug resist 1076-6294 5945 microb ecol 0095-3628 6098 2.912 0.01462 5946 microb pathogenesis 0882-4010 0.00491 5947 microbes environ 1342-6311 5948 microbes infect 1286-4579 6714 0.01863 0.9795949 microbiol immunol 0385-5600 5950 microbiol mol biol r 1092-2172 8496 13.018 16.814 0.01944 7.2965951 microbiol res 0944-5013 5952 microbiol-sgm 1350-0872 17249 0.03963 microbiology 0026-2617 5954 microchem j 0026-265x 5955 microchim acta 0026-3672 5956 microcirculation 1073-9688 5957 microelectron eng 0167-9317 6746 0.02416 5958 microelectron int 1356-5362 5959 microelectron j 0026-2692 0.00671 5960 microelectron reliab 0026-2714 5961 microfluid nanofluid 1613-4982 5962 microgravity sci tec 0938-0108 5963 micron 0968-4328 5964 micropaleontology 0026-2803 5965 micropor mesopor mat 1387-1811 13858 3.254 0.03430 5966 microprocess microsy 0141-9331 5967 microsc microanal 1431-9276 3.007 3.381 0.01055 1.7785968 microsc res techniq 1059-910x 5969 microsurg 0738-1085 5970 microsyst technol 0946-7076 5971 microvasc res 0026-2862 2.828 0.00661 5972 microw opt techn let 0895-2477 5973 microwave j 0192-6225 5974 microwaves rf 0745-2993 5975 midwifery 0266-6138 1.777 5976 mikrobiyol bul 0374-9096 mil med 0026-4075 5978 mil oper res 0275-5823 milan j math 1424-9286 5980 milbank q 0887-378x 5.620 4.909 2.6285981 milchwissenschaft 0026-3788 5982 mind mach 0924-6495 5983 mine water environ 1025-9112 5984 miner deposita 0026-4598 1.684 5985 miner eng 0892-6875 5986 miner metall proc 0747-9182 5987 miner petrol 0930-0708 5988 miner process extr m 0882-7508 5989 mineral mag 0026-461x 5990 minerva anestesiol 0375-9393 5991 minerva biotecnol 1120-4826 5992 minerva chir 0026-4733 5993 minerva endocrinol 0391-1977 5994 minerva med 0026-4806 5995 minerva ortop trauma 0026-4911 5996 mini-rev med chem 1389-5575 5997 mini-rev org chem 1570-193x 5998 minim invas neurosur 0946-7211 5999 minim invasiv ther 1364-5706 6000 mis quart 0276-7783 6761 4.447 7.497 0.00977 2.9066001 miskolc math notes 1787-2405 6002 mitig adapt strat gl 1381-2386 6003 mitochondr dna 1940-1736 6004 mitochondrion 1567-7249 0.00696 6005 mitt klosterneuburg 0007-5922 6006 mob inf syst 1574-017x mobile netw appl 1383-469x 6008 mod phys lett a 0217-7323 6009 mod phys lett b 0217-9849 6010 mod rheumatol 1439-7595 6011 model ident control 0332-7353 6012 model simul mater sc 0965-0393 0.00740 modern pathol 0893-3952 9532 4.743 0.02890 1.6896014 mokuzai gakkaishi 0021-4795 mol aspects med 0098-2997 10.272 3.039mol biochem parasit 0166-6851 7039 2.551 0.01197 6017 mol biol cell 1059-1524 29375 4.942 5.371 0.11329 2.720mol biol evol 0737-4038 28313 5.550 9.857 0.09215 3.8386019 mol biol rep 0301-4851 mol biol 0026-8933 6021 mol biosyst 1742-206x 3.534 6022 mol biotechnol 1073-6085 6023 mol breeding 1380-3743 0.00611 mol cancer 1476-4598 3.993 0.02006 6025 mol cancer res 1541-7786 4.288 4.490 6026 mol cancer ther 1535-7163 12886 5.226 5.390 0.05744 1.7856027 mol carcinogen 0899-1987 0.00927 6028 mol cell 1097-2765 44493 14.178 2.875 0.25105 8.9426029 mol cell biochem 0300-8177 9018 6030 mol cell biol 0270-7306 67032 5.527 5.766 0.17397 6031 mol cell endocrinol 0303-7207 10097 3.679 0.02910 6032 mol cell neurosci 1044-7431 6899 3.663 3.777 6033 mol cell probe 0890-8508 6034 mol cell proteomics 1535-9476 12985 7.398 8.633 1.449 0.05442 2.9836035 mol cell toxicol 1738-642x 6036 mol cells 1016-8478 1.993 6037 mol cryst liq cryst 1542-1406 6038 mol diagn ther 1177-1062 1.813 6039 mol divers 1381-1991 3.153 6040 mol ecol 0962-1083 26842 5.522 6.347 0.07349 2.082mol ecol resour 1755-098x 2.907 0.8766042 mol endocrinol 0888-8809 13707 4.816 1.8396043 mol genet genomics 1617-4615 2.635 2.780 mol genet metab 1096-7192 0.01391 6045 mol genet microbiol 0891-4168 6046 mol hum reprod 1360-9947 3.852 3.529 1.0026047 mol imaging 1535-3508 6048 mol imaging biol 1536-1632 3.519 1.109 mol immunol 0161-5890 0.03202 0.9736050 mol inform 1868-1743 0.5196051 mol interv 1534-0384 4.594 7.487 2.4526052 mol med 1076-1551 3.757 0.00813 6053 mol med rep 1791-2997 6054 mol membr biol 0968-7688 6055 mol microbiol 0950-382x 35995 5.010 0.09071 2.1566056 mol neurobiol 0893-7648 5.735 mol neurodegener 1750-1326 4.278 4.455 1.3946058 mol nutr food res 1613-4125 4.579 0.01763 1.1446059 mol oncol 1574-7891 5.082 6060 mol oral microbiol 2041-1006 6061 mol pain 1744-8069 3.526 4.262 6062 mol pharmaceut 1543-8384 4.782 5.634 0.01890 mol pharmacol 0026-895x 21694 4.883 4.580 0.04530 1.5176064 mol phylogenet evol 1055-7903 13208 3.982 0.04243 6065 mol phys 0026-8976 11899 6066 mol plant 1674-2052 5.546 5.415 6067 mol plant microbe in 0894-0282 8350 0.01966 mol plant pathol 1464-6722 3.899 4.062 mol psychiatr 1359-4184 11679 12.992 0.04068 4.651mol reprod dev 1040-452x 2.532 6071 mol simulat 0892-7022 < 6072 mol syst biol 1744-4292 8.626 11.620 0.03920 5.8306073 mol ther 1525-0016 6.873 6.284 0.04302 2.020mol vis 1090-0535 2.513 6075 molecules 1420-3049 6076 molluscan res 1323-5818 6077 mon not r astron soc 0035-8711 79730 4.585 0.24884 6078 mon weather rev 0027-0644 16821 0.03264 1.4176079 monatsh chem 0026-9247 6080 monatsh math 0026-9255 monatsschr kinderh 0026-9298 6082 mosc math j 1609-3321 6083 mosc u phys b 0027-1349 motor control 1087-1640 1.607 motriz 1980-6574 6086 movement disord 0885-3185 16010 4.449 0.04563 6087 mrs bull 0883-7694 4.950 5.384 6088 mt res dev 0276-4741 mt sinai j med 0027-2507 6090 mucosal immunol 1933-0219 6.963 7.006 0.01041 3.2216091 mult scler j 1352-4585 3.788 0.01746 1.1416092 multibody syst dyn 1384-5640 multidim syst sign p 0923-6082 6094 multidiscip resp med 1828-695x 6095 multimed tools appl 1380-7501 6096 multimedia syst 0942-4962 6097 multiscale model sim 1540-3459 multivar behav res 0027-3171 2.3396099 muscle nerve 0148-639x 8962 0.01572 6100 mutagenesis 0267-8357 3.652 6101 mutat res-fund mol m 0027-5107 2.850 0.01547 6102 mutat res-gen tox en 1383-5718 3.035 6103 mutat res-rev mutat 1383-5742 7.920 0.00718 2.4116104 mycol prog 1617-416x mycol res 0953-7562 0.00857 6106 mycologia 0027-5514 6107 mycopathologia 0301-486x 2.207 6108 mycorrhiza 0940-6360 6109 mycoscience 1340-3540 6110 mycoses 0933-7407 6111 mycotaxon 0093-4666 6112 myrmecol news 1994-4136 6113 n am j aquacult 1522-2055 6114 n am j fish manage 0275-5947 6115 n-s arch pharmacol 0028-1298 2.579 6116 nachr chem 1439-9598 6117 nagoya math j 0027-7630 6118 nano 1793-2920 6119 nano lett 1530-6984 75287 13.198 13.843 0.34576 5.0596120 nano res 1998-0124 7.461 6121 nano today 1748-0132 15.355 16.078 0.01210 5.1446122 nanomed-nanotechnol 1549-9634 6.692 6123 nanomedicine-uk 1743-5889 5.055 1.6996124 nanosc microsc therm 1556-7265 6125 nanoscale 2040-3364 5.914 6126 nanoscale res lett 1931-7573 0.00998 6127 nanosci nanotech let 1941-4900 6128 nanotechnology 0957-4484 31600 0.13849 1.2336129 nanotoxicology 1743-5390 5.758 6.781 1.7286130 nat area j 0885-8608 6131 nat biotechnol 1087-0156 36144 23.268 28.161 7.464 0.12945 12.9276132 nat cell biol 1465-7392 29959 19.488 20.116 4.912 0.15891 11.6416133 nat chem 1755-4330 20.524 20.533 5.308 0.03284 7.9446134 nat chem biol 1552-4450 9001 14.690 16.052 0.06513 7.3396135 nat clim change 1758-678x nat clin pract card 1743-4297 7.043 6137 nat clin pract endoc 1745-8366 6.195 2.1236138 nat clin pract gastr 1743-4378 3.988 1.3366139 nat clin pract nephr 1745-8323 6.083 4.871 1.7146140 nat clin pract neuro 1745-834x 6.712 6141 nat clin pract oncol 1743-4254 8.000 7.327 0.00870 2.8186142 nat clin pract rheum 1745-8382 5.846 5.246 1.8006143 nat clin pract urol 1743-4270 4.071 6144 nat commun 2041-1723 7.396 1.659 1.2 0.01223 4.4686145 nat conservacao 1679-0073 6146 nat genet 1061-4036 76456 35.532 33.096 0.33022 17.569 nat geosci 1752-0894 11.920 0.05440 7.3656148 nat hazard earth sys 1561-8633 1.983 6149 nat hazards 0921-030x 6150 nat hazards rev 1527-6988 6151 nat hist 0028-0712 6152 nat immunol 1529-2908 31436 26.008 24.735 0.16356 13.4276153 nat lang eng 1351-3249 6154 nat mater 1476-1122 39242 32.841 36.732 6.246 0.22089 17.8916155 nat med 1078-8956 54228 22.462 26.418 5.150 0.16560 12.1476156 nat methods 1548-7091 15269 19.276 20.454 5.133 0.12511 11.1276157 nat nanotechnol 1748-3387 16581 27.270 33.781 0.12854 14.8546158 nat neurosci 1097-6256 39636 15.531 16.289 3.540 0.15994 8.6196159 nat photonics 1749-4885 29.278 30.773 5.031 0.09377 16.1016160 nat phys 1745-2473 14228 18.967 18.557 5.767 0.17249 13.5866161 nat prod commun 1934-578x 6162 nat prod rep 0265-0568 9.790 9.671 0.01594 2.9726163 nat prod res 1478-6419 nat protoc 1754-2189 13626 9.924 10.201 0.10716 4.4226165 nat resour forum 0165-0203 nat resour model 0890-8575 6167 nat rev cancer 1474-175x 28602 37.545 38.460 0.12608 17.9176168 nat rev cardiol 1759-5002 8.863 3.8206169 nat rev clin oncol 1759-4774 11.963 12.000 3.477 4.9886170 nat rev drug discov 1474-1776 16887 29.008 32.123 5.590 0.06911 11.828nat rev endocrinol 1759-5029 9.971 0.00774 4.0116172 nat rev gastro hepat 1759-5045 8.102 2.9806173 nat rev genet 1471-0056 20384 38.075 31.359 0.12140 16.942nat rev immunol 1474-1733 22613 33.287 34.302 5.116 0.11980 16.8066175 nat rev microbiol 1740-1526 12517 21.182 20.928 0.06691 9.0146176 nat rev mol cell bio 1471-0072 29222 39.123 42.508 6.500 0.17432 23.8386177 nat rev nephrol 1759-5061 7.092 7.110 2.6646178 nat rev neurol 1759-4758 12.461 12.480 1.909 4.929nat rev neurosci 1471-003x 24316 30.445 34.187 5.085 0.10635 16.1246180 nat rev rheumatol 1759-4790 8.388 8.395 0.00794 3.3506181 nat rev urol 1759-4812 4.415 6182 nat struct mol biol 1545-9993 22401 12.712 12.114 0.12301 7.7046183 natl acad sci lett 0250-541x 6184 natl med j india 0970-258x 6185 nature 0028-0836 526505 36.280 36.235 9.690 1.65658 20.3536186 naturwissenschaften 0028-1042 nautilus 0028-1344 6188 nav archit 0306-0209 0.005 0.0016189 nav eng j 0028-1425 0.0606190 nav res log 0894-069x 6191 ndt&e int 0963-8695 6192 near surf geophys 1569-4445 6193 nec tech j 1880-5884 nefrologia 0211-6995 6195 nematology 1388-5545 6196 nematropica 0099-5444 6197 neonatology 1661-7800 6198 neoplasia 1522-8002 5.946 neoplasma 0028-2685 6200 neotrop entomol 1519-566x 6201 neotrop ichthyol 1679-6225 