
��ࡱ�>�� tv����s��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������y� �r�ljbjbj��2l�{�{5�������mmmmm�������� � ��!j�����tttj!l!l!l!l!l!l!$a#�&>�!!mttttt�!mm����!� � � t� m�m�j!� tj!� � � �����0ėd������$ v� v!�!0�!� q&� "q&� � hq&m.!(tt� ttttt�!�!� ttt�!tttt��������������������������������������������������������������������q&ttttttttt/ 3: �k)y��nm� �zwc27)y�s�n��0rߍ��v�n�nam�v4ls^fu� what are you trying to say?�`o0r�^�`��nhn� � don't be silly.� r����n0 � how strong are your glasses?�`oяɖy\�^� � just because.��l g r�v�s�v0 � it isn't the way i hoped it would be.�ُ n/fb@b�vg�v0 � you will never guess.�`o8l܏s n0r0 � no one could do anything about it.�o�n�[dk_gkb�e�c0 � i saw something deeply disturbing.��ma�n�` n�y0 � money is a good servant but a bad master.���zpё���v;n�n ���zpё���vty��0 � i am not available.�bck�_@w � wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(�-n�v�wƌ�kkb-n�vё���f͑�� � never say die.it's a piece of cake. r�ll ����s/f\܃n�x0 don't worry.you'll get use to it soon. r�b�_ ��_�_`o1\o`n�`�v0 i konw how you feel.bf}v`o�va�s0 you win some.you lose some.܀%�cnuq�[8^�n0 don't bury your head in the sand. n�����s�[0 i didn't expect you to such a good job.b�l�`0r`or^�_ُhn}y0 you are coming alone well.`ozp�_:cz�)r0 she is well-build.yy�v��pgw�h0 you look neat and fresh.`o ww�eg�_n�~0 you have a beautiful personality.`o�vl(��_}y0 you flatter me immensely.`oǐvyfu0 you should be slow to judge others.`o n�^勏�aċ�� r�n0 i hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.�y g�nuo�� ���`o�s� it was most careless ofme.b*y�|�_�n0 it was quite by accident.w/f�y�e n�s0 i wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.b ^g@b g��bjm9��v�e�͑�e�veg ���b�qjm9�nm�0 i like you the way you were.b�u"k`o�nmr�v7hp[0 you two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.`o�n$n*n��]�s w5uq_'t �b n�`s_5uop�l0 do you have anyone in mind?`o g�_ n�nt� how long have you known her�`o��ƌyyyen�n� it was love at frist sight.n�����` i'd bettle hit the books.b�� y`n�r��fu0 a piece of one's mind .�v� n�� he gave me a piece of mind,"don't shift responsibility onto others."�n#�ys�� n���b#��n�cxs0r r�n�� n0 a cat and dog life04lkp n�[�vu;m the husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.ُ�[ y�y�/f5t�g ��v�nkn�4lkp n�[0 a dog's life0fop�vu;m the man lived a dog's life.ُ*n�nu;mfop00 a to z0�n4y�>\ i know that from a to z. b�_�n�ُ�n�n0 above somebody0�mey well,this sort of talk is above me.b n�a`o�n(w���nhn0 all ears hq^y/��l0w>p,t@w when you tell mary some gossip,she is all ears.ߍmary��n�n\s��mo` �yyo,t0w�n�n�~�~0 all the more0�f�r ��v�s you'll be all the better for a holiday.�^n!kgp ��[`oo�f g}yy0 all dressed up sbnb�_tetep�p� she is all dressed up and nowhere to go.yysbnb�_tetep�ts�ey�p�0 all in all ;`�v�eg�g�_1r�vn� the daughter is all in all to him.sy?q/f�n�v�e�n�[0 all out �z=\hq�r they went all out.�n�n����nr^�r0 all over0hq��~_g�qm�� �0ry glad,it is all over.ُ�nhq��~_g�n �}y�_�_0 i'm wet all over.bqm����n�n0 all set0�qy1\�~ he is all set for an early morning start.�n�]zp}ynhf�q�s�vnr�qy0 all you have to do ���zp�_/f all you have to do is to calm yourself down and wait for the good news.`o���zp�_/fy� n�_egi{}y�mo`0 as easy as falling of a log /as easy as snapping your fingers /as easy as abc �[f�_�_ to me,a good story teller,it would be as easy as falling of a log. �[beg� ���*nee�n؏ n/f��kb�beg0 as busy as a bee ^�8^�_ mum is always as busy as a bee in the moring.�y�y�k)y�e n���_�_ n�s_�n0 at one's fingertips0�n�yc�c how to get at that little island is at his fingertips.�n�ws�`hn�s��*n\�\0 at one's wit's end0zfwz don't ask him.it is also at his wit's end. n����n�n ��n_n n�ws�0 big shot 'y�nir �'y�n he is a big shot in our little town. black sheep0%��[p[ ��[�knl� every family has a black sheep.�[�[ g,g���_�v�~0 black and blue0m�soޜ$o the thief was caught of red-handed and beaten black and blue.��*n\wps_:w���boov^��sb�_r�nww }nww�v0 black and white0}v�~ўw[ the proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses.��ncnx�q ��qkb�q_n�e݋�s�0 blind alley0{k� t you are heading into a blind alley.`ock(w��[r҉\0 blow hot and cold0gdfd n�[ this guy seemed to have no own idea.he always blew hot and cold.