6202 nephrol dial transpl 0931-0509 19988 3.396 0.04995 6203 nephrol ther 1769-7255 6204 nephrology 1320-5358 nephron clin pract 1660-2110 6206 nephron exp nephrol 1660-2129 1.891 6207 nephron physiol 1660-2137 6208 nervenarzt 0028-2804 6209 nervenheilkunde 0722-1541 6210 neth heart j 1568-5888 6211 neth j geosci 0016-7746 neth j med 0300-2977 6213 netw heterog media 1556-1801 netw spat econ 1566-113x 6215 network-comp neural 0954-898x 6216 networks 0028-3045 6217 neues jahrb geol p-a 0077-7749 6218 neues jb miner abh 0077-7757 6219 neural comput 0899-7667 6785 neural comput appl 0941-0643 neural dev 1749-8104 6222 neural netw world 1210-0552 6223 neural networks 0893-6080 0.01073 6224 neural plast 0792-8483 6225 neural process lett 1370-4621 6226 neural regen res 1673-5374 < 6227 neuro-oncology 1522-8517 1.9326228 neuro-ophthalmology 0165-8107 6229 neurobiol aging 0197-4580 12739 6.189 5.874 0.03384 6230 neurobiol dis 0969-9961 9820 5.403 5.271 0.03462 neurobiol learn mem 1074-7427 3.687 0.01398 6232 neurocase 1355-4794 6233 neurochem int 0197-0186 0.01459 neurochem j 1819-7124 6235 neurochem res 0364-3190 6236 neurochirurgie 0028-3770 neurocirugia 1130-1473 neurocomputing 0925-2312 0.01588 6239 neurocrit care 1541-6933 2.296 6240 neurodegener dis 1660-2854 neuroendocrinol lett 0172-780x 6242 neuroendocrinology 0028-3835 6243 neuroepidemiology 0251-5350 2.817 6244 neuroethics-neth 1874-5490 6245 neuroforum 0947-0875 neurogastroent motil 1350-1925 3.414 0.01243 6247 neurogenetics 1364-6745 1.3016248 neuroimag clin n am 1052-5149 6249 neuroimage 1053-8119 50569 6.608 0.15398 2.1646250 neuroimmunomodulat 1021-7401 6251 neuroinformatics 1539-2791 2.973 2.560 1.0886252 neurol asia 1823-6138 6253 neurol clin 0733-8619 6254 neurol croatica 0353-8842 6255 neurol india 0028-3886 6256 neurol med-chir 0470-8105 6257 neurol neurochir pol 0028-3843 6258 neurol res 0161-6412 neurol sci 1590-1874 6260 neurologia 0213-4853 neurologist 1074-7931 6262 neurology 0028-3878 72475 8.312 7.634 0.14412 2.6736263 neuromodulation 1094-7159 neuromol med 1535-1084 4.249 1.3776265 neuromuscular disord 0960-8966 0.00917 neuron 0896-6273 64092 14.736 15.710 0.22792 8.5086267 neuron glia biol 1740-925x 2.676 neuropath appl neuro 0305-1846 1.820 1.1956269 neuropathology 0919-6544 6270 neuropediatrics 0174-304x 6271 neuropeptides 0143-4179 6272 neuropharmacology 0028-3908 12953 4.814 0.02931 6273 neurophysiol clin 0987-7053 6274 neurophysiology 0090-2977 6275 neuropsych dis treat 1176-6328 6276 neuropsychobiology 0302-282x 6277 neuropsychol rehabil 0960-2011 6278 neuropsychol rev 1040-7308 6.618 7.395 2.5216279 neuropsychologia 0028-3932 18937 3.636 4.504 0.05170 1.6006280 neuropsychology 0894-4105 6281 neuropsychopharmacol 0893-133x 18318 7.991 7.223 0.05357 2.3106282 neuroquantology 1303-5150 6283 neuroradiology 0028-3940 0.00935 6284 neurorehab neural re 1545-9683 4.495 4.757 6285 neurorehabilitation 1053-8135 6286 neuroreport 0959-4965 17026 0.02094 6287 neurosci biobehav r 0149-7634 11422 9.673 3.3726288 neurosci bull 1673-7067 6289 neurosci lett 0304-3940 31037 0.05768 6290 neurosci res 0168-0102 0.7846291 neuroscience 0306-4522 40083 3.458 0.09195 1.1466292 neurosciences 1319-6138 6293 neuroscientist 1073-8584 4.568 6.234 0.01053 2.3976294 neurosignals 1424-862x 6295 neurosurg clin n am 1042-3680 6296 neurosurg focus 1092-0684 2.867 6297 neurosurg quart 1050-6438 6298 neurosurg rev 0344-5607 6299 neurosurgery 0148-396x 26799 3.822 0.04528 6300 neurotherapeutics 1933-7213 6301 neurotox res 1029-8428 6302 neurotoxicol teratol 0892-0362 2.983 0.00424 6303 neurotoxicology 0161-813x 0.01085 6304 neurourol urodynam 0733-2467 6305 new astron 1384-1076 new astron rev 1387-6473 6307 new biotechnol 1871-6784 6308 new carbon mater 1007-8827 6309 new engl j med 0028-4793 232068 53.298 50.075 11.484 0.66466 21.2936310 new forest 0169-4286 6311 new generat comput 0288-3635 6312 new genet soc 1463-6778 6313 new j chem 1144-0546 9359 0.01790 6314 new j phys 1367-2630 14440 4.177 0.11885 2.0976315 new medit 1594-5685 6316 new microbiol 1121-7138 6317 new phytol 0028-646x 24938 6.645 6.693 0.06394 2.2736318 new rev hypermedia m 1361-4568 6319 new sci 0262-4079 6320 new zeal j agr res 0028-8233 6321 new zeal j bot 0028-825x 6322 new zeal j crop hort 0114-0671 6323 new zeal j ecol 0110-6465 6324 new zeal j geol geop 0028-8306 6325 new zeal j mar fresh 0028-8330 6326 new zeal j zool 0301-4223 6327 new zeal vet j 0048-0169 6328 newsl stratigr 0078-0421 6329 nexus netw j 1590-5896 6330 nicotine tob res 1462-2203 2.894 6331 niger j clin pract 1119-3077 6332 nihon reoroji gakk 0387-1533 nippon suisan gakk 0021-5392 6334 nitric oxide-biol ch 1089-8603 3.127 6335 njas-wagen j life sc 1573-5214 6336 nmr biomed 0952-3480 0.01132 6337 nobel med 1305-2381 6338 nodea-nonlinear diff 1021-9722 6339 noise control eng j 0736-2501 6340 noise health 1463-1741 1.254 6341 nondestruct test eva 1058-9759 6342 nonlinear anal-model 1392-5113 6343 nonlinear anal-real 1468-1218 0.01542 nonlinear anal-theor 0362-546x 0.04820 6345 nonlinear dynam 0924-090x 6346 nonlinear oscil 1536-0059 nonlinear proc geoph 1023-5809 6348 nonlinearity 0951-7715 6349 nord j bot 0107-055x 6350 nord j psychiat 0803-9488 6351 nord pulp pap res j 0283-2631 6352 noropsikiyatri ars 1300-0667 6353 north j appl for 0742-6348 6354 north-west j zool 1584-9074 6355 northwest sci 0029-344x 6356 norw j geol 0029-196x 6357 not bot horti agrobo 0255-965x 6358 notarzt 0177-2309 6359 notes rec roy soc 0035-9149 6360 notfall rettungsmed 1434-6222 6361 notre dame j form l 0029-4527 6362 nova hedwigia 0029-5035 6363 novon 1055-3177 6364 npg asia mater 1884-4049 2.1986365 nucl data sheets 0090-3752 3.821 4.167 2.0816366 nucl eng des 0029-5493 6367 nucl eng int 0029-5507 6368 nucl eng technol 1738-5733 6369 nucl fusion 0029-5515 3.633 0.02488 6370 nucl instrum meth a 0168-9002 19910 0.04804 6371 nucl instrum meth b 0168-583x 14447 0.03267 6372 nucl med biol 0969-8051 nucl med commun 0143-3636 6374 nucl phys a 0375-9474 17962 0.02940 6375 nucl phys b 0550-3213 37566 4.661 3.593 0.05349 1.6376376 nucl sci eng 0029-5639 6377 nucl sci tech 1001-8042 6378 nucl technol 0029-5450 6379 nucl technol radiat 1451-3994 nucleic acid ther 2159-3337 6381 nucleic acids res 0305-1048 106520 8.026 7.417 0.30497 3.0036382 nucleos nucleot nucl 1525-7770 6383 nuklearmed-nucl med 0029-5566 6384 nukleonika 0029-5922 6385 numer algorithms 1017-1398 6386 numer func anal opt 0163-0563 6387 numer heat tr a-appl 1040-7782 numer heat tr b-fund 1040-7790 6389 numer linear algebr 1070-5325 1.168 6390 numer math 0029-599x 0.01008 1.5586391 numer math-theory me 1004-8979 6392 numer meth part d e 0749-159x 6393 nuncius 0394-7394 6394 nuovo cim b 2037-4895 6395 nurs clin n am 0029-6465 6396 nurs crit care 1362-1017 6397 nurs econ 0746-1739 6398 nurs educ 0363-3624 nurs educ today 0260-6917 6400 nurs ethics 0969-7330 6401 nurs health sci 1441-0745 6402 nurs inq 1320-7881 6403 nurs outlook 0029-6554 6404 nurs philos 1466-7681 6405 nurs res 0029-6562 2.121 6406 < nutr cancer 0163-5581 0.7376407 nutr clin metab 0985-0562 nutr clin pract 0884-5336 6409 nutr cycl agroecosys 1385-1314 0.6796410 nutr diet 1446-6368 6411 nutr hosp 0212-1611 0.998 6412 nutr j 1475-2891 3.037 6413 nutr metab 1743-7075 nutr metab cardiovas 0939-4753 6415 nutr neurosci 1028-415x nutr res 0271-5317 6417 nutr res pract 1976-1457 nutr res rev 0954-4224 4.842 6419 nutr rev 0029-6643 4.363 1.2806420 nutrients 2072-6643 nutrition 0899-9007 3.025 0.01036 6422 obes metab-milan 1825-3865 6423 obes rev 1467-7881 7.231 0.01565 2.3416424 obes surg 0960-8923 7136 6425 obesity 1930-7381 9038 4.742 0.05324 1.5916426 obesity facts 1662-4025 1.856 6427 observatory 0029-7704 6428 obstet gyn clin n am 0889-8545 6429 obstet gynecol 0029-7844 24906 0.05034 1.618obstet gynecol surv 0029-7828 6431 occup environ med 1351-0711 1.2176432 occup med-oxford 0962-7480 6433 occup ther int 0966-7903 6434 ocean coast manage 0964-5691 0.4516435 ocean dynam 1616-7341 1.0596436 ocean eng 0029-8018 6437 ocean model 1463-5003 6438 ocean sci 1812-0784 6439 oceanogr mar biol 0078-3218 4.081 oceanography 1042-8275 6441 oceanol hydrobiol st 1730-413x 6442 oceanologia 0078-3234 6443 oceanology 0001-4370 6444 ochr sr 1230-6169 6445 ocul immunol inflamm 0927-3948 1.039 6446 ocul surf 1542-0124 6447 odonatologica 0375-0183 6448 odontology 1618-1247 6449 oecologia 0029-8549 27832 0.04044 6450 ofioliti 0391-2612 1.125 6451 oikos 0030-1299 17502 0.03056 6452 oil gas j 0030-1388 6453 oil gas sci technol 1294-4475 oil gas-eur mag 0342-5622 6455 oil shale 0208-189x 6456 oligonucleotides 1545-4576 6457 omega-int j manage s 0305-0483 3.338 6458 omics 1536-2310 6459 oncogene 0950-9232 58176 6.889 0.17174 2.8166460 oncol lett 1792-1074 6461 oncol nurs forum 0190-535x 2.761 6462 oncol rep 1021-335x 6463 oncol res 0965-0407 6464 oncologie 1292-3818 6465 oncologist 1083-7159 3.910 5.262 0.02296 6466 oncology-basel 0030-2414 0.00801 6467 oncology-ny 0890-9091 6468 oncotarget 1949-2553 4.784 1.1196469 oncotargets ther 1178-6930 6470 onderstepoort j vet 0030-2465 6471 onkologe 0947-8965 onkologie 0378-584x 6473 online inform rev 1468-4527 6474 open syst inf dyn 1230-1612 6475 oper dent 0361-7734 6476 oper matrices 1846-3886 6477 oper orthop traumato 0934-6694 6478 oper res 0030-364x 7536 1.8326479 oper res lett 0167-6377 6480 oper techn sport med 1060-1872 6481 ophthal epidemiol 0928-6586 6482 ophthal physl opt 0275-5408 ophthal plast recons 0740-9303 6484 ophthalmic genet 1381-6810 6485 ophthalmic res 0030-3747 6486 ophthalmologe 0941-293x 6487 ophthalmologica 0030-3755 6488 ophthalmology 0161-6420 24769 5.454 5.567 0.05699 1.9076489 opt appl 0078-5466 6490 opt commun 0030-4018 16224 0.03435 6491 opt eng 0091-3286 6492 opt express 1094-4087 54094 0.24089 6493 opt fiber technol 1068-5200 6494 opt laser eng 0143-8166 6495 opt laser technol 0030-3992 6496 opt lett 0146-9592 45759 3.399 0.12708 6497 opt mater 0925-3467 0.01723 6498 opt mater express 2159-3930 6499 opt quant electron 0306-8919 6500 opt rev 1340-6000 6501 opt spectrosc 0030-400x 6502 opt switch netw 1573-4277 6503 optik 0030-4026 6504 optim contr appl met 0143-2087 6505 optim eng 1389-4420 optim lett 1862-4472 6507 optim method softw 1055-6788 6508 optimization 0233-1934 6509 opto-electron rev 1230-3402 6510 optoelectron adv mat 1842-6573 6511 optometry 1529-1839 6512 optometry vision sci 1040-5488 6513 or spectrum 0171-6468 6514 oral dis 1354-523x 2.495 6515 oral hlth prev dent 1602-1622 oral maxil surg clin 1042-3699 6517 oral microbiol immun 0902-0055 6518 oral oncol 1368-8375 0.01215 6519 oral radiol 0911-6028 6520 oral surg oral med o 1079-2104 10387 0.01860 6521 order 0167-8094 6522 ore geol rev 0169-1368 6523 org biomol chem 1477-0520 15667 0.05186 org divers evol 1439-6092 6525 org electron 1566-1199 3.983 0.02089 1.2606526 org geochem 0146-6380 7106 6527 org lett 1523-7060 68838 5.862 5.558 0.18767 6528 org prep proced int 0030-4948 6529 org process res dev 1083-6160 6530 organogenesis 1547-6278 6531 organometallics 0276-7333 39562 3.786 0.06768 0.8306532 orient insects 0030-5316 origins life evol b 0169-6149 6534 orl j oto-rhino-lary 0301-1569 6535 ornis fennica 0030-5685 6536 ornitol neotrop 1075-4377 6537 orphanet j rare dis 1750-1172 5.074 5.960 2.0086538 orthod craniofac res 1601-6335 6539 orthop nurs 0744-6020 6540 orthop traumatol-sur 1877-0568 6541 orthopade 0085-4530 6542 orthopedics 0147-7447 6543 oryx 0030-6053 osaka j math 0030-6126 6545 osiris 0369-7827 6546 osteoarthr cartilage 1063-4584 7723 3.904 4.365 0.02333 6547 osteoporosis int 0937-941x 11552 4.966 0.02900 6548 ostomy wound manag 0889-5899 6549 ostrich 0030-6525 6550 otol neurotol 1531-7129 0.01136 6551 otolaryng clin n am 0030-6665 6552 otolaryng head neck 0194-5998 8906 1.763 0.01889 6553 outlook agr 0030-7270 6554 oxford b econ stat 0305-9049 1.1346555 oxid commun 0209-4541 6556 oxid med cell longev 1942-0900 6557 oxid met 0030-770x 6558 ozone-sci eng 0191-9512 6559 p am math soc 0002-9939 8352 6560 p biol soc wash 0006-324x p combust inst 1540-7489 7314 0.01669 6562 p edinburgh math soc 0013-0915 6563 p entomol soc wash 0013-8797 6564 p est acad sci 1736-6046 6565 p geologist assoc 0016-7878 1.031 p i civil eng-civ en 0965-089x 6567 p i civil eng-eng su 1478-4629 6568 p i civil eng-geotec 1353-2618 6569 p i civil eng-mar en 1741-7597 6570 p i civil eng-munic 0965-0903 6571 p i civil eng-str b 0965-0911 6572 p i civil eng-transp 0965-092x 6573 p i civil eng-wat m 1741-7589 6574 p i mech eng a-j pow 0957-6509 6575 p i mech eng b-j eng 0954-4054 6576 p i mech eng c-j mec 0954-4062 6577 p i mech eng d-j aut 0954-4070 p i mech eng e-j pro 0954-4089 6579 p i mech eng f-j rai 0954-4097 6580 p i mech eng g-j aer 0954-4100 6581 p i mech eng h 0954-4119 6582 p i mech eng i-j sys 0959-6518 6583 p i mech eng j-j eng 1350-6501 6584 p i mech eng k-j mul 1464-4193 6585 p i mech eng l-j mat 1464-4207 p i mech eng m-j eng 1475-0902 p i mech eng o-j ris 1748-006x 6588 p ieee 0018-9219 16872 6.810 6.460 3.3716589 p indian as-math sci 0253-4142 6590 p jpn acad a-math 0386-2194 6591 p jpn acad b-phys 0386-2208 6592 p lond math soc 0024-6115 6593 p natl a sci india a 0369-8203 6594 p natl a sci india b 0369-8211 6595 p natl acad sci usa 0027-8424 504243 9.681 10.472 < 1.60330 4.8926596 p nutr soc 0029-6651 3.972 6597 p r health sci j 0738-0658 6598 p romanian acad a 1454-9069 6599 p roy soc a-math phy 1364-5021 13101 0.01979 6600 p roy soc b-biol sci 0962-8452 34839 0.09631 2.4546601 p roy soc edinb a 0308-2105 6602 p steklov i math 0081-5438 6603 p yorks geol soc 0044-0604 pac j math 0030-8730 6605 pac j optim 1348-9151 6606 pac sci 0030-8870 6607 pace 0147-8389 6608 pachyderm 1026-2881 packag technol sci 0894-3214 paddy water environ 1611-2490 paed child healt-can 1205-7088 6612 paediatr croat 1330-1403 6613 paediatr perinat ep 0269-5022 6614 paediatr respir rev 1526-0542 0.951 6615 pain 0304-3959 29045 5.777 6.428 0.04739 1.8726616 pain manag nurs 1524-9042 6617 pain med 1526-2375 6618 pain physician 1533-3159 10.722 6619 pain pract 1530-7085 6620 pain res manag 1203-6765 6621 pak j bot 0556-3321 6622 pak j med sci 1682-024x pak j pharm sci 1011-601x 6624 pak j stat 1012-9367 6625 pak j zool 0030-9923 6626 pak vet j 0253-8318 6627 palaeogeogr palaeocl 0031-0182 13427 0.03584 6628 palaeontogr abt a 0375-0442 6629 palaeontogr abt b 0375-0299 6630 palaeontol electron 1935-3952 6631 palaeontol z 0031-0220 6632 palaeontology 0031-0239 6633 palaios 0883-1351 0.00476 paleobiology 0094-8373 3.294 1.565paleoceanography 0883-8305 4.037 0.01469 1.9896636 paleontol j 0031-0301 6637 paleontol res 1342-8144 6638 palliative med 0269-2163 0.00677 6639 palynology 0191-6122 6640 pan-pac entomol 0031-0603 6641 pancreas 0885-3177 2.697 6642 pancreatology 1424-3903 6643 panminerva med 0031-0808 6644 pap puu-pap tim 0031-1243 parallel comput 0167-8191 6646 parasite 1252-607x 6647 parasite immunol 0141-9838 6648 parasite vector 1756-3305 6649 parasitol int 1383-5769 2.137 6650 parasitol res 0932-0113 0.01571 6651 parasitology 0031-1820 7866 2.961 0.01292 6652 parkinsonism relat d 1353-8020 3.795 3.173 6653 part fibre toxicol 1743-8977 7.253 part part syst char 0934-0866 particul sci technol 0272-6351 6656 particuology 1674-2001 pathobiology 1015-2008 6658 pathol biol 0369-8114 6659 pathol int 1320-5463 6660 pathol oncol res 1219-4956 6661 pathol res pract 0344-0338 6662 pathologe 0172-8113 6663 pathology 0031-3025 2.325 6664 pathophysiol haemo t 1424-8832 6665 patient 1178-1653 6666 patient educ couns 0738-3991 0.01923 6667 patient prefer adher 1177-889x 6668 pattern anal appl 1433-7541 pattern recogn 0031-3203 11092 0.03507 6670 pattern recogn lett 0167-8655 6671 pediat aller imm pul 2151-321x 6672 pediat allerg imm-uk 0905-6157 2.557 6673 pediatr anesth 1155-5645 6674 pediatr ann 0090-4481 6675 pediatr blood cancer 1545-5009 0.02197 6676 pediatr cardiol 0172-0643 6677 pediatr clin n am 0031-3955 pediatr crit care me 1529-7535 0.00833 6679 pediatr dent 0164-1263 6680 pediatr dermatol 0736-8046 6681 pediatr devel pathol 1093-5266 6682 pediatr diabetes 1399-543x 6683 pediatr drugs 1174-5878 6684 pediatr emerg care 0749-5161 6685 pediatr exerc sci 0899-8493 6686 pediatr hemat oncol 0888-0018 0.962 6687 pediatr infect dis j 0891-3668 10866 0.02905 6688 pediatr int 1328-8067 6689 pediatr neonatol 1875-9572 6690 pediatr nephrol 0931-041x 0.01550 6691 pediatr neurol 0887-8994 6692 pediatr neurosurg 1016-2291 pediatr pulm 8755-6863 6694 pediatr radiol 0301-0449 6695 pediatr res 0031-3998 10762 0.02099 6696 pediatr rev 0191-9601 6697 pediatr rheumatol 1546-0096 6698 pediatr surg int 0179-0358 6699 pediatr transplant 1397-3142 6700 pediatrics 0031-4005 55406 5.437 5.785 0.14312 6701 pedobiologia 0031-4056 6702 pedosphere 1002-0160 6703 peer peer netw appl 1936-6442 6704 pelvi-perineologie 1778-3712 6705 peptides 0196-9781 9227 0.01974 perception 0301-0066 6707 perform evaluation 0166-5316 6708 perfusion-uk 0267-6591 6709 period biol 0031-5362 0.0876710 period math hung 0031-5303 6711 period mineral 0369-8963 6712 period polytech-chem 0324-5853 6713 period polytech-civ 0553-6626 periodontol 2000 0906-6713 6715 periton dialysis int 0896-8608 6716 permafrost periglac 1045-6740 2.710 6717 pers med 1741-0541 6718 pers ubiquit comput 1617-4909 6719 persoonia 0031-5850 4.136 6720 perspect biol med 0031-5982 6721 perspect plant ecol 1433-8319 5.229 2.1136722 perspect psychiatr c 0031-5990 6723 pesqui agropecu bras 0100-204x 6724 pesquisa vet brasil 0100-736x 6725 pest manag sci 1526-498x 0.01037 6726 pestic biochem phys 0048-3575 6727 petrol chem 0965-5441 6728 petrol geosci 1354-0793 petrol sci 1672-5107 6730 petrol sci technol 1091-6466 6731 petrology 0869-5911 6732 petrophysics 1529-9074 6733 pferdeheilkunde 0177-7726 6734 pflege 1012-5302 6735 pflug arch eur j phy 0031-6768 9058 0.02141 1.3186736 pharm biol 1388-0209 1.046 6737 pharm chem j 0091-150x 6738 pharm dev technol 1083-7450 6739 pharm ind 0031-711x 6740 pharm res-dordr 0724-8741 17160 0.02793 6741 pharm stat 1539-1604 6742 pharm world sci 0928-1231 6743 pharmacoeconomics 1170-7690 6744 pharmacoepidem dr s 1053-8569 6745 pharmacogenet genom 1744-6872 3.959 pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 3.964 0.01389 6747 pharmacogenomics j 1470-269x 4.536 pharmacogn mag 0973-1296 6749 pharmacol biochem be 0091-3057 12819 pharmacol rep 1734-1140 0.5476751 pharmacol res 1043-6618 4.436 3.875 0.01216 6752 pharmacol rev 0031-6997 9712 20.225 23.667 0.01607 8.3306753 pharmacol therapeut 0163-7258 10260 8.562 9.350 0.02921 6754 pharmacology 0031-7012 6755 pharmacopsychiatry 0176-3679 6756 pharmacotherapy 0277-0008 6757 pharmazie 0031-7144 6758 phase transit 0141-1594 6759 phil mag lett 0950-0839 6760 philipp agric sci 0031-7454 philipp j crop sci 0115-463x 6762 philipp j vet med 0031-7705 6763 philos mag 1478-6435 8720 0.01960 6764 philos sci 0031-8248 6765 philos t r soc a 1364-503x 0.03239 6766 philos t r soc b 0962-8436 23973 7.154 2.746 0.07744 3.3016767 phlebol-ann vasc phlebologie 0939-978x 6769 phlebology 0268-3555 6770 phonetica 0031-8388 6771 phosphorus sulfur 1042-6507 6772 photoch photobio sci 1474-905x 0.01173 6773 photochem photobiol 0031-8655 10117 0.598 photodermatol photo 0905-4383 6775 photodiagn photodyn 1572-1000 6776 photogramm eng rem s 0099-1112 6777 photogramm fernerkun 1432-8364 6778 photogramm rec 0031-868x 6779 photomed laser surg 1549-5418 6780 photonic nanostruct 1569-4410 6781 photonic netw commun 1387-974x 6782 photonic spectra 0731-1230 6783 photosynth res 0166-8595 3.243 3.291 1.1076784 photosynthetica 0300-3604 < phycol res 1322-0829 6786 phycologia 0031-8884 6787 phys atom nucl 1063-7788 6788 phys biol 1478-3967 phys chem chem phys 1463-9076 31819 3.573 0.11162 1.2416790 phys chem earth 1474-7065 6791 phys chem glasses-b 1753-3562 phys chem liq 0031-9104 6793 phys chem miner 0342-1791 6794 phys earth planet in 0031-9201 0.01683 6795 phys essays 0836-1398 6796 phys fluids 1070-6631 19803 0.04529 6797 phys geogr 0272-3646 6798 phys lett a 0375-9601 23288 0.06144 6799 phys lett b 0370-2693 54511 3.955 3.501 0.11806 6800 phys life rev 1571-0645 7.208 5.241 10.917 2.0216801 phys med biol 0031-9155 16879 0.04016 