ُ�[o}ya��l�nhn;n _ �;`/fgdfd n�[0 blow one's own trumpet0�9t��d don't blow your own tumpet.let us see what on earth you can do. n���9t��d�n ���b�n w w`o0r�^��zp�nhn0 born with a silver in one's mouth0�qu(w�[5��n�[ he is born with a silver in one's mouth.�n/f t@wё��s�qu�v0 bland new -]�e�v a bland new coat0�ec� g break the ice0sb4x�l؞ the couple hadn't spoken to each other for a week.they were both waiting for the other one to break the ice.ُ�[ y�y�]�~n*nfg�l�ǐ݋�n0$n�n��(wi{�sn�ehq_�s0 by a blow0�ea-n�vn�q he is beaten to the ground by a blow.�n���q0r(w0w0 can't stand it any longer0 n���q�_�s�n i can't stand it any longer,i quit.b�q_n�_�s n�n�n �bp�0 carry something too far0ǐkp�n you are carrying your joke too far.`o�s{_�_*yǐr�n0 castle in the sky48�',hjjjlj�˴����h0r�-h��h��b*cjkhojqj^jajph333u-h��h��b* cjkhojqj^jajph3h��h��5�b*cjkhojqj\�^jajph3333h��h��5�b*cjkhojqj\�^jajph3338jjlj��� $��1$4$a$gd��$�d-d1$4$@&m� ����[$\$a$gd��0wm^�|i you plan is nearly a castle in the sky.`o�v��r�{�v1\/fzz�`0 cats got one's tongue0�t�s�e� chain smoker ��p�g come up with �nu ��`�q let me come up with some ideas.��b�`n�`0 come easily0�[f languages come easily to some people. g�n�n��y�_�[f0w�c�c��0 cup of tea0�u"k movies are not my cup of tea.b n�u"k w5uq_0 cut it out \pbk �oo4v cut it out!i can't stand you any longer. call it a day n�qzp n�s �\pbk��g�y;m�r � let us call it a day,stop.ُn)y�]\oy�n �\p�]'t�0dark horse0ўl� nobody considered that john would win the game.he was a dark horse in the final. dear john letter0�~�n�o jack received a dear john letter from his girlfriend because he had broken her heart. do somone good0�[�g�n g}yy having some moring exercises does you good. do you get me?0`of}vb�va`t� doesn't count ُ!k n�{ it doesn't count this time,try again. doesn't make sense0 n�a��l g�nuoain the sentence you made doesn't make any sense to me. down and out wz�vfop being down and out,he couldn't support his family. drive at0(ua �a2k what's he driving at?�n(uauo(w� drop in vp6q�b�� i dropped him in on my way to the hospital. drop me a line0�q�o�~b on arriving the university,please drop me a line. early bird0�ew��v�n an early bird catchs worms0wc��hq{v easy come easy go eg�_�_�s�__n�_ eat my words 6e�vmr� ����s�ik i said something bad to my mum.although i want to eat my words back, it didn't work,for i had hurt my mum's feeling. face the music �vb��v�� he knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police.�n�ws���] n�s���1� ��vdk�q�[n�nzp�nn�ns_  tf��[ꁖ�0 face up to �rbe0wb��[�g�n you must learn to face up to your responsibilities. fed up0�s&p i am rather fed up with your complaints. feel free to do something n���b_g please feel free to make suggestions. few and far between0�_\ �z\ human beings are few and far between in this zone. french leave0 n�� � r give me a headache ���n4y�u the naughty boy gave me a headache. give me a hand .^bn n go dutch aa6r god bless you n^�oqo`o god bless you with your examinations. god knows )y�ws� got it? f}v�nt� green thumbs /fingers �vz��b�� hands are full0^�8^�_ have a ball0�rbe have had it0�sy�n i have had it with all your excuses.b�sy�n`o�vp�s0 hold water0�z�_oo� non of his arguements seem to hold water. in every sense of word (w�g�yain n� it's a lie in every sense of word.ُ/f n�b ncb�v��0 keep an eye on0�cؚf��` kill timesb�s�e� lazy bones �a��4y get up lazy bones! leave it to me0��beg't leave me alone r�{b0 like father like son0 gvq6r�_ gvqp[ like it or not0 n�{`o�u n�u"k make a fool of oneself0a_�g�n make a big money0z�'y�� make both ends need 6e/es^a� we have to cut our expenses to make both ends need. make waves0_w�p��r�tqθ\ojm his achievement made waves in his country. make yourself at home r�b_g no good �l g}y�~�g bad mam comes to no good. no kidding n��_�s{ none of your bussiness0 nsq`o�v�n not really _n n/f& & old hand0�kb he is an old hand at stealing. old story �nwy i am tired of it,same old story. on one's word of honor0�n�g�n�v�n*s*�y(ph^�"��" ��name1pk!����[content_types].xml���n�0e�h���-j��@%�ǎǣ|�ș$�ز�u��l�tb� l,�3��;�r��ø��j��b $�g]��7o٭v����<it��u�oa��^m715goa_��yiw�}����)�a��ڭ5�m�� ��y\��iw��<���z[�2kݕj �yُ��ەz��� �fln�z�z#�� 5 ��6�_�,���y|}_k����ހ,~y�=�x��x �wg�:��,39d��f)|� �ԙ) �!�.�b�c5��"|��.4�aec�& a������x ����%_�,i]h��&��}�`h���wo���1:�����ow���� rvm�8(�z��g=���|����_��e������y9�gj��/���������~ |]�aާ�� 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