6802 phys med reh clin n 1047-9651 6803 phys med rehab kuror 0940-6689 phys medica 1120-1797 6805 phys met metallogr 0031-918x 6806 phys occup ther pedi 0194-2638 6807 phys part nuclei 1063-7796 6808 phys perspect 1422-6944 6809 phys plasmas 1070-664x 18761 0.05758 6810 phys rep 0370-1573 18742 20.394 20.574 4.600 10.7336811 phys rev a 1050-2947 86163 0.21963 6812 phys rev b 1098-0121 278680 0.75610 6813 phys rev c 0556-2813 34983 0.08063 6814 phys rev d 1550-7998 120339 4.558 0.30104 6815 phys rev e 1539-3755 68373 0.20616 6816 phys rev lett 0031-9007 335444 7.370 7.013 1.14463 3.5116817 phys rev spec top-ac 1098-4402 6818 phys rev spec top-ph 1554-9178 6819 phys scripta 0031-8949 0.01650 6820 phys solid state 1063-7834 6821 phys status solidi a 1862-6300 9041 0.02397 6822 phys status solidi b 0370-1972 8109 0.02412 6823 phys status solidi-r 1862-6254 6824 phys ther 0031-9023 7427 6825 phys ther sport 1466-853x 6826 phys today 0031-9228 5.648 4.356 0.01201 2.9846827 phys wave phenom 1541-308x 6828 phys world 0953-8585 6829 phys-usp 1063-7869 6830 physica a 0378-4371 13350 0.03247 6831 physica b 0921-4526 12512 6832 physica c 0921-4534 7132 0.01891 6833 physica d 0167-2789 9144 0.01950 0.984 physica e 1386-9477 0.01927 6835 physician sportsmed 0091-3847 physicochem probl mi 1643-1049 physiol behav 0031-9384 16056 2.869 6838 physiol biochem zool 1522-2152 6839 physiol entomol 0307-6962 6840 physiol genomics 1094-8341 physiol meas 0967-3334 6842 physiol mol plant p 0885-5765 6843 physiol plantarum 0031-9317 12394 3.112 0.01324 6844 physiol res 0862-8408 1.555 6845 physiol rev 0031-9333 20735 26.866 36.169 4.559 14.9756846 physiology 1548-9213 7.953 8.689 0.01176 3.555physiother can 0300-0508 6848 physiotherapy 0031-9406 6849 phytochem analysis 0958-0344 2.633 6850 phytochem lett 1874-3900 6851 phytochem rev 1568-7767 6852 phytochemistry 0031-9422 29519 3.351 0.02459 6853 phytocoenologia 0340-269x 6854 phytomedicine 0944-7113 3.300 6855 phyton-ann rei bot a 0079-2047 phyton-int j exp bot 0031-9457 6857 phytoparasitica 0334-2123 6858 phytopathol mediterr 0031-9465 6859 phytopathology 0031-949x 12574 2.924 0.01294 6860 phytotaxa 1179-3155 6861 phytother res 0951-418x 6862 pigm cell melanoma r 1755-1471 5.059 0.00890 1.8356863 pigm resin technol 0369-9420 6864 pituitary 1386-341x 6865 placenta 0143-4004 6866 planet space sci 0032-0633 2.128 0.01864 6867 plant biology 1435-8603 2.553 6868 plant biosyst 1126-3504 6869 plant biotechnol j 1467-7644 5.442 6870 plant biotechnol rep 1863-5466 plant biotechnol-nar 1342-4580 6872 plant breeding 0179-9541 6873 plant cell 1040-4651 36816 8.987 10.224 0.08943 6874 plant cell environ 0140-7791 13067 5.748 6875 plant cell physiol 0032-0781 10712 4.702 4.486 6876 plant cell rep 0721-7714 2.743 6877 plant cell tiss org 0167-6857 6878 plant dis 0191-2917 9720 2.454 6879 plant ecol 1385-0237 6880 plant ecol divers 1755-0874 6881 plant ecol evol 2032-3913 6882 plant food hum nutr 0921-9668 plant growth regul 0167-6903 6884 plant j 0960-7412 30416 7.121 0.07654 2.4216885 plant methods 1746-4811 6886 plant mol biol 0167-4412 13206 4.150 0.01898 1.2676887 plant mol biol rep 0735-9640 6888 plant omics 1836-0661 6889 plant pathol 0032-0862 6890 plant pathology j 1598-2254 6891 plant physiol 0032-0889 59542 6.535 7.054 0.09884 2.2176892 plant physiol bioch 0981-9428 plant prod sci 1343-943x 6894 plant sci 0168-9452 9422 6895 plant soil 0032-079x 19322 0.02648 6896 plant soil environ 1214-1178 6897 plant spec biol 0913-557x 6898 plant syst evol 0378-2697 planta 0032-0935 14779 3.420 6900 planta med 0032-0943 11107 6901 plasma chem plasma p 0272-4324 1.602 6902 plasma devices oper 1051-9998 6903 plasma phys contr f 0741-3335 0.02274 6904 plasma phys rep 1063-780x 6905 plasma process polym 1612-8850 0.7216906 plasma sci technol 1009-0630 plasma sources sci t 0963-0252 6908 plasmid 0147-619x 6909 plasmonics 1557-1955 4.026 6910 plast eng 0091-9578 6911 plast reconstr surg 0032-1052 26419 0.03541 6912 plast rubber compos 1465-8011 6913 platelets 0953-7104 6914 platin met rev 0032-1400 6915 plos biol 1544-9173 20579 11.452 13.630 0.14975 7.830plos comput biol 1553-734x 8924 5.844 0.06968 2.7226917 plos genet 1553-7390 16668 8.694 9.173 0.15435 5.1016918 plos med 1549-1277 16.269 15.379 4.357 0.07634 6.2966919 plos neglect trop d 1935-2727 4.716 4.983 0.01937 6920 plos one 1932-6203 75544 4.092 4.537 13781 0.50216 1.7976921 plos pathog 1553-7366 15642 9.127 9.629 0.11397 4.084pmm-j appl math mec 0021-8928 6923 pol arch med wewn 0032-3772 6924 pol j chem 0137-5083 6925 pol j chem technol 1509-8117 6926 pol j ecol 1505-2249 6927 pol j environ stud 1230-1485 6928 pol j microbiol 1733-1331 6929 pol j pathol 1233-9687 6930 pol j vet sci 1505-1773 6931 pol marit res 1233-2585 6932 pol polar res 0138-0338 6933 polar biol 0722-4060 polar rec 0032-2474 6935 polar res 0800-0395 1.616 6936 polimeros 0104-1428 polycycl aromat comp 1040-6638 6938 polyhedron 0277-5387 13245 0.01929 6939 polym advan technol 1042-7147 polym bull 0170-0839 1.442 6941 polym chem-uk 1759-9954 5.326 6942 polym composite 0272-8397 6943 polym degrad stabil 0141-3910 11426 6944 polym eng sci 0032-3888 7641 6945 polym int 0959-8103 1.902 6946 polym j 0032-3896 6947 polym polym compos 0967-3911 6948 polym rev 1558-3724 8.710 2.6376949 polym sci ser a 0965-545x 6950 polym sci ser b 1560-0904 6951 polym test 0142-9418 polym-korea 0379-153x 6953 polym-plast technol 0360-2559 6954 polymer 0032-3861 47418 3.438 0.07463 6955 popul ecol 1438-3896 6956 popul health manag 1942-7891 6957 port math 0032-5155 6958 positivit< y 1385-1292 6959 postep derm alergol 1642-395x 6960 postep hig med dosw 0032-5449 6961 postep kardiol inter 1734-9338 6962 postep mikrobiol 0079-4252 6963 postepy biol komorki 0324-833x 6964 postgrad med 0032-5481 6965 postgrad med j 0032-5473 1.939 6966 postharvest biol tec 0925-5214 potential anal 0926-2601 6968 poultry sci 0032-5791 13398 0.01378 powder diffr 0885-7156 6970 powder metall 0032-5899 6971 powder metall met c 1068-1302 6972 powder technol 0032-5910 9177 0.01716 6973 power 0032-5929 6974 ppar res 1687-4757 6975 prakt metallogr-pr m 0032-678x 6976 prakt tierarzt 0032-681x 6977 pramana-j phys 0304-4289 6978 prat psychol 1269-1763 6979 precambrian res 0301-9268 3.094 6980 precis agric 1385-2256 2.094 6981 precis eng 0141-6359 6982 prehosp emerg care 1090-3127 6983 prenatal diag 0197-3851 0.00994 6984 prep biochem biotech 1082-6068 6985 presence-teleop virt 1054-7460 6986 preslia 0032-7786 6987 presse med 0755-4982 6988 prev chronic dis 1545-1151 6989 prev med 0091-7435 9643 6990 prev vet med 0167-5877 primary care 0095-4543 6992 primates 0032-8332 6993 prion 1933-6896 6994 probab eng inform sc 0269-9648 6995 probab theory rel 0178-8051 6996 probabilist eng mech 0266-8920 6997 probl atom sci tech 1562-6016 6998 probl inform transm 0032-9460 6999 process biochem 1359-5113 11175 0.01692 7000 process saf environ 0957-5820 7001 process saf prog 1066-8527 7002 prod anim 7003 prod oper manag 1059-1478 7004 prod plan control 0953-7287 7005 prof eng 0953-6639 0.003 7006 prog aerosp sci 0376-0421 3.554 1.887prog biochem biophys 1000-3282 7008 prog biophys mol bio 0079-6107 4.539 7009 prog brain res 0079-6123 7456 0.02510 1.4527010 prog cardiovasc dis 0033-0620 4.737 1.6397011 prog chem 1005-281x 7012 prog comput fluid dy 1468-4349 7013 prog cryst growth ch 0960-8974 1.6777014 prog electromagn res 1559-8985 5.298 0.01473 7015 prog energ combust 0360-1285 14.220 17.133 0.01034 5.7417016 prog exp tumor res 0079-6263 7017 prog histochem cyto 0079-6336 4.440 1.4427018 prog inorg chem 0079-6379 2.9347019 prog lipid res 0163-7827 10.667 11.950 0.00898 4.0397020 prog mater sci 0079-6425 18.216 23.899 9.2477021 prog nat sci 1002-0071 7022 prog neuro-psychoph 0278-5846 0.01711 7023 prog neurobiol 0301-0082 9985 8.874 10.056 3.4987024 prog nucl energ 0149-1970 7025 prog nucl mag res sp 0079-6565 6.296 2.3457026 prog nucleic acid re 0079-6603 3.895 2.5647027 prog oceanogr 0079-6611 3.142 0.01536 7028 prog org coat 0300-9440 7029 prog part nucl phys 0146-6410 7030 prog photovoltaics 1062-7995 5.789 1.8267031 prog phys geog 0309-1333 4.060 1.4777032 prog polym sci 0079-6700 12408 24.100 28.980 0.02958 8.2157033 prog quant electron 0079-6727 6.818 3.0687034 prog react kinet mec 1468-6783 7035 prog retin eye res 1350-9462 9.455 10.252 3.4717036 prog rubber plast re 1477-7606 7037 prog solid state ch 0079-6786 7038 prog surf sci 0079-6816 8.636 8.088 3.945prog theor phys 0033-068x 7040 prog theor phys supp 0375-9687 0.00429 7041 prog transplant 1526-9248 7042 prog urol 1166-7087 0.0567043 program comput soft 0361-7688 7044 program-electron lib 0033-0337 7045 promet-zagreb 0353-5320 7046 propag ornam plants 1311-9109 7047 propell explos pyrot 0721-3115 prostag leukotr ess 0952-3278 0.00722 7049 prostag oth lipid m 1098-8823 7050 prostate 0270-4137 0.01632 7051 prostate cancer p d 1365-7852 7052 prosthet orthot int 0309-3646 7053 prot met phys chem 2070-2051 7054 protein eng des sel 1741-0126 7055 protein expres purif 1046-5928 7056 protein j 1572-3887 7057 protein peptide lett 0929-8665 7058 protein sci 0961-8368 13486 2.798 7059 proteins 0887-3585 16488 3.392 1.2247060 proteom clin appl 1862-8346 7061 proteome sci 1477-5956 proteomics 1615-9853 16782 4.615 0.05152 protist 1434-4610 7064 protoplasma 0033-183x 7065 prz elektrotechniczn 0033-2097 7066 prz gastroenterol 1895-5770 7067 prz menopauzalny 1643-8876 7068 przem chem 0033-2496 7069 psn-psychiat sci hum 1639-8319 7070 psychiat clin neuros 1323-1316 7071 psychiat danub 0353-5053 7072 psychiat enfant 0079-726x 7073 psychiat genet 0955-8829 7074 psychiat invest 1738-3684 7075 psychiat res 0165-1781 8900 7076 psychiat res-neuroim 0925-4927 7077 psychiat serv 1075-2730 7078 psychiatr pol 0033-2674 7079 psychiatry 0033-2747 psycho-oncologie 1778-3798 7081 psycho-oncology 1057-9249 3.992 7082 psychol bull 0033-2909 28331 14.457 18.100 8.0917083 psychol gezondh 1873-1791 psychol health med 1354-8506 7085 psychol med 0033-2917 15297 6.159 6.132 0.03397 2.1817086 psychol neuropsychia 1760-1703 7087 psychol psychother-t 1476-0835 7088 psychol rev 0033-295x 19753 7.756 11.010 0.02210 5.9557089 psychol sport exerc 1469-0292 7090 psychometrika 0033-3123 7091 psychoneuroendocrino 0306-4530 8114 5.809 5.264 7092 psychopathology 0254-4962 7093 psychopharmacol bull 0048-5764 7094 psychopharmacology 0033-3158 24154 4.077 0.03885 1.2517095 psychopharmakotherap 0944-6877 psychophysiology 0048-5772 9123 1.3577097 psychosom med 0033-3174 10526 3.968 4.776 0.01983 1.6687098 psychosomatics 0033-3182 7099 psychother psychosom 0033-3190 5.092 1.5037100 pteridines 0933-4807 7101 publ astron soc aust 1323-3580 7102 publ astron soc jpn 0004-6264 3.108 0.01847 7103 publ astron soc pac 0004-6280 3.582 0.01871 1.5677104 publ mat 0214-1493 7105 publ math-debrecen 0033-3883 publ math-paris 0073-8301 5.6877107 publ res i math sci 0034-5318 7108 public health 0033-3506 7109 public health eth-uk 1754-9973 7110 public health genom 1662-4246 7111 public health nurs 0737-1209 public health nutr 1368-9800 0.8417113 public health rep 0033-3549 7114 pulm pharmacol ther 1094-5539 7115 pulp pap-canada 0316-4004 7116 pure appl chem 0033-4545 12669 2.987 7117 pure appl geophys 0033-4553 7118 pure appl math q 1558-8599 7119 purinerg signal 1573-9538 q appl math 0033-569x q j eng geol hydroge 1470-9236 7122 q j exp psychol 1747-0218 0.01369 7123 q j math 0033-5606 7124 q j mech appl math 0033-5614 7125 q j nucl med mol im 1827-1936 2.256 7126 q j roy meteor soc 0035-9009 9607 0.02165 7127 q rev biol 0033-5770 7.727 6.538 3.3557128 q rev biophys 0033-5835 10.091 14.044 8.531qirt j 1768-6733 7130 qjm-int j med 1460-2725 0.9027131 qsar comb sci 1611-020x quaest math 1607-3606 7133 qual assur saf crop 1757-8361 7134 qual eng 0898-2112 7135 qual life res 0962-9343 0.01316 < qual quant 0033-5177 7137 qual reliab eng int 0748-8017 qual saf health care 1475-3898 0.00991 7139 qual technol quant m 1684-3703 7140 quant financ 1469-7688 7141 quantum electron 1063-7818 7142 quantum inf comput 1533-7146 7143 quantum inf process 1570-0755 7144 quat geochronol 1871-1014 3.219 7145 quatern int 1040-6182 0.01401 7146 quaternaire 1142-2904 quaternary res 0033-5894 7148 quaternary sci rev 0277-3791 11524 3.973 0.03821 1.9047149 quest 0033-6297 7150 queueing syst 0257-0130 7151 quim nova 0100-4042 quintessence int 0033-6572 7153 r&d mag 0746-9179 7154 racsam rev r acad a 1578-7303 7155 radiat eff defect s 1042-0150 7156 radiat environ bioph 0301-634x 7157 radiat meas 1350-4487 7158 radiat oncol 1748-717x 7159 radiat phys chem 0969-806x 0.00799 radiat prot dosim 0144-8420 7161 radiat res 0033-7587 8239 7162 radio sci 0048-6604 7163 radiocarbon 0033-8222 radiochim acta 0033-8230 1.575 7165 radioengineering 1210-2512 7166 radiographics 0271-5333 7167 radiol clin n am 0033-8389 7168 radiol med 0033-8362 7169 radiol oncol 1318-2099 7170 radiologe 0033-832x 7171 radiology 0033-8419 43818 5.726 6.380 0.07357 2.0957172 radiophys quant el 0033-8443 7173 radioprotection 0033-8451 7174 radiother oncol 0167-8140 10758 5.580 4.709 0.02559 1.1537175 raffles b zool 0217-2445 7176 rairo-oper res 0399-0559 7177 rairo-theor inf appl 0988-3754 ramanujan j 1382-4090 7179 random struct algor 1042-9832 1.4347180 range manag agrofor 0971-2070 7181 rangeland ecol manag 1550-7424 7182 rangeland j 1036-9872 7183 rapid commun mass sp 0951-4198 13453 2.782 0.03282 7184 rapid prototyping j 1355-2546 7185 rare metal mat eng 1002-185x 7186 rare metals 1001-0521 7187 react funct polym 1381-5148 0.00915 7188 react kinet catal l 0133-1736 7189 react kinet mech cat 1878-5190 7190 real-time syst 0922-6443 7191 rec aust mus 0067-1975 7192 rec nat prod 1307-6167 7193 recent pat anti-canc 1574-8928 7194 recent pat nanotech 1872-2105 7195 recht psychiatr 0724-2247 rechtsmedizin 0937-9819 7197 redox rep 1351-0002 7198 refract ind ceram 1083-4877 7199 reg environ change 1436-3798 7200 regen med 1746-0751 7201 region anesth pain m 1098-7339 4.079 3.479 7202 regul chaotic dyn 1560-3547 7203 regul peptides 0167-0115 0.00729 7204 regul toxicol pharm 0273-2300 7205 rehabil nurs 0278-4807 7206 rehabilitation 0034-3536 1.362 7207 rejuv res 1549-1684 7208 reliab eng syst safe 0951-8320 7209 rem-rev esc minas 0370-4467 remote sens environ 0034-4257 18449 0.03574 1.5157211 remote sens lett 2150-704x 7212 renal failure 0886-022x 7213 rend lincei-mat appl 1120-6330 7214 rend lincei-sci fis 2037-4631 7215 rend semin mat u pad 0041-8994 7216 renew agr food syst 1742-1705 7217 renew energ 0960-1481 8059 0.02125 7218 renew sust energ rev 1364-0321 6.018 7219 rep math phys 0034-4877 7220 rep prog phys 0034-4885 14.720 14.356 0.02907 7.7187221 reprod biol 1642-431x 7222 reprod biol endocrin 1477-7827 7223 reprod biomed online 1472-6483 7224 reprod domest anim 0936-6768 7225 reprod fert develop 1031-3613 7226 reprod sci 1933-7191 reprod toxicol 0890-6238 7228 reproduction 1470-1626 7229 requir eng 0947-3602 7230 res astron astrophys 1674-4527 7231 res chem intermediat 0922-6168 7232 res crop 0972-3226 7233 res eng des 0934-9839 7234 res gerontol nurs 1940-4921 7235 res j biotechnol 0973-6263 7236 res j chem environ 0972-0626 7237 res microbiol 0923-2508 0.00957 7238 res nondestruct eval 0934-9847 7239 res nurs health 0160-6891 7240 res q exercise sport 0270-1367 7241 res sports med 1543-8627 7242 res technol manage 0895-6308 7243 res vet sci 0034-5288 7244 resour conserv recy 0921-3449 0.00727 7245 resour geol 1344-1698 7246 resp care 0020-1324 0.00514 7247 resp med 0954-6111 7248 resp physiol neurobi 1569-9048 7249 resp res 1465-993x 0.01404 1.2197250 respiration 0025-7931 7251 respirology 1323-7799 7252 restor ecol 1061-2971 7253 restor neurol neuros 0922-6028 7254 results math 1422-6383 7255 resuscitation 0300-9572 0.01720 7256 retina-j ret vit dis 0275-004x 7257 retrovirology 1742-4690 6.470 0.01641 1.8577258 rev adv mater sci 1606-5131 7259 rev agr econ 1058-7195 7260 rev anal chem 0793-0135 7261 rev aquacult 1753-5123 1.128rev argent clin psic 0327-6716 7263 rev argent microbiol 0325-7541 7264 rev arvore 0100-6762 7265 rev assoc med bras 0104-4230 7266 rev biol mar oceanog 0717-3326 7267 rev biol trop 0034-7744 rev bras cienc solo 0100-0683 7269 rev bras cir cardiov 0102-7638 7270 rev bras ensino fis 1806-1117 7271 rev bras entomol 0085-5626 7272 rev bras fisioter 1413-3555 7273 rev bras frutic 0100-2945 7274 rev bras med esporte 1517-8692 rev bras med vet 0100-2430 7276 rev bras oftalmol 0034-7280 7277 rev bras paleontolog 1519-7530 7278 rev bras psiquiatr 1516-4446 7279 rev caatinga 0100-316x 7280 rev cardiovasc med 1530-6550 7281 rev chapingo ser cie 0186-3231 7282 rev chem eng 0167-8299 7283 rev chil cir 0379-3893 7284 rev chil hist nat 0716-078x rev chil infectol 0716-1018 7286 rev chim-bucharest 0034-7752 7287 rev cient-fac cien v 0798-2259 rev clin esp 0014-2565 7289 rev colomb cienc pec 0120-0690 7290 rev colomb entomol 0120-0488 7291 rev colomb estad 0120-1751 7292 rev constr 0717-7925 7293 rev ecol-terre vie 0249-7395 7294 rev endocr metab dis 1389-9155 4.524 1.6057295 rev environ contam t 0179-5953 3.440 7296 rev epidemiol sante 0398-7620 7297 rev esc enferm usp 0080-6234 7298 rev esp cardiol 0300-8932 7299 rev esp enferm dig 1130-0108 7300 rev esp med nucl 0212-6982 7301 rev esp nutr comunit 1135-3074 7302 rev esp quim 0214-3429 7303 rev fac agron luz 0378-7818 7304 rev fac cienc agrar 0370-4661 0.007rev fac ing-univ ant 0120-6230 7306 rev fish biol fisher 0960-3166 1.0517307 rev fish sci 1064-1262 7308 rev fitotec mex 0187-7380 7309 rev fr allergol 1877-0312 7310 rev geogr norte gd 0379-8682 rev geophys 8755-1209 12.364 11.341 6.5397312 rev iberoam autom in 1697-7912 rev iberoam micol 1130-1406 rev inorg chem 0193-4929 7315 rev inst med trop sp 0036-4665 7316 rev int androl 1698-031x 7317 rev int contam ambie 0188-4999 7318 rev int med cienc ac 1577-0354 7319 rev int metod numer 0213-1315 7320 rev invest clin 0034-8376 7321 rev lat-am enferm 0104-1169 7322 rev latinoam hiperte 1856-4550 7323 rev mal respir 0761-8425 7324 rev mat complut 1139-1138 7325 rev mat iberoam 0213-2230 7326 rev math phys 0129-055x 7327 rev med chile 0034-9887 7328 rev med interne 0248-8663 7329 < rev med microbiol 0954-139x 7330 rev med vet-toulouse 0035-1555 7331 rev med virol 1052-9276 7.200 7.434 2.4187332 rev metal madrid 0034-8570 rev metall-paris 0035-1563 7334 rev mex astron astr 0185-1101 7335 rev mex biodivers 1870-3453 7336 rev mex cienc geol 1026-8774 7337 rev mex cienc pecu 2007-1124 7338 rev mex fis 0035-001x rev mex fis e 1870-3542 7340 rev mex ing quim 1665-2738 7341 rev mineral geochem 1529-6466 3.836 6.812 2.223 rev mod phys 0034-6861 31368 43.933 44.436 10.026 0.11667 28.8647343 rev mvz cordoba 0122-0268 rev nefrol dial tras 0326-3428 7345 rev neurol-france 0035-3787 7346 rev neurologia 0210-0010 7347 rev neuroscience 0334-1763 0.9227348 rev nutr 1415-5273 7349 rev palaeobot palyno 0034-6667 7350 rev physiol bioch p 0303-4240 6.350 2.1767351 rev pneumol clin 0761-8417 7352 rev port pneumol 0873-2159 7353 rev psiq clin-brazil 0101-6083 rev rom bioet 1583-5170 7355 rev rom mater 1583-3186 7356 rev romana med lab 1841-6624 7357 rev roum chim 0035-3930 7358 rev roum sci tech-el 0035-4066 7359 rev saude publ 0034-8910 7360 rev sci instrum 0034-6748 20415 0.05508 7361 rev sci tech oie 0253-1933 7362 rev soc bras med tro 0037-8682 7363 rev stomatol chir 0035-1768 rev suisse agric 0375-1325 7365 rev suisse zool 0035-418x 7366 rev symb logic 1755-0203 7367 rev tec fac ing univ 0254-0770 7368 rev union mat argent 0041-6932 7369 revstat-stat j 1645-6726 7370 rheol acta 0035-4511 7371 rheum dis clin n am 0889-857x 7372 rheumatol int 0172-8172 7373 rheumatology 1462-0324 11896 4.401 0.03908 1.3977374 rhinology 0300-0729 rhodora 0035-4902 7376 rice 1939-8425 7377 risk anal 0272-4332 2.366 7378 riv biol-biol forum 0035-6050 7379 riv ital paleontol s 0035-6883 7380 riv ital sostanze gr 0035-6808 7381 riv nuovo cimento 0393-697x 1.2157382 riv psichiatr 0035-6484 7383 river res appl 1535-1459 0.00578 7384 rna 1355-8382 10965 5.095 0.05466 2.5877385 rna biol 1547-6286 0.00846 7386 road mater pavement 1468-0629 7387 robot auton syst 0921-8890 7388 robot cim-int manuf 0736-5845 7389 robotica 0263-5747 7390 rock mech rock eng 0723-2632 7391 rocky mt j math 0035-7596 7392 rocz ochr sr 1506-218x 7393 rofo-fortschr rontg 1438-9029 2.758 7394 rom agric res 1222-4227 7395 rom biotech lett 1224-5984 7396 rom j inf sci tech 1453-8245 7397 rom j leg med 1221-8618 7398 rom j morphol embryo 1220-0522 7399 rom j phys 1221-146x 7400 rom rep phys 1221-1451 7401 rsc adv 2046-2069 7402 rubber chem technol 0035-9475 7403 rural remote health 1445-6354 7404 russ chem b 1066-5285 russ chem rev 0036-021x 7406 russ geol geophys 1068-7971 1.030 7407 russ j appl chem 1070-4272 7408 russ j bioorg chem 1068-1620 7409 russ j cardiol 1560-4071 russ j coord chem 1070-3284 russ j dev biol 1062-3604 7412 russ j ecol 1067-4136 7413 russ j electrochem 1023-1935 7414 russ j gen chem 1070-3632 russ j genet 1022-7954 7416 russ j inorg chem 0036-0236 7417 russ j mar biol 1063-0740 7418 russ j math phys 1061-9208 7419 russ j nematol 0869-6918 7420 russ j non-ferr met 1067-8212 7421 russ j nondestruct 1061-8309 7422 russ j numer anal m 0927-6467 7423 russ j org chem 1070-4280 7424 russ j pac geol 1819-7140 7425 russ j phys chem a 0036-0244 russ j phys chem b 1990-7931 russ j plant physl 1021-4437 7428 russ math surv 0036-0279 7429 russ meteorol hydro 1068-3739 7430 russ phys j 1064-8887 7431 s afr j anim sci 0375-1589 7432 s afr j bot 0254-6299 7433 s afr j chem-s-afr t 0379-4350 7434 s afr j enol vitic 0253-939x 7435 s afr j geol 1012-0750 7436 s afr j hiv med 1608-9693 7437 s afr j ind eng 1012-277x 7438 s afr j sci 0038-2353 7439 s afr j surg 0038-2361 7440 s afr j wildl res 0379-4369 7441 sabrao j breed genet 1029-7073 7442 sadhana-acad p eng s 0256-2499 7443 safety sci 0925-7535 0.00536 7444 sains malays 0126-6039 7445 sajog-s afr j obstet 0038-2329 7446 sajp-s afr j psychi 1608-9685 salud cienc 1667-8982 7448 samj s afr med j 0256-9574 7449 sampe j 0091-1062 7450 sang thromb vaiss 0999-7385 7451 sante publique 0995-3914 7452 sao paulo med j 1516-3180 7453 sar qsar environ res 1062-936x 7454 sarcoidosis vasc dif 1124-0490 7455 saudi med j 0379-5284 saudi pharm j 1319-0164 7457 sb math 1064-5616 7458 scand actuar j 0346-1238 7459 scand cardiovasc j 1401-7431 7460 scand j clin lab inv 0036-5513 7461 scand j forest res 0282-7581 7462 scand j gastroentero 0036-5521 0.01080 7463 scand j immunol 0300-9475 7464 scand j infect dis 0036-5548 7465 scand j lab anim sci 0901-3393 7466 scand j med sci spor 0905-7188 7467 scand j occup ther 1103-8128 7468 scand j plast recons 0284-4311 7469 scand j prim health 0281-3432 7470 scand j public healt 1403-4948 7471 scand j rheumatol 0300-9742 7472 scand j stat 0303-6898 7473 scand j surg 1457-4969 7474 scand j trauma resus 1757-7241 7475 scand j urol nephrol 0036-5599 7476 scand j work env hea 0355-3140 3.834 1.2717477 scanning 0161-0457 7478 schizophr res 0920-9964 15294 5.083 0.03986 1.4357479 schizophrenia bull 0586-7614 8.800 8.857 0.02982 2.9687480 schmerz 0932-433x 7481 schweiz arch tierh 0036-7281 7482 sci adv mater 1947-2935 7483 sci agr 0103-9016 7484 sci aliment 0240-8813 7485 sci am 0036-8733 2.369 7486 sci china chem 1674-7291 7487 sci china earth sci 1674-7313 7488 sci china inform sci 1674-733x 7489 sci china life sci 1674-7305 2.030 7490 sci china math 1674-7283 7491 sci china phys mech 1674-7348 7492 sci china ser a 1006-9283 7493 sci china ser b 1006-9291 7494 sci china ser c 1006-9305 sci china ser d 1006-9313 7496 sci china ser e 1006-9321 sci china ser f 1009-2757 7498 sci china ser g 1672-1799 7499 sci china technol sc 1674-7321 7500 sci comput program 0167-6423 7501 sci context 0269-8897 7502 sci educ-netherlands 0926-7220 7503 sci eng compos mater 0334-181x 7504 sci eng ethics 1353-3452 7505 sci hortic-amsterdam 0304-4238 7506 sci iran 1026-3098 7507 sci justice 1355-0306 7508 sci mar 0214-8358 7509 sci programming-neth 1058-9244 7510 sci rep-uk 2045-2322 7511 sci signal 1937-9145 7.499 3.8077512 sci sinter 0350-820x sci sport 0765-1597 sci technol adv mat 1468-6996 7515 sci technol energ ma 1347-9466 7516 sci technol nucl ins 1687-6075 7517 sci technol weld joi 1362-1718 7518 sci total environ 0048-9697 25057 0.06153 7519 sci transl med 1946-6234 7.804 7.809 0.01774 4.1097520 science 0036-8075 480836 31.201 32.452 6.075 1.41282 17.5087521 scienceasia 1513-1874 7522 scientist 0890-3670 < 7523 scientometrics 0138-9130 0.01012 7524 scot j geol 0036-9276 7525 scot med j 0036-9330 7526 scripta mater 1359-6462 17552 0.06496 se asian j trop med 0125-1562 7528 sea technol 0093-3651 7529 secur commun netw 1939-0114 7530 sediment geol 0037-0738 7531 sedimentology 0037-0746 0.00751 7532 seed sci res 0960-2585 7533 seed sci technol 0251-0952 7534 seeing perceiving 1878-4755 7535 seismol res lett 0895-0695 1.511seizure-eur j epilep 1059-1311 7537 sel math-new ser 1022-1824 semicond sci tech 0268-1242 0.01497 7539 semiconduct semimet 0080-8784 7540 semiconductors 1063-7826 7541 semigroup forum 0037-1912 7542 semin arthritis rheu 0049-0172 4.969 4.860 7543 semin cancer biol 1044-579x 6.475 2.9927544 semin cell dev biol 1084-9521 6.294 0.961 0.02462 7545 semin cutan med surg 1085-5629 7546 semin diagn pathol 0740-2570 7547 semin dialysis 0894-0959 7548 semin fetal neonat m 1744-165x 3.915 7549 semin hematol 0037-1963 3.989 7550 semin immunol 1044-5323 6.393 8.197 7551 semin immunopathol 1863-2297 6.274 6.181 2.5587552 semin liver dis 0272-8087 7.053 6.138 2.0807553 semin musculoskel r 1089-7860 7554 semin nephrol 0270-9295 7555 semin neurol 0271-8235 7556 semin nucl med 0001-2998 4.466 7557 semin oncol 0093-7754 3.500 2.993 7558 semin ophthalmol 0882-0538 7559 semin pediatr neurol 1071-9091 7560 semin pediatr surg 1055-8586 7561 semin perinatol 0146-0005 3.608 7562 semin radiat oncol 1053-4296 1.3607563 semin reprod med 1526-8004 7564 semin resp crit care 1069-3424 7565 semin roentgenol 0037-198x 7566 semin thromb hemost 0094-6176 7567 semin ultrasound ct 0887-2171 7568 semin vasc surg 0895-7967 7569 semin-cienc agrar 1676-546x 7570 sen-i gakkaishi 0037-9875 sensor actuat a-phys 0924-4247 10389 1.802 0.02582 7572 sensor actuat b-chem 0925-4005 27323 3.898 3.751 0.05731 7573 sensor lett 1546-198x 7574 sensor mater 0914-4935 7575 sensor rev 0260-2288 7576 sensors-basel 1424-8220 0.01931 7577 sep purif rev 1542-2119 3.629 0.9477578 sep purif technol 1383-5866 9328 7579 sep sci technol 0149-6395 7580 set-valued var anal 1877-0533 7581 sex dev 1661-5425 7582 sex health 1448-5028 7583 sex plant reprod 0934-0882 7584 sex transm dis 0148-5717 0.01519 7585 sex transm infect 1368-4973 shilap-rev lepidopt 0300-5267 7587 ships offshore struc 1744-5302 7588 shock 1073-2322 0.01486 7589 shock vib 1070-9622 7590 shock waves 0938-1287 0.3347591 siam j appl dyn syst 1536-0040 siam j appl math 0036-1399 0.00851 7593 siam j comput 0097-5397 0.01311 7594 siam j control optim 0363-0129 0.01487 1.4157595 siam j discrete math 0895-4801 0.00947 7596 siam j imaging sci 1936-4954 4.656 3.5417597 siam j math anal 0036-1410 1.4697598 siam j matrix anal a 0895-4798 7599 siam j numer anal 0036-1429 0.02072 1.6257600 siam j optimiz 1052-6234 1.9297601 siam j sci comput 1064-8275 0.02132 1.4617602 siam rev 0036-1445 10.020 5.3507603 siberian math j 0037-4466 7604 sigmod rec 0163-5808 7605 signa vitae 1334-5605 7606 signal image video p 1863-1703 7607 signal process 0165-1684 7608 signal process-image 0923-5965 7609 silva fenn 0037-5330 7610 silvae genet 0037-5349 7611 simul healthc 1559-2332 7612 simul model pract th 1569-190x simul-t soc mod sim 0037-5497 7614 singap med j 0037-5675 7615 skeletal radiol 0364-2348 0.00685 7616 skin pharmacol phys 1660-5527 2.916 7617 skin res technol 0909-752x 7618 skull base-interd ap 1531-5010 7619 sleep 0161-8105 12587 5.051 0.02881 1.8787620 sleep biol rhythms 1446-9235 7621 sleep breath 1520-9512 sleep med 1389-9457 7623 sleep med rev 1087-0792 6.931 7.543 2.6577624 slov vet res 1580-4003 7625 small 1613-6810 15181 8.349 0.07233 2.5077626 small ruminant res 0921-4488 7627 smart mater struct 0964-1726 7628 smart struct syst 1738-1584 7629 smpte motion imag j 0036-1682 soc anim 1063-1119 7631 soc cogn affect neur 1749-5016 6.675 2.7587632 soc hist med 0951-631x 7633 soc neurosci-uk 1747-0919 7634 soc psych psych epid 0933-7954 7635 soc sci comput rev 0894-4393 7636 soc sci med 0277-9536 25187 0.05568 7637 soc stud sci 0306-3127 7638 sociobiology 0361-6525 7639 sociol sport j 0741-1235 7640 soft comput 1432-7643 soft mater 1539-445x 7642 soft matter 1744-683x 10988 4.998 0.05461 7643 softw syst model 1619-1366 7644 softw test verif rel 0960-0833 7645 software pract exper 0038-0644 7646 software qual j 0963-9314 7647 soil biol biochem 0038-0717 20522 3.504 4.024 0.03693 7648 soil dyn earthq eng 0267-7261 7649 soil mech found eng 0038-0741 7650 soil res 1838-675x 7651 soil sci 0038-075x 7652 soil sci plant nutr 0038-0768 soil sci soc am j 0361-5995 19228 0.01914 7654 soil sediment contam 1532-0383 7655 soil till res 0167-1987 2.910 0.01138 7656 soil use manage 0266-0032 7657 soils found 0038-0806 7658 sol energ mat sol c 0927-0248 14135 4.542 0.03865 1.3117659 sol energy 0038-092x 7946 7660 sol phys 0038-0938 8678 7661 sola 1349-6476 7662 solar syst res 0038-0946 7663 solder surf mt tech 0954-0911 7664 solid fuel chem 0361-5219 7665 solid state commun 0038-1098 15687 0.03677 7666 solid state electron 0038-1101 7667 solid state ionics 0167-2738 22111 2.646 3.097 0.02801 7668 solid state nucl mag 0926-2040 7669 solid state phys 0081-1947 7.800 3.3167670 solid state sci 1293-2558 7671 solid state technol 0038-111x 7672 solvent extr ion exc 0736-6299 7673 solvent extr res dev 1341-7215 7674 somatosens mot res 0899-0220 7675 sort-stat oper res t 1696-2281 7676 south forests 2070-2620 7677 south j appl for 0148-4419 7678 south med j 0038-4348 7679 southwest entomol 0147-1724 7680 southwest nat 0038-4909 7681 space sci rev 0038-6308 3.914 2.4227682 space weather 1539-4956 7683 span j agric res 1695-971x 7684 spatial vision 0169-1015 7685 spe drill completion 1064-6671 7686 spe j 1086-055x 7687 spe prod oper 1930-1855 7688 spe reserv eval eng 1094-6470 7689 spec pap palaeontol 0038-6804 7690 spectrochim acta a 1386-1425 12283 0.01901 7691 spectrochim acta b 0584-8547 2.740 7692 spectrosc lett 0038-7010 7693 spectrosc-int j 0712-4813 7694 spectroscopy-us 0887-6703 7695 speech commun 0167-6393 7696 spektrum augenheilkd 0930-4282 7697 spinal cord 1362-4393 1.805 7698 spine 0362-2436 32709 2.949 0.04846 7699 spine j 1529-9430 0.01098 7700 spixiana 0341-8391 7701 sport biomech 1476-3141 7702 sport educ soc 1357-3322 7703 sport psychol 0888-4781 7704 sports med 0112-1642 < 5.155 5.770 7705 sports med arthrosc 1062-8592 2.040 sportverletz sportsc 0932-0555 7707 sprache-stimme-gehor 0342-0477 7708 srp ark celok lek 0370-8179 7709 st petersb math j 1061-0022 7710 stahl eisen 0340-4803 7711 stahlbau 0038-9145 7712 stand genomic sci 1944-3277 7713 starch-starke 0038-9056 7714 stat appl genet mol 1544-6115 7715 stat biopharm res 1946-6315 7716 stat comput 0960-3174 0.00666 2.0847717 stat interface 1938-7989 7718 stat med 0277-6715 13901 2.582 1.5127719 stat method appl-ger 1618-2510 7720 stat methods med res 0962-2802 2.988 1.930 stat model 1471-082x 7722 stat neerl 0039-0402 stat pap 0932-5026 7724 stat probabil lett 0167-7152 7725 stat sci 0883-4237 4.205 3.6577726 stat sinica 1017-0405 7727 stata j 1536-867x 1.8707728 statistics 0233-1888 7729 steel compos struct 1229-9367 7730 steel res int 1611-3683 7731 stem cell res 1873-5061 5.235 1.8867732 stem cell res ther 1757-6512 7733 stem cell rev rep 1550-8943 3.739 7734 stem cells 1066-5099 17241 7.781 8.612 0.08124 2.9327735 stem cells dev 1547-3287 0.01423 7736 stereot funct neuros 1011-6125 7737 steroids 0039-128x 2.691 7738 stoch anal appl 0736-2994 7739 stoch dynam 0219-4937 7740 stoch env res risk a 1436-3240 stoch models 1532-6349 7742 stoch proc appl 0304-4149 0.01587 7743 stochastics 1744-2508 7744 strahlenther onkol 0179-7158 strain 0039-2103 7746 stratigr geo correl 0869-5938 7747 stratigraphy 1547-139x 7748 strength cond j 1524-1602 7749 strength mater 0039-2316 7750 stress 1025-3890 7751 stress health 1532-3005 7752 stroj vestn-j mech e 0039-2480 7753 stroke 0039-2499 48243 5.729 6.468 0.10543 2.1667754 struct bond 0081-5993 6.315 1.6707755 struct chem 1040-0400 7756 struct concrete 1464-4177 7757 struct control hlth 1545-2255 7758 struct des tall spec 1541-7794 7759 struct eng mech 1225-4568 7760 struct equ modeling 1070-5511 4.710 7.195 3.5537761 struct health monit 1475-9217 7762 struct infrastruct e 1573-2479 7763 struct multidiscip o 1615-147x 7764 struct saf 0167-4730 7765 structure 0969-2126 11853 5.931 0.04784 3.3387766 stud appl math 0022-2526 7767 stud conserv 0039-3630 stud geophys geod 0039-3169 7769 stud hist philos m p 1355-2198 7770 stud hist philos sci 0039-3681 stud inform control 1220-1766 7772 stud math 0039-3223 7773 stud mycol 0166-0616 10.625 7.714 1.524 7774 stud neotrop fauna e 0165-0521 7775 stud sci educ 0305-7267 7776 stud sci math hung 0081-6906 7777 stud u babes-bol che 1224-7154 7778 subst abus 0889-7077 7779 subst use misuse 1082-6084 7780 suchttherapie 1439-9903 7781 sumar list 0373-1332 7782 supercond sci tech 0953-2048 2.026 7783 superlattice microst 0749-6036 7784 support care cancer 0941-4355 7785 supramol chem 1061-0278 7786 surf coat int 1754-0925 7787 surf coat tech 0257-8972 24107 0.05333 7788 surf eng 0267-0844 7789 surf eng appl elect 1068-3755 7790 surf interface anal 0142-2421 0.00972 7791 surf rev lett 0218-625x 7792 surf sci 0039-6028 23707 0.03428 7793 surf sci rep 0167-5729 11.696 18.095 0.00903 7.8057794 surg clin n am 0039-6109 2.092 7795 surg endosc 0930-2794 14393 0.03762 7796 surg infect 1096-2964 7797 surg innov 1553-3506 surg laparo endo per 1530-4515 7799 surg neurol 0090-3019 7800 surg obes relat dis 1550-7289 3.929 7801 surg oncol 0960-7404 7802 surg oncol clin n am 1055-3207 7803 surg pract 1744-1625 7804 surg radiol anat 0930-1038 7805 surg today 0941-1291 7806 surg-j r coll surg e 1479-666x 7807 surgery 0039-6060 15044 0.02482 1.1737808 surv geophys 0169-3298 2.2157809 surv methodol 0714-0045 7810 surv ophthalmol 0039-6257 3.935 7811 surv rev 0039-6265 7812 sustain sci 1862-4065 7813 swed dent j 0347-9994 7814 swiss j geosci 1661-8726 7815 swiss med wkly 1424-7860 7816 sydowia 0082-0598 7817 sylwan 0039-7660 symbiosis 0334-5114 7819 symmetry integr geom 1815-0659 7820 synapse 0887-4476 7821 synlett 0936-5214 17866 0.04060 7822 synth react inorg m 1553-3174 7823 synthese 0039-7857 7824 synthesis-stuttgart 0039-7881 18726 0.03236 7825 synthetic commun 0039-7911 0.00905 7826 synthetic met 0379-6779 13845 7827 syst appl microbiol 0723-2020 3.590 0.00660 7828 syst biodivers 1477-2000 7829 syst biol 1063-5157 10361 10.225 12.061 0.02678 4.6427830 syst biol reprod med 1939-6368 7831 syst bot 0363-6445 syst control lett 0167-6911 7833 syst entomol 0307-6970 2.943 2.810 7834 syst parasitol 0165-5752 7835 systems eng 1098-1241 7836 t am entomol soc 0002-8320 7837 t am fish soc 0002-8487 7838 t am math soc 0002-9947 9835 t asabe 2151-0032 0.00693 7840 t can soc mech eng 0315-8977 7841 t famena 1333-1124 7842 t i meas control 0142-3312 7843 t i met finish 0020-2967 7844 t indian ceram soc 0371-750x 7845 t indian i metals 0972-2815 7846 t jpn soc aeronaut s 0549-3811 7847 t nonferr metal soc 1003-6326 7848 t roy soc south aust 0372-1426 7849 t roy soc trop med h 0035-9203 8124 0.01411 7850 taiwan j math 1027-5487 7851 taiwan j obstet gyne 1028-4559 7852 talanta 0039-9140 24981 3.747 0.05450 tappi j 0734-1415 7854 target oncol 1776-2596 3.614 7855 tarim bilim derg 1300-7580 7856 taxon 0040-0262 2.804 0.00803 7857 teach learn med 1040-1334 7858 tec pecu mex 0040-1889 7859 tech coloproctol 1123-6337 7860 tech phys lett 1063-7850 7861 tech phys 1063-7842 7862 tech technol educ ma 1840-1503 7863 technol cancer res t 1533-0346 7864 technol cult 0040-165x 7865 technol rev 1099-274x technometrics 0040-1706 7867 technovation 0166-4972 7868 tectonics 0278-7407 1.610tectonophysics 0040-1951 15479 0.02787 7870 teh vjesn 1330-3651 7871 tek dergi 1300-3453 7872 tekst konfeksiyon 1300-3356 7873 tekstil 0492-5882 7874 telecommun policy 0308-5961 7875 telecommun syst 1018-4864 7876 telemed e-health 1530-5627 7877 tellus a 0280-6495 1.4827878 tellus b 0280-6509 7879 telopea 0312-9764 7880 tenside surfact det 0932-3414 7881 terapevt arkh 0040-3660 0.0167882 terr atmos ocean sci 1017-0839 7883 terra nova 0954-4879 7884 test-spain 1133-0686 7885 tetrahedron 0040-4020 53591 0.08576 7886 tetrahedron lett 0040-4039 76620 0.09891 7887 tetrahedron-asymmetr 0957-4166 0.02313 7888 tetsu to hagane 0021-1575 7889 tex heart i j 0730-2347 7890 text res j 0040-5175 7891 thai j vet med 0125-6491 7892 thalassas 0212-5919 7893 theor appl categ 1201-561x 7894 theor appl climatol 0177-798x theor appl fract mec 0167-8442 7896 theor appl ge< net 0040-5752 18981 3.297 3.814 0.02304 7897 theor biol med model 1742-4682 1.859 2.172 7898 theor biosci 1431-7613 7899 theor chem acc 1432-881x 0.01168 7900 theor comp fluid dyn 0935-4964 7901 theor comput sci 0304-3975 0.02166 7902 theor comput syst 1432-4350 7903 theor ecol-neth 1874-1738 theor exp chem 0040-5760 7905 theor found chem en 0040-5795 7906 theor math phys 0040-5779 7907 theor popul biol 0040-5809 7908 theor pract log prog 1471-0684 7909 theor probab appl 0040-585x ther apher dial 1744-9979 7911 ther drug monit 0163-4356 7912 theranostics 1838-7640 7913 therapie 0040-5957 7914 theriogenology 0093-691x 7915 therm sci 0354-9836 7916 thermochim acta 0040-6031 10554 7917 thermophys aeromech 0869-8643 7918 thin solid films 0040-6090 38404 0.08640 thin wall struct 0263-8231 7920 thorac cancer 1759-7706 7921 thorac cardiov surg 0171-6425 7922 thorax 0040-6376 15810 6.840 6.950 0.03597 2.4297923 thromb haemostasis 0340-6245 16502 4.206 1.2837924 thromb res 0049-3848 thyroid 1050-7256 3.498 0.01640 1.0747926 ticks tick-borne dis 1877-959x tieraerztl prax 0303-6286 7928 tieraerztl umschau 0049-3864 7929 tijdschr diergeneesk 0040-7453 7930 tissue antigens 0001-2815 2.288 7931 tissue cell 0040-8166 7932 tissue eng 1076-3279 12916 4.022 0.03904 7933 tm-tech mess 0171-8096 7934 tob control 0964-4563 3.909 1.443tohoku j exp med 0040-8727 7936 tohoku math j 0040-8735 7937 top 1134-5764 7938 top appl phys 0303-4216 top catal 1022-5528 top companion anim m 1938-9736 7941 top stroke rehabil 1074-9357 7942 topol appl 0166-8641 7943 topol method nonl an 1230-3429 7944 topology 0040-9383 toxicol appl pharm 0041-008x 15016 0.02893 toxicol in vitro 0887-2333 0.01298 7947 toxicol ind health 0748-2337 7948 toxicol lett 0378-4274 9782 3.230 3.557 0.01856 7949 toxicol mech method 1537-6516 toxicol pathol 0192-6233 7951 toxicol sci 1096-6080 13105 4.652 0.03443 1.3457952 toxicology 0300-483x 11340 3.469 7953 toxicon 0041-0101 8964 7954 toxin rev 1556-9543 trac-trend anal chem 0165-9936 6.273 0.01667 1.8077956 trace elem electroly 0946-2104 7957 traffic 1398-9219 0.03279 2.4657958 traffic inj prev 1538-9588 7959 trait signal 0765-0019 trak univ tip fak de 1301-3149 0.0147961 transbound emerg dis 1865-1674 7962 transform groups 1083-4362 7963 transfus apher sci 1473-0502 7964 transfus clin biol 1246-7820 7965 transfus med hemoth 1660-3796 7966 transfus med rev 0887-7963 7967 transfusion 0041-1132 10063 3.217 0.02245 7968 transfusion med 0958-7578 7969 transgenic res 0962-8819 7970 transit metal chem 0340-4285 7971 transl oncol 1936-5233 7972 transl res 1931-5244 7973 transpl immunol 0966-3274 7974 transpl infect dis 1398-2273 7975 transpl int 0934-0874 7976 transpl p 0041-1345 12467 0.02447 7977 transplantation 0041-1337 26338 4.003 0.05277 7978 transport plan techn 0308-1060 7979 transport porous med 0169-3913 7980 transport res a-pol 0965-8564 7981 transport res b-meth 0191-2615 1.4077982 transport res c-emer 0968-090x 2.284 7983 transport res d-tr e 1361-9209 7984 transport res e-log 1366-5545 7985 transport res rec 0361-1981 0.01308 7986 transport sci 0041-1655 7987 transport theor stat 0041-1450 7988 transportation 0049-4488 7989 transportmetrica 1812-8602 7990 trav humain 0041-1868 7991 travel med infect di 1477-8939 7992 tree genet genomes 1614-2942 7993 tree physiol 0829-318x 7994 tree-ring res 1536-1098 7995 trees-struct funct 0931-1890 7996 trends biochem sci 0968-0004 15180 10.847 11.587 0.04172 5.8687997 trends biotechnol 0167-7799 9581 9.148 9.487 0.02189 2.8307998 trends cardiovas med 1050-1738 2.494 1.3407999 trends cell biol 0962-8924 10684 12.354 12.481 0.04704 6.5158000 trends cogn sci 1364-6613 13558 12.586 14.857 0.04683 7.1408001 trends ecol evol 0169-5347 22734 15.748 16.981 0.06021 8002 trends endocrin met 1043-2760 8.115 7.592 2.985trends food sci tech 0924-2244 3.672 5.857 8004 trends genet 0168-9525 10591 10.064 8.986 0.03615 4.4728005 trends glycosci glyc 0915-7352 trends immunol 1471-4906 10.403 8.992 0.02735 3.8178007 trends microbiol 0966-842x 7.910 7.269 0.02090 2.8368008 trends mol med 1471-4914 10.355 9.835 0.02267 3.6958009 trends neurosci 0166-2236 17821 14.235 14.684 0.04578 6.6268010 trends parasitol 1471-4922 5.144 0.01443 1.6548011 trends pharmacol sci 0165-6147 10380 10.927 10.322 0.02904 3.7198012 trends plant sci 1360-1385 11845 11.047 10.991 0.03130 3.8818013 trials 1745-6215 8014 tribol int 0301-679x 8015 tribol lett 1023-8883 8016 tribol lubr technol 1545-858x 8017 tribol t 1040-2004 8018 trop anim health pro 0049-4747 8019 trop biomed 0127-5720 8020 trop conserv sci 1940-0829 8021 trop doct 0049-4755 8022 trop ecol 0564-3295 8023 trop grasslands 0049-4763 8024 trop j pharm res 1596-5996 trop med int health 1360-2276 2.795 0.01834 8026 trop plant pathol 1982-5676 8027 trop zool 0394-6975 8028 tuberculosis 1472-9792 8029 tumor biol 1010-4283 8030 tumori 0300-8916 8031 tunn undergr sp tech 0886-7798 8032 turk entomol derg-tu 1010-6960 8033 turk fiz tip rehab d 1302-0234 8034 turk gogus kalp dama 1301-5680 8035 turk j agric for 1300-011x 8036 turk j biochem 0250-4685 8037 turk j biol 1300-0152 8038 turk j bot 1300-008x 8039 turk j chem 1300-0527 8040 turk j earth sci 1300-0985 turk j electr eng co 1300-0632 8042 turk j field crops 1301-1111 8043 turk j fish aquat sc 1303-2712 8044 turk j gastroenterol 1300-4948 8045 turk j geriatr 1304-2947 8046 turk j hematol 1300-7777 8047 turk j math 1300-0098 8048 turk j med sci 1300-0144 8049 turk j rheumatol 1309-0291 8050 turk j vet anim sci 1300-0128 8051 turk j zool 1300-0179 8052 turk klin tip bilim 1300-0292 8053 turk neurosurg 1019-5149 8054 turk pediatr arsivi 1306-0015 8055 turkderm-arch turk d 1019-214x 8056 turkish j pediatr 0041-4301 8057 twin res hum genet 1832-4274 8058 u politeh buch ser a 1223-7027 uhod-uluslar hematol 1306-133x 8060 ukr j phys opt 1609-1833 8061 ukr math j 0041-5995 8062 ultramicroscopy 0304-3991 ultraschall med 0172-4614 8064 ultrason sonochem 1350-4177 8065 ultrasonic imaging 0161-7346 8066 ultrasonics 0041-624x 8067 ultrasound med biol 0301-5629 8068 ultrasound obst gyn 0960-7692 8069 ultrasound q 0894-8771 ultrastruct pathol 0191-3123 8071 ulus travma acil cer 1306-696x 8072 undersea hyperbar m 1066-2936 8073 unfallchirurg 0177-5537 8074 universal access inf 1615-5289 < 8075 upsala j med sci 0300-9734 8076 urban for urban gree 1618-8667 8077 urban water j 1573-062x 8078 urol clin n am 0094-0143 8079 urol int 0042-1138 8080 urol j 1735-1308 8081 urol oncol-semin ori 1078-1439 2.803 8082 urol res 0300-5623 8083 urologe 0340-2592 8084 urology 0090-4295 17977 0.04100 8085 ursus 1537-6176 8086 user model user-adap 0924-1868 8087 util policy 0957-1787 8088 utilitas mathematica 0315-3681 vaccine 0264-410x 31363 0.09128 8090 vacuum 0042-207x 8091 vadose zone j 1539-1663 8092 value health 1098-3015 1.0128093 vasa 0301-1526 8094 vasc endovasc surg 1538-5744 8095 vasc med 1358-863x 8096 vasc pharmacol 1537-1891 8097 vascular 1708-5381 8098 vector-borne zoonot 1530-3667 0.8468099 veg hist archaeobot 0939-6314 8100 vegetos 0970-4078 8101 vehicle syst dyn 0042-3114 8102 veliger 0042-3211 verhaltenstherapie 1016-6262 8104 vet anaesth analg 1467-2987 8105 vet arhiv 0372-5480 8106 vet clin n am-equine 0749-0739 8107 vet clin n am-food a 0749-0720 8108 vet clin n am-small 0195-5616 vet clin path 0275-6382 8110 vet comp oncol 1476-5810 8111 vet comp orthopaed 0932-0814 8112 vet dermatol 0959-4493 8113 vet immunol immunop 0165-2427 2.194 0.01087 vet ital 0505-401x vet j 1090-0233 2.372 8116 vet med-czech 0375-8427 vet mexico 0301-5092 8118 vet microbiol 0378-1135 11015 3.252 8119 vet ophthalmol 1463-5216 8120 vet parasitol 0304-4017 10977 2.642 0.02030 8121 vet pathol 0300-9858 vet quart 0165-2176 vet radiol ultrasoun 1058-8183 vet rec 0042-4900 9923 0.01117 8125 vet res 0928-4249 4.248 8126 vet res commun 0165-7380 8127 vet surg 0161-3499 8128 vet zootech-lith 1392-2130 8129 veterinaria-cremona 0394-3151 8130 vib spectrosc 0924-2031 8131 videosurgery miniinv 1895-4588 8132 vie milieu 0240-8759 8133 viral immunol 0882-8245 8134 virchows arch 0945-6317 8135 virol j 1743-422x 8136 virologie 1267-8694 8137 virology 0042-6822 27739 0.05061 8138 virtual real-london 1359-4338 8139 virulence 2150-5594 8140 virus genes 0920-8569 8141 virus res 0168-1702 8142 viruses-basel 1999-4915 8143 vision res 0042-6989 17048 0.02696 8144 visual comput 0178-2789 8145 visual neurosci 0952-5238 8146 viszeralmedizin 1662-6664 8147 vitae-columbia 0121-4004 8148 vitam horm 0083-6729 8149 vitis 0042-7500 8150 vlaams diergen tijds 0303-9021 8151 vldb j 1066-8888 8152 vojnosanit pregl 0042-8450 8153 vox sang 0042-9007 8154 w indian med j 0043-3144 wasserwirtschaft 0043-0978 8156 waste manage 0956-053x 2.801 8157 waste manage res 0734-242x 8158 water air soil poll 0049-6979 8858 8159 water environ j 1747-6585 8160 water environ res 1061-4303 8161 water int 0250-8060 8162 water policy 1366-7017 8163 water qual res j can 1201-3080 8164 water res 0043-1354 38793 5.315 8165 water resour manag 0920-4741 8166 water resour res 0043-1397 26072 2.957 0.04479 8167 water resour 0097-8078 8168 water sa 0378-4738 8169 water sci technol 0273-1223 15037 8170 waterbirds 1524-4695 8171 wave motion 0165-2125 8172 wave random complex 1745-5030 8173 wear 0043-1648 14220 0.02351 8174 weather 0043-1656 8175 weather forecast 0882-8156 1.0878176 weed biol manag 1444-6162 8177 weed res 0043-1737 8178 weed sci 0043-1745 8179 weed technol 0890-037x 8180 weld j 0043-2296 8181 weld world 0043-2288 8182 west j appl for 0885-6095 8183 west n am naturalist 1527-0904 8184 western j nurs res 0193-9459 8185 wetl ecol manag 0923-4861 8186 wetlands 0277-5212 8187 who tech rep ser 0512-3054 8188 wien klin wochenschr 0043-5325 8189 wien tierarztl monat 0043-535x 8190 wild environ med 1080-6032 8191 wildlife biol 0909-6396 8192 wildlife monogr 0084-0173 2.2478193 wildlife res 1035-3712 1.323 8194 wilson j ornithol 1559-4491 8195 wind energy 1095-4244 8196 wind struct 1226-6116 8197 wirel commun mob com 1530-8669 8198 wirel netw 1022-0038 8199 wireless pers commun 0929-6212 8200 wires clim change 1757-7780 8201 wires comput mol sci 1759-0876 8202 wires nanomed nanobi 1939-5116 5.186 1.4838203 wires syst biol med 1939-5094 8204 wochenbl papierfabr 0043-7131 0.0048205 wood fiber sci 0735-6161 8206 wood res-slovakia 1336-4561 8207 wood sci technol 0043-7719 8208 world j biol psychia 1562-2975 2.765 8209 world j gastroentero 1007-9327 16951 0.06035 8210 world j microb biot 0959-3993 8211 world j pediatr 1708-8569 8212 world j surg 0364-2313 11088 0.02785 8213 world j surg oncol 1477-7819 world j urol 0724-4983 8215 world mycotoxin j 1875-0710 8216 world neurosurg 1878-8750 8217 world poultry sci j 0043-9339 8218 world psychiatry 1723-8617 6.233 4.707 1.4688219 world rabbit sci 1257-5011 8220 world wide web 1386-145x 8221 worldv evid-based nu 1545-102x 8222 wound repair regen 1067-1927 8223 wounds 1044-7946 8224 wspolczesna onkol 1428-2526 8225 wulfenia 1561-882x 8226 x-ray spectrom 0049-8246 xenobiotica 0049-8254 8228 xenotransplantation 0908-665x 8229 yakhteh 1561-4921 8230 yakugaku zasshi 0031-6903 8231 yearb phys anthropol 0096-848x 8232 yeast 0749-503x 0.00574 8233 yonago acta med 0513-5710 8234 yonsei med j 0513-5796 8235 z anal anwend 0232-2064 8236 z angew math phys 0044-2275 z anorg allg chem 0044-2313 8238 z arznei- gewurzpfla 1431-9292 z dtsch ges geowiss 1860-1804 8240 z gastroenterol 0044-2771 8241 z geomorphol 0372-8854 8242 z gerontol geriatr 0948-6704 8243 z krist-new cryst st 1433-7266 8244 z kristallogr 0044-2968 8245 z med phys 0939-3889 8246 z naturforsch a 0932-0784 8247 z naturforsch b 0932-0776 8248 z naturforsch c 0939-5075 8249 z neuropsychol 1016-264x 8250 z orthop unfallchir 1864-6697 8251 z phys chem 0942-9352 8252 z psychosom med psyc 1438-3608 8253 z rheumatol 0340-1855 8254 zamm-z angew math me 0044-2267 8255 zbl chir 0044-409x 8256 zdr vestn 1318-0347 8257 zebrafish 1545-8547 3.084 8258 zemdirbyste 1392-3196 8259 zh nevrol psikhiatr 1997-7298 8260 zh obshch biol 0044-4596 zh vyssh nerv deyat 0044-4677 8262 zkg int 0949-0205 8263 zoo biol 0733-3188 8264 zookeys 1313-2989 8265 zool anz 0044-5231 8266 zool j linn soc-lond 0024-4082 8267 zool middle east 0939-7140 8268 zool sci 0289-0003 8269 zool scr 0300-3256 zool stud 1021-5506 8271 zool zh 0044-5134 8272 zoologia-curitiba 1984-4670 8273 zoology 0944-2006 8274 zoomorphology 0720-213x 8275 zoonoses public hlth 1863-1959 8276 zoosystema 1280-9551 8277 zootaxa 1175-5326 0.02223 8278 zuchtungskunde 0044-5401 8279 zuckerindustrie 0344-8657 <�zygote 0967-1994 8281 zywn-nauk technol ja 1425-6959 article influence score214161 impact factor5-year impact factorimmediacy indexarticlescited half-life� 0 �:� �e� q��\� 'h��sv �����.1����������c�� k�� ;��z�� a* _1i$^�0��<� 5i&wv,�b��n��z� "��h��o�� ��ge������6p�� �����f� `7p �*��7�d �p�^� �j�x���u�7�� b����y��n��o�� ����7>}��� � �-��:�'h)�u�"d�q��� ��k�� ��$ѹo��[��  �m��g@�� � ����'�5��c�9qc�_� >m)�z�v�&�� ��)��h�� b����f=����t��%o � �-��:� g!�s�ca\ =o6�|j��c�&<�� ��t�� ��tb������a�v��" }1�e?� !mi�z�mhxv ѓ� q�8]�" ��cc��b����� g2��� z ��\�d�lfn3vi~_�u��������������%�;�q�g�}ē̩կ����� � �- �c �y �o � � � �� �� �� � 6 �k �a �w � ܣ ֹ �� �� �� � �' �= �s �i � � �� �� �� �� � � �/ �e �[ �q � � � �� � ��  " 8 n d z � "� *� 2� :� 4� .(*@v$l,�4�<�(���$,42�f�n�v�^f`.ldtznpv�^�f�n�v�~�� � �6�l�b�x����ƺ��������(�>�t�j������ �$1,g4]} `#>} � >}  >} �c} `>} �>}  >} �>} @>} >}  >z �@               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